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10-02 投稿


scramble 发音

英:[?skr?mb(?)l]  美:[?skr?mb(?)l]

英:  美:

scramble 中文意思翻译




scramble 网络释义

vt. 攀登;使混杂,仓促凑成;扰乱n. 抢夺,争夺;混乱,混乱的一团;爬行,攀登vi. 爬行,攀登;不规则地生长;仓促行动

scramble 常用词组

scramble for ─── 争夺;勉强拼凑

scramble 短语词组

1、scramble race ─── [体]集体出发赛跑

2、scramble non-return-to-zero change on one ─── [计] 加扰逢"1"变化不归零制

3、scramble along ─── 勉强为生,艰难度日,煳口

4、scramble speech ─── [电] 凑拢语言

5、scramble for power and wealth ─── 争权夺利

6、No Scramble Result ─── 没有混乱的结果

7、scramble into ─── 匆 ─── 匆钻进,赶忙穿上…

8、in a scramble ─── 急忙,赶忙

9、scramble horn ─── 抢角

10、Scramble for Africa ─── 为非洲而战

11、scramble for ─── 争夺, 勉强拼凑

12、scramble up ─── 攀上,爬上,扒拢

13、scramble rule ─── [计] 杂混规则

14、scramble pattern ─── [计] 不规则模式, 不规则格式

15、scramble after ─── 搜索,拼命追求

16、scramble network ─── [计] 杂混网络, 不规则网络

17、scramble time ─── [计] 零星时间

18、scramble through ─── 勉强设法通过…

19、egg scramble ─── 鸡蛋炒

scramble 反义词


scramble 词性/词形变化,scramble变形


scramble 同义词

journey | scrabble | stampede | jostle | struggle | disrupt | scuffle | dart | scuttle | fuse |rush | scamper | beat | throw together | hasten | scoot | tear | run | climb | mix | skin | shin | hurry | combine | bustle | hodgepodge | merge | ascent | hustle | shuffle | hash | scurry | blend | jumble | mingle | crawl | stir | mix up | commotion | sputter | shinny | clamber

scramble 相似词语短语

1、scramblers ─── n.爬行者;[电子]扰频器;周率扰乱器

2、scamble ─── n.懒散地闲荡;扰码

3、unscramble ─── vt.整理;使恢复原状;译出密码

4、descramble ─── [通信]解扰;恢复

5、scrabble ─── v.(忙乱地)扒寻,摸索;(为了找到或抓牢)抓,摸;(动物)用爪子乱抓,挣扎;乱涂;在……上乱扒;快爬;努力,尽力;苦求;n.抓,扒;摸索;努力,尽力;挣扎;涂鸦;(Scrabble)(商标)拼字游戏

6、scrambled ─── adj.仓促的;v.爬行,攀登;笨拙移动,仓促行动;(匆忙或笨拙地)做,取得;争取,争夺;弄乱,搅糟;炒(蛋);紧急起飞;(橄榄球)带球跑到阻截争球线后(scramble的过去式和过去分词)

7、scrabbled ─── v.(忙乱地)扒寻,摸索;(为了找到或抓牢)抓,摸;(动物)用爪子乱抓,挣扎;乱涂;在……上乱扒;快爬;努力,尽力;苦求;n.抓,扒;摸索;努力,尽力;挣扎;涂鸦;(Scrabble)(商标)拼字游戏

8、scrambles ─── v.(迅速而吃力地)爬,攀登;争抢,抢占;艰难地完成,仓促凑成;匆忙穿(衣);炒(蛋);扰码,倒频(改变电话或无线电信号,听众只有通过专门设备才能收听);扰乱(思维);命令(飞机)紧急起飞;(四分卫)带球跑到阻截争球线后避免阻截;弄乱;不规则地生长;n.(尤指需要手脚并用的)艰难行走,攀登;抢夺,争夺;摩托车越野赛;(战斗机)紧急起飞;混乱,混乱的一团

9、scrambler ─── n.爬行者;[电子]扰频器;周率扰乱器

scramble 习惯用语

1、scramble for [to get] sth. ─── 争夺某物; 竞争某物

scramble 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Moscow must sheathe its sabre before the Arctic turns into a colonial scramble. ─── 在殖民争夺战在北极上演之前,莫斯科的马刀一定不能出鞘。

2、Climbing Mount St. Helens is more than a hike; it's a stroll through the woods, a scramble over rocks, then a slog up the ashes for the final ascent. ─── 圣海伦火山,当年惊天一爆,至今还是满目苍夷.还记得那铺天盖地的火山灰,令白天有如黑夜,每天驾车上班第一件事便是打开花园水龙头把车上厚厚的火山灰洗掉.

