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Marsala 发音

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Marsala 中文意思翻译



Marsala 网络释义

n. 马沙拉白葡萄酒

Marsala 短语词组

1、veal marsala ─── 马萨拉小牛肉

2、marsala wine ─── 马萨拉葡萄酒

Marsala 相似词语短语

1、marshals ─── n.执法官;司法官(marshal的复数);v.排列;安排;统帅(marshal的单三形式)

2、Kassala ─── 现金

3、morsal ─── 嚼的;咀嚼面的

4、marshal ─── n.元帅;司仪;vt.整理;引领;编列;vi.排列;n.(Marshal)人名;(英)马歇尔

5、maraca ─── n.沙球;女人的奶子;n.(Maraca)人名;(意)马拉卡

6、masala ─── n.(印度)马萨拉调味酱;马萨拉味菜肴;adj.过分华丽的,戏剧性的

7、tarsal ─── adj.跗骨的;眼睑软骨的;n.跗骨

8、morsals ─── 莫尔斯语

9、Marsala ─── n.马沙拉白葡萄酒

Marsala 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Ansonica is a grape variety for white wine that grows in Sicily and that may be used in many of the island blends including Marsala . ─── 安素尼卡是种植于西西里和许多其它的混合岛屿包括马沙拉岛,用于酿造白葡萄酒的葡萄品种。

2、I'll make veal marsala, pasta zucco or pennepasta.And I'll have a mozarella salad. ─── 我会做红酒小牛肉,配上意粉或是意面,再做个干酪沙拉。

3、The first street which crosses via Marsala is Via Marghera.Walk on it until the fourth block, then turn right. ─── 酒店设有夜间门房服务、预订观光团、兑换外币、租车和酒吧服务。

4、At the Termini station, you take the exit on the right and turn right onto the Via Marsala. ─── 所有的4岁以下的儿童的加婴儿床不需付费。一间客房最多可加1张幼儿床。

5、I have a question. What's Chicken Marsala ? ─── 我有个问题。义大利甜酒炖鸡是什麽?

6、Ansonica is a grape variety for white wine that grows in Sicily and that may be used in many of the island blends including Marsala. ─── 安素尼卡是种植于西西里和许多其它的混合岛屿包括马沙拉岛,用于酿造白葡萄酒的葡萄品种。

7、of my happiest memories is playing in Italy for Marsala and Monza, even if I play for Manchester United. ─── 我最快乐的记忆就是在意大利为马萨拉队和蒙扎队效力的那段岁月,尽管我现在为曼联效力。

8、The 27-year-old has already played in Italy after spells with Sicilian team Marsala and Monza between 1998 and 2000. ─── 27岁的他曾于1998到2000年间在西西里岛的马色拉队和蒙扎队效力过。

9、The 27-year-old has already played in Italy after spells with Sicilian team Marsala and Monza between 1998 and 2000. ─── 27岁的他曾于1998到2000年间在西西里岛的马色拉队和蒙扎队效力过。

10、Arriving by train at Termini Station take the exit of Via Marsala. ─── 根据要求,酒店提供班车,但需收取额外费用。

11、You can take the terravision shuttle service, each 30 minutes, to via Marsala; ─── 取消政策:如果在入住日2天之前取消预订酒店将不收取费用。

12、This Italian liqueur is made from egg yolks and Marsala wine. ─── 这款意大利甜酒采用蛋黄和玛莎拉葡萄酒酿造,它叫什么名字?

13、Marsala - ─── 马沙拉白葡萄酒(意大利西西里岛马沙拉产的葡萄酒)

14、The beheaded Roman Venus in Greek marble dating back to the II century after Christ was found on last Friday during archaeological excavation work near the church of San Giovanni al Boeo in Marsala, Sicily. ─── 来自公元二世纪、以希腊大理石雕成的断头罗马维纳斯女神像,上周五在(意大利)西西里马尔萨拉,圣乔瓦尼艾尔博埃奥教堂附近的古迹发掘工程中出土。

15、Roasted Australian Beef Filled with Minced Chicken and Truffle, served on a Marsala Jus with Vegetable Pearls ─── 烤瓢馅牛柳配甜酒汁

