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10-02 投稿


sinapis 发音

英:[[s?'n?p?z]]  美:[[s?'n?p?z]]

英:  美:

sinapis 中文意思翻译



sinapis 短语词组

1、Sinapis alba L. ─── [医] 白芥

2、Sinapis arvensis ─── [网络] 芥子;野芥;欧白芥

3、oleum sinapis aethereum ─── [医] 挥发芥子油

4、linimentum sinapis ─── [医] 芥子搽剂

5、Sinapis nigra ─── [医] 黑芥

6、genus Sinapis ─── [网络] Sinapis属

7、sinapis mustard ─── 芥末 ─── 芥末

8、semen sinapis albae ─── [医] 白芥子

9、semen sinapis nigrae ─── [医] 黑芥

10、spiritus sinapis ─── [医] 芥子醑

11、sinapis semina ─── [医] 芥子

12、balneum sinapis ─── [医] 芥末浴

13、Sinapis juncea L. ─── [医] 芥菜

14、Sinapis alba ─── [网络] 白芥;白芥末;白芥菜

15、oleum sinapis ─── [化] 芥子油 ─── [医] 芥子油

16、semen sinapis ─── [医] 芥子

17、sinapis menu sinapis ─── 菜单

18、emplastra sinapis ─── [医] 芥子硬膏

sinapis 相似词语短语

1、sin-bins ─── n.受罚席;被罚下场的队员席

2、sinopites ─── n.赭石,铁石英

3、sinarchism ─── 僧侣主义

4、sinicise ─── 左

5、sinopis ─── n.赭石颜料

6、sinapism ─── n.[药]芥子泥;芥子硬膏

7、sinopite ─── n.赭石,铁石英

8、sinopia ─── 赭石颜料(一种优质氧化铁红颜料,多见于庞贝等地的壁画)

9、sin bins ─── n.受罚席;被罚下场的队员席

sinapis 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、salad vegetables, such as cress(Sinapis), rocket(Eruca), and watercress(Rorippa);and ornamental plants, e.g.Alyssum, Aubretia, wallflower(Erysimum), stock(Matthiola), and honesty(Lunaria annua). ─── 包括一些经济作物和草药,特别是芸苔属的植物以及一些常见的蔬菜,例如白芥,芝麻芥,焊菜以及一些装饰性的植物,例如庭芥,紫花芥,糖芥,紫罗兰以及缎花等。

2、Aim To determine the level of sinapine thiocyanate and select the optimal extracting procedure for Semen Sinapis albae,Rhizoma Corydalis and Radix Kansui. ─── 目的测定芥子碱硫氰酸盐的含量,并优选白芥子与延胡索、甘遂合并提取的最佳工艺。

3、Objective To develop an HPLC method for the assay of sinapine thiocyanate in Semen Sinapis Albae of different processed products. ─── 目的建立白芥子不同炮制品中芥子碱硫氰酸盐含量测定方法。

4、Sinapis alba L. (Sad) ─── 白芥基因

5、Sinapi has fellowships every other week at the heart of Palo Alto. ─── 活动内容有聚餐,社交,团契,诗歌敬拜,学习圣经,事奉操练,青少年节目,等。

6、oleum sinapis aethereum ─── [医] 挥发芥子油

7、semen sinapis albae ─── [医] 白芥子

8、emplastra sinapis ─── [医] 芥子硬膏

9、linimentum sinapis ─── [医] 芥子搽剂

10、Compound mustar seed (Semen Sinapis Albae) was applied to the acupoints for treatment of 77 cases asthma, 59 rhinopathy, 34 cough, 18 epigastralgia and 10 arthralgia; ─── 用复方白芥子制剂敷贴穴位的天灸疗法治疗198例虚寒证,其中哮喘77例,鼻疾59例,咳嗽34例,胃脘痛18例,痹证10例。

11、Keywords Seman Sinapis Albae;sinapine thiocyanate;HPLC; ─── 白芥子;芥子碱硫氰酸盐;HPLC;

12、Sinapis alba L. ─── [医] 白芥

13、A morphological observation on seed coat of Brassica and Sinapis using scanning electron microscope. ─── 十字花科芸苔属和欧白芥属种子的扫描电镜观察.

