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10-02 投稿


modeler 发音

英:[?mɑ?d?l?r]  美:[?m?d?l?(r)]

英:  美:

modeler 中文意思翻译



modeler 词性/词形变化,modeler变形

动词过去分词: modeled/modelled |动词第三人称单数: models/models |动词现在分词: modeling/modelling |名词: modeler |动词过去式: modeled/modelled |

modeler 短语词组

1、spss modeler spss ─── 建模器

2、modeler launcher error modeler ─── 启动器错误

modeler 相似词语短语

1、modeled ─── v.模仿(model的过去分词形式);模式化;被效仿

2、modeller ─── n.塑像者;分析员;n.(Modeller)人名;(瑞典)莫德勒

3、yodeler ─── 约德勒

4、yodelers ─── 尤德勒

5、modelers ─── n.塑造者;制造模型者(model的名词形式)

6、modelled ─── 做模特儿(modelled的model的过去式与过去分词形式);模仿(modelled的model的过去式与过去分词形式);做模型(modelled的model的过去式与过去分词形式)

7、yodeller ─── 约德勒

8、remodeler ─── 染色质重塑(生物术语)

9、modellers ─── n.塑像者;分析员;n.(Modeller)人名;(瑞典)莫德勒

modeler 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、How he became a model worker is known to us all. ─── 他是怎样变成一个先进工人的,大家都知道。

2、Kelly set up a model of dichotomy thinking. ─── 同时 ,他还提出了一个不同于传统逻辑的二重思维模式。

3、Could you tell me how to make a model plane? ─── 你能告诉我怎么做模型飞机吗?

4、Manufacturers are exhibiting their new model cars . ─── 制造商们在展览他们的新型汽车。

5、You can have the de luxe model if you like, but it'll cost you. ─── 你愿意的话,可以买高级的,不过得花很多钱。

6、Traditional fax has a fairly simple usage model. ─── 传统传真有一相当简单的使用模型。

7、As stated, the model(1)is too naive. ─── 上面已说过,模型(1)是太简单了。

8、His father built him a model aeroplane. ─── 他父亲给他做了一架模型飞机.

9、Last Sunday they flew their model planes. ─── 上星期天他们放航模机。

10、Do they make this model anymore? ─── 他们还做这种模型吗?

11、Building model stars is a compulsory task. ─── 建立恒星模型是一项势在必行的任务。

12、She bought a dress patterned upon a Parisian model. ─── 她买了一件仿照巴黎流行式样而做的衣服。

13、A mechanical model of the solar system. ─── 太阳系仪太阳系的机械模型

14、Large sums were expended on model farms. ─── 大宗金钱费于建设模范农场。

15、The model that you want is spoken for. ─── 你需要的那个型号样品已经被订购了。

16、Computer simulations by Mike Rampino, a climate modeler from New York University, show that the resulting ash cloud could have plunged the area into darkness. ─── 纽约大学的气候模拟专家 Mike Rampino 的计算机模拟显示,由此产生的火山灰云可能使该地区陷入黑暗。

17、There is a snob value in driving the latest model. ─── 开最新款式的车能满足一种庸俗的虚荣心。

18、They have to practise their walking too,like model. ─── 她们还得像模特那样训练走路。

19、The Young Pioneers model themselves on the P.L.A men. ─── 少先队员们以解放军为学习榜样。

20、What model,year and maker is your car? ─── 你车子的型号、年份和制造商是什么?

21、The boundary between two adjacent layers in the OSI model. ─── 在开放系统互连模型中两个相邻层间的边界。

22、He made a model plane out of wood. ─── 他用木头做了一架模型飞机。

23、A lay figure can be placed in any position, or attitude, and clothed in any costume and thus serves as a model for the drapery. ─── 人体模型可以放在任何位置,摆成任何姿势,穿上任何服装,作为服装店的模特儿。

24、A learning process occurring early in the life of a social animal in which a specific behavior pattern is established through association with a parent or other role model. ─── 印刻作用,烙印社会性动物生命早期出现的认知过程,通过与父母或一个其他角色模式的接触而形成的特别的行为方式

25、If you know which processes you wish to monitor as you are creating the model, you can specify them in WebSphere Business Modeler. ─── 如果在创建模型时知道您希望监视哪些业务流程,您可以在WebSphereBusinessModeler中指定它们。

26、He was a famous model worker in his day. ─── 当年,他是一位著名的劳动模范。

27、His mother is a model of industry. ─── 他母亲是勤劳的模范。

28、A probability model in which each event depends upon the previous event. ─── 一种概率模型,其中每一事件取决于前面的事件。

29、The new model was successfully launched last month. ─── 上月成功地将新型产品投放市场。

30、MDA make component's reuse expend to model's reuse. ─── MDA的出现,使软件复用由组件复用扩展到模型复用。

31、Comparing UML and Modeler models. ─── uml模型与Modeler模型的比较。

32、She has been held up as a model worker. ─── 她被推举为模范工作者。

33、She has class all right-she looks like a model. ─── 她的确丰姿娴雅,看上去像模特儿一样。

34、He traded in his car for a new model. ─── 他把旧汽车折价添钱买了辆新型号的。

35、An original type, form, or instance that serves as a model on which later stages are based or judged. ─── 原型一种原初的类型、形式或例证,是作为其后期阶段的基础的模型

36、They have their scale model in the writing desk. ─── 他们把模型放在写字桌里了。

37、If you like, I can make you a model plane. ─── 如果你喜欢,我可以给你做一只模型飞机。

38、Their latest model is certain to is a winner. ─── 他们最新型号的产品一定很成功.

