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10-02 投稿


mouldy 发音

英:[?mo?ldi]  美:[?m??ldi]

英:  美:

mouldy 中文意思翻译



mouldy 网络释义

n. 鱼雷adj. 发霉的;旧式的;腐朽的

mouldy 短语词组

1、mouldy chops ─── [网络] 发霉的食物

mouldy 词性/词形变化,mouldy变形


mouldy 相似词语短语

1、goldy ─── adj.金黄的;似黄金的;n.红额金翅雀;黄雀;n.(Goldy)(美、印、俄、阿、英)戈尔迪(人名)

2、moulded ─── 铸造

3、moulder ─── v.腐朽,腐烂;碎裂;废弃;n.制模工,铸工;印刷一套用于制版的电印版;n.(Moulder)(美、英、加)莫尔德(人名)

4、moulin ─── n.冰川锅穴;n.(Moulin)人名;(法、意)穆兰

5、moulds ─── n.模具(mould的复数);模子;v.用模子制作(mould的第三人称单数)

6、moule ─── n.(法)淡菜;贻贝,壳菜;n.(Moule)人名;(法)穆勒;(英)莫尔

7、moldy ─── adj.发霉的;乏味的;陈腐的

8、smouldry ─── 闷烧炉

9、mould ─── n.模具,铸模;(人的)个性,类型;霉,霉菌;耕作土壤,腐殖土;v.(用模具)浇铸,塑造;对……施加影响;将…塑造成;紧贴于,吻合(轮廓);使长霉;n.(Mould)(美、爱、英)莫尔德(人名)

mouldy 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Strawberries go mouldy very quickly. ─── 草莓很容易发霉。

2、Let's get rid of this mouldy old furniture. ─── 咱们把这件老掉牙的旧家具扔掉吧。

3、The grain has gone mouldy in the stack. ─── 垛里的谷子发霉了。

4、Mouldy taste, musty taste.Flavour imparted toa wine by mouldy grapes or storage in mouldy casks. ─── 醋酸的 :用于描述发生醋酸化的葡萄酒,以及此类葡萄酒所散发出的气味。

5、But residents old enough to remember a 2003 scandal involving mouldy mooncakes, probably will not mind. ─── 不过,如果上海市民还记得2003年的一桩发霉月饼丑闻的话,他们很可能不会介意这一点。

6、Keywords compound feed;plant mould inhibitor;mouldy;quality deterioration; ─── 配合饲料;植物性防霉剂;霉变;品质劣变;

7、I care not to haunt the mouldy stillness, for I go in search of everlasting youth; I throw away all that is not one with my life nor as light as my laughter. ─── 我不愿流连于腐烂静止,因为我要去寻找永驻的青春;一切与我生命无关的、所有不似我笑声轻盈的,我都要彻底地抛却。

8、Oranges can be kept for a long time without getting mouldy. ─── 橙子可以存放很久而不发霉。

9、become [go] mouldy ─── 发霉

10、When this happens,we say that bread "has gone mouldy". ─── 这种情况发生时我们说那面包"发霉"了.

11、Corked taste, corkiness, corky. Taste imparted to bottled wines by defective or mouldy corks. ─── 酒塞味:装瓶后的葡萄酒由于酒塞低劣或发霉变质而带上的味道。

12、Some question of preventing sauce from going mouldy ─── 防止酱油霉变工作中不容忽视的几个问题

13、mouldy sweet potato poisoning ─── 霉变甘薯中毒

14、We is really at a loss to understand why over half of the latest lot is find mouldy or even worm eat. ─── 我们真的难以理解最近这一批货一多半发现变霉或者被虫蛀。

15、In high moisture places, MDF board usually moulds and its properties deteriorate.Moreover, mouldy MDF could seriously pollute the living environment. ─── 在湿度较大的地区和潮湿的场所,中密度纤维板(下称中纤板)因长期受潮而产生霉变,使其性能受损,更为严重的是污染了居住环境。

16、The sloth pays such little attention to its personal hygiene that green algae grow on its coarse hair and communities of a parasitic moth live in the depths of its coat producing caterpillars which graze on its mouldy hair. ─── 树獭即不讲究卫生,以至于它粗糙的毛发上生出绿苔,成群的寄生蛾生长在它的皮毛深处,变成毛毛虫,并以它的脏毛为食。

17、I care not to haunt the mouldy stillness,for I go in search of everlasting youth; ─── 我不愿流连于腐烂的静止,我要去寻找永驻的青春;

18、When peace came, however, the soldier changed. He put the Horse out in a field full of thistles and gave it only a little mouldy hay to eat. ─── 战争结束了,士兵却变了。他把马拉到长满蓟的野地里,只给它一点儿发霉的干草吃。

