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10-02 投稿


magnum 发音

英:[?m?ɡn?m]  美:[?m?ɡn?m]

英:  美:

magnum 中文意思翻译



magnum 网络释义

n. 大酒瓶(容量为1.5升);头状骨

magnum 短语词组

1、foramina occipitale magnum ─── [医] 枕骨大孔

2、cochleare magnum ─── [医] 大匙, 汤匙(15毫升)

3、confident magnum ─── 自信万能

4、foramen magnum ─── 枕骨大孔

5、magnum photos magnum ─── 照片

6、magnum photo magnum ─── 照片

7、ossa magnum ─── [医] 头状骨

8、rainbow six magnum ─── 彩虹六大酒瓶

9、vertebrae magnum ─── [医] 骶骨

10、Distoma magnum ─── [医] 大拟片吸虫

11、magnum quest magnum ─── 任务

12、Allastoma magnum ─── [医] 巨异口吸虫

13、double-magnum ─── [网络] 双倍大瓶;四瓶装

14、magnum opus n. ─── 代表作;杰作

15、jeroboam magnum ─── 耶罗波安马格南

16、arminius 357 magnum ─── 阿米纽斯357万能

17、foramina magnum ─── [医] 枕骨大孔

magnum 常用词组

magnum opus ─── 代表作;巨著;杰作

foramen magnum ─── n. [解]枕骨大孔

magnum 词性/词形变化,magnum变形


magnum 相似词语短语

1、lignum ─── n.木材

2、magnesium ─── n.[化学]镁

3、magnet ─── n.磁铁;[电磁]磁体;磁石;n.(Magnet)人名;(塞)马格内特;(西)马涅特;(法)马涅

4、magnus ─── n.马格纳斯力;鲁班结

5、magn- ─── n.马格恩(绝对磁导率单位);n.(Magn)人名;(俄)马格恩

6、magni- ─── n.(Magni)人名;(意、法)马尼

7、magnalium ─── n.镁铝

8、magnes ─── n.(Magnes)人名;(英)马格内斯

9、magnums ─── n.大酒瓶(容量为1.5升);头状骨

magnum 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、7.It is a poor saying of Epicurus, Satis magnum alter alteri theatrum sumus. ─── 埃皮克拉斯曾说过一句笑话:“人生不过是一座大戏台。”

2、7. It is a poor saying of Epicurus, Satis magnum alter alteri theatrum sumus. ─── 埃皮克拉斯曾说过一句笑话:“人生不过是一座大戏台。”收藏指正

3、Distoma magnum ─── [医] 大拟片吸虫

4、A Historiographic Magnum Opus of Inquiring the Source and Exploring the Secret--Comment on Series Academic Treatises of "Dynasties of Zhou - Qin-Han - Tang: Their Histories of Prosperity and Decline" ─── 寻源探秘的史学巨著--评"周秦汉唐兴亡史"系列学术专著

5、It extends posteriorly between the orbits and otic capsules to the foramen magnum. ─── 它在眼窝与耳囊到枕骨大孔之间向后延伸。

6、cochleare magnum ─── [医] 大匙, 汤匙(15毫升)

7、Voiceless Sound and Voiced Sound from the Prophase and Anaphase Magnum Opus of LI Qing-zhao ─── 从李清照前后期词作看清浊

8、ossa magnum ─── [医] 头状骨

9、" Lisao" by Qu Yuan is an magnum opus of Sao style. ─── 屈原的《离骚》是骚体代表作。

10、In 1994 he became a full member of the Magnum Photographic Corporation. ─── 1994年,他成为了玛格南摄影组织的正式成员。

11、Forster's views as a secular humanist are at the heart of his work and his most famous magnum opus is Howards End. ─── 福斯特的作品始终以人文主义为核心,最著名的小说是《霍华德庄园》。

12、It is the inheriting and developing of spiritual jewellery in the past, dissolved into the new magnum opus which entered hundreds of millions of people's energies. ─── 它是以往精神珍宝的继承和发扬,是溶入进亿万人心血的新力作。

13、Application of foramen magnum absorption resin to extract saponins from American ginseng ─── 利用大孔吸附树脂提取西洋参果肉总皂苷

14、The Morphling, nature's magnum opus, the pinnacle of evolution, can force his liquid body to flow over opponents in a massive wave, forcibly moving himself as well as injuring his enemies. ─── 大自然的杰作,进化的巅峰。他能够将他液态的身体化作巨大的波浪,一边移动一边对流经的敌人造成伤害。

