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10-02 投稿


potpourri 发音

英:[?po?p??ri?]  美:[?p??p??ri?]

英:  美:

potpourri 中文意思翻译



potpourri 短语词组

1、Potpourri (music) Potpourri( ─── 音乐)

potpourri 词性/词形变化,potpourri变形


potpourri 相似词语短语

1、outpour ─── n.流出物;流出;vt.流出;vi.流出

2、outpoured ─── n.流出物;流出;vt.流出;vi.流出

3、pot-pourri ─── n.百花香;混合物;杂曲;大杂烩

4、pot pourri ─── n.百花香;混合物;杂曲;大杂烩

5、outpours ─── n.流出物;流出;vt.流出;vi.流出

6、outpourers ─── n.流出物;流出(outpour的变形)

7、outpourer ─── n.流出物;流出(outpour的变形)

8、potpourris ─── n.百花香;混合物;杂曲;大杂烩

9、pot scourers ─── 罐式清选机

potpourri 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、A potpourri of bug decorates the sill. ─── 圈框外点缀着爬虫的尸体。

2、Zing with aromas of fruit and potpourri mingled with elegant character. ─── 气味 Bouquet: 气味芳香,有活跃的果香和花香,而且香味优雅。

3、Until I realized the power of combining passive income with a portfolio or potpourri of other business, employment or career options. ─── 例如,有人想在交通拥挤的周末想在马路上贩卖古董、翻新过的物品或是在自家院子里中的蔬菜来赚取外块,那么选择恰当的地理位置是至关重要的。

4、While letting the jeans air-dry, he may slip a "woodsy" scented sachet of potpourri into the jeans as he lays them flat. ─── 在让牛仔裤自然晾干的同时,他可能会在把它们摊平的时候,把一只有“树林”气味的百花香香囊塞在牛仔裤里。

5、buy product:Tart burner superstore featuring electric and potpourri tart burners, electric candle warmers, scented candles, and votive and jar candle accessories. ─── 经营产品 : 经营产品:主要经营各种蜡烛,包括电子蜡烛,香味蜡烛,烛台等产品.

6、Potpourri which has lost its scent can be revived by adding a few drops of essential oil. ─── 在已经没有香味的干花袋中加入几滴精油,可使其重新恢复芳香。

7、Potpourri control of the microcontroller Frequency Control System is used to thinking poor frequency control. ─── 单片机控制的变频调速系统设计思想是用转差频率进行控制。

8、Decorate a bottle or a jar,and then fill it up with red M&Ms,candy hearts,chocolates,bath salts,potpourri --or anything else that you can think of. ─── 把一个瓶子或罐子做一下装饰,然后装满红色M&Ms巧克力豆、心形糖果、巧克力、浴盐、百花香--或是任何你能想到的东西。

9、As tobacco cigarette burns, a potpourri of 4000 chemicals is released, including carbon monoxide and hydrocyanic acid. ─── 当烟被点燃时,融合了四千种化学品的气体被释放出来,其中包括一氧化碳和氢氰酸。

10、Tansy-scented Eurasian perennial herb with buttonlike yellow flowers,used as potherb or salad green and sometimes for potpourri or tea or flavoring,sometimes placed in genus Chrysanthemum. ─── 艾菊气味的欧亚终年草本植物,有像纽扣一样的黄花,作青菜食用或用作白花香或茶或调味,有时归为菊类。

11、She waited as a bird napping in a potpourri, ─── 她像蜂鸟一样把自己掩埋在被单怒放的花瓣里;

12、The World-Wide Web (WWW) is a huge potpourri of business advertising, serious scholarship, pornography, political propaganda, scam artistry, and many other things. ─── 那么,为什么术语会如此重要呢?

