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10-02 投稿


matriculate 发音

英:[m?'tr?kj?le?t]  美:[m?'tr?kjulet]

英:  美:

matriculate 中文意思翻译




matriculate 网络释义

vt. 准许…入学;录取…入大学vi. 准许入学;录取n. 被录取者

matriculate 词性/词形变化,matriculate变形

动词第三人称单数: matriculates |动词过去分词: matriculated |动词现在分词: matriculating |动词过去式: matriculated |名词: matriculation |

matriculate 相似词语短语

1、matriculator ─── 预科生

2、matriculant ─── n.投考者;被录取的新生

3、matricular ─── 母系的

4、matriculas ─── 盘子

5、matriculated ─── v.录取入学;注册入学(matriculate的过去式)

6、matriculants ─── n.投考者;被录取的新生

7、auriculate ─── [生物]有耳状部的;[生物]有耳状物的;有耳朵的

8、matricula ─── 名册

9、matriculates ─── vt.准许…入学;录取…入大学;vi.准许入学;录取;n.被录取者

matriculate 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Then it went through a second phase where a small number of [minority] students were allowed to matriculate. ─── 后来是允许少量[少数族裔]学生入学的第二阶段。

2、matriculate at an institution of higher learning ─── 在某高等学校注册入学

3、I am before matriculate, once had become volunteer teacher of a year, my job is to help children rise read capability. ─── 我在进大学之前,曾经当过一年的志愿教师,我的工作是帮助孩子们提高阅读能力。

4、matriculate through the Internet ─── 网上录取

5、motive to matriculate at an institution of higher learning ─── 入学动机

6、Holding up the gilded matriculate note, Er Dan's father burst his sides with laughter. ─── 二蛋的父亲捧起烫金的大学录取通知书,笑疼了肚子。

7、Also the netizen publishs with post say: "Whole society values mark and diploma, the mark just can stride the doorsill of matriculate high, just have a good prospect possibly. ─── 也有网民发表跟帖说:“全社会都看重分数和文凭,分数高才能迈进大学的门槛,才可能有一个好前程。

8、Raised by a widow who had come as a refugee from the then East Bengal, she was a matriculate when she married my Father. ─── 母亲是由一个东孟加拉寡妇难民抚养长大的,之后嫁给了我父亲。

9、Now it isn't a piece of work to matriculate for us. ─── 如今进大学读书并不是难事.

10、In those days, I am firm matriculate, overflow in the library everyday stroll aimlessly. ─── 那时,我刚进大学,每天在图书馆里漫无目的地闲逛。

11、On students'motive to matriculate at an institution of higher learning ─── 大专生入学动机刍议

12、This research investigates, through statistical analysis, factors which contribute to an applicant's decision to matriculate. ─── 本研究应用类神经网路将前人所验证过的因子加以分析,希望能将这些因子做更佳的应用。

13、Matriculate (v) to be formally admitted to study at a university or college ─── 获准入学;被(大专院校)录取

14、Edward Cullen: Private joke. We matriculate a lot. ─── 爱德华:自家人的笑话,我们上了很多学校。

15、var menuEN = new Array("Home", "Academy", "Specialty", "Teachers", "Download", "Matriculate", "Data", "Enchiridion", "Constitution", "Consultation"); ─── "首页","学院概况","专业介绍","师资力量","文件下载","录取查询","历史数据","报考指南","招生章程","在线咨询");

16、The police arrest 8 person who forge and cadge the fake advice note of matriculate . ─── 警察在本月初逮捕了8名伪造和贩卖假录取通知书的人.

17、I am before matriculate, once hadbecomevolunteer teacher of a year, my job istohelp children rise read capability. ─── 我在进大学之前,曾经当过一年的志愿教师,我的工作是帮助孩子们提高阅读能力。

18、He also has high hopes for Oxford's Blavatnik School of Government, announced a year ago, which will matriculate its first students in 2012. ─── 他也对一年前成立的牛津大学布拉瓦尼克政府学院(BlavatnikSchoolofGovernment)寄予了厚望,布拉瓦尼克学院将于2012年开始首次招生。

19、We fortunately were matriculate in the same unversity with the same score even though we took college entrance exams in different examination room. ─── 幸运的是,高考时我们虽然不在一个考场,我们却以相同的分数考进了同一所大学。

20、At the same tine, some new problems and changes in the graduate matriculate quality have appeared in this process. ─── 在这个过程中,研究生生源质量出现了一些新的问题和变化。

21、The rationale for the MA/MBA bridging programme is to give diploma level students the opportunity to follow an additional year of study and thereby matriculate to Masters level programmes. ─── 工商管理硕士/研究生衔接学位课程的设计是为了给文凭等级的学生提供一年额外学习的机会从而积累足够的学分进入硕士等级课程。

22、The police arrest 8 person who forge and cadge the fake advice note of matriculate. ─── 警察在本月初逮捕了8名伪造和贩卖假录取通知书的人。

23、Matriculate Examination ─── 高中英语

24、the matriculate market ─── 生源市场

25、The beginner must find it easy to matriculate into the world of intermediacy, and the expert must not find his vertical runs obstructed by aids for trepidatious or conservative intermediates. ─── 新手滑雪者必须能够很容易进入中间用户,而那些为不知所措的永久中间层滑雪者所提供的帮助则不应该成为专家级滑雪者垂直滑道上的障碍。

26、However, some new problems and changes in the graduate matriculate quality appeared in this process. ─── 研究生的生源质量也随之出现了一些新问题,产生了新变化。

27、We can’t matriculate them, because English is the basic tool of entering a foreign capital enterprise.That’s right. ─── 一同事说她妈妈总是做梦梦到她奶奶,于是找算命先生,先生说她奶奶的胸口压了东西,很辛苦。

28、Every fall hundreds of thousands of young people matriculate in colleges and universities. ─── 每年秋季成千上万的青年考入高等院校。

29、at this month, the police had arrested eight person who are forge and sale the fake matriculate notice note. ─── 警察在本月初逮捕了8名伪造和贩卖假大学录取通知书的人.

30、Afterwards, the matrix is introduced to store the history data, and how to compute the matriculate probabilities is described. ─── 然后提出了用矩阵的形式来存储历史数据,并给出了录取概率的计算方法;

31、Edward Cullen: Private joke. We matriculate a lot. ─── 爱德华:自家人的笑话,我们上了很多学校。

32、A Chinese high school student is more likely to be trampled by a water buffalo than to matriculate at Harvard. ─── 对于中国高中学生而言,被哈佛大学录取的机率比被水牛踩踏的机率还要低。

33、Conditionsto Matriculate Chinese Students in Swiss State Universities ─── 士国立大学对中国留学生的录取条件

34、matriculate quota ─── 录取配额

35、In those days, I am firm matriculate, overflow in the library everyday stroll aimlessly. ─── 那时, 我刚进大学, 每天在图书馆里漫无目的地闲逛。

36、An Analysis of Graduate Matriculate Quality in the Process of Mass Education ─── 大众化进程中的研究生生源质量研究

37、Edward: Private joke. We matriculate a lot. ─── 家族私人笑话..我们入学很多次..

38、had to matriculate if I wanted to do a degree. ─── 如果我想攻读学位,必须先被录取入学。

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