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10-03 投稿


ph 发音

英:[?pi? ?e?t?]  美:[?pi? ?e?t?]

英:  美:

ph 中文意思翻译



ph 网络释义

abbr. 酸碱度符号(描述氢离子活度的)

ph 短语词组

1、ph measurement ─── [机] pH测定

2、pH paper ─── [化] pH试纸

3、pH meter ─── [化] pH计; 酸度计

4、Ph D ─── 哲学博士

5、optimum pH ─── [医] 最适pH值

6、fluorescent pH indicator ─── [化] 荧光pH指示剂

7、pH scale ─── [化] pH度标

8、Ph. B. ─── 哲学学士 [医] 英国药典

9、Henderson equation for ph ─── [机] 汉特森pH方程式

10、pH range ─── [医] 氢离子范围

11、pH value ─── [化] pH值

12、pH indicator ─── [化] 酸碱指示剂

13、direct-reading pH meter ─── [化] 直读pH计; 直读式pH计

14、ph standard ─── [机] pH标准

15、ph electrode ─── [机] pH电极

16、Ph. D. ─── 哲学博士 [医] 德国药典

17、pH of latex gel ─── [化] 凝胶pH

18、Naphthol AS-PH ─── [化] 色酚AS-PH

19、pH-meter ─── [医] 氢离子指数计

ph 常用词组

ph value ─── PH值,酸碱度

ph meter ─── 酸度计;氢离子计

ph indicator ─── 酸碱指示剂

ph 词性/词形变化,ph变形


ph 相似词语短语

1、mph ─── abbr.每小时英里数(milesperhour)

2、gph ─── abbr.每小时加仑数(gallonsperhour)

3、Eph ─── abbr.乙二醇苯醚;麻黄碱;环境与公共卫生;驻车辅助装置

4、pah ─── int.(表示轻蔑、憎恨、不快)呸,哼;n.(Pah)(人名)帕赫(人名)

5、kph ─── abbr.千米/小时(kilometersperhour)

6、p&h ─── symb.磷(phosphorus);n.字母P;abbr.人员(personnel);停车场(parking)

7、peh ─── n.希伯来语的第十七个字母;n.(Peh)人名;(塞)佩赫

8、phi ─── n.希腊文的第21个字母;φ星;n.(Phi)(美)披(人名)

9、ph. ─── abbr.药典(phillipsite)

ph 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、PH value: Self defines the negative logarithm being hydrogen ion concentration. ─── PH值:本身定义是氢离子浓度的负对数。

2、EPZ exhibits an anodic peak at about 0.67 V (vs. SCE) and a shoulder in pH 3.5 citric acid-biphthalate buffer solution. ─── 在pH3.5的柠檬酸-邻苯二甲酸氢钾缓冲溶液中,爱普杷嗪于0.67 V处出现一个阳极峰。

3、Harry Potter and the Order of the Ph. ─── 哈利波特与凤凰令。

4、Effects of pH value and temperature on controlling the reaction time of SBR process. ─── pH值与温度对SBR法反应时间控制的影响

5、Ph: Bend your head back as far as possible and then put them in. ─── 尽量把头向后仰然后将药滴进去。

6、Effect of initial pH and culture time on production of polysaccharide by submerged fermentation of Russula sp. ─── pH值及培养时间对红菇多糖深层发酵的影响。

7、Minimum zinc solubility is in the PH range 6. 0 to 8. 0. ─── 土壤PH值为6.0-8.0时,锌的溶解度最小。

8、Ph: Turn your head to the side. Put one to two dro in your ear. Pre the tragus for a few seconds. ─── 将头歪向一侧,在耳朵里滴一、两滴药水,再把耳屏按几秒钟。

9、A super Nernst function phenomenon in the relationship of photovoltage and pH value is reported. ─── 同时发现光电压与待测液pH之间具有超能斯特响应关系的现象。

10、When he looked into the matter, he found three examples of direct copying of Ph. D. theses in the department. ─── 当他深入调查此事时,他在机器工程系里发现了直接拷贝博士论文的三个例证。

11、The pH of the cultivated soil in Sichuan area is between 5 and 7, this is an essential situation for AMF. ─── 四川地区的农田土壤pH大部分在5-7之间,适宜AMF的生长发育;

12、Effectiveness :Gentle clean,Balanced flesh PH value. ─── 功效:柔和清洁,平衡肌肤PH值。

13、Condensation is very rapid at PH 7-9. ─── PH值7-9时缩聚极快。

14、Irradiated with blue light for 30 sec. While the experiment the pH of the medium were. ─── 再暴露於蓝光30秒,记录培养基中的酸碱值随时间之变化。

15、Under different pH, temperature, use level, and velocity, adsorbance was tested. ─── 在不同pH、温度、用量和搅拌时间下,测试其氟离子吸附率。

16、Ag/AgCl) detection potential, pH 6.5 phosphate buffer in ECL cell. ─── Ag/AgCl),ECL检测池中磷酸盐缓冲液pH值6.5。

17、John PH Kurt Amplatz Wilfrido R. ─── 作者:徐海波 Zhong Qian Darren P.

