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10-02 投稿


metalloid 发音

英:[?metl??d]  美:[?metl??d]

英:  美:

metalloid 中文意思翻译




metalloid 词性/词形变化,metalloid变形

副词: metallographically |形容词: metallographic |名词: metallographer |

metalloid 短语词组

1、metalloid cobler ─── 类金属cobler

2、metalloid crystal ─── [化] 准金属晶体

metalloid 相似词语短语

1、metalloids ─── n.[材]准金属(metalloid的复数形式)

2、metal wood ─── 金属胶合板

3、metallic ─── adj.金属的,含金属的

4、metalloidal ─── 类金属

5、metallo- ─── n.(Metallo)人名;(意)梅塔洛

6、metalli- ─── n.(Metalli)人名;(意)梅塔利

7、metalled ─── adj.碎石铺面的

8、metallide ─── 金属化物

9、petaloid ─── adj.似花瓣的

metalloid 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、a brittle gray crystalline element that is a semiconducting metalloid (resembling silicon) used in transistors; occurs in germanite and argyrodite. ─── 一种易碎的灰色晶体元素,具半导体特性的非金属(类似硅),用于晶体管中,存在于锗石和硫银锗矿中。

2、metalloid alloy ─── 类金属合金准金属合金

3、That machine applies to low hardness material comminution such as chemical industry ,dyestuff pigment ,coating material, pesticide, food, ceramics , metalloid ore broadly. ─── 该机广泛应用于化工、染料颜料、涂料、农药、医 药、食品、陶瓷、非金属矿等低硬度物料的粉碎。

4、The smaller metalloid atoms of the alloys might fit into holes in the dense random-packed structure of the larger metal atoms. ─── 合金中非金属的小原子可能填进由大原子随机填塞形成的紧密结构中。

5、a brittle silver-white metalloid element that is related to selenium and sulfur; it is used in alloys and as a semiconductor; occurs mainly as tellurides in ores of copper and nickel and silver and gold ─── 一种脆的、银白色非金属元素,与硒和硫有关联,用于合金及作半导体,主要作为碲化物存在于铜、镍、银、金矿石中

6、Application of Memory Metalloid Covered-stent of Nickel-titanium in Treatment of Advanced Esophageal Carcinoma ─── 应用带膜镍钛记忆合金支架治疗晚期食管癌

7、This machine is used for cutting thickness iron plate, copperplate, corrosion resistant plate, aluminium alloy board and metalloid board within 4mm etc. mainly. ─── 等离子切割设备不易携带、电冲机切割时场地受限、切割成本高、电冲机设备投资大的不足。

8、Keywords amorphous alloys;crystallization temperature;high content of metalloid; ─── 非晶态合金;晶化温度;高类金属含量;

9、metalloid anion ─── 非金属阴离子

10、Be aimed at these problems, the development of course of study of metalloid to China collier offerred proposal measure. ─── 针对这些问题 ,对中国非金属矿工业的发展提出了建议措施。

11、Study on Heavy Metal and Metalloid F and As Pollution in Soil in Chengdu Plain ─── 成都平原土壤重金属及类金属氟砷污染研究

12、Selenium is one of the most important metalloid element existing in biotic environment. ─── 硒是生物环境中存在的一种重要的类金属元素。

13、Arsenic is a metalloid element. ─── 砷是一种金属元素。

14、The bravery inside enamel: The enamel of bravery surface is metalloid material inside, both neither is rusty, also do not have furring, have stronger compression capacity. ─── 搪瓷内胆:内胆表面的瓷釉为非金属材料,既不生锈,也无水垢,有较强的耐压能力。

15、The of all kinds metalloid conduit that we fasten to be collected below reachs his to produce an unit, in order to offer the reference when reader choose and buy. ─── 下面系我们收集到的各类非金属管道及其生产单位,以供读者选购时参考。

16、Bloat when seafood and meat of be soiled livestock, birds flesh, should use the metalloid container that has a lid, put its in freezer. ─── 腌渍畜肉、海鲜和禽肉时,应使用有盖的非金属容器,并将其放在冰箱中。

