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metallography 发音

英:[?met??lɑ?gr?fi]  美:[?met??l?ɡr?fi]

英:  美:

metallography 中文意思翻译

常见释义: 金相学


metallography 词性/词形变化,metallography变形

副词: metallographically |名词: metallographer |形容词: metallographic |

metallography 短语词组

1、metallography instrument ─── 金相仪器

2、electron metallography ─── 电子金相学

metallography 相似词语短语

1、metallotherapy ─── n.金属疗法

2、meteorography ─── n.气象计(meteorograph的变形)

3、metallographer ─── n.金相学家

4、metallographically ─── 金相

5、crystallography ─── n.晶体学

6、metallographic ─── adj.金相学的,金相的

7、metallograph ─── n.显微照相;金相显微镜;金相照片

8、allograph ─── n.代书;代理签名;异形文字

9、metallographist ─── n.金相学家

metallography 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、It's your effort to ancient Jian by analysis of metallography structure through polishing klunky Jian.Expecting for last analysis. ─── 用铁性尤存的残剑来研磨分析金相结构,也算是古剑所发挥的最后余热了,等看最后的成果分析。

2、Surfaces of corroded specimens have been examined by means of metallography, X-ray diffraction analysis, EPMA, SEM, etc. ─── 并用金相、X-线衍射分析、电子探针、扫描电镜等方法对试验后样品的腐蚀表面进行了观察研究。

3、powder metallography ─── 粉末金相学

4、Keywords Bainite;Dual phase steel;Color metallography;EBSD;Low carbon steel; ─── 贝氏体;复相钢;彩色金相;电子背散射;低碳钢;

5、According to the characteristic of glass molding, such as metallography and thermodynamic, paper analyzes the conglutination between metal and glass at high temperature. ─── 依据玻璃成型的特点,从金属学和热力学角度,分析了金属与玻璃之间的粘结及金属在高温下氧化对玻璃模具选材的制约。

6、The tube leakage of partition overheater of No. 2 boiler in a power plant was studied by means of metallography, intergranular corrosion test and EDS. ─── 摘要针对日照电厂2(上标#)锅炉屏式过热器泄漏进行了金相试验、晶间腐蚀倾向性试验和电镜能谱分析。

7、Keywords Semi-solid metal;Metallography;Ration analysis; ─── 半固态金属;金相图片;定量分析;

8、Keywords Carbon fibres;Micro structure(metallography);Mechanical properties of materials; ─── 碳纤维;显微组织(金相学);材料力学性质;

9、The surface morphology and composition of Zn 5%Al RE coating hot dip plated on alloy steel wire was analyzed by means of metallography,SEM and EPMA. ─── 本文采用金相显微镜、扫描电镜和能谱仪等设备分析了在Zn?5% Al?RE合金溶液中热浸镀中碳钢丝表面的组织形貌和成分。

10、The reasons for disqualification of plates were investigated by means of in-situ composition analysis, metallography, scanning electron microscope and microhardness analyses. ─── 本文应用原位成分分析、金相检验、扫描电镜和显微硬度等分析方法,对此热轧板探伤不合格的原因进行了探讨。

11、Abstract The strain hardening behaviour of five TWIP steels with different Mn content was investigated by static tensile test and metallography. ─── 摘要 采用静态拉伸、金相组织观察方法研究了5种不同锰含量的TWIP钢的拉伸应变硬化行为。

12、Keywords Quantitative metallography;mellable cast iron;fracture dutility;eutectic cementite;graphitizing annealing; ─── 定量金相技术;可锻铸铁;断裂韧性;共晶渗碳体;石墨化退火;

13、This category includes other facets of the subject, such as metallography, mechanical testing, and the heat treatment of metals. ─── 这一分支还包括有关的其他一些内容,如金相学,力学试验及金属热处理等。

14、Analysis on metallography , macro and fracture appearance were carried out on broken link in motorbike engine. ─── 对断裂的摩托车发动机连杆进行宏观、金相及断口分析。

15、In this paper, we discusses the computer analysis methods of some gestalt parameters prescribed in quantitative metallography and stereology, and the algorithms of computer image processing. ─── 本文就定量金相学和体视学中所规定的几个重要的完形参数的计算机分析加以描述,并且对图像处理计算机算法进行了探讨。

16、The continuous cooling transformation (CCT) diagrams of deformed and undeformed austenite of weathering steel were constructed by means of a combined method of dilatometry and metallography. ─── 摘要采用膨胀法结合金相分析建立了耐候钢变形和未变形奥氏体的连续冷却转变曲线(CCT曲线)。

