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mesodermal 发音

英:[?mez??d??rm?l]  美:[?mes???d??m?l]

英:  美:

mesodermal 中文意思翻译



mesodermal 短语词组

1、mesodermal muscle ─── [医] 中胚层肌

2、mesodermal primary pulp ─── [医] 中胚层初髓

3、mesodermal cap ─── 中胚层帽

4、mesodermal fold ─── [医] 中胚层褶

5、mesodermal syndrome ─── [医] 中胚层综合征

6、mesodermal killer ─── 中胚层杀手

7、mesodermal precursor ─── 中胚层前体

8、mesodermal band ─── 中胚层带

mesodermal 词性/词形变化,mesodermal变形

形容词: mesodermal |

mesodermal 相似词语短语

1、epidermal ─── adj.[解剖][动]表皮的;外皮的

2、ectodermal ─── adj.[胚]外胚层的

3、exodermal ─── 外皮

4、mesodermic ─── 中胚层

5、entodermal ─── 内胚层

6、mesoderm ─── n.中胚层;中胚叶

7、endodermal ─── adj.[胚]内胚层的

8、leukodermal ─── 白皮病

9、leucodermal ─── 白皮的

mesodermal 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The middle germinal layer of an early embryo, consisting of undifferentiated cells destined to become the mesoderm. ─── 中胚层早期胚的中间胚芽层,由最终将发育成中胚层的未分化细胞组成

2、lateral plate mesoderm ─── 侧板中胚层

3、dentine A hard mesodermal material in teeth and some scales (cosmoid, ganoid and placoid scales) produced by odontobasts. ─── 齿质组成牙齿或某些鳞片(硬鳞与盾鳞)中层的坚硬物质。

4、penetration of mesoderm masses ─── 中胚层团渗入

5、somatic mesoderm ─── 体壁中胚层

6、mesodermal mesenchyme ─── 中胚层间质

7、CD44 is a family of trans-membrane glycoprotein that is widely expressed in many tissues derived from epithelial, mesenchymal, hematopoietic and mesodermal origins. ─── CD44是属于黏附因子家族的跨膜糖蛋白,它广泛表达于多种内皮细胞、间充质细胞、造血干细胞及中胚层来源的细胞和组织。

8、Having or characterized by a robust, muscular body build caused by the predominance of structures developed from the embryonic mesodermal layer. ─── 具有运动型体格的由胚胎中胚层发育而来,因结构占优势而促成健壮高大的体型的、或以此为特征的

9、With the differential growth of these mesodermal masses, the ectodermal grooves soon become obliterated; ─── 随着中胚层组织的细微分化,外胚层的沟很快消失。

10、provisional mesoderm ─── 临时中胚层


12、lateral mesoderm ─── 侧中胚层


14、The middle zone of the mesoderm of a chordate vertebrate embryo, from which excretory tissue develops. ─── 中胚叶节脊索类脊椎动物胚胎的中胚层的中间部分,最终会发育成排泄组织

15、mixed mesodermal tumor of ovary ─── 卵巢中胚叶混合瘤

16、tail mesoderm ─── 尾中胚层

17、chorionic mesoderm ─── [医] 绒膜中胚层

18、Mesoderm to differentiate into skeletal muscle, connective tissue, circulation, urinary systems; ─── 中胚层分化成肌肉骨骼、结缔组织、循环、泌尿系统;

19、mesodermal stroma ─── 中胚层基质

20、Mesodermal mixed tumour of bladder ─── 膀胱中胚叶混合瘤

21、mesodermal lateral plate ─── 中胚层侧板

22、mesodermal band ─── 中胚层带

23、Between the ectoderm and endoderm is mesoderm, which forms the muscles, reproductive organs, blood vessels and excretory organs. ─── 在外胚层和内胚层之间是中胚层,它形成肌肉、生殖腺、血管和排泄器官。

24、axial mesoderm ─── [医] 轴中胚层

25、Many signaling pathways play important roles in the formation of mesoderm and patterning of the neuroectoderm during early development of vertebrate embryos. ─── 在脊椎动物胚胎的早期发育中,多种信号途径对中胚层形成和神经外胚层分化起着重要的调节作用。

26、constituents of the dermis are mesodermal in origin except for nerves, which, like melanocytes, derive from the neural crest. ─── 真皮的成分除神经外来源于中胚层。神经和黑素细胞一样来源于神经嵴。

27、It is involved in mesoderm formation and left-right axis determination. ─── 它与胚胎中胚层的形成以及左右体轴的决定有关。

28、A clinical analysis of uterine malignant mixed mesodermal tumor ─── 子宫恶性混合性中胚叶肿瘤临床分析