19、There was a stone bench in one corner, one or two mouldy statues, several lattices which had lost their nails with time, were rotting on the wall,there were no walks nor turf; ─── 在一个角落里有一条石凳,两个或三个生了青苔的雕像,几处贴墙的葡萄架,钉子已被时间拔落,在墙上腐烂;

20、In another case, the inspectors discovered dirt-encrusted2 containers for cooked foods and salads with rat droppings3 next to boxes of vegetables, some of which were mouldy. ─── 另一个案例,检查人员发现贮存熟食及沙律的容器上,布满灰尘及老鼠的排泄物,旁边还有一盒盒的蔬菜,当中亦有些已发霉。

21、And old shoes and clouted upon their feet, and old garments upon them; and all the bread of their provision was dry and mouldy. ─── 5将补过的旧鞋穿在脚上,把旧衣服穿在身上。他们所带的饼都是乾的,长了霉了。

22、No need to clean the filter of all the mouldy food that gets caught in it- it all gets minced. ─── 掉在过滤器里的残渣也不用清理掉,它会被切碎。

23、By and by, all the bread began to get mouldy and sour and bad to eat. ─── " (不一会儿,全部面包开始变得发霉和酸和坏掉。

24、Strawberries go mouldy very quickly. ─── 草莓很容易发霉。

25、Emergency Treatment and Preventing Going Mouldy Measure of Grain Generating Heat ─── 粮食发热的紧急处理及霉变预防措施

26、He found that the mouldy old haditation somewhat depressed his bride. ─── 他却觉得,他这位新娘子,见了这所又老又旧的住宅,仿佛有点儿心情郁抑。

27、He found that the mouldy old habitation somewhat depressed his bride. ─── 他却觉得,他这位新娘子,见了这所又老又旧的住宅,仿佛有点儿心情郁抑。

28、This story is not a mouldy fare from the past but nourishment for now. ─── 这个故事不是发霉的古董,而是新鲜的营养。

29、The newspapers grew mouldy on the tables. ─── 报纸在桌子上发霉了。

30、go mouldy ─── 变霉

31、Check hay is good quality, it should have a fresh sweet smell, not dusty or mouldy. ─── 检查乾草的质量,它应该有新鲜的香味,而不是尘土飞扬或霉变。

32、We had a mouldy holiday it rained every day. ─── 我们假日过得无聊极了--每天都下雨.

33、I care not to haunt the mouldy stillness, for I go in search of evertasting youth; ─── 我不想流连于腐朽的沉寂,因为我要去寻找永恒的青春;

34、The enveloping paper was of a greenish hue, and appeared to be mouldy. ─── 好象一部八开的书,用纸包着,纸发绿色,象霉了似的。

35、mouldy odour ─── 霉味

36、Report of Case on Mouldy Strw Poisoning in Goats ─── 山羊霉稻草中毒病例报告

37、Corked, corky: Fault in wine caused by a contaminated cork. Corked wine is easier to recognise than to describe: it is woody, mouldy, stale and mouth-puckering. ─── 带木塞味的:受污染的木塞所引起的葡萄酒中的不愉快感。酒中的软木塞味虽难以描述但很容易被辨别出来:带有木材,霉朽和陈腐的味道,且口感粗涩。

38、Keywords Fresh Meat;Subfresh Meat Mouldy Pork;Microganism Toxin Parallel Degree; ─── 新鲜肉;次鲜肉;变质肉;微生物毒素;平行程度;

39、If one apple goes mouldy, will that make the others rot too? ─── 如果一个苹果开始烂了,是不是其他的也会烂呢?

40、Studies on Aetiology of Mouldy Sorghum Poisoning in Ducklings-Analysis and Identification of Metabolites of P.expansum ─── 雏鸭霉高粱中毒的病因研究扩展青霉代谢产物的分析与鉴定

41、Pretty mouldy pay increase this year. ─── 我们今年的加薪少得可怜。

42、A quarter of them went mouldy. ─── 有1/4的货物发霉了。

43、We went to the Golden Cross at Charing Cross, then a mouldy sort of establishment in a close neighbourhood ─── 我们来到查令十字架广场的“金十字”旅馆,那时它是一个过了时的地方,坐落在一个人口稠密的地区。

44、Diagnosis and Treatment on Pig Toxicosis of Mouldy Corn ─── 猪霉玉米中毒的临床症状及防治

45、Effects of Several Chinese Herbal Medicines on Preventing Feed from Going Mouldy ─── 几种中草药防霉效果的研究

