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10-02 投稿


substratum 发音

英:[?s?bstre?t?m]  美:[?s?bstrɑ?t?m]

英:  美:

substratum 中文意思翻译



substratum 词性/词形变化,substratum变形


substratum 短语词组

1、substratum pyramidale lacrimosum ─── [医] 锥体下层

2、basaltic substratum ─── 玄武岩基层

3、substratum radiatum ─── [医] 辐射下层

4、substratum moleculare ─── [医] 分子下层

substratum 相似词语短语

1、substractor ─── 减法器

2、substrate ─── n.基质;基片;底层(等于substratum);酶作用物

3、substrata ─── n.根基;下层;地层内段(substratum的复数)

4、substratal ─── adj.基本的,基础的,根本的

5、substratums ─── n.基础;根据;下层

6、adstratum ─── n.附层

7、substrative ─── 根基

8、superstratum ─── n.上层,覆盖物;上层语言

9、substrates ─── n.基板;基底(substrate的复数);基片

substratum 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Design of Dam Built on Deep Lacustrine Deposit Substratum ─── 深厚湖积层软基上建坝设计

2、Stress Tests of Surrounding Rock Mass in Substratum Cavity ─── 地下洞室围岩三维应力测试实例

3、An orthogonal experiment on the cuttage of Acanthopanax sessiliflorus was done through adopting different age of tress and substratum and plant hormone treatment. ─── 摘要以不同年龄的插穗、扦插基质和药剂处理进行短梗五加扦插正交试验。

4、If the Aryan language gradually replaced the Dravidian, features from Dravidian would form a "substratum" in Aryan. ─── 如果雅利安语逐渐取代了德拉威语,德拉威语的特征会“埋藏”在雅利安语里面。

5、basaltic glassy substratum ─── 玄武玻璃质底层

6、A substratum of truth in her story ─── 她叙述中的事实根据.

7、The growth and saccharification of Rhizopus spore and turf in the substratum of rice was compared in this article. ─── 比较了酿酒根霉孢子与根霉菌丝在米饭基料上的生长糖化情况,结果表明,根霉菌丝优于根霉孢子;

8、With regards to systematic analysis, standard analysis method and organic pollutants analysis etc, it describes application of GC/MS in monitoring drinking, surface, underground water and Substratum. ─── 从系统分析、标准分析方法和有机污染物分析等方面出发,描述了气相色谱/质谱联机系统在饮用水、地表水、底质和地下水等环境监测中的应用。

9、There is a broad substratum of truth in it. ─── 有广泛的事实做基础。

10、epipsammon Organisms living on the surface of a sandy substratum or on the surface of the sand particles. ─── 沙面生物生活在沙下层土壤的表面上的生物或在沙粒的表面上。

11、underlying substratum ─── 下卧层

12、Here we have, in a great symbol of art, both the fair world of Apollo and its substratum, the terrible wisdom of Silenus, and we can comprehend intuitively how they mutually require one another. ─── 然而,日神再度以个性原则之化身的姿态出现在我们面前。唯有这样,才能完全达到太一的终极目的,它通过假象而得救了。

13、The growth and the purification ability of Hemerocallis fulva Linn. in heavy and light eutrophic water were studied by means of soilless cultivation technique on artificial substratum. ─── 利用小型人工基质无土栽培萱草,研究其在轻度和重度富营养水中的生长及净化能力。

14、The main modifications take place into: 1) substrata uncoilers, which must be double with rapid change of the substratum tool; ─── 总体介绍了用于生产保温板设备的主要组成部件,并且对这种设备上使用的戊烷作了特别的介绍。

15、Keywords Hericium erianceus;weight loss of substratum;cellulose lignin path analysis; ─── 猴头菌;基物失重;纤维素;木质素;通径分析;

16、substratum radiatum ─── [医] 辐射下层

17、During the war of resistance against aggression, the state power of Kuomintang government has not expanded to the Shexian substratum society effective by the occupational trade union. ─── 抗战期间,国民党被扩大化的国家权力在歙县地区没有能够通过职业工会向基层社会进行有效的扩张。