14、semen sinapis nigrae ─── [医] 黑芥

15、balneum sinapis ─── [医] 芥末浴

16、Keywords Semen Sinapis Albae Liniment;asthma model; ─── 白芥子涂方;巴布剂;哮喘模型;

17、An Orthogonal Test for Optimization of Procedure of Extracting Procedure to Semen Sinapis Albae, Rhizoma Corydalis and Radix Kansui ─── 正交试验法优选白芥子延胡索甘遂合并提取的工艺

18、Keywords Semen Sinapis;Fructus Evodiae;hot compress;mycoplasmal pneumonia;Chinese medicine; ─── 关键词白芥子;吴茱萸;热敷疗法;支原体肺炎;

19、sinapis aiba ─── 白芥

20、Bai Jie Zi White Mustard Seed Semen Sinapis Albae ─── 白芥子粉末

21、spiritus sinapis ─── [医] 芥子醑

22、Disomic Alien Addition Lines Generated through Microspore Culture from Progeny of Intergeneric Hybrids between Brassica napus and Sinapis alba ─── 通过甘蓝型油菜和白芥属间杂种后代的小孢子培养获得二体异附加系

23、Sinapis juncea L. ─── [医] 芥菜

24、Studies on chemical components of essential oil of crude Semen Sinapis and roasted Semen Sinapis ─── 生、烤芥子挥发油化学成分比较研究

25、Semen Sinapis ─── 芥子

26、Analysis of the Selfing Progenies of Brassica oleracea-Sinapis alba Monosomic Alien Addition Line by GISH ─── 甘蓝-白芥单体异附加系自交后代的GISH分析

27、Effect of Photoperiod on Morphogenesis of Hypocotyl and Cotyledon of Sinapis alba ─── 光周期对白芥下胚轴和子叶形态发生的影响

28、Effect of Photoperiod on Morphogenesis of Hypocotyl and Cotyledon of Sinapis alba ─── 光周期对白芥下胚轴和子叶形态发生的影响

29、Keywords Orthogonal experimental design;Semen Sinapis albae;Sinapine thiocyanate;Extracting procedure; ─── 正交试验法;白芥子;芥子碱硫氰酸盐;提取工艺;

30、Determination of fatty acids in sinapis seed ─── 白芥子中脂肪酸成分的分析

31、embryo sinapis alba test ─── 白芥子胚胎试验

32、Study on the chemical constituents of Sinapis seeds ─── 白芥子化学成分的研究

33、progenies were obtained by a Brassica oleracea-Sinapis alba monosomic alien addition line plant selfing. ─── 甘蓝-白芥单体异附加系自交,获得了其自交后代。

34、Study on the chemical constituents of Sinapis seeds ─── 白芥子化学成分的研究

35、Seman Sinapis Albae ─── 白芥子

36、Analysis of fat-soluble components in seed of sinapis alba by gc/ms ─── 白芥子脂溶性成分的GC-MS分析

37、Preparations from the white mustard plant ("Sinapis alba") have a less pungent flavor than preparations of Brassica nigra. ─── 白芥末植物的制剂比黑芥子的制剂刺激性较小。

38、Irritant herbs (Mylabris, Semen Sinapis Albae, Bulbus Allii) were applied at painful spots or acupoints to vesicate and stop the pains. 50 patients were treated and the results were satisfactory. ─── 选用对肌肤有较强刺激的药物,贴敷在痛点或穴位上使皮肤发泡,以达到治疗疼痛的目的。共治疗50例病人,取得了满意效果。

39、oleum sinapis ─── [化] 芥子油[医] 芥子油

40、Determination of fatty acids in sinapis seed ─── 白芥子中脂肪酸成分的分析

41、Keywords benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH);semen sinapis albae;extractions;growth factors;androgen receptor;immunohistochemistry; ─── 良性前列腺增生;白芥子;提取物;生长因子;雄激素受体;免疫组化;

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