13、”, the answers are likely to be a wild potpourri of personal opinions.Exp. ─── 之类的问题,答案可能是五花八门,都是个人的见解。

14、He had six Social Security cards, seven driver's licenses, a potpourri of voter-registration cards, bankbooks under a dozen names. ─── 他有六个社会福利卡,七份驾照,一大堆选民登记卡,还有用不同姓名开的银行账户。

15、Because our feature articles have increased somewhat and space is limited, the Potpourri section has indeed been cut back recently. ─── 编按:由于本刊在专题报导上略有增多,又限于篇幅的关系,文摘部分最近确实有所删减。

16、buy product:Over twenty five years making and wholesaler of candles, potpourri, oils, incense and many other home fragrance products. ─── 经营产品 : 经营产品:主要经营超过25年经验的蜡烛,香油,熏香和很多其他的家居香味产品。

17、6. tansy-scented Eurasian perennial herb with buttonlike yellow flowers; used as potherb or salad green and sometimes for potpourri or tea or flavoring; sometimes placed in genus Chrysanthemum. ─── 艾菊气味的欧亚终年草本植物,有像纽扣一样的黄花;作青菜食用或用作白花香或茶或调味;有时归为菊类。收藏指正

18、While letting the jeans air-dry, he may slip a "woodsy" scented sachet of potpourri into the jeans as he lays them flat. ─── 在牛仔裤自然晾干的同时,他会把有树林气味的香囊塞在牛仔裤里。

19、Even so, there is a slight odour of potpourri emanating from Longfellow ─── 纵然如此,也还是可以闻到来自朗费罗的一种轻微的杂烩的味道。

20、Orchid SPA in the hotel Easter-Lake Restaurant F3, in there you can serenity, Comfortable,freedom relax mood with full of potpourri bath. ─── 兰SPA设在酒店东湖荟三楼,在这里您可以宁静、舒适地在充满花香的沐浴中自由放松心情;

21、tansy-scented Eurasian perennial herb with buttonlike yellow flowers; used as potherb or salad green and sometimes for potpourri or tea or flavoring; sometimes placed in genus Chrysanthemum. ─── 艾菊气味的欧亚终年草本植物,有像纽扣一样的黄花;作青菜食用或用作白花香或茶或调味;有时归为菊类。

22、We thought a nice pelt for the den, some throw pillows, a little potpourri... ─── (Timon) 我们想要一张好的毛皮为洞穴,一些长沙发椅上主要用作装饰的小枕头,一点点花香...

23、The robust fragrance of potpourri filled the room. ─── 大烩饭的浓香充满了整间屋子。

24、B: It smells like a potpourri bag. ─── 闻起来像是百味袋。

25、Pick up a piece of fallen flower still can smell the potpourri lightly haven't cherish in blooming season so memory becomes the untouchble beauty ─── 拾一撷飘落的花依然闻到淡淡的清香是不是花开时不懂珍惜美丽才成为不可及的回忆

26、Fry said. Often, people try to mitigate that problem by putting out bowls of potpourri or dabbing essential oils on light bulbs. ─── Fry说,通常人们会通过摆放几盘百花香或者在灯泡上涂精油来缓解这个情况。

27、a potpourri of short stories and humorous verse. ─── 短篇小说及幽默诗句集锦

28、There's potpourri! ─── |这里有干花!

29、:Fenchyl alcohol is widely used in pine, herbal, lime or potpourri essence and daily chemical (fair antiperspirant, textile softener, liquid detergent). ─── :葑醇可用于木香、草香及柑橘型或某些花香型香精、化妆品、日用化学品(女性止汗剂、纺织品的柔软剂、液体祛垢剂)中。

30、Add a few drops essential oil to a pan of water and simmer on stove or in a potpourri pot. ─── 适量水中加入几滴精油,缓慢加热进行香薰或将精油滴入干花罐中。

31、used as potherb or salad green and sometimes for potpourri or tea or flavoring; ─── 作青菜食用或用作白花香或茶或调味;

32、Jiggling the metal rabs, he finally releases one.A potpourri of bug bodies decorates the sill. ─── 由于多年没有清理,窗台早已变成昆虫标本展览会了。

33、What these readers express in this potpourri of compact, almost aphoristic, lessons is Mr. ─── 多吃肉,每天喝牛奶,这可能是现在的孩子们每天习惯的食谱。

