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10-02 投稿


millionth 发音

英:[?m?lj?nθ]  美:[?m?lj?nθ]

英:  美:

millionth 中文意思翻译




millionth 网络释义

n. 百万分之一;第一百万adj. 百万分之一的;第一百万的

millionth 短语词组

1、one-millionth ─── [网络] 第一百万;第百万

2、one-hundred-millionth ─── [网络] 十亿分之一

millionth 词性/词形变化,millionth变形


millionth 相似词语短语

1、millions ─── n.数百万

2、billionths ─── num.第十亿个;n.十亿的(人或物);十亿分之一;adj.第十亿个的;adv.第十亿个地

3、millionths ─── n.第一百万;百万分之一;adj.第一百万的;百万分之一的

4、billionth ─── num.第十亿个;n.十亿的(人或物);十亿分之一;adj.第十亿个的;adv.第十亿个地

5、zillionths ─── Zillions公司

6、million ─── n.百万;无数;adj.百万的;无数的;num.百万;n.(Million)(美、法)米利翁(人名)

7、zillionth ─── 齐利昂

8、trillionth ─── n.(英)第一百万兆,百万兆分之一;(美)第一万亿;万亿分之一;adj.(英)第一百万兆的,百万兆分之一的;(美)第一万亿的;万亿分之一的

9、jillionth ─── 吉利翁

millionth 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Linguistic spats aside, what the "millionth" new word would has been a subject of intense debate. ─── 语言学的争论先放在一边,“第100万个”新单词花落谁家也是引起激烈争论的问题。

2、The rounded particle measured only about one micrometer, or one millionth of a meter, across. ─── 该圆形微粒直径仅有约一微米(相当于:一百万分之一米)。

3、Furthermore, the x-ray emission is not produced continuously but happens in rapid bursts a millionth of a second apart. ─── 且X射线并非连续放射,而是以每百万分之一秒迸放一次的型态快速发生。

4、A millionth of an inch is an infinitesimal length. ─── 一英寸的百万分之一是极小的长度。

5、The width of a proton is a thousandth of the width of an atom, the width of an atom is a millionth of the width of a hair, and the width of a hair is a thousandth of one millimeter. ─── 一个质子宽度是原子宽度的千分之一,原子宽度是一根头发宽度的百万分之一,一根头发宽度是一毫米的一千分之一。

6、The advantage, in some future nanomechanical signal-processing system or computer, is that even a million nanomechanical elements would dissipate only a millionth of a watt, on average. ─── 这样的好处是,在将来某些奈米机械讯息处理系统或电脑中,平均而言,就算是100万个奈米机械元件也只会耗散100万分之一瓦的能量。

7、Central Bureau of the International Map of the World on the Millionth Scale; ─── 国际百万分之一世界地图中央制图局;

8、It had made its 100 millionth car in the US by 1967, and opened a flagship 50-storey building in New York the following year. ─── 到1967年,它已经生产了1亿辆小轿车,并且于第二年在纽约建起了一栋50层的标志性大楼。

9、A unit of pressure equal to one millionth of a bar. ─── 微巴等于百万分之一巴的压强单位

10、MINI's 1.5 millionth vehicle was a Chili Red Clubman destined for the UK market. ─── Mini的1.5辆车是辣椒红花花公子运往英国市场.

11、China's Chery Automobile produced its 1 millionth car on Wednesday to become the country's first indigenous automaker to reach the milestone. ─── 周三中国的奇瑞汽车已经生产了它的第1百万辆轿车,成为了中国第一个达到这个里程碑的自主品牌汽车制造厂。

12、a/one millionth of a second ─── 百万分之一秒

13、micro- [one millionth] ─── 百万分之一

14、You can buy or sell a stock at the current price knowing that its ultimate value will be one millionth of the movie's actual opening box office number. ─── 了解到一支股票的最终价值将是电影实际首场票房的百万分之一,就可以在当前价位上对其买或卖.

15、If just one millionth of the gas in the universe underwent fusion inside stars, it would have produced enough energy to ionize all the rest. ─── 其他的研究人员猜想,是因物质坠落黑洞而游离了背景辐射。

16、One millionth(10 - 6)of a mole. ─── 微摩尔百万分之一(10-6)摩尔

17、A unit of length equal to one millionth(10 - 6)of a meter.No longer in technical use. ─── 微米等于百万分之一(10-6)米的长度单位。不再用于科技

18、diaper maker pampers offered a lifetime supply of disposable diapers to the 300 millionth baby. a spokeswoman on wednesday said the company had not yet decided whom to give the prize. ─── 尿不湿生产商帮宝适公司将为美国的第三亿个婴儿终身提供尿不湿。本周三,帮宝适公司的一位女发言人说,公司还没决定将这个特殊的奖颁给谁。