18、In neutral or alkaline pH foods, such as meats, bacteria are more dominant in spoilage and putrefaction. ─── 在中性和碱性pH食品中,例如肉,细菌在变质和腐败中更易占优势。

19、Increase the ph timeout value when connection attempts are timing out due to temporary network issues. ─── 如果连接尝试因临时的网络问题而超时,可以增加。

20、CMC stabilizes protein dispersions, especially near their isoelectric pH value. ─── CMC稳定蛋白质的分散,尤其接近它们等电ph值时。

21、Effect of pH on callus growth, PAL activity and paclitaxel content of plants of Taxus L. ─── pH对红豆杉愈伤组织生长、PAL活性和紫杉醇含量的影响。

22、Is the "Plant Intracellular pH Regulation System" a Tolerance Mechanism Adapting to Environmental Stress? ─── "植物细胞内pH调控系统"是适应环境逆境的一个耐性机制?

23、The activity of sorghum leaf NADP-malic enzyme appeared to be modulated by pH, malate, Mg~(++) and Mn~(++). ─── pH、Mg~(++)、Mn~(++)和苹果酸对高粱叶片NADP-苹果酸酶活力具有不同程度的调节作用;

24、The Ph. D. candidate is likely to change his field of specialization if he drops out. ─── 如果这位博士候选人退出,这很可能会改变他的专业领域。

25、The same comparison can be made between Newton and the typical newly minted Ph. ─── 他们必须像巴哈、莫札特、贝多芬一样,靠自己解决问题,因此就算是棋技不如现在的大师,却更具创造力。

26、IEF study showed one band with pi value of 5.70. The optimum pH is 7.80 and the optimum temperature is 30?. ─── 其等电点为5.70,最适pH值为7.80,最适温度为30℃。

27、Effect of pH on nodulation of soybean rhizobia from Weifang and Huayuankou soils. ─── pH对土壤中土著快、慢生大豆根瘤菌结瘤的影响。

28、Why is pH important in body and skin care products? ─── 为什么护肤产品的?

29、MIGUEL A.L.NICOLELIS, a native of Brazil, received his M.D. and Ph. ─── 尼可列利斯原籍巴西,于巴西圣保罗大学取得医学学士及神经生理博士学位。

30、The prder of narrow heritability in various characters was: TGW>PH>seed-setting rate (SSR)>GWP>FSP>EPP>PL>SP. ─── 不同性状间的狭义遗传力大小排列:千粒重>株高>结实率>单株产量>每穗实粒数>有效穗>穗长>每穗总粒数。

31、This sequence of events raises the worrisome suspicion that Iraq had been tipped off to the forthcoming inspections at Taji (ph). ─── 事情的进展给人们提出了令人烦恼的疑点,伊拉克已经得到提示,塔吉即将接受武器核查。

32、Soil pH and other environmental influences affect blank shank. ─── 土壤pH值和其它环境变化也影响黑胫

33、Half-an-hour's drive from Moyale is the village of Bukolo (ph). ─── 从莫莱亚驱车半小时就到了布克鲁这个小村庄。

34、What for?You already have a Ph D! ─── 何必呢?你已经有博士学位了!

35、The optimal initial pH for CHS was 9.0 and 8.0 for SY. ─── CHS菌株起始pH为9.0,SY菌株为pH8.0。

36、What is the net charge of the molecule at pH 3, 8, and 11? ─── 其在pH3,8,和11下的净电荷是多少?

