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10-02 投稿


mislaid 发音

英:[?m?s?le?d]  美:[?m?s?le?d]

英:  美:

mislaid 中文意思翻译



mislaid 短语词组

1、mislaid property ─── 遗忘物错置财产

mislaid 词性/词形变化,mislaid变形


mislaid 相似词语短语

1、misadd ─── 误加

2、mislain ─── 米斯林

3、misclaim ─── 误会

4、misaim ─── 米萨姆

5、missaid ─── 误报

6、misdid ─── 做错;做坏事(misdo的过去式)

7、inlaid ─── adj.镶嵌的;嵌入的;镶饰的;v.把…镶入;用镶嵌物装饰(inlay的过去分词形式)

8、island ─── n.岛;岛屿;安全岛;岛状物;adj.岛的;vt.孤立;使成岛状;n.(Island)人名;(英)艾兰

9、mislay ─── vt.放错;遗失

mislaid 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Curiously enough, they went on believing this even after the mislaid key was found under a sack of meal. ─── 奇怪的是,甚至在发现钥匙原来是被误放在一袋面粉底下之后,他们还是这样坚信不移。

2、mislaid property ─── 遗忘物

3、There was no panic from Mourinho at the first mislaid points of the Premiership season for the Blues. ─── 本第一次在联赛丢分,但从穆里尼奥那看不到丝毫恐慌。

4、It pays to spend a few moments a day cleaning up your workspace and reducing the time you normally spend searching for mislaid files or your favorite pen. ─── 用一点时间去整理和清扫工作间,可以减少你翻找放错的文件和心爱的钢笔的时间。

5、Based on this, in the context of Chinese cultures and systems, the embezzled object can only be the mislaid property, but not the lost property. ─── 正是基于此,在我国文化和制度背景之下,侵占罪的对象只能是遗忘物而不能是遗失物。

6、I seem to have mislaid my keys. ─── 我好像不知道把钥匙放在哪儿了。

7、I remember the glistening stars way, we were needle and spoon to mislaid in the burning hay... ─── 去完暨南大学,夜晚去试咗暨大隔离街食地道摊食,真系好好味,特别系呢档:

8、The clerk mislaid the files again. ─── 这个职员又把案卷错放在别的地方了。

9、I have mislaid the new magazine. ─── 我不知道把那本新杂志放到哪儿去了。

10、If someone still manages to pick up a mislaid BlackBerry and execute trades on it, E-Trade will cover the losses under its fraud guarantee, Erickson said. ─── 埃里克森说,如果有人仍然继续捡起一个错放的黑莓并且在它上面进行交易,电子贸易将涵盖在其欺诈担保下的损失。

11、To do some research and analysis on embezzling the mislaid property in criminal law, it is necessary to combine the system of the lost property in civil law. ─── 摘要对我国刑法分则侵占罪中遗忘物进行研究,必须结合民法遗失物制度进行。

12、There was no panic from Mourinho at the first mislaid points of the Premiership season for the Blues. ─── 蓝军本赛季第一次在联赛丢分,但从穆里尼奥那看不到丝毫恐慌。

13、Auctioneer:Er, er... yes. Now, what did I do with it? Oh dear, I seem to have mislaid it, officer. ─── 拍卖商:呃有的...可是我把执照放在哪里去了呢?天哪,好像是丢了,警官。

14、You can't have left your purse in the glass cabinet. You must have mislaid it somewhere else. ─── 你不可能把你的钱包放在玻璃柜里,你肯定把它错放在别的地方了。

15、I found it, and now I've mislaid it!I must have dropped it!” ─── 我本来找到了,可现在不知道放在哪了,一定是弄丢了!”

16、Perhaps I have only mislaid it.If winter should say , "Spring is in my heart," who would believe winter? ─── 如果冬天说 春天就在我的心里 有谁会真的相信冬天呢?

17、m awfully sorry , but I seem to have mislaid your books. ─── 非常抱歉,我似乎误放了你的书。

18、Richards worked at these details a good while, and in the end he thought he remembered things concerning them which must have gotten mislaid in his memory through long neglect. ─── 理查兹把各种细枝末节想了半天,感到他终于想起了一些与此有关的事情,这些事情一定是因为好多年无暇顾及,已经从记忆中消失了。

19、They searched out the mislaid book at last. ─── 他们终于找到放错了地方的那本书。

20、Mercury, planet of intelligent life, will be retrograde, so there will be the usual delays, slipups, mislaid items, and one or two mechanical breakdowns. ─── 水星这颗关于智慧的行星会进入逆行,所以会有一些普遍的耽搁,错误,错置的项目,还有一两个机械故障。

21、I'm sorry, I seem to have mislaid my ticket. ─── 对不起,我的车票好像弄丢了。

22、I mislaid my purse. ─── 我忘记了把钱包放在什么地方了。

23、He mislaid his principles in the drive for success. ─── 他为了成功而拋弃了原则。

24、"I am ever so sorry , but I am afraid I have mislaid your umbrella . " ─── 实在对不起,不知道把你的雨伞放到哪里去了。

25、2. I seem to have mislaid my passport have you seen it? ─── 我好像把护照放在什麽地方找不到了--你看见了吗?