19、A unit of mass equal to one millionth(10-6) of a gram. ─── 微克质量的一种单位,相当于一克的百万分之一(10-6)

20、“HJ is so great.I'm expecting the one millionth registered HU YOU (Nickname for whose who have registered on HJenglish.com) as well,” said a veteran user. ─── “沪江真的太棒了,我和大家一样期待第100万个论坛用户的诞生,”一位沪江网的资深用户说。

21、Chery's 1 millionth car will roll off line late August, which will make the carmaker become a member of the "Million Units Club" following Shanghai GM and Guangzhou Honda. ─── 8月下旬,奇瑞公司第一百万辆汽车即将下线,这是继上海通用、广州本田之后,又一家晋级汽车行业“百万辆俱乐部”的企业。

22、He wondered for the millionth time since this started why she wanted him. ─── / 因为这开始了她为什麽想要他,他怀疑第一百万的时间。

23、In 2007 DPCA experienced her 15th anniversary and made her millionth cars, and stepped on course of continual development. ─── 2007年,神龙公司走过了15年的历程、站上了100万辆的高度、迈上了永续发展的新征程。

24、Diaper maker Pampers offered a lifetime supply of disposable* diapers to the 300 millionth baby. A spokeswoman last Wednesday said the company had not yet decided whom to give the prize. ─── 尿不湿生产商帮宝适公司将为美国的第三亿个婴儿终身提供尿不湿。上周三,帮宝适公司的一位女发言人说,公司还没决定将这个特殊的奖颁给谁。

25、Ford sold its 1 millionth Sync-equipped vehicle today to an unlikely buyer - Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer - and Ford CEO Alan Mulally was on hand to make the ceremonial “delivery. ─── 福特出售了其第一百万同步配备车辆今天在一个几乎不可能的买方-微软首席执行官史蒂夫鲍尔默-和福特首席执行官穆拉利是一方面使礼仪“交付。”

26、They "flash" into a vapor which fills the whole tank with metallic gas, and a film, one millionth of an inch thick, is deposited on whatever is inside the tank. ─── 罐内任何物体的表面上都会形成一层一百万分之一英寸厚的金属膜。

27、Volkswagen has just announced that the one millionth VW T5 has rolled off the production line. ─── 大众汽车公司刚刚宣布,大众汽车的百万分之一的T5已经推出了生产线。

28、One millionth of a meter. Used to express applied film thickness. ─── 一个百万分之一米。用于表述涂层的厚度。

29、Last year the millionth truck rolled off the assembly line. ─── 去年,第100万辆卡车驶下了装配线。

30、The reporter used a simpler method, exposed this tremendous " crammer " , changed a computer to get online namely, check again this link, became likewise " the 1 millionth lucky user " . ─── 记者用了个更简单的方法,戳穿了这个巨大的“谎言”,就是换了个电脑上网,再次查证这个链接,同样成为了“幸运的第100万个用户”。

31、Even all the most romantic words in this world would not be enough to describe one-millionth of a fraction of Your beauty and love! ─── 集世界所有最浪漫的词汇,又怎能描述您的美与爱于万一?

32、Yet the 300 millionth person in the US could have been an immigrant. ─── 但是第3亿名美国人应该是一名移民。

33、For the use of million and millionth see examples at hundred and hundredth ─── 关於million和millionth的用法见hundred和hundredth词条中的示例

34、A unit of length equal to one thousandth(10-3) of a millimeter or one millionth(10-6)of a meter. ─── 微米等于千分之一(10-3)毫米的长度单位或一米的百万分之一(10-6)

35、A nonconductor of electricity, especially a substance with electrical conductivity less than a millionth(10 - 6)of a siemens. ─── 电介质一种非导电体,特别是指电导率低于百万分之一(10-6)的物体

36、US company Global Language Monitor (GLM) believes that the one millionth word will be added to the English language in mid-June. ─── 美国“环球语言监测”公司(GLM)认为,六月中旬时,英语中将会有一百万个单词。

37、The atomic clock is accurate to one millionth of a second. ─── 原子钟计时可以精确到百万分之一秒。

38、A large number news organizations recently have made in-depth reports on the one millionth Chery car rolling off line. ─── 近日,有关奇瑞第100万辆下线的舆论较强势,众多媒体都对此信息进行了大篇幅报道。

39、When glass breaks the cracks move faster than 3,000 miles per hour. To photograph the event a camera must shoot at a millionth of a second. ─── 玻璃破裂的速度超过每小时3,000英里。要拍下玻璃破裂的过程,照相机必须以百万分之一秒的速度拍摄。

40、To measure a length accurately to within a millionth of an inch, we must have a measure graduated in millionths of an inch;a yardstick graduated in inches is useless. ─── 为了准确测量一英寸的一百万分之一的长度,我们必须要有一英寸的一百万分之一的刻度,以英寸为单位的刻度尺是没用的。

41、42. One shark can sense millionth of blood from the water. ─── 一只鲨鱼可以侦测到水中仅百万分之一含量的血液。

42、Clerk: Congratulations! You are our one millionth customer! (Everyone claps and cheers.) You've won a free trip to Hawaii! ─── 接待员:恭喜!你们是我们的第一百万名房客!(大家鼓掌并欢呼。)你们可以免费畅游夏威夷!