17、The characteristic of metallography and CAI are discussed in this paper.The exploration of the CAI courseware in the dislocation of metallography and its effect of class teaching are introduced. ─── 本文讨论了金属学课程与计算机辅助教学(CAI)的特点,介绍了金属学课程中位错部分CAI课件开发与课堂教学效果。

18、electron metallography ─── 电子金相学

19、Application of Quantitative Metallography in Research of Melleable Cast Iron ─── 定量金相技术在可锻铸铁研究中的应用

20、Study of Metallography Characteristic of TiN Coating Deposited by Different Deposition Process ─── 不同沉积工艺下TiN涂层金属学特性的研究

21、Demonstration of the Formula dA/dV=1/R_1+1/R_2 and Its Using in Metallography ─── dA/dV=1/R_1+1/R_2的推导及其在金属学中的应用

22、The structure and components are studied by means of X-ray spectrographic analysis, spectrometer analysis, chemical analysis, metallography analysis,X-ray diffraction diagram analysis,etc. ─── 并运用X射线光谱分析、能谱分析、化学分析、金相分析、X射线衍射相分析等手段,分析镗杆的材料成分和组织。

23、/Our company sells many reputable instrument suppliers particularly in non-destructive testing, metallography, physics and chemistry. ─── 产品/Product:本公司经营先进无损检测和金相理化产品。

24、Analysis on metallography, macro and fracture appearance were carried out on broken link in motorbike engine. ─── 摘要对断裂的摩托车发动机连杆进行宏观、金相及断口分析。

25、color metallography ─── 彩色金相

26、Manual measuring method in quantitative metallography ─── 定量金相手工测定方法

27、2. Perform inspection by observation &analysis on metallography of metal material specimens; ─── 通过对金属样品的金相学观察和分析来进行来料检验;

28、Theconventional quantitative analyze of metallography based on labor detection is very hardwork.Some test can not proceed, because of the great amount of work. ─── 传统的金相定量分析人工检测是一件很辛苦的工作,有些试验因工作量过大而无法进行。

29、According to the practical study, this dissertation talks about the design and accomplishment of a computer-aided quantitative metallography analysis expert system based on COM technology. ─── 本文结合具体的科研课题,探讨了定量金相分析技术,在此基础上,利用COM(组件对象模型)技术开发了一个定量金相分析专家系统。

30、With the help of optical microscope (OM) and color metallography, the interface migration and its influencing factors were investigated during vacuum holding process. ─── 用光学显微镜和彩色金相技术,研究了真空保温过程中界面的迁移情况及其影响因素。

31、After check the stems made by imported ferric stainless steel bars inside the 4-way reversing valve had cracks,The cracking stems was studied by Metallography,SEM and EDAX. ─── 对失效产品进行检查、分析发现空调四通换向阀中的不锈钢封头有开裂,封头采用进口铁素体不锈钢棒材。

32、The paper describes anodization course in metallography micostructure means,address matters needing attention,especially is pay attention to problern about handling slighrter sample. ─── 介绍了铝合金金相显微组织显示方法中的阳极化处理过程,提出了操作中的注意事项,尤其是薄试样处理过程中应特别注意的问题。

33、Research on Improvement of Piston Insert Metallography ─── 活塞镶圈金相组织改进的研究

34、ion transmission metallography ─── 离子透射金相学

35、Strain of the Proeutectoid Ferrite in Hypoeutectoid Steel During Drawing Tested by Quantitative Metallography ─── 采用定量金相法分析亚共析钢拉拔变形中先共析铁素体应变量

36、Keywords vacuum impregnation;metallography sample;pore;resin; ─── 真空浸渍;金相样品;孔隙;树脂;

37、To adopt the metallography hardness method to study microstructure transformation of medial carbon steel 40 being heated and cooled. ─── 采用金相-硬度法研究了中碳钢(40钢)在加热和冷却时的组织转变。

38、Above or equal education of college major in Chemicals, Materials, Metallography, Welding, Engineering, etc. ─── 大专以上或同等学历,相关化学,材料,金属学,焊接,工程等相关专业。

39、The cracked longitudinal beam of a coach was analysed by means of metallography and SEM . ─── 用金相、扫描电镜等分析方法,对开裂的客车纵梁进行了分析。

40、The cracked longitudinal beam of a coach was analysed by means of metallography and SEM . ─── 用金相、扫描电镜等分析方法,对开裂的客车纵梁进行了分析。

41、The metallography and EPMA show that the distributions of Si, Sn, Pb, Cr and Cu are uniform and dispersion, which is important for increasing bush performance. ─── 电子探什观察表明; Si,Sn,Pb和Cr等元素在组织内分布均匀,有利于提高轴瓦性能。