18、In this paper, transplant substratum, solutions and transplant season were studied, which used the cultural plantlets medicinal plant Knoxia valerianoides as the experimental materials. ─── 摘要以红芽大戟组培生根苗为移栽材料,研究了不同基质、水肥处理和季节对红芽大戟组培苗移栽效果的影响。

19、This research is focused on how to quantfy the suitable substratum of marine sessile organisms.Then the potential seasonal change of suitable substrate availability can be assessed. ─── 本研究中拟寻找量化附著性生物合适栖地的方法,进而了解栖地的数量是否真如我们所说是年周期性的变动。

20、"For soft substratum, dig out the top layer (5 - 10 cm thick), sort out the animals, identify and count them." ─── 若是软基质,用小铲挖出表面5-10厘米厚的基质,找出砂泥中的动物,点算和鉴定。

21、Its syntax, many grammatical features, a number of phrases and the style of a typical sentence do betray an important Slavic substratum. ─── 它的句法,许多语法特点,一些短语和典型句子的风格确实透露了重要的斯拉夫语基础。

22、4)Substratum urine activities in the downflow tank are hig... ─── (4)下行流池中的脲酶活性较上行流池高,且上层高于中下层。

23、basaltic substratum ─── 玄武岩基层

24、Its syntax, many grammatical features, a number of phrases and the style of a typical sentence do betray an important Slavic substratum. ─── 它的句法,许多语法特点,一些短语和典型句子的风格确实透露了重要的斯拉夫语基础。

25、The respiration of microbes in activated sludge is in close relation to the removal of the substratum in wastewater and the growth of microbes. ─── 活性污泥中微生物的呼吸作用直接与废水中基质的去除以及微生物的生长密切相关。

26、medium and substratum ─── 介质和基底

27、Potential of an ancient village field consists of two parts, i.e. the potential of settlement field and potential of substratum field. ─── 场可以用物理量“势”来计算,古村落场的势由聚落场的势和基质场的势构成。

28、Keywords pressure difference;regression calibration;substratum correlation;zone-by-zone calibration;total gas;composition; ─── 回归校正;压差;小层对比;逐层校正;全烃;组分;

29、Research on Refilled Soil packed Substratum Design Thinking ─── 换填垫层法设计思路初探

30、Keywords substratum correlation;scientific visualization;artificial intelligence; ─── 小层对比;科学可视化;智能化;

31、Comparison Test of Substratum and Soil Cultivation in Cherry Tomato ─── 樱桃番茄基质栽培与有土栽培比较试验

32、The effects of bagasse substratum on the shii-take strains were dif- ference,the responces of strains Sc12,Cr02and Se22 to bagasse substratum were better. ─── 不同香菇品种对蔗渣培养料的反应不同,其中以 Sc12、Cr02和 Sc22 3个品种的反应最佳;

33、2) numbers of microorganism in different layers of substratum vary,with more in the upper than in the middle and lower parts; ─── (2)基质不同层次之间其微生物类群数目不相同,上层数目较中下层多,最多几乎达三个数量级。

34、The Stopization of Affricates and the Influence of Kam-Tai Substratum in Hainan Min Dialect ─── 海南闽语精庄章组声母的塞化与底层语言的影响

35、Methods: The active components of traditional Chinese drugs were extracted with decoction method,and were condensed into Shizhenling gel along with carbomer substratum. ─── 方法:用煎煮法提取中药有效成分,浓缩制成湿疹灵凝胶,建立其质量控制标准,观察临床疗效。

36、This study research on user"s environment cognition just for get at extrapolate about people"s requirement and behavior tendency and yet provide theory substratum about design job. ─── 本文对使用者认知环境进行研究,正是为了更好地了解使用者的需求和行为趋向,从而为进行合理的环境设计提供相应的理论基础。

37、Space Distribution of Microorganisms and Substratum Enzymes in Integrated Vertical Constructed Wetland ─── 复合垂直流构建湿地基质微生物类群及酶活性的空间分布

38、substratum correlation ─── 小层对比

39、epipsammon Organisms living on the surface of a sandy substratum or on the surface of the sand particles. ─── 沙面生物生活在沙下层土壤的表面上的生物或在沙粒的表面上。

