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10-02 投稿


mobilization 发音

英:[?mo?b?l??ze??n]  美:[?m??b?la??ze??n]

英:  美:

mobilization 中文意思翻译



mobilization 同义词

deployment | mobilisation | draft |enlistment | organization | enrolment | militarization | recruitment | militarisation | utilization | enrollment | armament | conscription

mobilization 短语词组

1、industrial mobilization ─── [经] 工业动员

2、Mobilization Reserve Material ─── 动员储备物资

3、partial mobilization ─── [法] 部分总动员, 局部动员

4、Mobilization Training Loss ─── 动员培训损失

5、mobilization of stapes ─── [医] 镫骨松动术

6、Mobilization Exercise ─── 动员演习

7、Mobilization Assistance Team ─── 动员援助小组

8、Mobilization Training Program ─── 动员培训方案

9、economic mobilization ─── [经] 经济动员

10、mobilization order ─── [法] 动员令

11、Mobilization Reserve Material Requirement ─── 动员储备物资需求

12、Mobilization Construction Plan ─── 动员建设计划

13、Mobilization for Youth ─── 动员青年

14、Mobilization Troop Basis ─── 动员部队基础

15、Mobilization Day Index ─── 动员日指数

16、Mobilization Training Unit ─── 动员训练股

17、Mobilization Reserve Stocks ─── 调动储备物资

18、general mobilization ─── [法] 总动员

19、Mobilization Troop Program ─── 动员部队方案

mobilization 词性/词形变化,mobilization变形


mobilization 反义词


mobilization 相似词语短语

1、demobilization ─── n.复员;遣散(demobilize的名词)

2、immobilisation ─── n.固定

3、moralization ─── n.教化;德化;用道德解释

4、nobilitation ─── 贵族

5、labilization ─── n.不稳定

6、demobilisation ─── n.出场,遣散

7、remobilization ─── n.重新活动;再活化

8、mobilisation ─── n.动员(等于mobilization);运用

9、immobilization ─── n.使停止流通,固定

mobilization 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The southward mobilization of 1949 marks a unprecedented splendor in the history of the Party. ─── 1949年干部南下是我党历史上前所未有的一次壮举。

2、Such enterprises require great central power for the mobilization of labor, and characteristically issue in a despotic form of order. ─── 大型水利工程需要由强大的中央权力来动员劳力,而且明显会导致专制秩序的产生。

3、This review focused on several important cytokines participating in hematopoietic stem cell mobilization and megakaryocytopoiesis. ─── 该综述关注的是参与造血干细胞动员和生成巨核细胞的几种重要细胞因子。

4、Therefore, the world's largest oil company Exxon Mobil and the United States's second-largest oil company Chevron led energy plate. ─── 因此,全球第一大石油公司埃克森美孚和美国第二大石油公司雪佛龙领涨能源板块。

5、How does the relationship of counterforce association and mobilization network operate? ─── 反马告团体与部落的互动关系与动员网络如何运作?

6、Exxon Mobil will provide $600m over five years with half going to SGI. ─── 埃克森美孚将为此在未来五年内提供6亿美元的资金,其中有一半将投资于SGI公司。

7、Continuous progress was made in national defense mobilization. ─── 国防动员工作不断进步。

8、Nevertheless, CPC had the same starting point in the logical, namely to meet brutal war mobilization under the practical needs of the revolution. ─── 尽管如此,我们党关于这一政策制定的出发点在逻辑上却是一致的,即满足残酷战争环境下革命动员的现实需要。

9、The processes on the Mobil and ESSO sites (all vessels and pipework) shall be fully isolated during initiation. ─── 在进行拆卸期间,应完全隔离美孚及埃索油站内的操作工序(所有油缸和管道装置)。

10、Drug induced mobilization of EPC and normalization of EPC function may therefore improve the prognosis of certain cardiovascular diseases. ─── 因此,药物动员内皮祖细胞或使其功能正常化有望改善心血管病患者的预后。

11、Women have four goals: Independent thoughts; Independent ability, Independent in transportation &mobilization; Financially Independent. ─── 女人要有四立:思想独立,能力独力,交通独立,经济独立。

12、Specialize in : Mobil Crane Service, Forklift, Transport Agent And Machinery Movers. ─── 中文):本号特备各种大小型吊秤、福立、罗厘运输服务及机械搬运。

13、In order to fix the loopholes in IE, Microsoft will be on a global scale mobilization of the security team of engineers for a period of eight days. ─── 为了修复这一IE漏洞,微软将在全球范围内调动其安全工程师团队,为期八天。

