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10-02 投稿


malm 发音

英:[mɑ?m]  美:[mɑm]

英:  美:

malm 中文意思翻译



malm 短语词组

1、malm series ─── 麻姆统

malm 相似词语短语

1、calm ─── adj.静的,平静的;沉着的;vt.使平静;使镇定;vi.平静下来;镇定下来;n.风平浪静;n.(Calm)人名;(法、德)卡尔姆

2、balm ─── n.香油;镇痛软膏;香峰草,香树膏

3、maim ─── vt.使残废;n.(Maim)人名;(意、罗)马伊姆

4、mal- ─── n.(法)病,不适;n.(Mal)人名;(俄、英)马尔;(阿富、利)马勒

5、halm ─── n.茎;稻草;n.(Halm)人名;(德、英、芬、瑞典)哈尔姆;(法)阿尔姆

6、malmy ─── 矿石

7、male ─── adj.男性的;雄性的;n.男人;雄性动物;n.(Male)(柬)马尔;(意、西、塞)马莱;(英)梅尔(人名)

8、mala ─── n.(印度)(迎贵宾用的)花环;(祷告或冥想中用的)线珠或绳珠;n.(Mala)(捷、美、印、俄)马拉(人名)

9、malam ─── n.马来赤铁树

malm 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Saied Azadian1, , Liu-Ying Wei2, and Richard Warren, Malm? University, Division of Technolog ─── 首页----期刊主要分类----期刊细介绍----期刊题录与文摘----期刊详细文摘内容

2、city of Malm? Is characterized by multi-ethnicity, cultural production, youth culture, and new media industry. ─── 城市马尔默的特点是多民族,文化生产,青年文化,与新媒体产业。

3、1.If attending the 2006 Malm?-Copenhagen Convention, attend the plenary session on Literacy, held on Monday, 12 June and the interactive discussion group on literacy that follows. ─── 如果参加2006马尔摩/哥本哈根的世界年会,请参加在6月12日举行的有关识字的全体会议,与紧接的识字小组讨论会。

4、malm rubber ─── 软白垩砖

5、There he started his academic training with an electrical engineering degree from Malm? Technical College. ─── 在那里,他开始接受学校教育,在马尔默技术学院(Malm?TechnicalCollege)攻读电机工程学位。

6、Most of the University departments are located in Lund, but the Academies of Music, Art, and Theatre are in Malm?, where the university also has several departments of medicine. ─── 学校的大部分学院都设在隆德市,音乐、艺术及戏剧学院和医学院设在马尔摩市。

7、Jan Malm is President of Ericsson (China) Company Ltd. since December 1, 2000.He has been working more than 25 years in the telecom sector.Mr. ─── 杨迈先生于2000年12月1日就任爱立信(中国)有限公司总裁,在电信业拥有超过25年的工作经验。

8、malm series ─── 麻姆统

9、Can be completed with MALM bedside table, to be mounted on the headboard. ─── 可搭配马尔姆床边桌使用,安装在床头板上。

10、Oresund Bridge (Copenhagen, Denmark to Malm? , Sweden) ─── 厄勒海峡大桥(丹麦哥本哈根到瑞典马尔默)

11、macrocystic lymphatic malformation (MaLM) ─── 大囊型淋巴管畸形

12、Email:cssd05@mail.tongji.edu.cn 或 malm@mail.tongji.edu.cn ─── 如果用电子邮件发送稿件,请确认收到情况。

13、Malm joined Ericsson in 1994 as Vice President of Ericsson Radio System AB and General Manager of Market Operation China including Hong Kong and Macau. ─── 1994年,杨迈先生加入爱立信无线系统公司,出任公司副总裁兼中国市场区(包括香港和澳门)总经理。

14、malm brick ─── 白垩砖

15、SGML's innovative MALM program brings successful people together from a wide variety of fields, who bring their unique perspectives to the art of solving complex... ─── SGML的创新马尔姆计划带来的一个领域,各种成功人士一起谁带来了独特的视角,对解决复杂问题的艺术。

16、KAJPLATS 01, MALM? ,SWEDEN ─── 海岸01,马尔默,瑞典

17、A city of southern Sweden north of Malm? It was the largest town in Sweden during the Middle Ages and today is an educational center. Population,81, 199. ─── 兰德瑞典南部,马尔默以北的城市。在中世纪是瑞典最大的城市,今天是个教育中心。人口81,199

18、There he started his academic training with an electrical engineering degree from Malm? ─── 在那里,他开始接受学校教育,在马尔默技术学院(Malm?

