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marksmanship 发音

英:[?mɑ?rksm?n??p]  美:[?mɑ?ksm?n??p]

英:  美:

marksmanship 中文意思翻译



marksmanship 网络释义

n. 射击术,枪法

marksmanship 词性/词形变化,marksmanship变形

名词: marksmanship |

marksmanship 短语词组

1、Marksmanship under Fire ─── 火焰下的标记

2、civilian marksmanship program ─── 平民射击项目

3、marksmanship unit ─── 射击队

4、marksmanship hunter ─── 射击猎人

5、marksmanship training ─── 射击训练

6、marksmanship badge ─── 射击徽章

7、marksmanship bonus ─── 射击奖金

8、Marksmanship Qualification Order ─── 标志资格令

9、Marksmanship Training Unit ─── 标记训练股

marksmanship 相似词语短语

1、gamesmanship ─── n.比赛策略,手腕,克敌制胜术

2、marshalship ─── n.元帅;司仪(marshal的变形)

3、oarsmanship ─── n.划桨技术

4、brinksmanship ─── 边缘政策

5、salesmanship ─── n.推销;推销术;游说术

6、draftsmanship ─── n.制图术(等于draughtsmanship)

7、batsmanship ─── n.击球技术

8、craftsmanship ─── n.技术;技艺

9、workmanship ─── n.手艺,工艺;技巧

marksmanship 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、With them sturdy each hold like already seeing, their marksmanship is those who gave a name is good. ─── 同他俩坚定地各执已见一样,他俩的枪法又都是出了名的好。

2、o Concussive Barrage (Marksmanship) - Can now proc from Volley attacks. ─── 弹幕(射击)现在可以被乱射触发了。

3、The hunter Marksmanship ability "Silencing Shot" is now triggering the "Auto-Shot" ability after using the ability. ─── 射击系天赋技能沉默射击在使用后将触发自动射击(意味着原来不会自动触发自动射击???)。

4、That the awareness is greater than what marksmanship? At the same level. A preview, predict the winning players certainly higher. ─── 什么说意识大于枪法?在水平相差不多。有预瞄、预判的玩家肯定胜率要高一些。

5、Little Erhei was the younger son of Kong Ming the Second.Once in a battle, he had killed two enemy soldiers and had been commended for his excellent marksmanship. ─── 小二黑,是二诸葛的二小子,有一次反扫荡打死过两个敌人,曾得到特等射手的奖励。

6、Ukraine marksman Shevchenko confirmed on Friday that he was ready for a change of scenery, following seven seasons at the San Siro. ─── 乌克兰射手舍甫琴科周五时承认在圣西罗7年后有意换换环境。

7、Corrected a careless mistake at Marksman firing sound trigger. ─── 修正了一个由于疏忽而造成的狙击手开枪声音触发器中的错误。

8、marksmanship is still a priority as you learn firing. ─── 枪法练习仍然是射击训练的首要任务。

9、Readiness (Marksmanship): Cooldown reduced to 3 minutes, down from 5 minutes, and has been moved to Tier 5 of the Marksmanship Tree from the Survival Tree. ─── 准备就绪:由5分钟冷却改为3分钟冷却,并从生存系移动到射击系第5层。

10、This was the first time I had ever touched a firearm. To my amazement, I won the camp's first place award for marksmanship. ─── 那是我第一次接触枪支,却奇迹般地获得了营地射击比赛的冠军。

11、He liked to win and was a champion horseman, marksman, and was captain of his football team.He was highly respected in society and his career was proceeding smoothly. ─── 他个性好胜,曾得过骑术冠军、射击冠军,又是足球队长,在社会上备受尊重,仕途也堪称一帆风顺。

12、Coca-Cola as the ace marksman, I believe that your forces will certainly encouraging. ─── 作为可口可乐的王牌射手,相信您的势力一定不俗。

13、Okur's 3-point marksmanship from a center changes the Lakers' defensive approach, because when he's out there Pau Gasol will often guard him and try to stay with him on the perimeter. ─── 奥库的三分投射能力将会一定程度上会扩大湖人的防守范围,因为当他不在内线而在外线飘荡时,加索尔也必须要跟出去在边缘防守。

14、Quantitative Detection and Feedback System for Marksmanship Training in Shooting ─── 射击训练定量检测和及时反馈系统

15、I'm happy with my goals but most of all with the way we played as a team,” the Azzurrini marksman insisted. ─── 对于我的进球我感到很高兴,但最重要的是我们整体踢得都很好,"这名意大利青年队前锋强调.