14、Formula One also provides an opportunity to test and develop other Mobil 1 products supplied to Team McLaren Mercedes, such as gearbox oil and greases. ─── F1赛事还给测试和开发供迈凯轮梅塞德斯车队使用的美孚1号其他产品,如变速箱油和油脂,提供了一个机会。

15、But he said a 'dramatic' mobilization of resources is still needed across the world to avert a deeper global recession. ─── 但他说,全球仍然需要动用大量资源来避免全球经济衰退加剧。

16、Vector control spraying, human and animal surveillance and social mobilization activities are continuing. ─── 媒介控制喷洒、人和动物监测以及社会动员活动仍在继续进行。

17、If factor 1 picks up unexpected changes in oil prices, b1 will be higher for Exxon Mobil. ─── 市场投资组合的回报率也许可以作为一个因素,也许不是。

18、Its programme of activities in four phases (mobilization, application, preliminaries, final) time, content, methods are more specific and clear. ─── 其活动方案中的四个阶段(动员、报名、预赛、决赛)的时间、内容、方法都比较具体、明确。

19、We need to improve the national defense mobilization system and consolidate the militia and reserve forces. ─── 完善国防动员体制,加强民兵、预备役部队建设。

20、Identifying and discuss critical path items on each job before mobilization. ─── 动员进厂之前,辨别并讨论每项工作的关键路径项。

21、As an application model of e-commerce, the mobilization of e-commerce has always been regard as the prospective fashion of e-business. ─── 电子商务的移动化一直被看成是电子商务的主要应用方向,它也是电子商务的一种应用模型。

22、But he still had many immature views on the mobilization question because the revolution was carried insufficiently at that time. ─── 不过,由于当时革命的不够深入,他对革命动员问题的思考也有许多不成熟的地方。

23、We must continuously reinforce the army reserves for defense and effectively satisfy the requirements of national defense mobilization. ─── 不断加强国防后备力量建设,切实抓好国防动员工作的落实。

24、Similarly, Maldives has received support for their social mobilization activities on dengue vector control. ─── 同样,马尔代夫已就其登革热媒介控制的社会动员活动获得支持。

25、Therefore, the ability of forecast the emergency should also be a necessary part of Mobilization of National Economy. ─── 因此,对紧急状况的预见能力也应当成为国民经济动员工作的必要组成部分。

26、The mobilization of the army was completed in 48 hours. ─── 在48小时内完成了对军队的动员。

27、There's nothing paradoxical about that: the mobilization of resources was immense. ─── 大量资源的动用是个无可争论的事实。

28、The precision with which we can develop Mobil 1 lubricants to anticipate an engine's needs is the key," comments Tony Harlow. ─── Tony Harlow说:“开发美孚1号润滑油使之满足发动机需要的关键是精度。

29、The countermeasures are to reduce principal-agent cost, and then to improve the efficiency of weapon equipment mobilization system. ─── 减少委托代理成本,提高激励水平,是提高武器装备动员体系的效率的有效途径。

30、This requires mobilization of affected communities. ─── 这要动员受影响的各个社区。

31、Exxon Mobil's shares fell 2.6%, energy stocks and the market weakness to form drag. ─── 埃克森美孚的股价下跌了2.6%,能源股走软并对大盘形成拖累。

32、China is further improving its defense mobilization laws and regulations,perfecting its defense mobilization system,and actively promoting modernization in this area. ─── 中国正进一步健全国防动员法规,完善国防动员体制,积极推动国防动员建设不断向现代化方向发展。

33、General Manager Zhu delivered a welcome for VIP clients of Shanghai Mobil. ─── 中国移动通信集团上海有限公司北区分公司副总经理朱敏刚向VIP来宾致欢迎辞。

34、The four derived theories, based on the core theories, are relative deprivation, class struggle, resource mobilization, and gap hypotheses. ─── 为了更周延地解释集体行动,整合并建构一个较为完整的理论是迫切需要的。

35、Over the course of a season, many different blends of Mobil 1 will be tested, each one designed to maximize engine power. ─── 在一个赛季过程中要试验多种不同的美孚1号组合,每种组合都以使发动机功率最大化为目标。

36、Les deux batteries 12v sous le chariot mobil. ─── 两个12V的电池作为移动小车。

37、Acting Mobil Esso lubricants, hydraulic oil, gear oil products, price concessions. ─── 代理美孚埃索润滑油,齿轮油液压油等系列产品,价格优惠。

38、They have won the genuine affection of the broad masses, who support their call for war mobilization. ─── 他们得到了广大群众的真心实意的爱戴,他们的战争动员的号召得到广大群众的拥护。

39、Not the total mobilization of the armed forces, but their immobilization or withdrawal. ─── 不是军队总动员,而是军队不动员,或向后撤。