3、Your habit, your conditioning, is to scramble to reestablish, somehow, a sense of Identity. ─── 你的习性使你不由自主地想要重建存在感。

4、The others may have to scramble to make much headway. ─── 其他人可能需要互相竞争以期取得更大的进展。

5、Meanwhile,Getter had managed to scramble out the locomotive door. The train had slowed to about 20 miles an hour,still enough to crush the child,or him if he fell. ─── 与此同时,格特爬出了机车的车门,火车已经减速到每小时20英里了,但这个速度仍然足以轧死孩子,如果他摔下去的话也会轧死他自己。

6、The mere whiff of devaluation would cause a bank run: people would scramble to deposit their euros with foreign banks to avoid forced conversion to the new, weaker currency. ─── 仅仅一阵贬值将会引起银行挤兑:人们会争先将他们的欧元存入外国银行从而避免被迫转换为新的弱势货币。

7、Dearer pump prices set off a scramble to swap gas-guzzlers for smaller vehicles, which in turn led to a collapse of residual values. ─── 与日俱增的油价促使人们把耗油车换乘小型车,导致车的剩余价值下降。

8、F. days when the senior officer called for a scramble, you'd hop in the old crate and tallyho. ─── 又回到了我在皇家空军的日子,长官命令紧急起飞,你得马上跳进破机舱里,大声吆喝。

9、When eating, he daren't scramble for food, so it always eats the remains of other's. ─── 吃东西时,他不敢跟别人争,总是独自拣着吃别人吃剩下的。

10、The cub, who was just a few months old, even tried to scramble up again but was thwarted by his victorious sibling. ─── 只有几个月大的小熊仔还想再爬上去搏斗一番,无奈,刚取胜的熊兄弟没给它这个机会。

11、He broke his leg in his scramble down the wall. ─── 他爬墙摔断了腿。

12、Its doorsill is low the profit pattern with be mixed relatively mature is to let scramble for sth of a lot of medium and small businesses more. ─── 其门槛低和较为成熟的赢利模式更是让很多中小企业趋之若鹜。

13、A table was pushed over in the scramble. ─── 在混乱中一张桌子被推翻了。

14、On Christmas morning, Australian children wake as early as is humanly possible and scramble to discover what Santa has brought. ─── 在圣诞节早上,澳洲小朋友会尽期所能地早起,争相找出耶诞老公公带来了什麽礼物。

15、A lot of time to scramble for students from the lawn Taguo, many students like to draw on the walls of Tu Tu draw many students Dafan you for robbing me. ─── 不少同学为了抢时间就从草坪上踏过,不少同学喜欢在墙壁上涂涂划划,不少同学打饭你争我抢。

16、One time, "food was" all the media scramble to become the target of speculation. ─── 一时间,“食尚”成为各个媒体争相炒作的对象。

17、ASIA'S biggest countries are locked in a battle for control of a Canadian oil company as they step up their scramble for energy assets to feed their fast-growing economies. ─── 亚洲最大的两个国家正为了获得对加拿大石油公司的控制权而争得不可开交。为了保证他们快速增长的经济发展,他们正在加速对能源的争夺。

18、Lucky," Pilot"(4/8/03). Since he's blown all the prize money from his poker competition a year before, Lucky has to scramble to pay back his in-laws for his wife's funeral. ─── 乐奇》之〈导者〉2003年4月8日)由于输掉了一年前打纸牌游戏时赢得的奖金,乐奇为举办妻子的葬礼不得不抢钱去还给亲家。

19、Dong Zhuo Failure AD 200 years after the scramble for the Central Plains of the five major groups: Hebei Yuan Shao, public Sun, Henan Cao Cao, Riboud,yuan shu Huainan. ─── 公元200年董卓败亡后,争逐中原的主要五大集团:河北袁绍、公孙敬、河南曹操、吕布、淮南袁术。

20、In some ways, the scramble to attract applicants has helped students. ─── 从某种意义上讲,这种吸引申请者的混乱帮助了学生们。

