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10-03 投稿


nigrescent 发音

英:[na??ɡres?nt]  美:[na??ɡres?nt]

英:  美:

nigrescent 中文意思翻译



nigrescent 相似词语短语

1、virescent ─── adj.淡绿色的;变绿的;带绿的

2、vitrescent ─── adj.玻态的

3、accrescent ─── adj.增大的;成长的

4、florescent ─── adj.花盛开的,开花的

5、nigrescence ─── n.变黑;(眼睛、头发、皮肤等的)黑色

6、excrescent ─── adj.多余的;异常生长的

7、decrescent ─── adj.变小的;渐减的;亏缺的

8、crescent ─── n.新月;新月状物;伊斯兰教的标记;土耳其的新月形国徽;adj.新月形的;逐渐增加的;vt.以新月形物装饰;使成新月形;n.(Crescent)人名;(法)克雷桑

9、ignescent ─── adj.敲击发出火花的;反复无常的;n.发火物

nigrescent 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、During Service, if the Lanthanon aluminates luminescent powder surface contacts and does relative movement with metal, it will be nigrescent. ─── 摘要稀土铝酸盐发光材料在使用过程中和金属铁接触并发生相对运动则会出现色泽变暗现象,影响其产品外观及发光亮度。

2、Give abnormal sweating due to general debility, giddy, crouch a little while to still be met at the moment nigrescent, is blood pressure low? Other perhaps reason? ─── 出虚汗,头晕,蹲一会还会眼前发黑,是不是血压低?或者是别的原因?

3、Hand, sufficient nigrescent because the salinity inside body wants to be in discharge to go out from end,be. ─── 手、足发黑是由于体内盐分要从末梢处泄出。

4、A time is long, or crouch a little while to stand up, can feel giddy, at the moment nigrescent , what symptom be? ─── 座着时间久了,或蹲一会儿站起来,会感到头晕,眼前发黑,是什么症状?

5、Took yam skin more can nigrescent ah? ─── 多吃了红薯皮肤会不会发黑啊?

6、He is used so dirty that nigrescent hand is below every letter inch, extremely serious ground is being read, but he " Bud The Sub " read " BawDew Saw " . ─── 他用脏得发黑的手在每个字母下慢慢移动,极认真地读着,可他把“Bud The Sub”读成了“BawDew Saw”。

7、Skin courseThe summerin relief illumination is basked in, skin color hair is yellow, nigrescent, dim without light. ─── 皮肤经过夏季的阳光照晒,皮肤颜色发黄、发黑,暗淡无光。

8、Why to sit occasionally long rise is the meeting giddy at the moment nigrescent ? ─── 为什么有时候坐久了起来会头晕眼前发黑呢?

9、Why to crouch long or sit long when standing up, can giddy head bilges , at the moment nigrescent! Be anaemic cause? How to solve? ─── 为什么蹲久了或坐久了站起来的时候会头晕脑胀,眼前发黑!是贫血引起的吗?怎样解决?

10、Then, dancing students (no matter be professional,still be amateurish) begin to be in dance has on nigrescent floor slowly.Dirty, permeate to the soul from skin... ─── 于是,舞蹈学子们(无论是专业的还是业余的)开始在慢慢发黑的地板上起舞了。

11、Feel suddenly when sicken at the moment nigrescent, showSmokeMist shape, can see black or gules object are before sometimes float move. ─── 患病时突然感到眼前发黑,呈烟雾状,有时能看到黑色或红色物体在眼前漂动。

12、How to often brush vi babble to return nigrescent ah? ─── 经常刷牙牙怎么还发黑啊?

13、The Discosion on Quick Nigrescent Liquid Mechanism of Steel ─── 钢铁快速发黑液的机理探讨

14、Is there finger in the symptom of chilblain nigrescent? How beware of? ─── 冻疮的症状里有手指发黑么?怎么提防?

15、Broken;burst;ulcerate;fester serious or local nigrescent, aerosphere can be placed in affected part, shun local press press, notice apply medicine, make at an early date heal. ─── 破溃严重或局部发黑,可在患处放置气圈,避免局部受压,并注意敷药,使之早日痊愈。

16、inadequate picture exposure due to the brightness is too low, it looks nigrescent. ─── 曝光不足的图片由于亮度太低,看上去发黑。

17、Is blood nigrescent when menstruation comes how to return a responsibility? ─── 月经来的时候血发黑怎么回事?

