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synodic 发音

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synodic 中文意思翻译



synodic 网络释义

adj. 相合的;会议的

synodic 短语词组

1、synodic period ─── [天]会合周期

2、synodic year ─── 同年

3、synodic rotation ─── 会合自转周

4、synodic month ─── 朔望月

5、synodic frame ─── 同向框架

6、synodic cycles ─── 同向旋回

7、synodic moon ─── 同向卫星

8、synodic day ─── 会合日

synodic 词性/词形变化,synodic变形

异体字: synodical |副词: synodically |

synodic 相似词语短语

1、syntonic ─── adj.谐振的;共振的;精神和谐的;身心完整的

2、monodic ─── adj.挽歌的;独唱的

3、synoptic ─── adj.天气的;概要的;对观福音书的

4、sodic ─── adj.钠的;含钠的

5、synodical ─── adj.会议的;相合的

6、anodic ─── adj.[电]阳极的;上升的

7、syndic ─── n.市政官,政府官员;大学代理人,商业代表

8、syncopic ─── 同视

9、syndics ─── n.市政官,政府官员;大学代理人,商业代表

synodic 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、History, mission, parishes, officers, organisations, synod and administrative information, reports, and resources. ─── 网站简介 : Official homepage - part of the Province of New South Wales.

2、Swapping pleasantries, two cardinals prepare to enter the Synod Hall for a consistory, an assembly of cardinals that advises the pope. ─── 两位红衣主教边开玩笑边走入宗教会堂准备参加红衣教会议,这个红衣主教集合的会议作用是献策于教皇。

3、Synod of Dort ─── 多特会议

4、It is 9 major planet run the great synodic period in the youngest covering of the fan 180 years. ─── 一百八十年是九大行星运行到最小扇面之内的大会合周期。

5、In the United States the first life insurance company was established (1759) by the Presbyterian Synod of Philadelphia for Presbyterian ministers, ─── 美国的第一家人寿保险公司是由费城长老会宗教大会在1759年为长老会的部长们创建的。

6、As the sacred synod searches into the mystery of the Church, it remembers the bond that spiritually ties the people of the New Covenant to Abraham's stock. ─── 本届神圣会议,探讨教会奥迹时,忆记新约的子民同亚巴郎后裔在精神方所有的联系。

7、6.what were the result of the Synod of Whitby in yorkshire in 664? ─── 在约克郡的威特郡会议的结果是什么?

8、synodic revolution ─── 会合周

9、Zhao prime minister when his term of office, Synod Corporal, subglottic guests to thousands of people. ─── 他任赵国宰相时,礼贤下士,门下宾客至数千人。

10、The last image recalled the theme of the Synod, “The Word of God in the Life and the Mission of the Church. ─── 当天介绍的第一册是德文原文版,意大利译文版预定明年初春问世。

11、its synodic period brings it into conjunction with the sun every 398 days and 88 minutes , a little more than a year ─── 它与太阳关联的会合周期是398天零88分,比一年稍长一些。

12、Holy synod ─── 东正教教务委员会

13、49 Minutes and Reports of the Synod. ─── 区会会议录及报表。

14、Diamper, Synod of ─── 迪安颇会议

15、this designation was first used by the Roman Synod of AD 495 to refer to Pope Gelasius I, an originator of papal supremacy among the patriarchs. ─── 这个名称首先是在公元495年被罗马宗教大会所使用,用来指格拉西一世,一位教皇制度的创立者。

16、synodic year ─── 会合年

17、synodic motion ─── 会合运动

18、It is 9 major planet run the great synodic period in the youngest covering of the fan 180 years. ─── 一百八十年是九大行星运行到最小扇面之内的大会合周期。

19、approximately the LCM (lowest common multiple) of the synodic period (29.53 days), draconic period (27.21 days), and the anomalistic period (27.55 days) of the Moon. ─── 周期日数约为朔望月周期(29.53 日)、 交点月周期(27.21 日) 和近点月周期(27.55 日) 的最小公倍数。

20、24 If a pastor resigns or receives a call to another ministry, he/she shall announce his/her decision 3 months prior to his/her departure and notify the Congregation Council and the bishop of the synod. ─── 如牧师辞职或接受其它教会委聘?须在离职前三个月宣布其决定并以书面通知执事部及区会主教。

21、In December 2007, Pastor Qiu was formally ordained as Rev.Qiu at Chinese Lutheran Church of Honolulu, Pacifica Synod of ELCA. ─── *(1) 邱林牧师在2007 年12 月于檀香山华人信义会, 美国福音信义教会(ELCA) 正式被按立为牧师.