46、Though well reputed, you supply the mediocre food : the steak is too hard to eat, the vegetables are over-cooked, the dessert is mouldy taste. ─── 虽然贵店的声誉良好,饭菜却很一般:牛排硬得咬不动,蔬菜烧得太过,甜品有霉味。

47、We had a mouldy holiday - it rained every day ─── 我们的假日过得好无聊,每天都下雨。

48、1. Foods are easily to be mouldy in humid days. ─── 潮湿的日子里,食物很容易发霉。

49、Three mould species such as aspergillus, aureobasidium and scopulariopsis were isolated from mouldy architectural latex paint, and the fungusproof perforance of which was studied. ─── 从霉变建筑乳胶涂膜上分离出曲霉属、短梗霉属和帚霉属3种霉菌属,研究了建筑乳胶涂料的防霉性。

50、She chucked the mouldy potatoes in the dustbin. ─── 她把发霉的土豆扔进垃圾箱。

51、Diagnosis on Poisoning by Mouldy Feedstuff ─── 奶牛霉饲料中毒的诊断

52、4. No Spinning Value Cotton: mouldy cotton, water damaged cotton, oil stained cotton, burned cotton, cotton waste and linters, etc. ─── 生产各种车用地毯,车用内饰毯,无纺地毯,展览毯,土工布,普通针刺棉、毡类产品。收藏指正

53、A: We examined the merchandise and were astonished to find that a quarter of them went mouldy and there was humidity in the box. ─── 我们检查了这次的货物,让我们很吃惊的是有1/4的货物竟然发霉了,而且箱内有潮气。

54、mouldy bread/cheese ─── 发霉的面包/干酪

55、The thickening stench hangs over the city, a metaphor for the wider decay in Russian society where aristocrats dance the night away and the poor starve in mouldy rooms. ─── 恶臭不断蔓延,笼罩着整个圣彼得堡,它象征着俄国社会一步步走向腐朽。在这里,贵族通宵达旦,载歌载舞;穷人却在发霉的屋子里忍饥挨饿。

56、She said the Serpent, informed her that "chestnut" was a figurative term meaning an aged and mouldy joke. ─── 她说那条蛇告诉她,“栗子”只是一个比喻而已,比喻陈腐的笑话。

57、85. The sloth pays such little attention to its personal hygiene that green algae grow on its coarse hair and communities of a parasitic moth live in the depths of its coat producing caterpillars which graze on its mouldy hair. ─── 85. 树獭即不讲究卫生,以至于它粗糙的毛发上生出绿苔,成群的寄生蛾生长在它的皮毛深处,变成毛毛虫,并以它的脏毛为食。

58、Four feedstuffs in common use (maise, soybean meal, rapeseed meal and fish meal) water activity adsorption isotherms and laws in quality change of mouldy were researched in this paper. ─── 本试验研究了四种饲料原料(玉米、豆粕、菜粕、鱼粉)水活性等温吸附曲线及霉变后品质变化规律。

59、Leaving the door ajar, amid the stench of mouldy limewash and stale cobwebs he undid his braces. ─── 门半掩着,在发霉的石灰浆和陈年的蜘蛛网的臭气中,解下了背带。

60、mouldy rice-grains ─── 头屑米

61、By accident, there was a mouldy fungus growing on one of his agar plates. ─── 他偶然地发现,一个培养皿里面长出了霉菌。

62、In summer, at twilight, one saw, here and there, a few old women seated at the foot of the elm, on benches mouldy with rain.These good old women were fond of begging. ─── 夏季,将近黄昏时,这里那里,有些老婆子,带着被雨水浸到发霉的凳子,坐在榆树下向人乞讨。

63、The paper focuses on the measures of mould prevention for the steamed food made of flour, expounding the reasons why steamed food goes mouldy so easily and the methods for mould prevention. ─── 重点讨论蒸制食品防止霉变的措施。论述蒸制食品易于长霉的原因,通过实验找出适宜的防霉方法。

64、mouldy suggrcane poisoning ─── 霉变甘蔗中毒

65、leaving the door ajar , amid the stench of mouldy limewash and stale cobwebs he undid his braces. ─── 门半掩着,在发霉的石灰浆和陈年的蜘蛛网的臭气中,解下了背带。

66、We fly in the planes and we eat the mouldy fruit salad. ─── 你们会说,我们在飞机上飞,我们吃腐烂的水果沙拉。

67、When peace came, however, the soldier changed. He put the Horse out in a field full of thistles and gave it only a little mouldy hay to eat. ─── 战争结束了,士兵却变了。他把马拉到长满蓟的野地里,只给它一点儿发霉的干草吃。

