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10-02 投稿


climbers 发音

英:[[k'la?m?z]]  美:[[k'la?m?z]]

英:  美:

climbers 中文意思翻译



climbers 常用词组

mountain climber ─── 登山运动员

climbers 相似词语短语

1、unlimbers ─── vt.准备行动;vi.做准备工作;adj.不易弯曲的

2、climbs ─── v.爬;攀登;上升;(植物沿墙或架子)攀缘生长;晋升;(道路)倾斜向上;爬升;费力爬进(或爬出);n.爬;攀登;增值;(职位或社会地位的)提高;(名次的)攀升;(登山或攀缘运动中要爬的)山;山道;(飞机的)爬升

3、climbed ─── vt.攀登(climb的过去式及过去分词);vi.攀登(climb的过去式及过去分词)

4、climes ─── n.气候;地方

5、climber ─── n.登山者;攀缘植物;尽力改善自己社会地位的人

6、limbers ─── n.(船底龙骨两侧的)污水道;通水孔

7、clambers ─── vi.攀登,爬上;vt.爬,攀登;n.攀登,爬上

8、chambers ─── n.内庭(chamber的复数)

9、cambers ─── n.拱曲度(路面中间微拱的曲面);拱形;汽车前轮外倾;(翼面的)曲面,弧;v.成弧形;使拱起;n.(Camber)(美、英、克)坎贝尔(人名)

climbers 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、All the supplies for the attempt on the next part of the mountain have to be dragged up by the climbers. ─── 征服下一部分山的一切供给只好由登山队员们自己拉上去了。

2、He needs good boots because he 's a mountain climber . ─── 他需要好靴子,因为他是个登山运动员。

3、Mrs Brown is known as a social climber. ─── 布朗太太是有名的趋炎附势的人。

4、Hasty climbers have sudden fallings. ─── 攀得急,必跌跤。

5、The climbers had to negotiate a steep rock face. ─── 攀登者必须攀越陡峭的岩壁。

6、People usually look down upon social climbers. ─── 人们通常瞧不起社会上那些攀龙附凤的人。

7、The climbers gazed down from on high. ─── 攀登者从高处向下眺望。

8、In a storm the mountain climbers won't have a prayer. ─── 暴风雨中登山者们将毫无希望。

9、Are you in radio contact with the climbers? ─── 你和登山者有无线电联系吗?

10、Merkur Small additional ice tool for Alpinists and ice climbers. ─── 包子店里的 ice hammer ,大石的最爱。

11、From his injuries, they determined that the bold adventurer, who inspired5 generations of climbers, had fallen and hit his head. ─── 从他的伤势判断,这名启发后代无数登山者的勇敢冒险家,应是失足撞到了头部。

12、The climbers tried to find a new route to the top of the mountain. ─── 攀登者试图寻出一条通到山顶的新路线。

13、An experienced Tibetan climber was chosen to lead the others up the mountain. ─── 一位经验丰富的藏族登山者被挑选出来带领其他人登山。

14、Rock climbers are hazarding their lives. ─── 岩石上的攀登者在冒生命的危险.

15、Strong winds are a hindrance to mountain climbers. ─── 大风对登山者是一大妨碍。

16、Their office is full of social climbers and I-love-me fellows. ─── 他们办公室全是些向上爬的人和自命不凡的家伙。

17、The climber slipped and dropped to his death. ─── 攀登者一失足摔死了。

18、Canadian comp with few top climbers in America. ─── 加拿大的抱石赛.有多位美洲好手参与.