22、As of December 2009, Pastor Dorcas Wang, who serving as a missionary pastor of ELCA in China, was formally ordained as Rev.Wang in December 2007, at Northwest Washington Synod of ELCA. ─── *(2) 2009年12月, 王多佳牧师在中国担任美国福音信义教会(ELCA) 在中国的宣教师. 她于2007 年12 月在Northwest Washington Synod of ELCA正式被按立为牧师.

23、a synodic(al) month ─── 朔望月

24、The Synod then voted to depose me from the church office of Professor of Theology, and to suspend me from the office of Minister of Word and Sacrament. ─── 用康教授的话来说,这些占人口比例相当高的同性恋者,是否仍属于耶稣呢?

25、synodic rotation period ─── 会合自转周期

26、synodic period ─── 会合周期

27、But bishops and clergy in the church's General Synod gave a resounding thumbs down to proposals to amend church law to allow ministers to dress more casually. ─── 但是参加最高教会会议的主教以及神职人员坚决反对为了让神父们穿着更随意而修订教会法规。

28、Sidereal and Synodic Revolution Periods ─── 恒星及会合运转周期

29、Lutheran Missouri Synod ─── 路德会

30、S synod of Chalcedon ─── 查乐西顿宗教会议

31、Astronomical yearbooks and calendars for amateur astronomers provide the times of the beginning of the synodic solar rotations as well as the longitudes Lo. ─── 天文年历和日历为业余天文学家提供了太阳会合自转周期的始时和经度Lo.

32、Bishops, Synod of ─── 主教大会

33、Around 70% of the church's 250-strong synod, or church board, voted to back the move, making it one of few global churches to allow gay marriage. ─── 教会250位主教、教会理事中,大约70%投票支持此行动,使它成为全球少数允许同性婚姻的教堂之一。

34、Finally, the deputies returned abashed to their constituents, pronouncing the matter too weighty to be handled, except by a council of the churches, if, indeed, it might not require a general synod ─── 最后,代表们无可奈何地回去了,向推举他们的人交代说,事关重大,如果还不必要求召开宗教大会的话,也必须举行教会会议。

35、Chinese Rhenish Church, Hong Kong Synod ... ─── 中华基督教礼贤会香港区会.

36、October 2001, Minnesota Faith Chinese Lutheran Church (MFCLC), was established as a congregation under the St.Paul Synod of ELCA. ─── 2001 年10月 , 明州华人信义教会(MFCLC) 成立,隶属ELCA之下的圣保罗教区。

37、school synod ─── 校务会议

38、The officer who presides over a synod or general assembly of the Presbyterian Church. ─── 主持官员主持基督教长老会的会议或大会的官员

39、Alexandria, Synod of ─── 亚历山大里亚会议

40、There followed the prayer, which had just been received from the Synod, the prayer for the delivery of Russia out of the hands of the enemy. ─── 这是刚从最高会议上送来的祷文,祈求把俄罗斯从敌人的入侵下拯救出来。

41、"The first French Huguenot community was founded in 1546, and the confession of faith drawn up by the first synod in 1559 was influenced by the ideas of John Calvin." ─── 第一个法国胡格诺派团体建立于1546年,1559年首次集会中起草的信仰告白受到了喀尔文理念的影响。

42、Whitby, Synod of ─── 惠特比会议

43、Jerusalem, Synod of ─── 耶路撒冷会议

44、I will also want to keep in mind that I have a privilege and responsibility to support the work of gospel ministry through my congregation and synod. ─── )无论我选择献上多少,我愿意乐意地献上。我亦愿意谨记我有特权和责任去支持藉教会和总会所作福音事工。

45、lunar semi synodic period ─── 月球半会合周期

46、President Yu Mun Chung award were invited to attend and share the minutes and weeks Synod Xiangtai Teachers Teachers lead the students in the live performances. ─── 本馆余敏聪馆长应邀出席领奖及分享,并由钟礼贤师范及周祥泰师范带领学员于现场表演。

47、Thus Venus' synodic period, which gives the time between two subsequent eastern (or western) greatest elongations, is 584 days. ─── 在彼此的世界里面,我可以看到你在哭,你可以看到我在笑,但是我永远也无法感触到你的体温,就像你永远也无法感觉到我的心跳。

48、In 1930, the Southern Presbytery was reorganized as the Southern Synod, and that the four aforementioned regional churches became “Presbyteries”. ─── 1930年南部中会改为南部大会,四个区议会升格为中会。

49、Church of Christ in China was a nationwide united church organization being composed of 15 Christian Sects in the Chinese Church, among them,the Guangdong Synod was a church that was most early established and was most influential. ─── 中华基督教会是由基督教15个教派的华人教会共同组成的全国性的合一教会组织,广东协会是其中成立最早、最有影响的一个教会。

50、A clerical assembly of the Anglican Church similar to a synod but assembling only when called. ─── 主教会议英国教会中的一种教会人员会议,与教会会议相似。但只在被召集时才集合

51、diocesan synod ─── 教区会议

52、Yuan Shao is to say with his "Three IV" such an advantage, the advantage of a family, make a lot of people, to make a folded section Corporal, Corporal Synod of the way, what does? ─── 就是说袁绍凭借他“四世三公”的这样一个优势,一个家族的优势,结交了很多的人,做出一副折节下士、礼贤下士的样子,干什么呢?