21、To scramble access codes to(computerized information) so as to prevent unauthorized access. ─── 加密,译成密码扰乱(计算机存储信息)存取密码以防止非法侵入

22、The inexperienced young hopefuls were pushed aside in the scramble for places. ─── 在求职竞争中,没有经验但年轻有为的人都给挤掉了。

23、Ben scramble back to his feet as fast as he could. But the skeleton was right in front of him. ─── 本手忙脚乱地爬起来接着赶快跑,可那骷髅就站在他面前。

24、Buck Mulligan made way for him to scramble past and, glancing at Haines and Stephen, crossed himself piously with his thumbnail at brow and lips and breastbone. ─── 勃克·穆利根闪过身子,让他爬过去,瞥了海恩斯和斯蒂芬一眼,用大拇指甲虔诚地在额头、嘴唇和胸骨上面了十字[126]。

25、They will feel that in the scramble for rebounds, the Tigers have a general opponent of confrontation with them. ─── 他们会感觉到在争夺篮板时,会有老虎一般的对手与他们对抗。"

26、To scramble (a signal or message), as by erroneous encoding or faulty transmission. ─── 使混乱,使不清楚:通过错误的编码或错误的传送搅乱(信号或消息)

27、More than three million fans are expected to scramble for tickets. ─── 预计会有三百万以上的歌迷抢购门票。

28、The board must now scramble to pick a successor before he leaves. ─── 在他离任之前,董事会必须立刻挑选继任者。

29、In other households, the impulse to go online before getting out the door adds an extra layer of chaos to the already discombobulating morning scramble. ─── 在其他家庭中,未踏出家门就想上网的冲动给本来就已经混乱的清晨时间又增加了一层混乱。

30、Critics say such munificence is just a way for Chinese firms to get a leg up over competitors in the scramble to lock up Africa's resources. ─── 有批评人士称,中国的慷慨只是为了让中国公司在获取非洲资源方面得到竞争优势。

31、Because in its scramble to reach the nectar, a whole bundle of pollen-packets sticks to the wasp between its feelers. ─── 因为黄蜂寻找花蜜时,触角之间会粘上一小包花粉。

32、In course of the Turkish empire declining rapidly, the great powers of Europe started to scramble for the empire's heritage. ─── 在土耳其帝国日薄西山的过程中 ,欧洲列强开始了争夺帝国遗产的斗争。

33、They began to scramble out of the excavation, darting furious glances behind them. ─── 他们一边开始往土坑外爬,一边回头怒视着我们。

34、They are fuzzily committed to EU “values”, but will readily trample on those in a scramble to secure jobs and cheap goods for their voters. ─── 他们轻描淡写的提到欧盟的“价值”,但当为了讨好选民而争夺安全的工作岗位和廉价货物时,转眼又会将这种价值踩在脚下。

35、He may scramble up the bank to follow you. ─── 他可能会慌乱的爬过河岸,为了跟上你。

36、They can frighten you, scramble your brains, make you tremble. ─── 他们可以恐吓你,打破你的脑袋,使你胆战心惊。

37、That, in turn, can make a difference in the scramble for talent. ─── 反过来,这在争夺人才时也至关重要。

38、Yet fortune and merit do not always march in lockstep in today's energy scramble. ─── 但在今天的能源争夺战中,财富未必等于绩效。

39、And if you get involved in every disagreement of every point of Consciousness, your life's just going to be in a scramble. ─── 如果你只是纠缠于这每个意识的分歧点,你的生活就将是场争夺战。

40、A wild duck saw this and mocked them, "All you nine heads tried to do is make food into one stomach, but why do you scramble for it? ─── 一只野鸭看见了,耻笑它们说:“九张嘴吃食物,都是吃进一个肚子,你们为什么要互相争抢呢?

41、One active PE scrambler, can be used to scramble the file packed by UPX... ─── 充满活力的PE文件混乱工具,可以对PE文件进行简单的优化;同时还可以对UPX压缩过的文件进行混乱...