19、Heavy clothing hampered the movements of the climbers. ─── 厚重的衣服影响了攀登者的移动。

20、The hunt for the injured climbers continued throughout the night. ─── 搜寻受伤的登山者的工作进行了一整夜。

21、The climbers edged along the cliff. ─── 攀登者沿着悬崖边侧身移动。

22、Three climbers have been found dead,roped together on the mountain. ─── 人们发现三名登山运动员死在山上,彼此用绳子系在一起。

23、Tom attached himself to the group of climbers . ─── 汤姆参加了登山队。

24、Some mountain climbers used canned heat for cooking. ─── 有些登山者用罐头燃料煮东西。

25、We have social climbers in every company. ─── 每个公司都有向上爬的人。

26、The climber throws a stout rope over a large lower branch. ─── 攀登者把一根坚韧的绳子掷挂在下部的大树枝上。

27、He attached himself to the group of climbers. ─── 他加入了登山队员的行列。

28、The Canadian climbers became trapped on the mountain last Tuesday. ─── 上周二加拿大登山队员被困在山上了。

29、Carol is certainly a social climber. ─── 卡罗尔确实是一个想往上爬的人。

30、climbers made camp halfway up the peak. ─── 登山者在半山腰设置营地。

31、The climber snatched at the rock, but missed. ─── 攀登者抓信那导体岩石,便没抓到。

32、Authorities in Oregon say two climbers still missing on Mount Hood. ─── 俄勒冈州权威表示胡德山上的另外两名登山者仍然未被找到。

33、The rescuers brought the climbers back safeand sound. ─── 救援人员把登山的人都平安地救了回来。

34、Examples include the roots of epiphytes and climbers, which hang down in the air or stick to a trunk or branch. ─── 包括附生植物和攀援植物的根,这些根或悬挂在空气中或直立于树干或枝条上。

35、A few persevering climbers finally reached the top. ─── 少数几个攀登者坚忍不拔,终於登上了顶峰。

36、The climbers had difficulty getting a/any purchase on the rock face. ─── 攀登者很难抓住岩石表面的什麽东西。

37、A mass of snow and rock break away and fall on the climber. ─── 一堆积雪和岩石突然崩落到登山者的身上。

38、Everest is the climber's next objective. ─── 埃佛勒斯峰(即珠穆朗玛峰)是这个登山者的下一个目标。

39、The attempt to rescue the climber is impeded by bad weather. ─── 救援登山者的努力因天气恶劣而受阻。

40、A climber needs secure footholds. ─── 攀登的人脚踩的地方要很牢固。

41、Woody climbers or erect or scrambling shrubs. ─── 木质藤本,或直立或攀缘的灌木。

42、Wasn't your father an expert mountain climber? ─── 你父亲不是一位老练的登山家吗?

43、Few mountain climbers have extended themselves as those two have. ─── 很少登山运动员能象那两个人那样充分发挥自己的能力

44、We knocked up a hut for the mountain climber. ─── 我们匆匆为登山队员搭起一个小屋。

45、At this height,a climber can peg out from lack of oxygen. ─── 在这样的高度,登山者会因缺氧而晕倒。

46、A party of climbers imported a Swiss guide into the Lake District . ─── 几个爱好登山的人把一位瑞士向导请到湖区来。

47、Two climbers were brought in suffering from exposure. ─── 两名登山者因冻僵被带了进来。

48、A few persevering climbers finally reached the top . ─── 少数几个坚忍不拔的攀登者终于登上了顶峰。

49、Goats are nimble climbers among the rocks. ─── 山羊爬起山来很灵巧。

50、Once upon a time, there was a group of mountain climbers went mountaineering, among them, there was a nice couple. ─── 有一年登山社去登山,其中有一对感情很好的情侣在一起。

51、I fear for the safety of those mountain climber in this sudden bad weather. ─── 在这突如其来的坏天气里我真担心那些登山队员们的安全。

52、Most climbers do not climb unroped to satisfy their ego. ─── 多数攀岩者不会为了实现自我而裸攀。

53、The climbers were overtaken by bad weather. ─── 登山者突然遭遇了恶劣天气。

54、A second climber is still missing and presumed dead. ─── 另一名登山者仍无音信已被假定为死亡。

55、Friction against the rock, combined with the weight of the climber, caused his rope to break. ─── 与岩石之间的摩擦加上攀登者的重量,使得绳子断了。