15、He joined the VII Agency in 2002, and became a Magnum nominee in 2005. ─── 他参加了第七局于2002年,并成为玛格南提名在2005年。

16、magnum opus ─── n. (文学, 艺术之)杰作, (艺术家的)代表作

17、The cigarette range includes the Magnum, Supreme, Classic, Mild, Lights, Magnum Lights, Slims, Ultra lights, Menthol, Menthol Lights, One and Gold. ─── 卷烟范围包括玛格南,最高法院,经典,温和,灯光,玛格南灯,细长,超灯,薄荷醇,薄荷脑灯,一个和黄金。

18、Keywords zymotic fluid of Cordyceps mycelium;polysaccharide;foramen magnum resin;separation and purification;content measurement; ─── 冬虫夏草菌丝体发酵液;多糖;大孔树脂;分离纯化;含量测定;

19、There is little point in doing that when a quick check on the Internet could have set your mind at rest that your magnum opus really was yours. ─── 如果在互联网上快速搜索一下就可以放心地发现自己的大作的确实至名归,那么那种做法也就没有什么意义了。

20、It is quiet and symmetrical that the whole divertimento has dramaticism but a magnum opus of a romanticism remains classicism throughout. ─── 全套曲具有戏剧性,是一部浪漫主义力作,但仍始终保持着古典主义的静谧与对称。

21、a magnum opus of historic significance ─── 历史巨著

22、magnum cockle ─── n. 大粗鸟蛤

23、"A General Reflection for Political Administration" is a magnum opus in Chinese historiography. ─── 《资治通鉴》是中国史学上的一部鸿篇巨著。

24、DAVIDOFF MAGNUM ─── 大卫杜夫国际

25、It is yet a higher speech of his than the other (much too high for a heathen): It is true greatness to have in one the fragility of a man and the security of a God. Vere magnum habere fragilitaterm hominis securitatem da. ─── 塞氏还有一句比这更高的话(这话由一个异教徒说出,几乎是太高了):“一个人有凡人底脆弱而又有神仙底自在无忧,那就是真正的伟大”。

26、Sirobasidium magnum ─── n. 大链担耳

27、vertebrae magnum ─── [医] 骶骨

28、The tremendous support from his owner has allowed Magnum to become "all that is possible. " ─── 从他的主人的巨大支持,允许万能成为“这是可能的。”

29、Magnum of Chateau Angelus 2003 will be the prizes for lucky-draw, what are you waiting for Join us to be James Bond! ─── 1.5公升金钟庄2003更会作为抽奖奖品,更多惊喜等您亲临体验,一起来感受007最钟爱的品牌吧!

30、a magnum of champagne ─── 1.5升的香槟.

31、This is probably our favourite pop album of the year so far, and will conceivably hold that title until Girls Aloud unveil their magnum opus later in the summer. ─── 很有可能这是我们今年至今为止最喜欢的流行专辑,并且会令人信服地保持下去,直到夏末Girls Aloud发表她们的巨作为止。

32、Eosentomon magnum ─── n. 巨形古蚖

33、He spent overall twenty years in editing the magnum opus. ─── 他花了整整二十年编辑那部巨着。

34、It might be beyond the ability of many to read through the magnum opus "Lunyu" or "Analects of Confucius" from cover to cover. ─── 对于许多人来讲从头到尾读懂《论语》已经是十分困难了。

35、A great work; a magnum opus ─── 一部有力度的作品

36、opus magnum ─── 代表作,主要作品

37、os magnum ─── 头状骨

38、for the past ten years he has been working in a theatre unable to finish his magnum opus. ─── 他的父亲来到布宜诺斯艾利斯,在过去的十年里他一直工作在剧院里无法完成他的巨作。

39、Allastoma magnum ─── 巨异口吸虫

40、His latest offering is a magnum opus on philosophy. ─── 他的最新作品是一部关于哲学的巨著。

41、A great novelist or non-fiction writer who dies at 28 May not have yet produced her or his magnum opus. ─── 一位伟大的小说家或非虚构作家在28岁去世,那他或她可能还没有写出自己的代表作。

42、With a minimum purchase of RM1 Magnum 4D ticket, Magnum will give you another RM1 Big Magnum 4D Lucky Pick ticket for FREE! ─── 以最低限额购买1令吉万能4D万字票,万能将免费给你另一张价值1令吉大万的发财字!