40、There is no human nature in the sense of a biologically fixed substratum determining the variability of socio-cultural formations. ─── 如果说,生物性的固定基础可决定各种多样的社会文化组成,那麽人之天性也就不存在了。

41、The Spathiphyllum floribundum cv.Cupid explants were inoculated in MS substratum with BA 0-4.0 mg/L . ─── 将"Cupid"白鹤芋外植体分别接种在含BA 0-4.0 mg/L的MS培养基中。

42、a substratum of clay ─── 下面的黏土层

43、substratum theory ─── 府层语言理论

44、a level substratum ─── 水平的底层

45、Organic substratum ─── 有机基质

46、A Study on Purification of the Eutrophic Water with Hemerocallis fulva Linn.Cultured on Artificial Substratum ─── 人工基质无土栽培萱草对富营养化水的净化研究

47、Seasonal reproduction of marine sessile organisms may be an adaptation of seasonal variation in suitable substratum availability. ─── 中文摘要海洋生物年周期性的生殖行为可能是为了天然底质年周期性变动的一个适应结果。

48、When making air flow organization and distribution of blast, it shall take full advantage of scuttle air at the first row of intake substratum, interlining, and firing floor. ─── 会员不能向其代理、委托人、员工、授权代表、经销商之外的任何第三方泄漏翻译文件内容,本网站保留诉诸法律的权利。

49、RESULTS The GER cell cultures tended to attach to the substratum and grow in patches which assume a polygonal morphology similar to that of epithelial cells in medium containing 10% serum. ─── 结果扫描电镜观察显示ger细胞在含10%血清DMEM培基中呈片状贴壁生长特性,表现为典型的上皮样多角型外观。

50、settlement of pile top in pile foundationconsists of pile compression and settlement of substratum. ─── 实体深基础法的思想,桩顶沉降分为桩身压缩和桩端沉降。

51、In the last part of the paper, the author explained that voiced implosives in the Speech are substratum of an ancient Cam-Dai Language. ─── 浊内爆音是古壮侗语的语音底层,是原壮侗语使用者换用汉语的遗存。

52、The purification of eutrophic water body was studied by means of soilless cultivation technique on artificial substratum. ─── 利用富营养化水体营养盐资源,使用泡沫板、蛭石两种人工基质无土栽培水芹、水蕹菜和多花黑麦草,研究其净化污水的效果。

53、substratum pyramidale lacrimosum ─── [医] 锥体下层

54、Vodka is a kind of purified alcoholic beverage.It may be brunk solely of drunk with other beverage.It can be used as the best substratum of spirit. ─── 伏特加是一种纯净酒,它可以单独饮用或者混合饮用,也可以作为各类饮料酒的最好酒基。

55、The results show that settlement of embankment is mainly determined by compression of the substratum; ─── 结果表明:路堤沉降主要取决于桩端以下软土层的压缩;

56、They come at least in pairs, one serving as substratum for the other. ─── 他们至少都是成双成对,互为对方的次阶层。

57、rigid substratum ─── 刚性下卧层


59、When natural soil,higher bearing capacity and soft substratum in influence depth,cannot satisfy the request of bearing capacity and deformation,CFG piles are adopted to strengthen soft substratum. ─── 天然地基土承载力较高,但基础影响深度范围内存在软弱下卧层,不能满足设计要求的承载力和变形时,采用CFG桩法对软弱下卧层进行加固处理。

60、Proportion Test of Substratum of Container Seedlings in Citrus Greenhouse ─── 柑橘大棚容器育苗基质配比试验

61、One is the fact that it reconnects people with primitive religion: it taps into a deep substratum of primal spirituality, filling the “ecstasy deficit” left by cooler religions. ─── 其一是其将原始宗教同人们再次结合到一起:它接入到原始灵性的深厚根基,填补了那些冷淡宗教所留下的“狂欢赤字”。

62、Counterforce Distribution of Individual Substratum on Different Rock Foundation ─── 不同岩基上独立基础基底反力分布的研究

63、A checklist of polypores, including host (s), substratum, locality and occurrence of each species is supplied. ─── 本文分别报导了这些多孔菌的寄主、生长部位、采集地点和发生频次。