17、Keywords the rhombie unit structure (R U S) metal-metalloid bond the metalloid content the corn position rouges amorphous alloys; ─── 菱面体单元结构;金属-类金属键;类金属含量;成分范围;非晶态合金;

18、Polonium is a highly radioactive element and a metalloid. ─── 钋是高放射性的元素,金属。

19、Germanium, natural metalloid element raising body's immunity and easing pain. ─── 锗,天然非金属元素提高人体的免疫力,缓解疼痛。

20、metal and metalloid element ─── 金属与类金属元素

21、Waterborne already became the main thoroughfare that pool city carries outside the product such as metalloid mine, metallurgy, chemical industry, building materials. ─── 水运已成为池州非金属矿、冶金、化工、建材等产品外运的主要通道。

22、relating to or having the properties of a metalloid ─── 准金属的与准金属有关的或具有准金属特性的

23、Glass-ceramic, with lots of excellent characteristics, is new inorganic metalloid material and environmental material of 21st century. ─── 微晶玻璃又称玻璃陶瓷或结晶化玻璃,是一种新型无机非金属材料,是21世纪的环境协调材料,具有许多优异性能。

24、Keywords coal mine dust;admissible level for short-term contact (PC-STEL);time-weighted average admissible concentration (PC-TWA);free silica;metal and metalloid element; ─── 关键词煤矿粉尘;瞬时粉尘浓度;呼吸性粉尘浓度;游离二氧化硅;金属与类金属元素;

25、a trivalent metalloid element; occurs both in a hard black crystal and in the form of a yellow or brown powder. ─── 一种三价非金属元素,或呈坚硬的黑色晶体状,或呈黄色或棕色粉末状。

26、metalloid crystal ─── 准金属晶体

27、metalloid element ─── 准金属元素

28、Arsenic, which is a highly poisonous metalloid, causes acute and chronic adverse health effects, including skin lesions, hyperkeratosis, blackfoot disease and cancer. ─── 砷是一种剧毒的类金属,能引起机体急性和慢性损伤包括皮肤损害、角化过度、黑脚病、癌症。

29、Chemical special subject of metalloid element comb and integrated. ─── 化学专题非金属元素的梳理和综合。

30、Break heat aluminium alloy to use metalloid material to have heat to aluminium alloy profile, improved the heat preservation heat proof quality of aluminium alloy window frame effectively. ─── 断热型铝合金采用非金属材料对铝合金型材进行断热,有效地提高了铝合金窗框的保温隔热性能。

31、a trivalent metalloid element; occurs both in a hard black crystal and in the form of a yellow or brown powder ─── 一种三价非金属元素,或呈坚硬的黑色晶体状,或呈黄色或棕色粉末状

32、Among them the following foreground of 5 kinds of metalloid mineral application is valued. ─── 其中以下五种非金属矿物应用前景看好。

33、The activation,migration,and redistribution of heavy metal and metalloid elements in reconstructive areas must disturb the balance of geochemistry of mine areas and their vicinity. ─── 矿山重金属和类金属元素在人类改造过的环境中发生的活化、迁移和再分配,必然对矿山开发区和邻近区的地球化学平衡带来新的扰动。

34、Since reforming and opening, the development of course of study of our country metalloid collier in the ascendant. ─── 改革开放以来,我国非金属矿工业的发展方兴未艾。

35、and the charge transfer of clusters is from metalloid to metal. ─── 原子簇电荷转移是从类金属到金属。

36、a trivalent metalloid element; occurs both in a hard black crystal and in the form of a yellow or brown powder. ─── 一种三价非金属元素,或呈坚硬的黑色晶体状,或呈黄色或棕色粉末状。

37、Determination of Metal and Metalloid Elements in Petrochemical Catalysts by ICP-AES and Microwave Digestion Method ─── 微波密闭消解-等离子体原子发射光谱测定石油化工催化剂中负载元素含量

38、metalloid oxidation ─── 铁伴随元素的烧损

39、The smaller metalloid atoms of the alloys might fit into holes in the dense random-packed structure of the larger metal atoms. ─── 合金中非金属的小原子可能填进由大原子随机填塞形成的紧密结构中。