68、Mouldy taste: musty taste.Flavor imparted to a wine by mouldy grapes or storage in mouldy casks. ─── 霉味: 由于葡萄发霉或贮存在发霉的酒桶中而使葡萄酒带上的不良风味。

69、5 And old shoes and clouted upon their feet, and old garments upon them; and all the bread of their provision was dry and mouldy. ─── 将补过的旧鞋穿在脚上,把旧衣服穿在身上。他们所带的饼都是乾的,长了霉了。

70、This room has been left vacant for a long time, so there is a mouldy smell. ─── 这屋子老不住人,有股霉味儿。

71、Some combatants, having discovered a few crusts of rather mouldy bread, in a drawer, were eagerly devouring them. ─── 几个战士在抽屉中找到了一些几乎发霉的面包皮,贪婪地吃着。

72、No feed that has become mouldy and rotten, or deteriorated in quality, or moth-eaten or polluted may be used for feeding experimental animals. ─── 霉烂、变质、虫蛀、污染的饲料,不得用于饲喂实验动物。

73、Studies on Aetiology of Feed Poisoning of Ducklings Caused by Eating Mouldy Husked Gaoliang (Chinese Sorghum) in Yakeshi area ─── 牙克石地区雏鸭霉高粱中毒的病因研究

74、This house has not been lived in for a long time, so it smells mouldy. ─── 这个屋子已经很久没人居住了,散发着霉气。

75、I've selected small mouldy room with a low ceiling in a hostel next to Yunlin's. ─── 我看上一间又低,又小,又霉的的东房,这是在云霖的隔壁一家叫大元的公寓里。

76、We had a mouldy holiday - it rainedevery day. ─── 我们的假日过得好无聊,每天都下雨。

77、The bread has gone mouldy. ─── 这面包发霉了。

78、Since mouldy paper may cause great loss in ourselves, corporations and countries, people pay more attention to mouldy paper products in recent years. ─── 纸张的霉变会使个人、企业和国家遭受到不可挽回的损失。近年来,人们愈来愈关注纸及其制品的霉变问题。

79、Research on Historical Data of Fenjiu Recorded in Files of Officially Approved Zouzhe that Banned Collecting Mouldy Bran to Make Liquor in the First Year of Qianlong ─── 乾隆初年禁踩曲烧酒朱批奏折档案中所载汾酒史料考述

80、mouldy tongue with yellowish fur ─── 庼中黄苔舌

81、In laboratory condition the surface of fibreboard painted with compound TBZ did not become mouldy in 120 days,while the 20% of that coated with TBZ directly mixed in the paint became mouldy. ─── 在实验条件下,经其涂刷的纤维板表面涂料120天不长霉,而直接涂料中添加同浓度TBZ的试验组,有20%的表面是点状局限生长的霉菌。

82、Corked taste,Corkiess,Corky.Taste imparted to bottled wines by defective or mouldy corks. ─── 酒塞味:装瓶后的葡萄酒由于酒塞低劣或发霉变质而变上的味道。

83、We should take precautions against the damp, to prevent the grain from going mouldy. ─── 我们要做好防潮工作,预防粮食霉损。

84、And communities of a parasitic moth live in the depths of its coat producing caterpillars which graze on its mouldy hair. ─── 成群的寄生蛾生长在它的皮毛深处,变成毛毛虫,并以它的脏毛为食。

85、Mouldy taste, musty taste. Flavour imparted to a wine by mouldy grapes or storage in mouldy casks. ─── 霉味:由于葡萄发霉或贮存在发霉的酒桶中而使葡萄酒带上的不良风味。

86、Hunger made viands once repugnant, now acceptable;he held the plate in his hand for an hour at a time, and gazed thoughtfully at the morsel of bad meat, of tainted fish, of black and mouldy bread. ─── 过去,人一看到这此食物就恶心,现在由于饥饿难忍,看到这些食物觉得非常可口的,有几次,他整小时的把盘子端在手里,凝视着那不满一口的腐肉,臭鱼和发霉的黑面包。

87、No Spinning Value Cotton: mouldy cotton, water damaged cotton, oil stained cotton, burned cotton, cotton waste and linters, etc. ─── 无纺用价值棉花:霉变棉、水渍棉、油污棉、火烧棉、棉花废料、棉短绒等。

88、Diane Duyser, from Florida, says the sandwich has never gone mouldy since she made it 10 years ago. ─── 来自佛罗里达的黛安·德伊瑟说,这块三明治是她10年前做的,10年来它从未发霉变质。

89、We are really at a loss to understand why over half of the latest lot be find mouldy or even worm - ate. ─── 我们真的难以理解最近这一批货一多半发现变霉或者被虫蛀。

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