53、Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod ─── 信义会密苏里大会

54、Its synodic period brings it into conjunction with the Sun every 398 days and 88 minutes, a little more than a year. ─── 它与太阳关联的会合周期是398天零88分,比一年稍长一些。

55、mean synodic lunar month ─── 平朔望月

56、The aim of the Synod consisted in enabling the church to get rid of the control of the foreign mission,and thereby to establish and develop indigenousness and united church in its proper sense. ─── 协会目的在于使教会摆脱外国传教差会的控制,从而建立和发展真正意义上的本色化的合一教会。

57、and the General Synod, the Church of England's governing body, is the only organisation outside Parliament that has the power to legislate. ─── 而且,英格兰的教会管理机构圣公会只是国会以外的组织,没有立法的权力。

58、synodic month ─── n. 朔望月

59、Anglicans pondered the subject at their General Synod; ─── 圣公会教徒也在他们的宗教会议上仔细思考这个问题;

60、synodic rotation number ─── 会合自转周数

61、The issue came to a head when the 291st synod prioris of terra debated the use of the Repressor by the Order of Sacred Rose. ─── 关于圣血玫瑰对镇压者的使用的争论最早出现于在地球举行的第291次宗教会议上。

62、The synod calls on such people to repent or quit the public arena and stop causing havoc to the people. ─── 宗教会议要求这样的领袖忏悔或停止公共职务,不要再对人们进行蹂躏。

63、Last year Canada's general synod resolved that same-sex blessings are not in conflict with core doctrine, and rejected a moratorium. ─── 去年加拿大的总主教会议确定同性婚姻仪式与核心教义并不冲突,并否决了暂停举行同性婚姻仪式的提议。

64、The Guangdong Synod of Church of Christ in China and Indigenous Church Movement ─── 中华基督教会广东协会与本色教会运动

65、This synod was held at Notre-Dame, and assembled for the first time on the 15th of June, 1811, under the presidency of Cardinal Fesch ─── 那次会议是在圣母院举行的,一八一一年六月十五日,在红衣主教斐许主持下,召开了第一次会议。

66、synodic rotation ─── 会合自转周

67、Nederduits Hervormde Kerk (Synod) ─── 荷兰革新教会(会议);会议

68、Pistoia, Synod of ─── 皮斯托亚会议

69、Pray for your congregation and synod as they struggle with financial issues. ─── 他给我们他的圣灵使我们可以信他。

70、Barmen, Synod of ─── 巴门会议

71、" "The church condemns suicide and has banned church burials for those who take their lives," said a spokesman for the Holy Synod, the church ruling body. ─── “教会谴责自杀行为,并禁止为自杀者举行宗教葬礼,”教会权力机构神圣宗教会议的一位发言人说。

72、what were the result of the Synod of Whitby in yorkshire in 664? ─── 在约克郡的威特郡会谈的结果是什么?

73、Other Concordias are not affiliated with the CUS or the Missouri Synod, including Concordia College in Moorhead, Minnesota and Concordia University in Montreal. ─── 其它协和命名的机构既不属于协和大学体系,也不属于路德教会-密苏里教会。比如有墨尔海德的协和学院及位于蒙特利尔的协和大学。

74、Asian Synod of Bishops ─── 亚洲主教会议

75、"Chinese Rhenish Church, Hong Kong Synod" ─── 中华基督教礼贤会香港区会

76、Guided by the Second Special Assembly of the African Synod of Bishops, may the local Church find adequate ways and means to effectively promote reconciliation, justice and peace. ─── 福传意向:使非洲教会遵照世界主教代表第二届特别会议针对非洲所做的指示,能找到有效地推动修和、正义与和平的路途和相称工具。

77、CUS) is an organization of ten colleges and universities throughout the United States operated by the Lutheran Church - Missouri Synod (LCMS). ─── 每所协和的院校完全独立运作,有自己的校长、师资及校董会。

78、Its synodic period brings it into conjunction with the sun every398days and88minutes a little more than a year. ─── 它与太阳关联的会合周期是398天零88分,比一年稍长一些。

79、But the prospect of a formal change in Church law, automatically clearing the way of wedding like this one, has caused anger in the Synod. ─── 但是,自动清除像这个婚礼一样遇到的障碍,将会导致教规的正式更改,而这种改变已引起了宗教会议的忿怒。

80、Pastor Chang has served as president of General Synod of the Reformed Church in America. ─── 张牧师曾任美国归正教会总会议长。

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