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10-02 投稿


monocline 发音

英:[?mɑ?n??kla?n]  美:[?m?n???kla?n]

英:  美:

monocline 中文意思翻译



monocline 词性/词形变化,monocline变形

形容词: monoclinal |

monocline 相似词语短语

1、monocle ─── n.单片眼镜;单眼绷带

2、monoclinal ─── adj.单斜的

3、monoplane ─── n.[航]单翼机

4、monorhine ─── 单莱茵河

5、monoamine ─── n.[有化]一元胺

6、monoclines ─── n.单斜层;单斜褶皱

7、monoclinic ─── adj.[晶体]单斜的;[晶体]单斜晶体的

8、monoline ─── n.单线;保险公司

9、monokine ─── [细胞]单核因子

monocline 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Temperature distribution of monocline laser crystal in operation process ─── 运转过程单斜晶系激光晶体的温度分布

2、is the mental model people typically bring to the software. Monocline grouping is so dominant outside the computer that interaction designers violate this model at their peril. ─── 单层分组是用户有关软件的心智模型,它在计算机以外的世界里那么普遍,因此交互设计者违背该模型时实在需要冒些风险。

3、7. Arguably the most significant advance of the GUI menu was this retreat from the hierarchical form into monocline grouping. ─── 可以证明,图形用户界面菜单最重要的进步是放弃了层次关系,而改为单层分组。

4、When housing prices plummeted, the monocline industry quickly became a basket case. ─── 当房价骤然下降,单一金融行业迅速陷入难以救药的状态。

5、Keywords Shallow gas;Sedimentary facies;Grain size;Component;Monocline;Cap rock;Trap;Resource;Dongpu Seg; ─── 浅层气;沉积相;粒度;组分;单斜;盖层;圈闭;资源量;东濮凹陷;

6、monocline phase ─── 单斜相

7、When housing prices plummeted, the monocline industry quickly became a basket case. ─── 当房价骤然下降,单一金融行业迅速陷入难以救药的状态。

8、The deeper structure appears to be a gently warped monocline. ─── 较深构造仿佛是轻度翘曲的单斜。

9、Temperature distribution of monocline laser crystal in operation process ─── 运转过程单斜晶系激光晶体的温度分布

10、Monocline dipping ore body mass is the bedrock mineralization, and ore-controlling scale is small. ─── 单斜缓倾矿体的成矿岩体是岩床,控矿较小;

11、Characteristic: Blue green monocline crystallization, dissolve it in water, glycerin, does not allow it in the ethanol, There is corrosive, deliquescence in weathered ─── 性状:兰绿色单斜结晶,容于水、甘油,不容于乙醇,有腐蚀性,潮解风化。

12、monocline insurer ─── 单一险种保险人

13、The area to the east of the toe of the Monocline has been excluded from underground resource estimations. ─── 单斜层东端地区没有进行地下资源估算。

14、Abstract: The strata overlying the Triassic in the Mosuowan on the whole occur as a monocline and the traps are mostly related to faults, which may fall into the deep and shallow fault systems. ─── 摘 要: 莫索湾地区三叠系以上地层整体近单斜形态,圈闭大都与断层相关,并且断层在纵向上可划分为深、浅2套断层系统。

15、The Ordovician structure in the middle and east part of the Erdos Basin is a gently west-dipped large monocline. ─── 鄂尔多斯盆地的中东部奥陶系今构造为一平缓的西倾大单斜。

16、Keywords outcrop trap reservoir;water table;outcrop anticline;monocline;Qiketai oilfield.; ─── 露头油藏;潜水面;露头背斜;单斜;七克台油田;

17、At last, the built CBM reservoir models includes the basin syncline model, margin monocline model and anticline model, et. ─── 煤层气藏模式包括盆内向斜、盆缘单斜及复式背斜等类型。

18、Anticline and monocline are major trap types. ─── 圈闭类型主要为背斜圈闭及单斜圈闭。

19、8.Note that in areas of monocline dip the closure of a trap may not be the same as its structural relief. ─── 值得注意的是,在只有单斜地层的构造内,圈闭的幅度可能与构造的起伏不一样。

20、The loess plateau covering the North Shaanxi slope and Tianhuan depression consists of a regional monocline, high in the east and low in the west, with dips of less than 1? ─── 鄂尔多斯盆地南部的黄土高原,由于长期风化、侵蚀,形成了树枝状水系与沟、塬、梁、峁、坡并存的独特黄土地貌。

21、Arguably the most significant advance of the GUI menu was this retreat from the hierarchical form into monocline grouping. ─── 图形用户界面菜单最重要的进步是放弃了层次关系,而改为单层分组。

22、Temperature distribution of monocline laser crystal in operation process[J]. ─── 引用该论文 沈鸿元,张戈,黄呈辉,位民,陈振强.

23、The Triassic structure in the east part of North Shaanxi Slope of Ordos Basin is a large smooth westward monocline and characterized by simple structure without folds and faults. ─── 陕北斜坡东部三叠系构造简单,为平缓的西倾单斜,断裂褶皱均不发育,因此该区三叠系油藏的形成和分布一直被认为主要受沉积相控制,油藏类型主要为岩性油藏。

24、Characteristic: Blue green monocline crystallization, dissolve it in water, glycerin, does not allow it in the ethanol, There is corrosive, deliquescence in weathered. ─── 性状:兰绿色单斜结晶,容于水、甘油,不容于乙醇,有腐蚀性,潮解风化。

25、Outcrop oil accumulation is a special accumulation which is located in the wing of an outcrop anticline or in a monocline in the edge of a basin and is controlled by water table. ─── 露头油藏是一种形成于露头(削顶)背斜翼部或盆地边缘单斜上依靠潜水面控制的特殊油藏,是今后石油勘探的一个新领域。

26、Anticline and monocline are major trap types. ─── 圈闭类型主要为背斜圈闭及单斜圈闭。

27、Monocline grouping is an inadequate system for physically managing the large quantities of data commonly found on computers, but that doesn't mean it isn't useful as a manifest model. ─── 使用单层分组对计算机中广泛存在的大量数据进行物理管理是不够的,但这并不意味着它作为显式模型没有处。

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