16、Marksman Qualification Badge ─── 射击合格徽章

17、Batistuta won 77 caps for his country, scoring 57 goals, making him Argentina's all-time top marksman - 21 ahead of Diego Maradona. ─── 巴蒂为阿根廷出场77次,进球57个,是阿根廷的最佳射手,超过第二名狄戈马拉多纳21个球。

18、- The M14 will be used by the USMC Designated Marksman. ─── + M14会装备给USMC(美国海军陆战队)的神射手。

19、Despite the Blues’ success, though, the Argentine marksman has struggled to settle during his second English spell. ─── 尽管切尔西取得了很大的成功,但是阿根廷前锋却在他在英国的第二个赛季里度过的很艰难。

20、The film stars Jude Law as Vassili, a marksman from the Urals who is transported to Stalingrad in 1942, and a master German sniper, Major Koenig (Ed Harris). ─── 他一枪毙敌的绝招在不到十天的战斗里就狙杀了40多名德国兵,一时间“瓦氏神枪,例无虚发”的神话传遍整个战场。

21、In this patch, we've done a comprehensive balance pass on the Marksman. ─── 在这个补丁,我们已经进行了全面的平衡,通过对射手。

22、Distinguished Marksman Badge ─── 优秀射手奖章

23、Xiao Wang didn't practise hard, so he failed the marksmanship test. ─── 小王平时训练不刻苦,以致射击考核没有及格。

24、However, he has made it clear that he would like to form a partnership with Ukrainian marksman Andrei Shevchenko. ─── 不过,他已明确表示渴望与舍甫琴科搭档锋线。

25、Aid to Improved Marksmanship ─── 射击术提高辅助器材

26、Concussive Barrage (Marksmanship) - Can now proc from Volley attacks. ─── “昏迷弹幕”(射击系)-现在能被乱射触发了。

27、No longer forces the Marksman to crouch and stop moving when used. ─── 不再迫使射手蜷缩在一起,并停止移动时使用。

28、Modified Marksmanship Course ─── 修订之射击课程

29、Rumours that Chelsea have unearthed a prolific marksman have yet to be confirmed. ─── 另外,“切尔西已经发掘到了一位多产而富有创造力的射手”这一传闻并未得到证实。:?

30、Estonian Gerd Kanter celebrates his discus gold medal by sprinting down the 100 meter track at the Bird's Nest and mimicking Bolt's marksman routine. ─── 因脚伤无奈退出男子110米栏卫冕冠军的比赛时,刘翔沮丧地走出了跑道。刘翔是中国最受欢迎的运动员,他的意外离场让他的无数支持者扼腕叹息。

31、A good marksman may miss. ─── 好射手也有失手的时候。

32、GP: Here's another popular complaint: In Hellgate, weapons are far more useful than skills -- my Marksman mostly used his gun, not his skills and abilities. ─── 另外,玩家还对武器过分重要诟病不已。有人说,他练得狙魔手总是直接开枪扫怪而不是使用技能。

33、Kenny Miler was the Light Blues' second-top marksman in the league with 10 goals. ─── 射手榜(联赛)次席的肯尼.米勒打进10球.

34、97 A good marksman may miss. ─── 好射手也有失手的时候.

35、A best marksman may miss. ─── 好射手也有脱靶时。

36、Combat Knife added to Grunt, Delta Force, Marksman and Force Recon. ─── 为步枪兵,三角洲特种部队,狙击手和武装侦察兵增加了战斗刀技能。

37、Improved Arcane Shot (Marksmanship): Now increases the damage done by your Arcane Shot by 5/10/15%. ─── 强化奥术射击:现在为增加你的奥术射击伤害5/10/15%。

38、She snatched at every chance to improve her marksmanship. ─── 她抓住一切机会提高射击技术。

39、He showed wonderful marksmanship and hit the enemy hard. ─── 他表现出惊人的枪法,给了敌人以沉重的打击。

40、Basic individual qualities include shooting accuracy (marksmanship), balance, concentration, coordination, good nerves and a sense of timing. ─── 射击运动员的个人基本素质包括射击的精确性,平衡,注意力集中,协调,心理稳定和时间感觉。

41、"The Marksman uses modified ammunition that has a chance to ricochet off enemies and walls. ─── "射手使用改性弹药,有机会弹离敌人和墙壁"。