43、For the millionth +1 time, fake. ─── 第一百万零一次,假的。

44、Diaper maker Pampers offered a lifetime supply of disposable diapers to the 300 millionth baby. ─── 尿不湿生产商帮宝适公司将为美国的第三亿个婴儿终身提供尿不湿。

45、A nonconductor of electricity,especially a substance with electrical conductivity less than a millionth(10 - 6)of a siemens. ─── 电介质一种非导电体,特别是指电导率低于百万分之一(10-6)的物体

46、Elsewhere, Dublin airport yesterday celebrated its 20 millionth passenger of the year with champagne and flowers. ─── 另外,都柏林机场昨天用香槟和鲜花庆祝了它今年的第2千万个乘客。

47、There were no bites on fakes, no sliding feet once he had position and for the millionth time, when the ball is gettable or near the guy, he is always in the mix. ─── 没有被假动作骗到,一旦抢到防守位置绝不退让半步,当球飞在空中,他总是不断的争抢。

48、“Nano” is basically one millionth of a millimeter. -So, just how small is a nanometer? ─── “纳米”基本上是毫米的百万分之一。-那么,一纳米到底有多小呢?

49、A unit of mass equal to one millionth (0 -' ) of a gram. ─── 微克:质量的一种单位,相当于一克的百万分之一(0-'

50、The 1. 5 millionth Corvette rolled off the production line in GM's Bowling Green, Kentucky facility last May 28, in the thick of talks about bankruptcies and the future of the General Motors. ─── 第五百万克尔维特推出了生产线的通用汽车公司的鲍林格林,肯塔基工厂去年5月28日,在厚的谈论破产和未来的通用汽车。

51、a metric unit of length equal to one millionth of a meter. ─── 公制长度单位等于百万分之一米。

52、Quantum mechanics, on the other hand, deals with phenomena on extremely small scales, such as a millionth of a millionth of an inch ─── 另一方面,量子力学解决的问题是极小尺度里的现象,例如万亿亿分之一英寸。

53、The 1 millionth car is an A3, a four-door hatchback which made its debut at last year's Beijing auto show and was expected to be sold on market later this year. ─── 这第一百万辆车是一辆四门有仓门式后背的A3,在去年北京汽车展上首次亮相,预计将在今年年底推出市场。

54、A unit of electric current equal to one millionth of an ampere. ─── 微安(培)等于百万分之一安培的电流单位

55、a unit of mass equal to one millionth(10-6) of a gram ─── 质量的一种单位,相当于一克的百万分之一(10-6)

56、We don't know one millionth of one percent about anything. ─── 我们对任何事情所知的还不到百分之一的百万分之一。

57、Suppose a company has issued a million shares and you own one share,this means that you own one millionth of that company. ─── 假设某间公司发行了100万股,而你拥有一股,那就表示你拥有整间公司的百万分之一。

58、"The 300 millionth will be a Mexican Latino in Los Angeles County, with parents who speak Spanish and with siblings who are bilingual." ─── "第3亿人口将出生在洛杉矶,墨西哥裔,父母说西班牙语,而同胞兄弟姐妹会两种语言."

59、William Frey, a demographer with the University of Michigan Population Studies Center believes that the 300 millionth American will be conceived this month somewhere in the suburban South or West. ─── 密歇根大学人口研究中心的人口统计学家威廉·弗雷认为第3亿个美国人将出生在南部或西部的城郊,这一新生命将在本月孕育出来.

60、The bomb must explode within less than a millionth of a second. ─── 那枚炸弹必须在百万分之一秒内爆炸。

61、Ok, so we have just bought our millionth pair of stiletto heels.But each outfit needs a different style shoe. ─── 好吧,我们的确刚刚买了我们的第一百万双鞋子,但每一套衣装可都需要一种不同风格的鞋子搭配。

62、Some hospitals claimed they had the 300 millionth baby. ─── 一些医院声称他们接生了第3亿个婴儿。

63、In order to make a nuclear explosion, the critical mass must come together within a fraction of a millionth of a second. ─── 为促成一次核爆炸,临界质量必须在一百万分之一秒内聚集在一起。