18、Incinerate fertilizer volatilizes nigrescent meeting flying. ─── 灰化肥挥发发黑会飞花。

19、A time is long, or crouch a little while to stand up, can feel giddy, at the moment nigrescent, what symptom be? ─── 座着时间久了,或蹲一会儿站起来,会感到头晕,眼前发黑,是什么症状?

20、The eye always lies between occurrence Bai Guang for some time, now is nigrescent, begin an eye to get the pain of the heart next, going to a hospital saying is hemal thing, who knows how to do? ─── 眼睛总是隔一段时间出现白光,现在是发黑,然后开始眼睛钻心的疼,去医院说是血管的事,谁知道怎么办?

21、(5) at the moment nigrescent, eyesight is ambiguous. ─── (5)眼前发黑,视力模糊。

22、In addition, non-coated paper in high-humidity environment of sulfide, chemical pulp and fill applicatron dottle out acid melted, making of gold and silver monlchamus nigrescent who lose their luster. ─── 此外,否涂料纸在矮湿度的境况下,化学纸浆的硫化物以及增添料洋的磕酸矾土感化,也会使纸背上的金、银不朱发黑而获得光华度。

23、The meeting when hypoglycemia patient is hungry feels at the moment hair of nigrescent, limb is soft, best method drinks a cup of syrup immediately namely. ─── 低血糖患者饥饿时会感到眼前发黑、四肢发软,最好的办法就是马上喝一杯糖水。

24、The skin that why had person of n/med tuberculosis medicine is nigrescent? ─── 为什么吃了结核药人的皮肤会发黑?

25、Why place of my T word grew black much beans, but after was being squeezed with the hand, should come up against the sun to be met only aglow or nigrescent? ─── 为什么我T字部位长了黑多豆豆,但用手挤了之后,只要碰到太阳就会发红或发黑?

26、Why to sit occasionally long rise is the meeting giddy at the moment nigrescent? ─── 为什么有时候坐久了起来会头晕眼前发黑呢?

27、Sitting or crouching, why to when rising, meet giddy? And at the moment nigrescent , see not fair thing? ─── 坐着或蹲着,起来时为什么会头晕?而且眼前发黑,看不清楚东西?

28、Sitting or crouching, why to when rising, meet giddy? And at the moment nigrescent, see not fair thing? ─── 坐着或蹲着,起来时为什么会头晕?而且眼前发黑,看不清楚东西?

29、Labial color is darker, nigrescent reason? ─── 嘴唇颜色比较暗,发黑的原因?

30、Labial color is darker, nigrescent reason? ─── 嘴唇颜色比较暗,发黑的原因?

31、Facial black: Generally speaking, the person skin with overmuch salt is coarse and nigrescent, after be being basked in via in relief illumination fiercer. ─── 面部黑色:一般来说,食盐过多的人肌肤粗糙发黑,经阳光照晒后更厉害。

32、I should crouch only giddy, at the moment nigrescent, want to faint very much! Be how do ah? ─── 我只要一蹲下就头晕、眼前发黑,好想晕倒!是怎么搞的啊?

33、Reduces metal luster, gold ink will be nigrescent. ─── 贬低了金属光华性,金不朱不离会发黑。

34、Why to crouch long or sit long when standing up, can giddy head bilges, at the moment nigrescent! Be anaemic cause? How to solve? ─── 为什么蹲久了或坐久了站起来的时候会头晕脑胀,眼前发黑!是贫血引起的吗?怎样解决?

35、Is oral cavity gum nigrescent? ─── 口腔牙龈发黑?

36、When menstruation comes why is blood red gotten nigrescent? ─── 月经来的时候为什么血红得发黑?

37、In front of the door, there was no signboard of America Hotel hung, it was the same as other house, there was a heap of nigrescent firewood, and a washing line for drying clothes. ─── 门口并没有挂什么“美国饭店”的招牌,和别人家一样,堆着一堆发黑的柴禾,拉着一根晾衣裳的绳子。

38、Feel suddenly when sicken at the moment nigrescent, showSmokeMist shape, can see black or gules object are before sometimes float move. ─── 患病时突然感到眼前发黑,呈烟雾状,有时能看到黑色或红色物体在眼前漂动。

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