43、The consummation of the magnum opus; regeneration; the phoenix was often used in signs over chemist's shops`because of its alchemical associations. ─── 圆满成功的杰作;再生;凤凰时常因为它的炼金术的联系被用在化学品的商店药品标签上。

44、Before his debut as Magnum, P. I., Tom Selleck appeared twice on The Dating Game, but didn't get picked either time. ─── 在第一次作为“大酒瓶P.I.”登场之前,汤拇-塞勒克已经两次出现在“时髦游戏”节目中,但每次都惨遭淘汰。

45、At the height of the night, the emcee will invite the wedding couple/event owner to select their unique four (4) digit number through a mechanical selection method provided by Magnum. ─── 在当晚的其中一个节目时段中,司仪将会邀请一对新人/宴会主人上台透过万能准备的仪器以抽出4个号数。

46、3)It is a poor saying of Epicurus, Satis magnum alter alteri theatrum sumus; ─── 埃辟克拉斯曾说过一句笨话:“人生不过是一座大戏台。”

47、It is a poor saying of Epicurus, Satis magnum alter alteri theatrum sumus; as if man, made for the contemplation of heaven, and all noble objects, should do nothing but kneel before a little idol, ─── 埃辟克拉斯曾说过一句傻话:“人生不过一场戏。”似乎人类不应却努力追求高尚的事业,而只应像玩偶般地逢场作戏。

48、Effect of Microelement Selenium on Mucin of Magnum Tubae Uterinae in Adulthood Wan-xi White Goose ─── 微量元素硒对成年皖西白鹅输卵管膨大部粘蛋白的影响

49、c. magnum ─── (=cocleare magnum) (拉)大匙, 汤匙

50、It is a poor saying of Epicurus, Satis magnum alter alteri theatrum sumus; ─── 埃辟克拉斯(4)曾说过一句笨话:“人生不过是一座大戏台。”

51、In some regions, including the United States, the sole engine was the 2.0 L SOHC engine, with an optional Magnum configuration (including an active intake manifold) that produced 150 hp. ─── 在一些地区,包括美国,唯一的发动机是2.0升单顶置凸轮轴引擎,可选马格南配置(包括积极的进气歧管),产生150马力。

52、foramina magnum ─── [医] 枕骨大孔

53、Keywords foramen magnum;occipital condylar;lesion;lower clivus;surgical approach;anatomy;quantification; ─── 关键词枕大孔;枕髁;病变;下斜坡;手术入路;解剖学;量化;

54、Oedogonium magnum ─── n. 丛雄鞘藻

55、Cut-out the article and bring it to any Magnum 4D outlet & make a minimum purchase of RM1 Magnum 4D ticket to redeem for a FREE RM1 Big Magnum 4D Lucky Pick Ticket. ─── 将此文宣剪下,然后交给任何一间万能分行,并以最低限额购买1令吉万能4D万字票,就可免费兑换1令吉大万的发财字。

56、Tonsillar hernia into foramen magnum ─── 小脑扁桃体疝入枕骨大孔

57、The song cycle Chansons de Bilitis was. among the composer's lieder, a magnum opus from his mature period. ─── 在他的艺术歌曲中,《比利蒂斯之歌》这个声乐套曲是创作成熟时期的代表作品。

58、It is a poor saying of Epicurus, Satis magnum alter alteri theatrum sumus; ─── 埃辟克拉斯(4)曾说过一句笨话:"人生不过是一座大戏台。

59、Make it a point to use condoms of reputable brand names such as Durex, Trojan or Magnum to ensure quality protection and to prevent unwanted accidents. ─── 坚持使用知名安全套品牌,如杜蕾斯,特洛伊或玛格侬能提供高质量的防护还能防止意外的事故。

60、Bruce Davidson, a member of Magnum Photos, is one of the most influential photographers of the last half century. ─── BruceDavidson,马格南图片社成员,在过去的半个世纪里最有影响力的摄影师之一。

61、magnum force ─── 威力极强的武器

62、The Morphling, nature's magnum opus, the pinnacle of evolution, can force his liquid body to flow over opponents in a massive wave, forcibly moving himself as well as injuring his enemies. ─── 大自然的杰作,进化的巅峰,能将他液态的身体化作巨大的波浪,一边移动一边对流经的敌人造成伤害。