64、Each mirror, protected by blue plastic, is polished to an accuracy within one millionth of an inch, 3,000 times thinner than a human hair. ─── 每个镜片都用蓝色塑胶保护,它被磨得很光滑精确度控制在百万分之一英寸以内,比一个人的头发还要薄3,000倍。

65、We usually think of a piece of glass as a continuous medium, but on a length scale a millionth the thickness of a human hair it's not. ─── 我们通常会认为玻璃是一种连续的介质,但如果从比一根头发的精细度还要小一百万倍的尺度上看就不是这样了。

66、THE Large Hadron Collider (LHC) is a machine whose experiments will measure events that happen within a millionth of a billionth of a billionth of a second. ─── 大型强子对撞机(LHC)所进行的实验将测量十亿分之一阿秒内发生的事件。

67、MICRON:A unit of length equal to one millionth (10-6) of a meter. No longer in technical use. ─── 一微米等于一百万分之一米,但现在学术上不再使用微米。

68、The one millionth car of Beijing Hyundai rolled off line on Feb.22. It took 63 months for the joint venture to produce a million cars. ─── 2月22日,北京现代生产的第一百万辆汽车正式驶出该公司总装车间生产线。从0到100万辆,北京现代用了63个月的时间。

69、Even today, zoo enclosures are still typically a millionth of the area of a wild adult's range. ─── 时至今日,动物园的圈养地一般只是一头野生成年北极熊活动范围的百万分之一。

70、a unit of pressure equal to one millionth of a bar ─── 等于百万分之一巴的压强单位

71、Performing 1 million transactions a second does not mean each transaction can be performed in a millionth of a second. ─── 每秒执行一百万个事务并不意味着每个事务都可以在一百万分之一秒内执行完。

72、The reseachers had been able to put flat plates a millionth of a meter apart. ─── 研究者们曾经使让两个平的薄片处于百万分之一米的距离。

73、That means the difference between the two is only one-third % of a millionth of a percent. ─── 意味着,二者之间的差别仅是,百万分之三分之一。

74、Each burst of waves lasts only about a millionth of a second ─── 每个电波脉冲群仅持续约一百万分之一秒的时间。

75、A unit of electric current equals to one millionth of an ampere. ─── 一种电流单位等于百万分之一安培。

76、If a robin redbrest in a cage Puts all heaven in a rage How feels heaven when Dies the millionth battery hen? ─── 一只知更鸟被关在笼子中,上天会忿怒。当第一百万只的母鸡被杀,上苍会有何感受呢?

77、One thousand millionth of a second ─── 一秒的十亿分之一。

78、The centimeter - gram - second electromagnetic unit of potential difference,equal to one hundred - millionth of a volt. ─── 电磁伏特厘米-克-秒制势差的电磁单位,相当于亿分之一伏特

79、a metric unit of length equal to one millionth of a meter ─── 公制长度单位等于百万分之一米

80、A unit of mass equal to one millionth(10 - 6)of a gram. ─── 微克质量的一种单位,相当于一克的百万分之一(10-6)

81、The researches had been able to put flat plates a millionth of a meter apart. ─── 研究者们曾经使让两个平的薄片处于百万分之一米的距离。

82、The Global Language Monitor says the millionth word will be added to English on Wednesday. ─── 全球语言监测站表示,英语在星期三将迎来它的第100万个单词。

83、2. A unit of length equal to one millionth(10-6) of a meter. No longer in technical use. ─── 微米等于百万分之一(10-6)米的长度单位。不再用于科技

84、That problem was due largely to the fact that the coating was only a fraction of a micron (millionth of a metre) thick. ─── 这主要是由于涂层的厚度仅为几微米(百万分之一米)。

85、I am willing to take that millionth chance. ─── 我愿意碰碰这百万分之一的运气。

86、Media outlets from Atlanta to San Francisco on Wednesday boasted competing claims to be the birthplace of America's 300 millionth person but admitted no one will ever know for sure. ─── 昨天,从美国的亚特兰大到旧金山,各地媒体纷纷宣称美国的第三亿个婴儿诞生在自己的家乡,但他们又不得不承认其实谁也说不准。

87、Media outlets from Atlanta to San Francisco last Wednesday boasted competing claims to be the birthplace of America's 300 millionth person but admitted no one will ever know for sure. ─── 上周三,从美国的亚特兰大到旧金山,各地媒体纷纷宣称美国的第三亿个婴儿诞生在自己的家乡,但他们又不得不承认其实谁也说不准。

88、A nonconductor of electricity,especially a substance with electrical conductivity less than a millionth(10-6) of a siemens. ─── 电介质一种非导电体,特别是指电导率低于百万分之一(10-6)的物体。

89、Micro: (1) A microcomputer or personal computer. (2) One millionth. ─── (1)微型电脑,(2)微:(1)一部微型电脑或个人电脑。(2)一百万分之一的。

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