29、In the embryo an undifferentiated mesodermal component of an early trunk or tail segment or metamere, derived from paraxial mesoderm. ─── 在胚胎时,一个无法区别的中胚层组成一个早期躯干、或尾部片段或体节,衍生自轴旁的中胚层。

30、cephalic mesoderm ─── [医] 头[部]中胚层

31、Fibroblasts are mesenchymal cells, which are derived from the embryonic mesoderm. ─── 成纤维细胞是来源于胚胎中胚层的间充质细胞。

32、the cavity within the body of all animals higher than the coelenterates and certain primitive worms,formed by the splitting of the embryonic mesoderm into two layers. In mammals it forms the peritoneal,pleural,and pericardial cavities ─── 体腔,高于腔肠动物和一些本源虫的所有动物体内的腔,由中胚层裂成两层形成。它形成哺乳动物的腹膜的、胸膜的和心包的腔

33、Keywords Uterus;Malignant mesodermal mixed tumors; ─── 子宫;恶性中胚叶混合瘤;

34、Mesoderm located between the epidermis and dermis, where the skin to absorb nutrients from outside is critical to beauty cosmetic. ─── “中胚层”位于表皮和真皮之间,是皮肤吸收外来营养成分而“致美”的关键。于是致力于中胚层的“美塑疗法”纷纷问世。

35、Embryonic stem cells (ESCs) are total potent stem cells, which have properties of prolonged multiple-propagation in vitro, can differentiate into ectoderm, mesoderm and endoderm. ─── 摘要胚胎干细胞是具有在体外无限扩增且可向外、中、内三胚层分化的全能干细胞。

36、We show that these pastes can differentiate into several mesodermal lineages, as well as neural lineage cells. ─── 我们发现这些基质细胞不但能向多个胚层分化而且还能分化为神经系细胞。

37、allantoic mesoderm ─── [医] 尿囊中胚层

38、parietal mesoderm ─── 体壁层

39、CD44 is a trans-membrane glycoprotein widely expressed on many kinds of cell from epithelial, mesenchymal, hematopoietic and mesodermal tissues. ─── 摘要CD44是属于黏附因子家族的跨膜糖蛋白。它广泛表达于多种内皮细胞、间充质细胞、造血干细胞及中胚层来源的细胞和组织。

40、larval mesoderm ─── 幼虫中胚层

41、CD44 is a trans-membrane glycoprotein widely expressed on many kinds of cell from epithelial,mesenchymal,hematopoietic and mesodermal tissues. ─── CD44是属于黏附因子家族的跨膜糖蛋白。它广泛表达于多种内皮细胞、间充质细胞、造血干细胞及中胚层来源的细胞和组织。

42、The middle germinal layer of an early embryo,consisting of undifferentiated cells destined to become the mesoderm. ─── 中胚层,早期胚的中间胚芽层,由最终将发育成中胚层的未分化细胞组成。

43、mesodermal fold ─── 中胚层褶

44、homologous mixed mesodermal tumor ─── 同源性混合性中胚叶瘤

45、malignant mixed mesodermal tumor ─── 恶性中胚叶混合瘤

46、the middle zone of the mesoderm of a chordate vertebrate embryo,from which excretory tissue develops ─── 中胚叶节,脊索类脊椎动物胚胎的中胚层的中间部分,最终会发育成排泄组织

47、mesodermal plate ─── 中胚层板

48、ectopic mesodermal tissue ─── 异位中胚层组织

49、mesodermal growth factor ─── 中胚层生长因子

50、somites Primitive, segmented, mesodermal tissue along each side of notochord. ─── 体节(复数)沿著脊索两边,是原始而片段的中胚层组织。

51、Group A consists of 22 families.They mainly regulate neurogenesis, myogenesis and mesoderm formation.Group B consists of 12 families. ─── A组包含22个家族, 主要调控神经细胞生成、肌细胞生成和中胚层形成;

52、relating to or derived from the mesoderm. ─── 关于中胚层,或由中胚层产生。

53、peristomal mesoderm ─── [医] 口缘中胚层

54、primary mesoderm ─── 原中胚层

55、The cavity within the body of all animals higher than the coelenterates and certain primitive worms, formed by the splitting of the embryonic mesoderm into two layers. In mammals it forms the peritoneal, pleural, and pericardial cavities. ─── 体腔高于腔肠动物和一些本源虫的所有动物体内的腔,由中胚层裂成两层形成。它形成哺乳动物的腹膜的、胸膜的和心包的腔

56、congenital mesodermal dysplasia ─── 先天性中胚层发育不良

57、amniotic mesoderm ─── [医] 羊膜中胚层

58、Dentinogenesis imperfecta (DI) is a kind of mesodermal defect inherited in a simple autosomal dominant mode. ─── 摘要牙本质形成不良是一种体染色体显性遗传的中胚层缺陷。