37、The relativity bias of pH was very little,but the largest bias of PCO2 and PO2 was 17.74% and 23.52%,respectively. ─── PH的相对偏倚很小,PCO2和PO2的最大相对偏倚分别为17.74%、23.52%。

38、Enzymatic activity of PO against L-DOPA was optimal at pH 7.0 and temperature of 40 oC, respectively. ─── 以L-二羟苯丙氨酸(L-DOPA)为特异性底物对PO活性进行研究发现,其最适pH值为7.0左右,最适温度为40℃左右;

39、Wang HM, Fan CY, Jiang PZ, Cai PH, Zeng BF. ─── 关键词:组织工程;

40、Pure water is neutral with a pH of 7. ─── 纯净水是中性的,PH值为7。

41、There is often a poor correlation between symptoms of reflux and measurable reflux as demonstrated by pH study. ─── 之间往往有反流和反流症状,可衡量的相关性较差的pH值的研究证实。

42、The number of rhizobia decreased with the pH value of soil reducing. ─── 在不同酸性土壤悬液中,土壤悬液酸性降低,根瘤菌数目随之减少。

43、He said meat from animals that had been stressed before slaughter was depleted in muscle glycogen, which resulted in a high pH level. ─── 他说:“在屠宰前承受了巨大压力的动物所产出的肉中肌糖原减少,导致其有很高的酸碱值。”

44、The influence of pH on the permeation of DHE was very complex. ─── pH对DHE渗透的影响很复杂,在pH3和9透皮流率明显快于pH5和7。

45、Speedy comfort balance skin PH, shrink pore, availability intercede skin enginery . ─── 可迅速舒缓平衡肌肤PH值,收缩毛孔,有效调解肌肤机能。

46、The comprehensive optimum practical condition is: 320?, concentration 60mg/L, pH 12, the inhibitor is OMA. ─── 兼顾气、液相两指标的综合最佳工艺条件为高压釜温度320℃,缓蚀剂浓度为60mg/L,pH值为12,缓蚀剂种类为OMA。

47、The inflection point at this PH is barely detectable. ─── 在此PH值下,拐点不易发现。

48、The change of pH could not revert the Fe3t induced fluorescent quenching of TCS. ─── 在不同的酸度条件下,Fe~(3+)均可使天花粉蛋白的荧光强度发生猝灭。

49、It will grow in a wide range of soil and climatic conditions provided the soil is well drained and pH is over 6.0. ─── 只要土壤排水良好,ph在6.0以上,油菜能在很多种土壤气候条件下生长。

50、BENDER M M,PH D,RADER J I,et al. ─── 国家质量监督检验检疫总局.

51、Why does the transition occur over such narrow range of pH? ─── 为什么此种转变的pH范围这样狭?

52、A problem related to nitrification is a drop in PH for the system due to the formation of nitric acid. ─── 和硝化作用有关的一个问题就是由于生成硝酸而使系统内的PH值降低。

53、For example,Iraq has rebuilt key portions of the Tariq (ph) state establishment. ─── 例如,伊拉克重建了塔利克国家设施的关键部分。

54、The Al Kendi (ph) Company is a company that is well known to have been involved in prohibited weapons systems activity. ─── AlKendi是一个非常著名的生产违禁武器系统的公司。

55、For the mud system, maintain pH values among 8.5 to 9.5 while drilling. ─── 对于这套泥浆体系,钻进期间应维持泥浆的pH值在8.5~9.5之间。

56、With proper PH adjustment (4.5-5) the chromate will be removed. ─── ph值调节得当,铬酸盐也可被除去。

57、Many of you are trying to decide whether to pursue a Ph. D. Degree. Here are a few questions you might ask yourself. ─── 很多人将要决定是不是去读博士学位,这里有些问题你可能要问问自己先。

58、The first consideration in selecting a buffer is pH value. ─── 在选择缓冲剂时第一考虑是它的pH值。

59、Five of his students, four Ph Ds and one postdoc, each won the Nobel Prize. ─── 他的学生当中有五个(四个博士生和一个博士后)分别获得了诺贝尔奖。

60、What, is the explanation for the effect of the pH changes on the conformations of poly (Glu) and poly (Lys)? ─── 如何解释pH变化对多聚谷氨酸和多聚赖氨酸的这种效应?

61、Compared with 30% PH,70% PH could obviously increase hepatocyte transgenic efficiency via rat portal vein. ─── 与 30%肝部分切除术相比 ,70%切肝可显著提高大鼠肝细胞门静脉途径转基因的效率

62、The soil which was moderate pH has the advantage of cumulating calorific value. ─── 中性和近中性土壤有利于苜蓿热值积累和光能累积。

63、In photography,the essential light sensitive coating on ph otographic film comprising gelatine and silver salts. ─── 在照相技术中,覆盖在照相底片上的由胶和银盐组成的感光物质。

64、C om p uter Gra ph ic E d w ard Angel . ─── 地理資訊系統理論與實務周天穎、葉美伶、衷嵐焜.