64、Calculating Method Alternation for Substratum Settlement of Cement-Soil Mixing Piles Composite Ground ─── 水泥搅拌桩地基下卧层沉降计算方法选择

65、Keywords artificial substratum;soilless cultivation;eutrophi cation;economic plant; ─── 人工基质;无土栽培;富营养化;经济植物;

66、Keywords magnetized water;bacteria;substratum;water quality; ─── 磁化水;细菌;培养基;水质分析;

67、"The Old Yue substratum"in south dialects of Chinese comprises different types. ─── 南方汉语里的“古越语底层”有不同类型的情况。

68、The political modernize development required the state power to permeating to the substratum society by strengthening the social control. ─── 国家政权现代化建设通过加强社会控制将国家权力向基层社会渗透。

69、substratum moleculare ─── [医] 分子下层

70、The substratum correlation is one of the fundamental techniques in the reservoir geological model. ─── 小层对比是储层地质模型研究的基本问题之一,由于对比技术难度较大,目前仍由专家进行人工对比。

71、substratum word ─── 底层词

72、A wide field in Mattoon boasted easy access to a railway line, making delivery of the coal easy, and a sandstone substratum, apparently well suited for sequestering carbon dioxide. ─── 广阔的马顿市拥有通往铁路线的便利交通,使运输煤更加便捷,同时下层砂岩土显然非常适合碳封存。

73、Purification efficiency of low nitrogen and phosphorus concentration with constructed wetland of saline-alkali soil substratum ─── 盐碱土壤基质人工湿地对低浓度氮磷废水的净化效果

74、3 After cable duct construction, the Permit Holder shall reinstate the affected stream bed of Ho Chung River to its original conditions using natural substratum. ─── 在电缆管道建成后,许可证持有人须用天然底土修复受影响的蚝涌溪流河床,使其回复原貌。

75、To establish a model condition of culturing neural stem cells,and attempt to provide a ideal dosage of growth substratum in culturing neural stem cells. ─── 建立神经干细胞培养的模拟体内条件,为寻找更合适的生长基质提供参考。

76、Simplified Consolidation Calculation on Substratum of Ground Improved by Drainage Consolidation ─── 排水固结下卧层固结度简化计算

77、There is no human nature in the sense of a biologically fixed substratum determining the variability of socio-cultural formations. ─── 如果说,生物性的固定基础可决定各种多样的社会文化组成,那麽人之天性也就不存在了。

78、This article tries to discuss the legal substratum, quality, relevant problems and the establishment of the legal system associated with such donations. ─── 本文试就这一法律行为的法律依据、性质、相关法律问题及其法律制度的构建加以论述。

79、Human amnion membrane as a substratum for culture of calf retinal glial cells ─── 在人羊膜上培养牛视网膜神经胶质细胞的初步探讨

80、rural substratum water conservancy ─── 农村基层水利

81、Keywords aquaculture wastewater;eutrophication;ryegrass;substratum cultivation;hydroponic cultivation;degradation; ─── 养殖废水;富营养化;黑麦草;基质培;水培;降解;


83、A substratum of rock ─── 底层岩石.

84、Potential of an ancient village field consists of two parts, i. e. the potential of settlement field and potential of substratum field. ─── 场可以用物理量“势”来计算,古村落场的势由聚落场的势和基质场的势构成。


86、When the ratio of compressive modulus of superstratum and substratum is less than 3,academic diffused angles of natural subgrade with soft substratum under pressure in this paper are investigated. ─── 对上下层土压缩模量比小于3的软弱下卧层的压力扩散角进行了研究,得出了扩散角理论值,可供相应工程参考。

87、Seasonal reproduction of marine sessile organisms may be an adaptation of seasonal variation in suitable substratum availability. ─── 中文摘要海洋生物年周期性的生殖行为可能是为了天然底质年周期性变动的一个适应结果。

88、The cohesion and modulus of compression of the substratum are deeply reduced after water gushing in pits, but the internal friction angle of the substratum doesn't change. ─── 基坑突水破坏使得基底软土层的黏聚力和压缩模量显著下降,而对内摩擦角的影响较小。

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