59、mesodermal mixed tumor of corpus uteri ─── 子宫体混合性中胚层瘤

60、mesoderm germ ─── [医] 中胚层芽

61、mesodermal tumor ─── 中胚叶肿瘤

62、Woodbury D, Reynolds K, Black IB.Adult bone marrow stromal stem cells express germline, ectodermal, endodermal, and mesodermal genes prior to neurogenesis.J Neurosci Res 2002;69(6):908-17 ─── 徐如祥,戴宜武,姜晓丹,等.成年骨髓间质干细胞体外诱导分化神经细胞的研究[J].中华神经外科疾病研究杂志,2002,1(1):63-7

63、heterologous mixed mesodermal tumor ─── 异源性混合性中胚叶瘤

64、Keywords mesoderm;stem cells;brain ischemia;glial cell line derived neurotrophic factor;receptor; ─── 中胚层;干细胞;脑缺血;脑源性神经营养因子;受体;

65、mesodermal syndrome ─── [医] 中胚层综合征

66、Keywords Stem cell;mesodermal;Fetal blood;Hematopoietic stem cell; ─── 干细胞;中胚层;胎血;造血干细胞;

67、Surprisingly, restricted regions of the embryo generated both migrating neural crest cells and their derivative cell types, without any interaction with neural or mesodermal tissues. ─── 令人惊讶的是,胚胎中局部区域产生了迁移的神经嵴细胞和他们衍生的细胞型,它们与神经或中胚层组织完全无关。

68、It includes diseases mainly involving oral mucosa, dermatogic diseases involves oral mucosa, some diseases with both ectoderm and mesoderm origins and oral manifestation of systemic diseases. ─── 同时发生于皮肤或单独发生于口腔粘膜上的皮肤疾病;合并起源于外胚层和中胚层的某些疾病的口腔表现;全身或系统性疾病的口腔表现。

69、congenital mesodermal dystrophy ─── 先天性中胚层营养不良症

70、gastral mesoderm ─── 原肠中胚层

71、mother cell of mesoderm ─── 中胚层母细胞(动)

72、Results The hPDLCs were successfully separated, and immunohistochemistry staining of vimentin protein showed that the cells came from the mesoderm; ─── 将人牙周膜细胞与生物材料复合培养,用扫描电镜进行观察;

73、mesodermal crescent ─── 中胚层半月体

74、secondary mesoderm ─── [医] 后成中胚层

75、Mesenchymal stem cell cultured in vitro adheres to the wall and diplays the fibro-like phaenotype and differentiates to the cells of endoderm、mesoderm、ectoderm under certain condition. ─── 在体外培养时,细胞贴壁生长,呈成纤维样细胞表型,在一定条件下可分化内胚层、中胚层和外胚层细胞。

76、Method:Apply evolution and embryology to set mesoderm theory of chinese channel. ─── 在现代医学上,经络是植物神经反射网络。

77、mesodermal muscle ─── 中胚层肌

78、Dentinogenesis imperfecta (DI) is a kind of mesodermal defect inherited in a simple autosomal dominant mode. ─── 牙本质形成不良是一种体染色体显性遗传的中胚层缺陷。

79、mesodermal mixed tumor ─── 中胚层混合瘤

80、Mice without the Nodal gene will die due to the lack of mesoderm. ─── Nodal基因缺失的小鼠由于没有中胚层的形成导致死亡。

81、peristomial mesoderm ─── 口缘中胚层

82、mesodermal type embryonal carcinoma ─── 中胚层型胚胎癌

83、In the embryo an undifferentiated mesodermal component of an early trunk or tail segment or metamere, derived from paraxial mesoderm. ─── 在胚胎时,一个无法区别的中胚层组成一个早期躯干、或尾部片段或体节,衍生自轴旁的中胚层。

84、protocardiac mesoderm ─── [医] 颊咽膜前中胚层

85、mixed mesodermal tumor of uterus ─── 子宫中胚叶混合瘤

86、The Research of Relationship Between the Kidney in the Sense of TCM and Mesoderm from the Influence of Tonifying the Kidney on Apoptosis of Fibroblast cells of Kidney-deficient Rats ─── 从补肾对肾虚大鼠成纤维细胞凋亡的影响看中医肾与中胚层的相关性

87、coelomic mesoderm ─── 体腔中胚层

88、mesodermal primary pulp ─── [医] 中胚层初髓

89、However, traditional beauty therapy involves a series of plastic micro-needle injection, and take up to 8-10 weeks for "mesoderm" stimulation treatment. ─── 不过,传统的美塑疗法涉及一系列的微针注射,且需要长达8-10周的“中胚层”刺激治疗。

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