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10-03 投稿


nominator 发音


英:  美:

nominator 中文意思翻译



nominator 同义词

nominative case | nominal |nominated

nominator 词性/词形变化,nominator变形


nominator 反义词


nominator 相似词语短语

1、abominator ─── n.嫌恶者;憎恶者

2、laminator ─── n.层布贴合机

3、dominator ─── n.统治者;支配者;支配力

4、comminator ─── n.威吓;诅咒(commination的变形)

5、nomination ─── n.任命,提名;提名权

6、nominate ─── vt.推荐;提名;任命;指定

7、nominates ─── vt.推荐;提名;任命;指定

8、denominator ─── n.[数]分母;命名者;共同特征或共同性质;平均水平或标准

9、nominated ─── adj.被提名的;被任命的;v.提名;任命(nominate的过去分词)

nominator 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The experiment results show that the labeling of word category has an accuracy of 81.640 5%,and the labeling of the relation within compound nomin... ─── 实验效果表明,对词的类别进行标注取得了在把维度降到363时的精确率为81.6406%的结果;对复合结构语义关系之间的标注也取得了比以往工作有所改进的成果。

2、5 The nominator must be a current registered social worker. ─── 提名人现时必须为注册社工。

3、Nomination form to be completed and submitted by the nominator separately under confidential cover. ─── 提名表格須由提名人個別填寫及遞交,並於信封面上註明機密。

4、The nominator should deliver a completed Nomination Form, with an attached Recommendation to the Organizing Committee, Hong Kong Print Awards on or before 30 September 2008. ─── 提名人除了需要填妥参加表格外,并须提交推荐书。

5、before submitting the nomination form , the nominator must get the consent of the candidate to be nominated. ─── 联会规定,提名人在递交提名表格前,一定要取得候选人的同意。

6、Examples are mafioso with dark background, Scharping, Liar, Nominator, Jinx, The stubborn civilian etc. ─── 你可以设计一些这些角色的翻版,但是可以 主动出击 ,把这些效力临时性的或永久的给与他人。

7、The nominator must be a current registered social worker. ─── 提名人现时必须为注册社工.

8、The completed namination form should be submitted to the Human Resources Department by the 25th of the month.The nominator has worked for three months in our hotel. ─── 请各部门将已填好的提名表与本月25日前送交人力资源部。在本酒店工作满三个月的员工方有评选资格。

9、Nominator (if any) of the candidate has to f_ill in the nomination form (Form B) and to be enclosed with this entry submission. ─── 如参加者获提名人推荐,提名人需另外填写提名表格(表格B),并连同此参加表格一同递交。

10、The nominator has worked for three months in our hotel. ─── 在本酒店工作满三个月的员工方有评选资格。

11、If there is more than one nominator for the same candidate, please photocopy this page for providing particulars of the other nominator(s). ─── 若有超过一位人士提名同一候选人,请复印本页,以便填写各提名人的资料。

12、Nominator should have got the nominee's consent before making the nomination. ─── 提名人在作出提名前,必须得到获提名人士的同意。

13、Nominations must be endorsed by the nominator and at least one other Rotarian, either of whom must be from outside the nominee's district. ─── 提名必须获得提名者及至少另一位扶轮社员的支持。提名或者支持必须由被提名者地区以外的人来做。

14、Note: In the case that the nominee is not a Life Member, one of the nominator should come from the Agency Member of which the nominee belongs; ─── # 注:如获提名人员并非永久个人会员,两位提名人士其中一位必须为获提名人士所属机构的正式代表;

15、(This part is to be completed by the nominator. ─── 此部分须由提名人填写。

16、If there is more than one nominator for the same candidate, please photocopy this page for providing particulars of the other nominator(s). ─── 若有超过一位人士提名同一候选人,请复印本页,以便填写各提名人的资料。

17、authentication of a nominator ─── 鉴定提名人

18、However, the nominator must obtain consent of nominees before submitting their names. ─── 但提名人需事先获得候选人同意,方可呈送候选人名单。

19、This years only breathe easier, seniors won't need to fear losing their doctors, and pregnant woman will nomin women with limited means won't have to worry about the health of their babies. ─── 有哮喘的孩子将能呼吸顺畅,老年人不必害怕不能看医生,预算有限的孕妇也不必担心他们孩子的健康。

20、Before submitting the nomination form, the nominator must get the consent of the candidate to be nominated. ─── 联会规定,提名人在递交提名表格前,一定要取得候选人的同意。

21、All nominations must be supported by a nominator who is not the nominee of the same submission. ─── 4所有提名表格都必须有一个附议人,但附议人不可以是同一个申请表的被提名人;

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