63、MRI measurement of the position relationship between dens process and foramen magnum in Chinese ─── 国人枢椎齿突尖与枕大孔位置关系的MRI测量

64、His masterpiece Four Generations under One Roof is a magnum opus depicting the lives and struggle of ordinary people in Peiping under the trample of Japanese army. ─── 小说《四世同堂》是他的代表作之一,是一篇表现北京普通市民在日本铁蹄践踏下顽强生存和斗争的长篇巨著。

65、Foramen- magnum absorbent resins ─── 大孔吸附树脂

66、Distomum magnum ─── 大双盘吸虫

67、foramen magnum resin ─── 大孔树脂

68、Conclusion The obstruction of SSAS at foramen magnum leads to cisternal pressure increasing, and then forces CSF into the spinal central canal. ─── 影像学检查,6只模型组动物5只有脊髓空洞形成。组织学观察与人类空洞及脑积水周围结构一致。

69、It is a poor saying of Epicurus , “Satis magnum alter alteri theatrum sumus ”. ─── 伊壁鸠鲁说过一句蠢话“人生不过是一场戏。”

70、It is a poor saying of Epicurus, Sates magnum alter alteri theatrum sumus; ─── 埃辟克拉斯(4)曾说过一句笨话:“人生不过是一座大戏台。”

71、cavum sigmoidale magnum ─── 乙状大窝

72、Bilal's main aim was to import the fireworks as Magnum Packaging has the storage space and is set up to receive imported goods. ─── 比拉尔的主要目的是进口烟花万能包装有存储空间,并设置为接收进口商品。

73、Zhongguohentomon magnum ─── n. 大中国蚖

74、The 1995 (as served from a magnum bottle) was showing dark maroon color but still with little shininess. ─── 1995年的酒(这是双瓶装)呈深棕红色泽,光泽仍在。

75、We are confident that the landscaped villas in Liuyuan Road will become a magnum opus of Suzhou garden villas partly because of its section and environment location and environs. ─── 其中,由于留园路姑苏人家项目所处地域、人文环境非常好,公司有信心有能力将该项目塑造成为新一代苏州园林别墅的代表作品。

76、A magnum beats four aces. ─── 一个大酒瓶能击败4个王牌飞行员。

77、foramen magnum ─── (拉)枕骨大孔

78、Keywords Head and neck neoplasms/sury;Far lateral suboccipital approach;Foramen magnum; ─── 头颈部肿瘤/外科学;枕下极外侧入路;枕骨大孔;

79、With excellent combination and vivid performance of the actors, this is the magnum opus of Stephen Chow and the whole comedy movies sector. ─── 各演员亦配合得宜,演绎得生鬼有趣,实在是周星驰的喜剧经典,甚至是喜剧界的代表作。

80、cocleare magnum ─── (拉)大匙, 汤匙

81、Prorocentrum magnum ─── n. 大型原甲藻

82、It is a magnum opus painting that takes ox as the theme in Chinese art history. ─── 五牛图卷是中国美术史上以牛为题材的绘画代表作品。

83、It is a fOhirhymee sillying of Epicurus, Satis magnum alter alteri tprexplanationtrum sumus; ─── 埃辟克拉斯(4)曾说过一句笨话:“一生不过是一座大戏台。”

84、Li Lei chinese avant-courier poet present his own magnum opus of poesy ? rock-and-roll with photography by Must Be contemporary art center for the first time. ─── 中国先锋诗人李磊将自己的诗歌代表作?摇滚首次以摄影的方式由玛斯德比当代艺术中心推出。

85、9 Margalit MS,Lesser JB, Singer M, et al.Lateral approach to anterolateral tumors at the foramen magnum:factors determining surgical procedure.Neurosurgery,2005,56:324-336. ─── 临床医学论文,医药学论文,免费论文,中国论文网->转载"枕大孔区肿瘤的显微外科治疗"文章请注明免费论文网

86、Bhaskaracharya has also made references to it in his Magnum Opus Siddhanta-Shiromani. ─── 巴卡拉萨雅也在巨著Siddhanta-Shiromani提及过。

87、LARGER VIEW and Recommended Installation of the Magnum ultraviolet open channel water disinfection system ─── Magnum系统特性标准型号规格参数使用紫外线方法对废水进行消毒处理建议安装

88、Clostridium magnum ─── 大梭菌

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