56、The rescuers brought the climbers back safe and sound. ─── 救援人员把登山的人都安然无恙地救了回来。

57、They are not anxious social climbers. ─── 他们并不渴求仕宦功名。

58、The more experienced climbers were sent on to make an advanced camp ahead of the main party. ─── 更富有经验的登山队员被派出在大队人马达到之前安排好营地。

59、What seems to be the most likely explanation has been offered by Jim Fisk, author of Clematis, Queen of the Climbers. ─── 吉姆。费斯克,攀援皇后铁线莲的专家,提出了一个看起来最有可能的解释。

60、I am Tomoko Ogawa. I am a rock climber. ─── 我是尾川智子。我是攀岩运动员。

61、Weather conditions were bad enough to give pause to even the most experienced climbers. ─── 天气十分恶劣,即使最有经验的登山者也犹豫不决。

62、The bold cliff by the shore afforded few holds to climbers. ─── 海岸边的陡峭绝壁上很少有攀登者可以踏脚之处。

63、The climber relaxed her grip and fell. ─── 攀登者手一松跌了下去.

64、and to the end of his days he would speak of great climbers and explorers with a peculiar mixture of admiration and envy. ─── 在他的日子将尽时,他谈了不起的登山家和探险家,仰慕和妒忌兼而有之,显得特别。

65、I hope that the climbers don't run into a snow-storm halfway up. ─── 我希望登山者不要在半山腰遇到暴风雪。

66、After climbing for days, the mountain climbers reached the zenith. ─── 攀爬数天后,登山者们抵达了山顶。

67、One of the climbers was beginning to drag. ─── 其中一位爬山者开始落到了后面。

68、The climbers mounted higher and higher. ─── 攀登者越爬越高。

69、David: People call me Dave the bridge climber. ─── David:人们叫我是爬桥的大卫。

70、The climbers were on the rope. ─── 攀登者们用绳索相互系在一起。

71、The three mountain climbers were roped together for safety. ─── 为安全起见,这三个登山者拴在一根绳索上。

72、Two of the mountain climbers were suffering from frost-bite. ─── 有两个登山者冻伤了。

73、Who'll be the next climber to go up? ─── 下一个该哪一位登山者上去?

74、The climber relaxed her grip and fell . ─── 攀登者手一松跌了下去。

75、The climbers took the necessary cautions in preparing for the ascent. ─── 攀登者为准备上山采取必要的预防措施

76、Who will be the next climber to go up the mountain? ─── 下一个是谁登山?

77、All climbers are now safely back at base camp. ─── 所有登山队员现在都安全回到了大本营。

78、But a good climber would have climbing gear. ─── 但是登山好手都有一些登山工具。

79、Hopes are fading for the survival of the missing climbers. ─── 失踪的登山者幸存的希望越来越渺茫。

80、The Abominable Snowman who haunts the imagination of climbers in the Himalayas is hardly more elusive. ─── 常使喜马拉雅山的攀登者浮想联翩的雪人也不比此更难以捉摸。

81、The climbers had been stranded by a storm. ─── 这些登山者被暴风雨困住了。

82、These details appeared on clothes cut from the kind of traditional fabrics that would have dressed climbers in a more gentlemanly era. ─── 这些细节出现在衣服把种传统面料,以一种更绅士穿着登山者的时代。

83、The daring climbers laugh at danger. ─── 勇敢无畏的登山者在危险面前泰然自若。

84、Climbers or scandent shrubs. ─── 攀援藤本或攀缘灌木。

85、The climber fell from a great height. ─── 攀登者从极高的地方坠落下来。

86、The climber girded himself with rope. ─── 中文:登山者以绳束腰。

87、The climbers set forward towards the mountain in bright weather. ─── 天气晴朗, 登山运动员向着那座山出发了。

88、Hasty climbers have sudden falls. ─── 大起者有大落。

89、I watched the climbers come down into the valley. ─── 我注视着爬山者下到山谷里去了。

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