42、The reasons for disqualification of plates were investigated by means of in-situ composition analysis,metallography,scanning electron microscope and microhardness analyses. ─── 本文应用原位成分分析、金相检验、扫描电镜和显微硬度等分析方法,对此热轧板探伤不合格的原因进行了探讨。

43、The process of Fish-eye Flake formation in welding seams of 16 Mng steel is investigated by means of SEM, EDX, IMA, SIMS reflectoscope and X-ray flaw detection as well as metallography technique. ─── 运用扫描电镜、x射线能谱仪、离子探针、超声波探伤仪及x射线探伤、金相技术等多种手段对16M_ng钢焊缝中鱼眼白点的形成过程作了综合研究。

44、Fracture analysis of the gear were conducted by means of macroexamination, SEM, metallography examination and chemical composition analysis. ─── 采用宏、微观检验和化学成分分析等方法,对断裂齿轮进行了分析。

45、Publication History: Formerly known as Metallography. ─── 出版历史:以前为著名的《金相》

46、Keywords cylinder heater;heat radiation tube;metallography analysis; ─── 圆筒炉;(热)辐射管;金相分析;

47、Keywords Ancient bronzes;Corrosive;XRD and Raman Microscopy;Metallography; ─── 古青铜器;腐蚀产物;X射线衍射;金相分析;拉曼光谱;

48、Based on the system, the application of computer in metallography technology is discussed. ─── 以该系统为基础,论述了计算机在金相技术中的应用。

49、radio metallography ─── X射线金相学

50、The microstructure of hot-dip aluminum coat of deformed low-carbon steel containing RE has been analyzed by metallography microscopy and XRD,and the forming mechanism has also been discussed. ─── 用金相显微镜及X射线衍射仪对形变含稀土低碳钢热浸镀铝的镀层微观组织进行了分析,并探讨了其形成机制。

51、guantitative metallography ─── 定量金相

52、Metallography is the study of the microstructure of metals and alloys by means of the metallurgical microscope and the electron microscope. ─── 金相学是用金相显微镜和电子显微镜对金属和合金的显微结构的研究。

53、Keywords Cu-Co alloy;metallography;scanning electro-microscope;relativity;colloid sillicon; ─── 白合金;金属相;扫描电子显微镜;相关性;胶体硅;

54、Metallography Analysis of Tube Cracking for Superheater Tube ─── 过热器管爆管金相分析

55、Forging defects of mould cavity non-saturate,crack,pucker and shearing edge avulsion,etc.on the astrictive clamps and operating scissors are studied by means of appearance and metallography. ─── 采用外观和金相方法,对止血钳和手术剪锻坯出现的型腔填充不满、裂纹、重皮和切边撕裂等缺陷进行分析。

56、Keywords plasma arc quenching;quenched grid;metallography organization;friction and wear; ─── 等离子弧淬火;淬火网格;金相组织;摩擦磨损;

57、quantitative metallography technique ─── 定量金相技术

58、Discus on some technical questions in some standards using in welding and metallography working of power installation ─── 对电建施工中焊接、金属专业常用标准某些技术问题的讨论

59、The fracture reasons of the transmission shaft were analyzed by means of chemical analysis,mechanical test,fractography and metallography examination. ─── 通过检测化学成分、力学性能、宏观断口以及金相组织等方法对传动轴断裂原因进行了分析。

60、Keywords metal cone;metal texture;color metallography; ─── 药芯罩;金属织构;彩色金相;

61、Bachelor degree or above, and major in engineering or related . 2.5 years relevant experience in metallography and mechanical testing is mandatory. 3. ─── 2、5年以上金相学和机械试验相关工作经验。

62、There are two important features of bainite kinetics which can be shown by a variety of techniques, e.g. dilatometry, electrical resistivity, magnetic measurements and by metallography. ─── 有两个重要特点贝氏体动力学,可表现出各种技术,例如:膨胀,电阻率,磁测量和金相。

63、A broken weld sample was analyzed by means of SEM, TEM, EDX and optic metallography. ─── 本文通过SEM、TEM、EDX及金相分析等手段,对焊口破裂件进行了分析,证明该焊口破裂属硫化氢引起的应力腐蚀开裂。

64、The strain of the proeutectoid ferrite in hypoeutectoid steel drawing was measured and analyzed by quantitative metallography. ─── 采用定量金相法分析计算了亚共析钢拉拔变形中先共析铁素体应变量。

65、Because of the unsymmetrical distributing of particles in metallography no parameter can be ascertained by several data measured in a visual area. ─── 传统的金相定量分析人工检测是一件很辛苦的工作,有些试验因工作量过大而无法进行。

66、By means of mordern metallography analysis technology, The microstructure and properties of carburizing-warm extrusion formed gears were studied. ─── 借助于现代冶金分析技术,对传统切削成形和渗碳-温挤成形齿轮的组织进行了研究。