42、an undignified scramble for the best seats. ─── 争抢最好的位子,真是有失体统。

43、He looked back and saw Lisa waiting there, head erect, watching him. He realized he had reacted with a fighter jock's reflexes, the headlong run of a hot scramble. ─── 他转过身看见丽莎等在那里,高昂着头望着他。他意识到自己的反应象是十足的战斗机飞行员,一头冲向战机,紧急起飞。

44、"The twin towers were first attacked at 8:45 a.m.," he said, "and four flights were diverted from their assigned air space, and yet Air Force jets didn't scramble until 10 a.m. ─── “双塔首先于早上8:45受到攻击,”他说,“四架航班从其指定的飞行轨道被转向,而空军喷汽飞机直到上午10:00还没有紧急起飞。

45、It was a long scramble to the top of the hill. ─── 到山顶须要爬登一段长路。

46、In our code we scramble letters,so words are unrecognisable. ─── 在我们的密码里我们把字母顺序打乱了,所以里面的单词是无法辨认的。

47、But the risk of default grew when low interest rates cut bank revenue and prompted lenders to scramble for new customers. ─── 但是当低利率削减了银行的收入并鼓励贷款者争夺新的客户时,默认的风险又会增加。

48、To get precise measurements for the tailoring, McCartney had to scramble up a ladder. ─── 但为了要测量出精确的尺寸,麦卡尼得爬上梯子才办得到。

49、How can you scramble up such a steep hillside? ─── 你怎么能爬上这么陡峭的山坡?

50、Those who seek wealth in their lives scramble for interest as soon as they see it. They become exhausted and forget dinner and sleep. ─── 人生的道路上以追求财富为志者,他们看见金钱利益就趋之若鹜,弄得精疲力尽,废寝忘食。

51、He can get over a stile without danger, scramble through a tangled hedge without being caught, come down a slippery path without falling. ─── 他能够安然无恙地跨越栅栏,能够攀过纷乱的树篱而不被刮伤,也能够走过光滑的地面而不跌倒。

52、You learn to scramble and move quikly. ─── 你要学会抢先,动作要快。

53、It is not just the scramble for customers in new markets that will divide the industry into winners and losers. ─── 在汽车产业中,划分胜利者与失败者决不只是靠在新市场抢夺市场份额。

54、If you scramble information before it's sent, eavesdroppers can't hear what you say or read what you're written. ─── 你在信息发出去之前倒换频率,窃听者就不能听到你说什么或看到你写了什么。

55、As investors scramble to protect themselves from the next credit flare-up in Europe, their worries are spreading to the U. K. ─── 投资者急急忙忙地防范欧洲爆发下一轮信用危机之时,他们的担忧已经扩散到了英国。

56、The three boys began to scramble up. ─── 三个男孩开始向上登攀。

57、There was a mad scramble for the best seats. ─── 人们不顾一切地抢占最好的座位。

58、You hand in this, you and your rabbit to piracy in the name of mad scramble carrot. . . Be able to scramble on to see how much you own it! ─── 在这款手游里你和你的兔子以海盗的名义疯狂抢夺胡萝卜。。。能抢多少就看你自已的了!

59、But there is a scramble to investigate disaffection among white voters. ─── 但是,白人投票者的不满被争相研究。

60、At the same time, in pace with steady growth of refugees, it a lso arouses the scramble for resources and social order problem etc. ─── 同时随着流民持续不断地涌入 ,人地关系的恶化 ,也引发了资源争夺以及社会秩序等方面的冲突。

61、The Turki realm later split into the eastern and western sides which fought ceaselessly in their scramble for the khanate. ─── 公元552年突厥首领土门打败柔然,以漠北(蒙古高原大沙漠以北地区)为中心建立政权,尔后分裂为东西两部,为争夺汗权争斗不休。

62、The inexperienced young promising men were pushed aside in the scramble for places. ─── 在求职竞争中, 没有经验的有为青年都给挤掉了。

63、To scramble(a signal or message), as by erroneous encoding or faulty transmission. ─── 使混乱,使不清楚通过错误的编码或错误的传送搅乱(信号或消息)

64、You learn to scramble and move quickly. ─── 你要学会抢先,动作要快。

65、Treasury changed a bill design, however, makers of validators had to scramble to install new integrated circuit chips in hundreds of thousands of machines. ─── 1998年,美国财政部决定发行新版的5元及10元纸钞时,采取了较为简单的办法。

66、He made shift to scramble up its sides. ─── 他设法从它边上爬上去。

67、Unbelievable, but school is starting up again. And that means that the dreaded early-morning scramble is starting, too. ─── 令人难以相信,又要开学了。而这意味着每天早晨令人可怕的忙乱也要开始了。