40、National economic mobilization has not only the function of coping with the war,but also the function of coping with the emergency. ─── 国民经济动员除了应对战争的功能之外,还有应对突发事件的应急功能。

41、It's also why Mobil 1 is the exclusive factory fill, and recommended service fill, for all off-track Porsche engines. ─── 也是为什么美孚1号成为所有保时捷民用发动机原厂使用和推荐保养使用的唯一润滑油品牌的原因。

42、That was also a kind of mobilization, but it was done for us by the enemy, we did not do it ourselves. ─── 这也是一种动员,但这是敌人替我们做的,不是我们自己做的。

43、The nearest Mobil oil tank shall be emptied for the duration of the felling. ─── 在进行拆卸期间,应把最接近的美孚油缸放空。

44、Developers "tawjihi" general mobilization Who can draw the test known to offer? ─── 开发商“高考”总动员谁为大腕们应试出谋献策?

45、The large-scale mobilization of troops were scheduled one right after another. ─── 大规模的军队集结按计划一个接一个地进行着。

46、Steel members mobilization is carried out as per ex-factory series number, and worksite road will be used as assembly platform. ─── 即进场构件按厂内编号陆续进场,利用现场道路作为拼装平台。

47、No, it was the culmination of seven years of national investment, planning, concentrated state power, national mobilization and hard work. ─── 不,这是七年的国家投资、规划、集中国力、全国性动用以及辛勤工作的结晶。

48、Possibly: Mutations that impair RNA silencing in Caenorhabditis elegans result in the mobilization of transposable elements. ─── 可能是:突变,损害RNA沉默在秀丽新杆线虫,结果在动员的转座因子。

49、Exxon Mobil is also significantly bigger than PetroChina. ─── 埃克森美孚实际规模也比中国石油要大。

50、Once the liver function tests are improving, mobilization can be accomplished gradually, but most cases will require convalescence for several weeks. ─── 一旦肝功能试验结果趋于改善,病人的活动可逐渐恢复,但大多数病例还需要有几个星期的恢复期。

51、For the chief measures in the preparatory phase are the military preparations for withdrawal and the political mobilization for them. ─── 因为准备阶段中的主要步骤,就是军事上的准备退却,和为着准备退却的政治上的动员。

52、Mobilization of the armed forces entails the measures and actions taken by the state to turn the armed forces from a peacetime to a wartime footing. ─── 人民武装动员是国家将武装力量由平时体制转为战时体制的措施和活动。

53、Neighbors include billionaire businessman T.Boone Pickens and recently retired Exxon Mobil CEO Lee Raymond. ─── 布什的新邻居包括亿万富翁皮肯斯及刚退休的埃克森美孚前CEO雷蒙德。

54、Poor Peripheral Blood Stem Cell Mobilization or Poor Harvest ? ─── 周边血干细胞驱动不良或是收集成效不佳?

55、Mobilization Alliance is a virtual and temporary fictions organization,which is built for mobilization tasks. ─── 动员联盟是为完成动员任务而组成的、虚拟的临时性组织。

56、Mobil, Connect Austria and Tele. ─── Mobil,ConnectAustria和Tele.

57、Should Crisis Management “Farewell Mobilization” ? ─── 危机管理能否“告别动员”?

58、A miniature real-time strategy game, build buildings, collect resources, mobilization of the army, waging war, all the elements are full of. ─── 一款具体而微的即时战略游戏,建造建筑,收集资源,调动军队,发动战争,一切要素都齐全了。

59、In 1999, he became president and general manager of Mobil Oil Canada. ─── 1999年他担任美孚石油加拿大公司总裁兼总经理。

60、One failed agency after another attempted to bring order to the mobilization effort. ─── 为了有效进行战争动员,所尝试的各种手段接连告败。

61、Exxon Mobil Corp. added 0.5 percent to $70.26. ─── 埃克森美孚的股价上涨0.5%,达到每股70.26美元。

62、Indeed, Exxon Mobil may pounce again. ─── 事实上,埃克森美孚可能再次出击。

63、They are important in the mobilization of stored food, and in the uptake of nutrients by fungi and other heterotrophic organisms. ─── 它对于营养物质的贮藏,以及真菌和其他非自养生物的营养的获取也是很重要的。

64、Advocacy, communication and social mobilization. ─── 宣传、交流和社会动员。

65、Probably the best known is adrenaline (also called epinephrine), which plays a central role in energy mobilization. ─── 大家最熟知的应该是肾上腺素,它在身体的能量动员中扮演核心角色。