40、metalloid phase ─── 似金属相准金属相

41、a brittle gray crystalline element that is a semiconducting metalloid (resembling silicon) used in transistors; occurs in germanite and argyrodite ─── 一种易碎的灰色晶体元素,具半导体特性的非金属(类似硅),用于晶体管中,存在于锗石和硫银锗矿中

42、Put forward to ensure 6 countermeasure that health of resource of metalloid mineral products furnishs and proposal. ─── 提出了保障非金属矿产资源健康供给的六项对策与建议。

43、Arsenic is a metalloid element, contaminating the environment through leaching from mineral ores, copper smelting, and other industrial and agricultural sources. ─── 砷是一种类金属,往往经由矿脉、铜精炼厂、工业和农业用途,造成环境的污染。

44、a brittle silver-white metalloid element that is related to selenium and sulfur; it is used in alloys and as a semiconductor; occurs mainly as tellurides in ores of copper and nickel and silver and gold. ─── 一种脆的、银白色非金属元素,与硒和硫有关联,用于合金及作半导体,主要作为碲化物存在于铜、镍、银、金矿石中。

45、Bloat when seafood and meat of be soiled livestock, birds flesh, should use the metalloid container that has a lid, put its in freezer. ─── 腌渍畜肉、海鲜和禽肉时,应使用有盖的非金属容器,并将其放在冰箱中。

46、The our country 10 years ago is only 11 kinds of finite metalloid conduit, already developed now to 3 kinds of types nearly 70 kinds metalloid be able to bear or endure corrode conduit product. ─── 10年前我国仅有11种有限的非金属管道,现在已发展至3种类型近70种非金属耐蚀管道产品。

47、As a result of a few orchards, cadmium, lead, mercuric, chromium and metalloid arsenic exceed the heavy metal in soil mark, content of the heavy metal in bringing about fruit exceeds bid. ─── 由于一些果园,土壤中重金属镉、铅、汞、铬和非金属砷超标,导致果品中重金属含量超标。

48、Polonium is a highly radioactive element and a metalloid. ─── 钋是高放射性的元素,金属。

49、Determination of Metal and Metalloid Elements in Petrochemical Catalysts by ICP-AES and Microwave Digestion Method ─── 微波密闭消解-等离子体原子发射光谱测定石油化工催化剂中负载元素含量

50、Assessment on Pollution of Heavy Metals and Metalloid in Soil Along Road ─── 公路旁土壤中重金属和类金属污染评价

51、Keywords coal mine dust;dust concentration;metal and metalloid element;coal worker's pneumoconiosis; ─── 煤矿粉尘;粉尘浓度;金属与类金属元素;煤工尘肺;

52、metalloid toxicant ─── 类金属毒物

53、World industry developed country values the progress of metalloid collier course of study highly, main because of.. ─── 世界工业发达国家之所以高度重视非金属矿工业的发展,主要因...

54、Keywords Modern inorganic and metalloid material;Clasify;Component;Function; ─── 现代无机非金属材料;分类;组成;功能;

55、Application of Memory Metalloid Covered-stent of Nickel-titanium in Treatment of Advanced Esophageal Carcinoma ─── 应用带膜镍钛记忆合金支架治疗晚期食管癌

56、The modern inorganic and metalloid material can be clasified into two classes by its function-engineering material and function material. ─── 将现代无机非金属材料按其功能进行了分类,可分为两大类,工程材料和功能材料。

57、However, with Euramerican wait for developed country photograph to compare, level of science and technology of industry of our country metalloid collier is relatively backward still. ─── 然而,与欧美等发达国家相比,我国非金属矿工业科技水平还相对落后。

58、assess the pollution of heavy metals and metalloid in soil along road. ─── 评价公路旁土壤中重金属和类金属污染。

59、Effect of Metalloid Elements on Composition, Structure and Cor-rosion of Electroless Plated Permalloy ─── 类金属元素对化学沉积坡莫合金成分、结构及耐蚀性的影响

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