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10-02 投稿


mulish 发音

英:[?mju?l??]  美:[?mju?l??]

英:  美:

mulish 中文意思翻译



mulish 网络释义

adj. 顽固的,执拗的;骡子似的

mulish 词性/词形变化,mulish变形

名词: mulishness |副词: mulishly |

mulish 相似词语短语

1、fullish ─── 丰满的

2、bullish ─── adj.看涨的;上扬的;似公牛的

3、Polish ─── adj.波兰的;n.波兰人;波兰语

4、dullish ─── adj.稍钝的;有些松懈的;昏暗的

5、mulishly ─── 愚蠢地

6、publish ─── vt.出版;发表;公布;vi.出版;发行;刊印

7、gullish ─── 笨的;呆的;愚蠢的

8、Gaulish ─── adj.高卢人的;高卢的;高卢语的;n.高卢语

9、Salish ─── n.赛利希语(北美印第安语);讲撒利希语族语言的人

mulish 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、"Obstinate is no word for it, for she is mulish" (Ouida). ─── “固执到无法形容,她太执拗了” (维达)。

2、What carry on the back on mulish horse is commissariat. ─── 骡马上驮的都是粮食。

3、Pasturage aquaculture basically has sheep, pig, ox, horse, mulish, chicken, hare to wait. ─── 畜牧养殖业主要有羊、猪、牛、马、骡、鸡、兔等。

4、giant mulish horse team saved city of sweet day heart to set out from Qinghai. ─── 庞大的骡马队伍从青海省香日德城出发了。

5、She'd hard no youth to speak of and now she had no future, with Xiangzi so stubborn and mulish. ─── 她没有过青春,而将来也没有什么希望,现在呢,祥子又是那么死砖头似的一块东西!

6、"Do no know! " The old obstinately heave a head, one in the story of necrosis mulish facial statement. ─── “不知道!”老者倔强的抬起了头,一副临死不屈的表情。

7、She would have to use more finesse to rein in this big mulish creature who would buck if provoked. ─── 因此,她才越觉得有点意思,她颇得用点心思才能拢得住这个急了也会尥蹶的大人,或是大东西。

8、mulish people won't cry until they actually see the coffin. ─── 所谓的“痴”,就是过度、过头、过量。

9、Says Mulish, “The human life journey cannot be charted by a single curving line. ─── 麦克利什说:“人的生命历程不能用单一的曲线来勾划。”

10、It would be mulish not to admit to a feeling of relief that Russia has accepted these changes without too much ill grace. ─── 俄罗斯已经不太勉强地接受这些改变,如果我们不承认一丝安慰,那就太顽固了。

11、1.He was so mulish that my admonitions just flowed over him. ─── 他很顽固,我的告诫对他只不过是耳边风。

12、He was so mulish that my admonitions just flowed over him. ─── 他很顽固,我的告诫对他只不过是耳边风。

13、1.stubborn; intransigent; mulish; obstinate; pigheaded 2.against changes on principle3.to die hard ─── 顽固

14、You mulish guy, what the hell are you seeking? ─── 你这顽固的人,你究竟追求什么东西?

15、A giant mulish horse team saved city of sweet day heart to set out from Qinghai. ─── 一支庞大的骡马队伍从青海省香日德城出发了。

16、OBstinate is no word for it, for she is mulish ─── 固执到无法形容,她太执拗了

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