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10-03 投稿


municipally 发音

英:[mju??n?s?p?li]  美:[mju??n?s?p?li]

英:  美:

municipally 中文意思翻译



municipally 词性/词形变化,municipally变形

动词现在分词: municipalizing |动词第三人称单数: municipalizes |动词过去式: municipalized |名词: municipalization |动词过去分词: municipalized |

municipally 短语词组

1、municipally-owned housing ─── 市政拥有的住房

2、municipally owned port ─── 市属港口

3、municipally owned housing ─── 市政拥有的住房

municipally 相似词语短语

1、municipal ─── adj.市政的,市的;地方自治的

2、fungicidally ─── 杀菌的

3、municipalise ─── 市政化

4、municipalism ─── n.自治制;地方自治主义

5、manically ─── adv.急躁地;狂躁地

6、municipalize ─── vt.实施自治制;归市有;把…市辖

7、municipality ─── n.市政当局;自治市或区

8、judicially ─── adv.依法判决地;公正地

9、municipalist ─── n.地方自治主义者

municipally 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Officials in cities and provinces have created hundreds of municipally backed funds to invest in promising ventures. ─── 中国市级和省级政府官员已经成立了数以百计由市政支持的投资基金,旨在投资有发展前景的风险项目。

2、municipally run companies were in danger of bankrupting not only themselves but the cities too. ─── 市属企业处在破产边缘,而它们的破产继而会导致整个城市破产。

3、Yet business and industry looking at Gallatin will find affordable land in municipally owned industrial sites, together with a willingness to work and build for the future. ─── 加勒廷市将为那些欲在该市大展宏图的企业家和商人提供良好的工业用地,并将携手共创加勒廷市美好的明天。

4、Their municipally run companies were in danger of bankrupting not only themselves but the cities too. ─── 市属企业处在破产边缘,而它们的破产继而会导致整个城市破产。

5、The Taibei municipally established zoo is a place which I weekend most likes. ─── 台北市立动物园是我周末最喜欢去的地方。

6、a municipally sponsored organization ─── 一个由市政当局主办的机构

7、This paper briefs the issue of secondary pollution from municip al refus e incineration and focus on the prevention and control of heavy metal,HCI and or ganic chloride emission. ─── 该文介绍了城市垃圾焚烧处理中的二次污染问题,着重分析了重金属、HCI及有机氯化物的二次污染的防治技术。

8、Precisely how the municipally sponsored financing entities work is only dimly understood, despite Mr Shih's efforts (see chart). ─── 准确地说,地方政府如何赞助金融公司只能模糊地去理解,尽管施先生努力去解释了它。

9、The perfect and reliable quality assurance system established in the company guarantees its products to pass through the quality inspections both stately and municipally every year. ─── 产品年年通过国家级、市级的质量检查。在钢结构行业内具有较高的知名度和信誉度。

10、municipally owned housing ─── 房管部门住房

11、Dongguan has 700 municipally designated science and technology private enterprises and 160 provincially designated ones. ─── 全年旅游业收入79.92亿元,被评为“中国优秀旅游城市”。全年共举办各类商品展销会59个。

12、From March 1983,Wujin was affiliated to Changzhou City when the municipally affiliated county system was implemented. ─── 1983年3月实行市管县体制,武进属常州市管辖;

13、Pediatrics Department nurse gives a young boy an intelligence test. 2,3,4: Three municipally run hospitals in Taipei (clockwise): 2. Chung Hsing Hospital; 3. Ho Ping Hospital; 4. Jen Ai Hospital. ─── 图1:儿童心智科护理人员为病童做心智测验。图2、3、4:台北市三家市立综合医院。图2:为市立中兴医院,图3:为市立和平医院,图4:为市立仁爱医院。

14、Its products are honored as Quality Trustworthy Products municipally and provincially, and the company has been certified as High-tech Enterprise of Jiangsu Province. ─── 产品获省市质量信得过产品,江苏省高新技术企业认定。

15、municipally affiliated county ─── 市管县

16、Having a municipally-owned utility, for example, helps local politicians plan an energy portfolio that meshes with their other concerns; ─── 例如,拥有一家政府所有的公共事业部门,帮助当地的政治家们计划一项融合了其它关注点的能源股份单;

17、New York City's municipally-owned broadcast service, NYCTV, creates original programming that AIRS in several markets. Few cities have major municipally-owned stations. ─── 纽约市营广播服务机构,NYCTV,创造最开始的节目向几家市场播出,但很少有城市有自己市属的电视台。

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