66、Foreigner: Yes, Beijing has certainly provided the world with a classical example of quick and total mobilization of the people. ─── 外:是的,北京确实向世界展示了一个迅速全民大动员的典范。

67、Following the ExxonMobil merger, he was appointed corporate production advisor, Exxon Mobil Corporation. ─── 在埃克森美孚合并后,他被任命为埃克森美孚公司总公司生产顾问。

68、VAT plays an important part in the activity of the enterprises' ratepaying, and there is much room for tax mobilization. ─── 增值税在企业纳税活动中占有重要的地位,而且有很大的税收筹划空间。

69、Exxon Mobil has seen healthy stock increases over the last 5 years so it is likely that its market cap will increase. ─── 在过去的5年中,埃克森美孚股价一直健康运行,因而极可能其市值还将进一步增长。

70、Two medical anthropologists are already in Uige and will be joined shortly by experts in social mobilization from Angola, the Democratic Republic of Congo, and Mozambique. ─── 两名医学人类学家已在威热,并将很快由来自安哥拉、刚果民主共和国和莫桑比克的社会动员专家加入。

71、In November 1994, the State Commission for National Defense Mobilization was established. ─── 1994年11月,国家国防动员委员会成立。

72、Progress cost calculations to money mobilization methods of the company's investments, and meanwhile, work out the maximum economic financing method;? ─── 对公司投资活动所需要的资金筹措方式进行成本计算,并提供最为经济的筹资方式;

73、As a result, Exxon Mobil and U.S. steel plates led by futures-related. ─── 受此影响,埃克森美孚和美国钢铁领跌期货相关板块。

74、And who possess aptitudes to maintain the mobilization of those who wish not to put them limits. ─── 以及那些有能力去推动那些不想去局限自己的人。

75、Local military sources confirmed the incident and said the military force have begun mobilization for reaction. ─── 当地军方消息来源证实,事件,并说,军方部队已经开始动员反应。

76、The effects of different mobilization patterns are an indirect function that reinforces the aforementioned determinants of the vote-choices. ─── 不同的选举动员方式,即在于营造或强化这些影响因素的作用,它的影响效果是属于间接的。

77、Despite this, Mobil Delvac heavy duty engine oil was able to provide the protection needed for Gaffiero to achieve his goal. ─── 尽管如此,Mobil Delvac重型发动机油仍为Gaffiero实现目标提供了所需的保护。

78、Spending extra time making sure each project is coordinated and organized before mobilization. ─── 动员进厂之前,另外花时间确保各项目得以协调、组织。

79、Exxon Mobil and Chevron led the energy sector rose 6.1 percent. ─── 埃克森美孚和雪佛龙带领能源板块上涨6.1%。

80、The countermeasures are to reduce principal-agent cost,and then to improve the efficiency of weapon equipment mobilization system. ─── 减少委托代理成本,提高激励水平,是提高武器装备动员体系的效率的有效途径。

81、The white border for use with the black waffenfarbe was instituted 21 August 1937. Gothic letters indicate a unit that existed prior to mobilization. ─── 使用的白色边和黑色兵种色在1937年8月21日设立。哥特字母表示动员以前存在的单位。

82、Any financial difficulties faced by the Greek state at the time, were met through the mobilization of people and benefactors alike. ─── 当时希腊政府所面临的资金难题,都被人民和捐助者所解决。

83、'We hope that this can be a model for mobilization with regard to other private sector industries, ' said Ms. Ooi. ─── Ooi女士说,“我们希望它能够起到模范的作用,让其他私营产业起而效尤。”

84、He emphasized political mobilization of the common man, especially the peasantry. ─── 他强调对于普通民众的政治动员,尤其是对农民阶级。

85、CD40-CD40 ligand interaction induced a robust stimulation of the DAG-PKC pathway and calcium mobilization from intracellular pool in PBMC. ─── CD40-CD40L相互作用能激活人外周血单核细胞[Ca~(2+)]_i动态变化及二酰基甘油-蛋白激酶C信号通路。

86、Should Crisis Management "Farewell Mobilization" ? ─── 危机管理能否"告别动员"?

87、Exxon Mobil has determined that if the buyer a reasonable offer, they sold shares. ─── 埃克森美孚已经确定,如果买方报价合理,便售出股份。

88、EXXON MOBIL is the world's most valuable listed company, with a market capitalisation of $412 billion. ─── 埃克森美孚公司是世界上最值钱的上市公司,其市值达到4120亿美元。

89、An important root cause for our mistakes was that before we entered an area,we did not do enough mobilization work or make enough preparations. ─── 使我们犯错误的重要根源之一,是我们在进入新区之先,缺乏充分的动员和准备。

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