42、The idiom “a hundred shots, a hundred bullseye” was drawn from this story, referring to the description of excellent marksmanship, and also referring to great accuracy in predicting a situation. ─── 人们根据这个寓言故事引申出“百发百中”这句成语,这个故事的前半部分是形容射箭技术的高超,也比喻预料事情很有把握。

43、You'll learn about guard duty, how to prepare for inspections and start on your basic rifle marksmanship course. ─── 你将学习哨兵职责、如何迎接检阅以及学习射击课程。

44、Today, to the point of interest, to talk about your marksmanship. ─── 今天来了点兴趣,就来谈谈枪法吧。

45、Rifle marksmanship will be your primary concern. ─── 你首先学习的是步枪射击。

46、Ice ice:I want to let to pull to ascend to be my gun target, let me practice marksmanship, until a hundred shots gun gun ten wreaths for rest. ─── 冰冰:我要让拉登当我的枪靶子,让我练枪法,直到百发百中枪枪十环为休。

47、Improved Stings - Marksmanship - Changed from five levels to three, stats changed. ----------- ─── 增加你毒蛇钉刺翼龙钉刺的伤害30%,增加蝰蛇钉刺吸魔量30%,钉刺有30%几率不被驱散。

48、The Mancunian marksman came through the ranks at Old Trafford alongside Duncan Edwards and Bobby Charlton, making his debut for United in December 1952. ─── 在他26次出场的比赛中,多赫蒂进了7球,帮助曼联获得了55/56赛季的英甲联赛冠军。

49、Marksman and Gunnery Laser Device ─── 射击与炮击激光仪

50、Marksman - Hit makes it’s appearance at the top of the Marksman Hunter’s list as well. ─── 射手 - 命中使得,在射手猎人顶端,星光大道的清单,以及政务主任外观。

51、After transforming his public image and becoming England's most feared marksman over the past eight months, Didier Drogba has revealed he is keen to end his career at Chelsea. ─── 在最近的八个月中,德罗巴成为了英超中最致命的杀手,这也使他在大众心目中的形象发生可彻底的转变。目前他已经透露了想在切尔西结束职业生涯的愿望。

52、In fact, if you have a good pace, even if your general marksmanship, and that your chances of survival are greatly improved. ─── 其实如果你的步伐掌握的好,就算你的枪法一般,那你的成活几率也很大的提高。

53、Thus explaining the Marksmanship first, Survival second build. ─── 因此先加射击后加生存。

54、That the awareness is greater than what marksmanship? ─── 什么说意识大于枪法?

55、“I'm happy with my goals but most of all with the way we played as a team,” the Azzurrini marksman insisted. ─── "对于我的进球我感到很高兴,但最重要的是我们整体踢得都很好,"这名意大利青年队前锋强调.

56、The Blues have been linked with a number of big-name strikers over the summer, but the former Porto boss says he could not have bought a better marksman than Crespo. ─── 在整个夏天与许多的大牌射手联系,但是前波尔图主帅说他不可能买来一个比克雷斯波更好的球员了。

57、The marksman trained his sights on the target. ─── 射手把视线对准靶子。

58、American frontiersman and folk hero known for his marksmanship,fighting skills,and braggadocio ─── 以枪法、斗技和吹牛而出名的美国拓荒者和民间英雄人物

59、The marksman aimed at the centre of the target. ─── 射手瞄准了靶心。

60、Today, to the point of interest, to talk about your marksmanship. ─── 今天来了点兴趣,就来谈谈枪法吧。

61、Encouraged by this success, Rutherford and his colleagues looked for other targets for their marksmanship. ─── 卢瑟福和他的同事们在这一成功鼓舞下,又在为他们的射击术寻求别的靶标。

62、Aimed Shot (Marksmanship) now reduces healing done to that target by 50% for 10 seconds. ─── 瞄准射击(射击系)现在将在10秒内降低对目标的治疗效果50%。

63、Basic individual qualities include shooting accuracy (marksmanship), balance , concentration, coordination, good nerves and sense of timing. ─── 射击运动员的个人基本素质抱括射击的精确性,平衡,注意力集中协调,心理稳定和时间感觉。

64、2.If Wang Cuiping doesn’t have a good marksmanship, she will be a failing role at whichever; ─── 2、如果王翠平没有枪法,她是一个彻彻底底失败的角色,任何一方面;