34、4. Add a few drops essential oil to a pan of water and simmer on stove or in a potpourri pot. ─── 翻译:适量水中加入几滴精油,缓慢加热进行香薰或将精油滴入干花罐中。

35、Bouquet: Zing with aromas of fruit and potpourri mingled with elegant character. ─── 气味:气味芳香,有活跃的果香和花香,而且香味优雅。

36、An observing urchin and a rogue, he made a potpourri of the voices of nature and the voices of Paris. ─── 他是小精灵和小淘气,他常把天籁之音和巴黎的声调和成一锅大杂烩。

37、Other bath accessories, such as a loofah sponge, or bath gels, or potpourri, are very optional. ─── 洗澡需要的其他东西,比如丝瓜络、沐浴液、精油都是可选的。

38、Richter: This film was a kind of potpourri which evoked the times of Glinka. There are Pushkin... Tolstoy... It was a great success. ─── 李希特:这部电影是个集锦,勾勒葛令卡当时的时代。片子里有普希金、托尔斯泰...这部电影很成功。

39、A potpourri of rose petal and spice aromas are a surprising contrast to the earthy, gamey flavors which unfold in the mouth. ─── 具明亮的宝石红色,入口呈跟泥土气和野味有强烈反差的玫瑰花香料混合香气。

40、Half of them were written in English, while the remaining quarter included theses written in a potpourri of languages, from German, French and Italian to Russian and a number of other languages. ─── 另外四分之一的论文则包罗万象,从德文、法文、西班牙文到俄文以及其他语言都有。

41、India, too, is trying to reform its potpourri of expenditure taxes. ─── 中国是个储蓄大国,消费小国。

42、To create a happy environment for a woman in Vermont some years ago, Ms. Fry and her organization went way beyond potpourri. ─── 几年前,为了给佛蒙特的一位女士创造一个愉悦的环境,有位女士梦想去夏威夷,但是她没有足够的钱。

43、I use a cracked bowl as a planter pot or to hold potpourri. ─── 我用一个破碎的碗来放置盆栽或混合香料。

44、Is it potpourri? ─── 百花香(香料)?

45、He suggests adding a bowl of floral potpourri,some cut flowers or a floral-secented candle to your child's room:all three provide the same grade-boosting benefits. ─── 他建议大家在孩子的房间里添加一些干花瓣、插花、或者是散发花香的蜡烛。利用这三种东西可以达到相同的、提高孩子考试分数的好处。

46、Over the past 28 years, we have been a reliable source of printed porcelain cups, tableware and potpourri pots. ─── 我们是专业生产瓷器和餐具已有28年经验的台湾公司。

47、use with our selected aroma accessories or add a few drops to refresh potpourri. ─── 使用与我们选定的香气配件或添加几滴刷新花香。

48、And the potpourri was waving around, making the friendship much more fragrance. ─── 花香也一阵一阵地从下面飘上楼来,仿佛把中缅友谊熏得更加芬芳。

49、This provides a potpourri of information (see Listing 7). ─── 它提供了各种信息的混合(请参见清单7)。

50、Chm-VC essence Potpourri Collection lot of skills. ─── 详细说明: VC精华文摘合集大量技巧.

51、A new technical chapter contains a potpourri of tips for using Excel(R). ─── 一新技术章包含一为使用混合讯息优于(R)。

52、But, according to our recent survey, Potpourri is one of our readers' favorite sections. ─── 不过,由本刊所做的一次读者问卷调查结果来看,文摘仍是读者最喜爱的单元。

53、2. Potpourri which has lost its scent can be revived by adding a few drops of essential oil. ─── 在已经没有香味的干花袋中加入几滴精油,可使其重新恢复芳香。

54、Each room is decorated with different small goods to help you to relax like handmade beanbags by our stuff, original picture books, and potpourri made from our home planting. ─── 在具有各种不同雅兴的客房里,常备一些工作人员手工制作的小布袋,自作的画册,由自家栽培的香草制作的香袋,可以温柔地消除旅游给您带来的疲倦。





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