19、The content of this page is from the MALM port or MALM customs import and export company directory; ─── 本页面内容主要是来自MALM港口或MALM海关的进出口公司目录;

20、Can be completed with MALM bedside table, to be mounted on the headboard. ─── 可搭配马尔姆床边桌使用,安装在床头板上。

21、But I have travelled to football games in Stockholm, Gothenburg, Malm and Helsingborg which is south, west and northeast in Sweden. ─── 现在我在斯德哥尔摩,哥特堡以及赫尔辛堡,他们分别位于瑞典的南部,西部和最北部。

22、So the wolf went to the grocery's, bought a big block of malm and took it, and then his voice became reedy. ─── 于是,狼跑到杂货商那里,买了一大块白垩土,吃了下去,结果嗓子变细了。

23、A city of southern Sweden north of Malm? ─── 兰德瑞典南部,马尔默以北的城市。

24、new link virtually makes Malm and Copenhagen a single conurbation, [making] commuting from one city to another even easier. ─── 新路线的开通实际上将马尔默和哥本哈根变成了一个集合都市,使得两个城市之间的往来变得更加容易了。

25、In a Malm? stadium, Odfalk watched a performance of traditional Swedish songs and dances while eating pickled herring and drinking schnapps. "To be able to be here is so special," said the member of the Rotary Club of Ithaca, New York, USA. ─── 曾经在瑞典住过12年的欧德法克是买票出席瑞典之夜的诸多扶?社员之一,这项活动以寓教于?返姆绞饺?肀鋈献R瑞典的习俗、食物、节庆、歌曲和舞蹈。

26、Matches MALM bed; to be mounted to the headboard. ─── 可装配于马尔姆床,安装于床头。

27、Newly planted in Malm. Enjoy! ─── 崭新在白垩土中种植。享受!

28、TANGO - THE MAGIC BOX, MALM?,SWEDEN ─── 探戈-魔法盒,马尔默,瑞典

29、The chest of drawers has the same height as MALM bed frame, so they match well together. ─── 五斗柜与"马尔姆"床框等高,所以,二者十分相配。

30、Jurassic From approx. 185 to 140 million years before present; lower (Lias), middle (Dogger), upper (Malm). ─── 侏罗纪从接近一亿八千五百万到一亿四千万年以前;早侏罗纪,中侏罗纪,晚侏罗纪。

31、My EKTORP Chair. And I have a MALM bed. A MALM bed! Oh, and look at my lamp, isn't that ─── 我的EKTORP椅子。而且我有一张母亲床。一张母亲床!哦,看看我的台灯,难道它-

32、Matches MALM bed; to be mounted to the headboard. ─── 可装配于马尔姆床,安装于床头。

33、malm grizzled brick ─── 欠烧软砖

34、A city of southern Sweden north of Malm? It was the largest town in Sweden during the Middle Ages and today is an educational center. Population,81,199. ─── 兰德瑞典南部,马尔默以北的城市。在中世纪是瑞典最大的城市,今天是个教育中心。人口81,199。

35、and then , wolf run up to chandleryshop, buy aagglomerate malm, to eat down , result the voice attenuat. then wolf comeback to goat's home to shout;" ─── 于是,狼跑到杂货商那里,买了一大块白垩土,吃了下去,结果嗓子变细了。然后它又回来敲山羊家的门,喊道:“开门哪,我的好孩子。

36、Rakel is being built out in seven stages and the system is currently operative in Stockholm, Malm? and Gothenburg. ─── Rakel正在建设7个阶段,该系统目前在斯德哥尔摩、哥德堡和马尔默使用。

37、malm rock ─── 粘土砂岩

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