16、Sweet Italian cream cheese and marsala custard between layers of espresso and rum-laced lady fingers topped with shaved bitter-sweet chocolate. ─── 意大利奶油芝士、马沙那酒味奶油蛋羹及浸满特浓咖啡的手指饼一层一层叠制成的美味巧克力甜品。

17、veal Marsala. ─── 加了马沙拉白葡萄酒的小牛肉

18、Book online the cheapest hotels in Marsala - low prices and high discounts. ─── 网上预定在 Marsala 最便宜的酒店 - 价格优惠折扣多多。

19、Anthony Marsala wears many hats as an actor, software engineer, author, husband, and most recently - father. ─── AnthonyMarsala有很多头衔:演员、软件工程师、作家、丈夫,最近又增加了一个头衔父亲。

20、Anthony Marsala wears many hats as an actor, software engineer, author, husband, and most recently - father. ─── Anthony Marsala有很多头衔:演员、软件工程师、作家、丈夫,最近又增加了一个头衔父亲。

21、May 11th, the thousand landed at Marsala, in western Sicily, to a warm welcome from, well, the British consul. ─── 5月11日,千名红衫军登陆西部西西里国的马尔萨拉,受到了英国领事的热烈欢迎。

22、It was chosen by Garibaldi in 1860 as is favourite Marsala. ─── 她存放于橡木桶中至少两年,并在装酒后放四个月。早在1860年。

23、The mild climate and rich, predominantly sandy sols make this area ideal for the production of DOC wines such as Alcamo, Marsala and Pantelleria. ─── 温和的气候,富饶的、主要是砂质的土壤,便利这个区域成为多克葡萄酒(如阿尔卡莫、马萨拉白葡萄酒与番特勒瑞亚)的完美生产地。

24、I'm going to havethe veal marsala, you know. ─── 我要吃马沙拉白葡萄酒小牛肉。

25、On May 11th, the thousand landed at Marsala, in western Sicily, to a warm welcome from, well, the British consul. ─── 5月11日,千名红衫军登陆西部西西里国的马尔萨拉,受到了英国领事的热烈欢迎。

26、recently finished an urban renovation project in Marsala, Italy for an international competition. ─── A3+Architects现在完成了一个在意大利Marsala有关城市改造的一个国际竞赛。

27、Cantine Rallo was founded in Marsala, on the westernmost promontory of Sicily, and is a successful integration between nature, technology, and traditional Sicilian wine-making techniques. ─── 坎提尼 拉罗建于马萨拉,位于西西里的最西岬上,是一个自然与科技与传统西西里岛的葡萄酒酿造技术的成功结合。

28、Come out of the station onto Via Marsala, and turn left into Via Milazzo (first on your left). ─── 如果太迟取消预订或没出现在酒店,酒店将收取第一夜的房费。儿童和加床政策:欢迎所有年零的儿童。

29、Roofing tiles cover mounds of salt harvested from seaside evaporating ponds near Marsala, Sicily, Mar. ─── 去年三月三十日在西西里岛的马莎拉近郊,屋顶式的砖瓦覆盖著从海边蒸发池取得的盐堆。

30、Roasted squab and fried burdock marsala wine sauce ─── 香烤乳鸽及鹅肝配以炸牛蒡佐以marsala沙司

31、Sabayon is an Italian dessert made with egg yolks, sugar, a sweet liquor (usually Marsala wine), ─── 沙巴扬,是一种甜品吧。。。。待查,网上解释如下:

32、The content of this page is from the MARSALA port or MARSALA customs import and export company directory; ─── 本页面内容主要是来自MARSALA港口或MARSALA海关的进出口公司目录;

33、Than exit the station to via Marsala, go ahead to via Volturno till the street corner with via Montebello, we are waiting for you at number 94. ─── 如果太迟取消预订或没出现在酒店,酒店将收取第一夜的房费。儿童和加床政策:欢迎所有年零的儿童。所有的3岁以下的儿童在使用现有的床铺之下不需付费。

34、finished an urban renovation project in Marsala, Italy for an international competition. ─── 完成了一个在意大利Marsala有关城市改造的一个国际竞赛。

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