65、A pH 3.5 pH value acid precipitation caused yi-eld reduction of wheat and Chinese cabbage. ─── pH3.5的模拟酸雨造成小麦和白菜减产;

66、PH: Last year was a big learning experience for me. ─── 去年对我来说是一段充分学习的经验。

67、Uncommon bcr/abl fusion gene may occur in typical Ph(+) CML patient. ─── 少见型bcr/abl融合基因可见于典型Ph染色体阳性CML患者并产生异常的RT PCR扩增带。

68、PH is 6.5 to 8, no sulfur or fluorid. ─── PH值为6.5到8之间,不含硫、氟化物。

69、Ph: Put the eye-dro into your right eye4-6 times a day, each time one to two dro. Squeeze a bit of the ointment on your eyelid every night. ─── 将这种眼药水滴入右眼,每天四至六次,每次一、滴,每晚在眼皮里挤一点眼药膏。

70、Take 150 ml of supernatant for pH check and SCOD and sulfate analysis. ─── 取出150ml上清液测定pH、SCOD和硫酸盐。

71、Another proteolytic enzyme, trypsin, is quite inactive at that PH but functions effectively at a PH of 8. ─── 另一种蛋白质水解酶--胰蛋白酶在此PH时活性甚低而在PH8时效率最高。

72、Like your style so much. In my heart,. I amd sorry to say that ypor space ph. ─── 你的空间真的很漂亮!那几幅称的上是诡异。

73、Tht range of pH was 3-11,the optimum at 8.All light was the best for sporulate. ─── PH值范围为3-11,最佳为8;

74、PH Proud bitch! I'm still your king! ─── 妄自尊大的贱人!我仍然是你的国王!

75、For that matter, the speaker might be a graduate student writing a Ph. D on humor and starting by listing all the things that are not funny. ─── 要那样想的话,说话者可能是个正在写病历卡的研究生——从罗列一些无趣的东西开头。

76、P(NIPAAm-co-MAA) hydrogels have a excellent pH and thermo-sensitivity. ─── P(NIPAAm-co-MAA)凝胶具有良好的pH和温度敏感性。

77、In a solution of pH 10 NH_4OH- NH_4CI media, DBC-chlorophosphonazo shows two peaks with singlesweep polarograph . ─── 在pH10的NH_4OH-NH_4Cl介质中,DBC-CPA在示波极谱上产生两个还原峰、峰电位分别为-1.11V和-1.19V(vs.SCE)。

78、IEF result of AcPh isozymes demonstratedthe induced bands within the range of pH 3-5 under the stress condition. ─── IEF结果表明,低磷胁迫诱导出低pH范围内(PH3-5)的特异活性带,且活性带无基因型间的差异。

79、The butane conversion of catalyst aged in different pH has similar value. ─── 在不同pH值老化的催化剂先驱体,经活化后对丁烷的转化率基本相同。

80、"Everything involving water is a problem," Nasara (ph) says. ─── 只要是有关水的事情就有问题",娜萨拉说。

81、Soil pH value had a significant negative correlation with total colonization rate and hypha colonization rate. ─── 土壤pH值与总定殖率呈极显著负相关,与菌丝定殖率呈显著负相关。

82、The molecular weight of DGR was 15,455 and its isoelectric point was pH 6.6. ─── DGR分子量为15,455,等电点为pH 6.6。

83、Ph: No. Put it in a glasswarm it in a bowL of hot water. ─── 不必。将药盛在玻璃杯里,将它放在一碗热水中加温。

84、The optimum pH was 7.0 for GL-7-ACA acylase. ─── GL-7-ACA酰化酶反应最适pH为7.0。

85、The magnitude of the thermal process is a function of product pH or acidity. ─── 产品的pH值或酸度是热处理强度的函数。

86、Ph: No. Put it in a gla and warm it in a bowl of hot water. ─── 不必。可以将药盛在玻璃杯里,将它放在一碗热水中加温。

87、The degree of acidity or alkalinity of any solution, then, can be most conveniently expressed by the PH system. ─── 因此,任何溶液的酸碱度都可以用ph体系来表示。采用这种方法极为方便。

88、Skin is naturally slightly acidic and has a pH of 5.5. ─── 皮肤具有天然弱酸性,pH值为5.5。

89、However, when the pH rises to a certain value, the degradation rate of aniline will drop. ─── 但当pH值升到一定程度以后,去除率又有所下降。

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