68、All this activity has led to a scramble by companies to recruit Indian executives who can operate at an international level. ─── 所有这些行动导致企业争相聘用具有国际经营能力的印度高管。

69、He was knocked down in the scramble, but he quickly picked himself up and dusted himself down. ─── 他在争抢中被撞倒了,但他很快就站起来,拍掉身上的尘土。

70、If the encryption can be decomposed, than the encryption isn't good because it didn't scramble things well," he said. ─── 但如果一个加密的对象可以被分解的话,那么说明这个加密技 术不够好,因为加密没有充分地混淆原始数据。”

71、You run to your connecting flight, flash your ticket just in time and scramble into your seat. ─── 你赶忙到登机口,及时验了票,匆匆坐上位子。

72、She managed to scramble out of the vehicle as it burst into flames. ─── 她设法从突然起火的车里爬了出来。

73、Two competitors scramble up 60-foot (18-meter) poles in the speed-climbing event at a lumberjack tournament. ─── 在伐木工人锦标赛的竞速攀爬项目中,两名选手正在攀爬60英尺(18米)高的树桩。

74、Beijing fight with Toronto,Osaka,Istanbul and Paris to scramble for the host of the Summer Olympics of 2008. ─── 北京与多伦多、大阪、伊斯坦布尔和巴黎争夺2008年夏季奥运会的主办权。

75、Le Poittevin and I followed yelling like lunatics and, after a mad scramble in the dark, we at last brought out the burglar. ─── 伯君与某亦入,鼓噪喧嚷,如疯似癫。黑暗之中混乱一片,方出贼于柜。

76、The expectations are different now, as the Yankees scramble to simply make the rest of their games relevant. ─── 可是现在情况不同了,洋基面临这最后抢胜的阶段,每一场比赛非常重要。

77、The inexperienced young hopefuls pushed aside in the scramble for places. ─── 在求职竞争中,没有经验的有为青年都给挤掉了.

78、But while the scramble is understandable, experts are skeptical about just how useful they are. ─── 人们这样做尽管可以理解,但不少专家依旧质疑这样做的效果。

79、Scramble - randomly redistributes selected text. ─── 争夺战-重新分配,随机选取的文字。

80、In the scramble to escape certain death, Wam grabbed a hunting rifle that had fallen into the pit. ─── 在逃命的过程中,万抢到一把掉入洞中的猎枪。

81、Security features like 128-bit WEP and WPA can scramble or "encrypt" network traffic so that its contents can not easily be deciphered by snoopers. ─── 像128位的WEP协议和WPA协议加密网络信息的安全特性就使得窥探者不容易解密。

82、A lot of real estate giant developers scramble to enter into the Hexi New City, including Vanke, Zhonghai, Wanda and etc., who are ambitious for this promising land. ─── 发展的空间、市场的需求、广阔的前景就像一块磁石,使全国各地有实力的开发商纷至沓来。

83、Do you know how to scramble eggs? ─── 你知道怎么炒蛋吗?

84、But here also implies a danger: If the above occurs, investors will scramble to evacuate the bond market. ─── 但这里又隐含着危险:如果上述情况出现,投资者会争相撤离国债市场。

85、A wild duck saw this and mocked them, “All you nine heads tried to do is make food into one stomach, but why do you scramble for it? ─── 一只野鸭看见了,耻笑它们说:“九张嘴吃食物,都是吃进一个肚子,你们为什么要互相争抢呢?”

86、In other words, In the past few years, online advertising is not a strong scramble up the TV ads, but grabbed a newspaper ad. ─── 也就是说,在过去几年网络广告强劲上涨并不是抢了电视的广告,而是抢了报纸的广告。”

87、But it led instead to a scramble for resources, to growing nationalism and to conflicts that claimed the lives of millions. ─── 事实上全球化却导致了资源争夺,民族主义加剧,地区间冲突导致上百万人因此丧生。

88、However, now older and wiser, I remember my mother's words as I scramble into bed at 11 o'clock. ─── 可是现在,因为我年龄大了,也比以前更懂事了,每当我在晚上11点钟爬进被子里时,我就想起了我妈所说的话。

89、When eating, it daren't scramble for food, so it always eats the remains of other's. ─── 吃东西时,它也不敢跟别的鸟儿争,总是独自拣着吃其他鸟儿所吃剩下的食物。

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