67、ray metallography ─── 射线金相学

68、Produce biological, stereology, polarizing, metallography, image analysis and electron microscopy, such as close to a hundred species of optoelectronic products. ─── 可生产生物,体视,偏光,金相,图像分析及电子显微镜等近百个品种的光电产品。

69、Image Analysing Techniques for Quantitative Metallography ─── 定量金相的图象分析技术

70、The complex modifying of RE-P on the hypereutectic Al-Si alloy was studied with SEM and quantitative metallography. ─── 采用扫描电镜、定量金相分析等方法研究了RE-P复合变质对过共晶铝硅合金变质效果的影响;

71、x ray metallography ─── x 射线金相学

72、Digital Reconstruction on Large-Scale Metallography Microscope ─── 大型金相显微镜的数字化改造

73、By means of the metallography, the Grain of the magnesium alloy is refined obviously. ─── 通过金相图片观察到镁合金的晶粒明显得到细化。

74、Using the electrodeposition and analytic technologies of SEM and EPMA, as well as metallography, the microscopic morphology and microstructure of 2D deposits of Sn and Pb 0.1Sn 0.9 are investigated. ─── 采用电化学沉积 ,配合扫描电镜 (SEM)、电子探针微分析仪 (EPMA)、金相等分析技术 ,研究了纯Sn及Pb0 .1Sn0 .9的二维沉积物的显微形貌和微结构 .

75、The fracture of piston rod of new hydrogen compression pump is studied by metallography and electron probe in this paper. ─── 用金相显微镜和电子探针对新氢压缩机活塞杆断口进行了分析。


77、Imagination of Teaching Mode Innovation on Traditional Metallography Experiment Course ─── 对传统金相实验课教学的改革设想

78、Keywords Color metallography Heat tinting Chemical deposition Color temperature Metallographic; ─── 彩色金相;热染;化学沉积;色温;金相组织;

79、Keywords spheroidal graphite cast iron;metallography microstructure;computer image processing;quantitative analysis; ─── 球墨铸铁;金相组织;计算机图像处理;定量分析;

80、We can change the metallography structure of hard alloy by boronizing, improve its complicated properties, reduce the brittle, increase the hardness, and at last prolong the dies service life. ─── 但硬质合金脆性大,冲击韧性低。通过渗硼可以改变硬质合金组织,改善其综合性能,提高硬度,降低脆性,延长了模具寿命。

81、This paper introduced chemical tint colour metallography for carbides of high speed steel W18Cr4V,to demonstrate quenching,tempering and annealing. The selenium acid agent made various carbides and alloy content sill different coloures. ─── 该文采用彩色金相化学染色技术显示淬火态、回火态与退火态的W18Cr4V高速钢中的碳化物,硒酸试剂使不同类型及其不同合金含量的碳化物以不同的色彩呈现。

82、Formation mechanism of surface layer structure in nickel-boronizing steel was studied using metallography,X-Ray diffraction,SEM and WDS technique. ─── 本文运用金相、扫描电镜波谱仪以及X射线衍射技术和残余应力测试研究分析了碳钢的镍-硼共渗层组织结构、形成机理及性能特点。

83、Keywords magnedc metallography cold deformation deforming martensite; ─── 磁性金相法;冷变形;形变马氏体;

84、Based on the system, the application of computer in metallography technology is discussed. ─── 该系统为基础,论述了计算机在金相技术中的应用。

85、The simulation of a practical automotive brake-housing SG iron casting was carried out with the improved model, and the simulation results were verified with the quantitative metallography in several samples cut from the casting. ─── 对实际汽车制动臂球铁件进行模拟,并取样进行定量金相实验分析,对模拟结果进行验证。

86、The automatic polish-grinding machine of Struers Abramin can replace man to finish the specimen of metallography through setting corres ponding program. ─── 叙述了自动磨抛机的操作及根据试样情况设置的相应程序,给出了磨、抛试验的工艺参数,提出了注意事项。

87、The mineral composition, microstructure and metallography of different bronze samples were analyzed with X-ray diffraction(XRD), scanning electronic microscopy (SEM), X-ray energy dispersive analysis(EDAX) and optical microscopy(OM). ─── 采用X射线衍射(XRD)、扫描电镜(SEM)、X射线电子能谱(EDAX)和金相显微镜(OM)等方法,分析比较了染有“粉状锈”与未染粉状锈的青铜残片的矿物组成、腐蚀层分层结构及金相组织。

88、The extracting features of metallography is the key to metallographic analysis. ─── 金相图象特征信息提取是进行金相分析的关键。

89、Study of pattern recognition of CCD metallography organization ─── CCD金相组织图形模式识别研究

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