65、this requires you to attack the marksmanship is home. ─── 这需要你狙击的枪法非常到家)。

66、They practised marksmanship every day. ─── 他们每天练习枪法。

67、Karen was assigned an elaborately scoped sniper rifle, her marksmanship scores being the best of any of them. ─── 分给凯伦的是一支瞄准精确的狙击步枪,这支队伍里数她的枪法最准。

68、You begin at lvl 10 by allocating points into your Marksmanship Talent in this order. ─── 从10级的时候你就可以按照这个顺序给你的射击天赋加点了。

69、Schoolchildren learn to salute the flag shouldering imitation rifles, while state media celebrate the heroism of military and athletic marksmanship. ─── 学校里的孩子们学习如何向国旗行持枪礼,而官方媒体则对军队官兵和射击运动员们的精湛枪法大加赞美。

70、Basic Marksmanship Training Range ─── 基本射击术训练射程

71、Come and you want to protect children and Otis jasmine, quickly and accurately in order to defeat the monster of marksmanship, th... ─── 你要快来保护茉莉儿和奥提斯,以快而准的枪法打败怪兽,收集馅饼可而外得分,而使用奥提斯面罩更可增强你的火力!

72、And so bow hunting is kind of the modern extension of things like atlatl hunting in which you have hunters out there who are now relying more on skill than they are on marksmanship. ─── 在这种方式中,猎人在户外更多的依靠技巧而非枪法。

73、TheCommunist Party lauds marksmanship enough to give freshmen collegestudents basic training in it. ─── 中国如此地推崇好枪法,以至于要求大学新生进行基本的射击训练。

74、The Communist Party lauds marksmanship enough to give freshmen college students basic training in it. ─── 共产党如此地推崇好枪法,以至于要求大学新生进行基本的射击训练。

75、10) Estonian Gerd Kanter celebrates his discus gold medal by sprinting down the 100 meter track at the Bird's Nest and mimicking Bolt's marksman routine. ─── 10)爱沙尼亚运动员戈德?坎特获得男子铁饼金牌后,在鸟巢百米跑道上狂奔,并模仿博尔特的招牌动作庆祝胜利。

76、The marksman squeezed off successive rounds and every one told. ─── 射击运动员连扣板机,弹无虚发。

77、He is the boldest and best marksman I have ever encountered. ─── 他是我见过最大胆、最优秀的狙击手。

78、He did not practice hard, so that he failed the marksmanship test. ─── 他平时训练不刻苦,以致射击考核没有及格。

79、A vast bid would then certainly be possible given the fee already taken for Ukrainian marksman Andriy Shevchenko. ─── 出售标志性球星舍甫琴科所获取的经费使得米兰提出巨额转会费成为可能。

80、Marksmanship Qualification Order ─── 射击术合格规定

81、Roma are looking for a new hitman this summer and there are whispers that they could turn to Macedonian marksman Pandev. ─── 今年夏天罗马在寻找一名新的杀手,有小道消息称他们有可能转向马其顿射手潘德夫。

82、excel in horsemanship and marksmanship ─── 善骑射

83、Their marksmanship with immense self-confidence? ─── 对自己的枪法拥有无比的自信吗?

84、The young marksman was the hero in a scrappy 1-0 win over Treviso last week and made the difference again with his first hat-trick in a Juventus shirt last night. ─── 年轻的射手是上周1:0战胜特雷维索的主角,而昨晚的比赛他再一次成为英雄,那是拉斐尔身穿黑白球衣首次上演帽子戏法.

85、There are also numerous areas where we have also increased the effectiveness of or altered skills to give Marksman players a wider variety of powerful builds and tactics. ─── 也有许多地方我们还增加了成效,变造的技能,让射手的球员更多元化的强大是建立和战术。

86、9 see joke: On shooting gallery, some soldier marksmanship is honest too poor. ─── 9看笑话: 在射击场上,某士兵枪法实在太差。

87、a shooter; a marksman; a gunner ─── 射手

88、Amelia's journey was halted by power lines, and she was finally rescued after a police marksman in San Francisco shot the balloons with a pellet gun. ─── 因为碰到了电线,这只名叫阿米莉娅的小鸡在天空中的旅程被迫停止。一名旧金山的警察神射手用气枪把气球全部打爆,最终救下了阿米莉娅。

89、The People says Chelsea, Manchester United and Manchester City are all sniffing around their proven marksman. ─── 《人物》杂志声称:切尔西,曼联,曼城都对这名战绩累累的神射手垂涎欲滴。

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