39、He copied carefully from the model. ─── 他仔细地照那个模式仿制。

40、Is it the exact model and counterpart of the dog? ─── 它不是那个狗东西的模型和化身吗?

41、The company had step up production of the latest model. ─── 公司已增加了最新型产品的生产。

42、Being a model invests her with a certain glamour. ─── 当模特儿似乎给她增添了一定的魅力。

43、Business Modeler can generate reports on the static parts of the business process, or produce queries across the entire process catalog. ─── BusinessModeler可以生成有关业务流程的静态部分的报告,或者生成跨整个流程目录的查询。

44、They employ a model which they call a cell model. ─── 他们采用一种所谓的网格模型。

45、Why is the Silicon Valley a New Economic Model? ─── 为什么硅谷成为一种新的经济模式?

46、He always drive the latest model of car. ─── 他总是驾驶最新型号的车。

47、We have a number of assets for the data modeler, the system administrator, and BI professionals on the Web site. ─── 我们为 Web 站点上的数据建模者、系统管理员和 BI 专业人员提供了大量资产。

48、It was built after a European model. ─── 它是模仿一种欧洲的样式修建的。

49、They build a rough model out of stick and wire. ─── 他们用木条和金属丝做了个粗制的模型。

50、He had a fling with a British model. ─── 他曾和一位英国模特有染。

51、He built a model ship out of wood. ─── 他用木头造了个模型船。

52、He has all manner of model planes. ─── 他有各式各样的模型飞机。

53、A former model wrote a hilarious novel based on pillow talk with her many male friends. ─── 一位前模特儿以她同许多男友的枕头谈话为基础写出了一本有趣的小说。

54、He built me a model ship out of wood. ─── 他用木料给我做了一个轮船模型。

55、He showed us a model of the new office building. ─── 他给我们看了新办公楼的模型。

56、He assembled the model aircraft bit by bit. ─── 他一块一块地装配飞机模型。

57、She surrendered her dream of becoming a model. ─── 她放弃当模特儿的梦想。

58、When he became interested in model airplanes he went the whole hog. ─── 他对模型飞机感兴趣之后就全力以赴了。

59、He taught Tom how to make a model airplane. ─── 他教汤姆作模型飞机的方法。

60、The child's same-sex parent acts as a role model. ─── 孩子的同性家长是孩子效仿的榜样。

61、He cemented the wing to the model airplane. ─── 他将机翼粘接在模型飞机上。

62、A friend of his, a repairman who knew the condition of the car, kept urging him to trade his old car for a new model. ─── 他的一个朋友,一个了解这辆汽车情况的修理工,劝他把那辆旧车作价再补些钱买辆新型的。

63、Penetrated the home-computer market with an affordable new model. ─── 以大众可承受的新机型打入家用电脑市场

64、Dynamic analysis in Business Modeler includes many reports, which enable you to understand the results of the simulation. ─── BusinessModeler中的动态分析包括很多报告,可通过这些报告帮助理解模拟结果。

65、The next section of the article discusses the features that you will probably use in a daily basis as a data modeler. ─── 本文下一节将讨论数据建模师在日常工作中可能用到的一些特性。

66、FUG model uses the complex feature set. ─── FUG模型采用复杂特征集和合一运算来生成句子;

67、In previous versions of Modeler, there was a button on the palette to go in and out of connection mode. ─── 在早期版本的Modeler中,面板上有一个按钮可进入或退出连接模式。

68、Today he is well known as a model leader. ─── 今天他是有名的模范领导人。

69、She was a beautiful girl with the grace and poise of a natural model. ─── 她是一个美丽的姑娘,有著模特儿的那种优雅姿势。

70、Could I interest you in this model, Sir? ─── 先生,请你瞧瞧这个型号好吗?

71、His son was held up as a model of hard work. ─── 他的儿子被推举为勤奋工作的榜样。

72、My dear Gerald, Edward is a model. ─── 亲爱的杰拉尔德,爱德华是个楷模。

73、Conduct Job analysis, competency model, etc. ─── 在公司内部进行工作分析,并建立胜任素质模型.

74、He made a clay model of the Eiffel Tower. ─── 他做了一个艾菲尔铁塔的黏土模型。

75、As a model, Monroe always aspired to an acting career. ─── 当模特儿时,梦露渴望演员生涯。

76、The pupils model themselves upon their teacher. ─── 小学生仿效他们的老师。

77、What is the price of the J7 model? ─── J7这一型的价格是多少?

78、He materialized his ideas by building a model. ─── 他制作了一个模型使自己的想法具体化了。

79、His new girlfriend is a leggy fashion model. ─── 他的新女友是一位长腿的时装模特儿。

80、Building the model railroad was a labour of love for the retired engineer. ─── 建一个铁路模型对这位退休的工程师来说是一种乐趣。

81、The model of the building was made of card. ─── 建筑物的模型是用厚纸片制造的。

82、And he was in the scale modeler's club, and I was, well, there was no club, but I sure thought they were cool. ─── 他参加了模型俱乐部,我也…哦,我们学校没有成立俱乐部,但我觉得玩模型的人很酷。

83、Her written work is a model of care and neatness. ─── 她做的书面作业是认真清晰的典范。

84、His model deeds have been publicized on TV. ─── 他的先进事迹都上了电视了。

85、As a model,she always heads up their parade. ─── 作为一个时装模特儿,表演时她总第一个出场。

86、Do you think coeducation is a good model? ─── 你认为男女同校这种模式好吗?

87、The luxury model gives a smoother ride. ─── 坐这种豪华型汽车感觉很平稳。

88、Make yours on the model of your brother's. ─── 你的所作所为要以你哥哥为典范。

89、He lose one of the pieces of his model engine. ─── 他的火车头模型缺了一个零件。

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