26、Milan have rediscovered the quality that they mislaid for a period and this Italian Cup will mean a bit more considering the lag accumulated in the league. ─── 米兰又重新找回了他们的技术足球打法,而且意大利杯对于他们来说也是本赛季唯一有望能收获的锦标了。”

27、Are security measures in place to prevent mislaid quotations and unauthorised release of information? ─── 有否安全措施防止报价单遗失或资料外泄?

28、He returned home in a softened mood and, wanting to be just as fair with us as we had been with him,looked over his bills, found one that had been mislaid,and sent us a check with his apologies. ─── 这位顾客似乎由于我对他的接待和处理,所以他回去仔细地查看他的帐单,终于找出那份帐单,原来他自己放错了地方。于是他把那笔十五块钱的帐款寄来,还附了一封道歉的信。

29、Curiously enough, they went on believing this even after the mislaid key was found under a sack of meal. ─── 奇怪的是,甚至在发现钥匙原来是被误放在一袋面粉底下之后,他们还是这样坚信不移。

30、1. I have mislaid my key to the door. ─── 我不知道把门钥匙放到哪里了。

31、I'm sorry, I seem to have mislaid my ticket. ─── 对不起,我的车票好像弄丢了。

32、Perhaps I have mislaid it. ─── 或许,我只是将它放错了位置。

33、The airline mislaid my luggage. ─── 航空公司把我的行李放错了地方。

34、the mislaid hat turned up eventually; misplaced tickets. ─── 最终出人意料的放错的帽子;放错的入场券。

35、I mislaid my English textbook ─── 我不知把英语课本丢在哪儿了。

36、Auctioneer: Er, er. . . yes. Now, what did I do with it? Oh dear, I seem to have mislaid it, officer. ─── 拍卖商:呃有的…可是我把执照放在哪里去了呢?天哪,好像是丢了,警官。

37、In Britain (or at least England), the tradition of sectarian enmity was not so much purged from the body politic as mislaid. ─── 英国人(至少是英格兰人)更多的是把宗教的传统仇视暂时埋藏,而不是彻底的忘却。

38、36 Suddenly Bob clapped his hand against his jacket pocket. “It's gone! The inspector's money belt! I found it, and now I've mislaid it! I must have dropped it!” ─── 突然鲍勃拍了拍上衣的口袋。“糟了,警长的腰包没了。我拾到的,可现在我又给丢了!我一定是掉在哪了!”

39、How do you find a thing you have mislaid or forgotten? ─── 你如何找回你已经错失或遗忘的东西哩?

40、You can't have left your purse in the glass cabinet.You must have mislaid it somewhere else. ─── (你不可能把你的钱包放在玻璃柜里,你肯定把它错放在别的地方了。)

41、I mislaid my English textbook. ─── 我不知把英语课本丢在哪儿了。

42、This is not the key to the door. I have mislaid my key to the door. ─── 这不是那扇门的钥匙。我不知道把门钥匙放到哪里了。

43、These mislaid people are hunting for a fort. ─── 这是他最宝贝的道具,为了用好它库帕真是费尽心思。

44、Very preoccupied, he got into his train, mislaid his ticket. ─── 上火车时,他又是心不在焉,连车票都差点儿找不到。

45、Mr. Samgrass replied with such glibness and at such length, telling me of mislaid luggage. ─── 桑格拉斯先生却油嘴滑舌,事无巨细地告诉我们说行李如何被错放了。

46、The library records all of these items as "mislaid" rather than gone for ever, still less stolen. ─── 在图书馆的记录中所有这些书目被注为“放错书架”不是永久消失更不是被盗。

47、They mislaid the linoleum. ─── 他们把亚麻油毡放错了地方

48、I mislaid my glasses. ─── 我不知把眼镜放到什么地方去了。

49、Flights are horribly crowded, food and beverage service has deteriorated in first class and virtually disappeared in coach, and the incidence of mislaid baggage has increased. ─── 每一航班都异常的拥挤,餐饮服务在一等舱已退化,在经济舱里实际上已经消失,加之遗失行李的事件也在增加。

50、I appear to have mislaid my sweater. ─── 我好像忘了把毛衣放哪儿了。

51、Mr Samgrass replied with such glibness and at such length, telling me of mislaid luggage. ─── 桑格拉斯先生却油嘴滑舌,事无巨细地告诉我们说行李如何被错放了。

52、I have mislaid my hat. ─── 我忘记把我的帽子放在什么地方了

53、If by any chance it was lost, the whole camp knew it by his howls, and sometimes I had to send people to look for it when he had mislaid it on some forest trip, so that he would stop his noise. ─── 如果碰巧哪次把枕头给丢了,整个营地的人都会听到它的叫声,都会很快知道这件事情。当它把枕头遗失在森林里时,我会派人去寻找,只有这样才能使它停止哭叫。

54、and sometimes I had to send people to look for it when he had mislaid it on some forest trip, so that he would stop his noise. ─── 有时我为了让他别再发出噪音,不得不请人去找他在走过丛林时遗失的枕头。

55、While underclothes(informally,undies)are made up of individual garments,we can not complain to the laundry that they have mislaid one 'underclo(the)' or one 'undy'. ─── 我们可以谈论“约翰的车”或“玛丽的车”或“约翰和玛丽的车”--如果它属于他们之中的两个人。

56、I am ever so sorry, but I am afraid I have mislaid your umbrella. ─── 实在对不起,不知道把你的雨伞放到哪里去了。

57、Oh dear, I've mislaid my glasses again. ─── 哎呀!我又忘记把我的眼镜放在什么地方了。

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