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10-03 投稿


nomic 发音

英:[['n??m?k]]  美:[['no?m?k]]

英:  美:

nomic 中文意思翻译



nomic 相似词语短语

1、uncomic ─── 不协调的

2、domic ─── 多米克

3、-nomic ─── 惯用的;普通的

4、entomic ─── adj.昆虫的

5、genomic ─── adj.基因组的;染色体的

6、gnomic ─── adj.含格言的;精辟的

7、comic ─── adj.喜剧的;滑稽的;有趣的;n.连环漫画;喜剧演员;滑稽人物

8、nomadic ─── adj.游牧的;流浪的;游动的

9、anomic ─── adj.社会道德沦丧的;没有目的的

nomic 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Tekashi Asano. Waste Water Reclamation and Reuse. Water Quality Management Library Vol.10.USA: Tech nomic Publishing Company, Inc.1998 ─── 肖锦.城市污水处理及回用技术[M].北京:化学工业出版社,2002

2、Environment is an ecology system, which possesses auto nomic regulating function, but it has a limit, if going beyond it, then will cause ecology system losing balance. ─── 环境是一生态系统,它具有自动调节功能,但有一定的限度,超过了限度,会导致生态系统平衡失调。

3、The monopoly of food salt is not contradictory to the market eco nomic. ─── 食盐专营与市场经济并不相悖,在改革开放的经济建设中仍然发挥着十分重要的作用;

4、Following the P E-R model.Three Gorges environmental capability should be analyzed by considering both environmental resources and eco nomic development. ─── 该模型主张既要从环境资源角度又要从经济发展角度研究三峡库区环境人口容量问题。

5、We should take “standard eco nomic” as the strategy to decrease the affections of technical of technical tr ade barrier. ─── 对于技术贸易壁垒的这种影响,我国应该采取推行“标准经济”的对策。

6、Keywords fire;ordered specimen cluster analysis;socioeco nomic factors; ─── 火灾;有序样品聚类分析;社会经济因;

7、The economic impact of extraterritoriality in the study of our foreign eco- nomic relations in modern times should be given more attention. ─── 治外法权的经济影响是近代中外经济关系研究中应给予更多关注的问题。

8、nomic spelling ─── 普通拚法

9、The eco nomic benefit of recovery use of oligomer by direct polymerization and the oligomer depolymerization recov ered monomer have been compared and analysed. ─── 对低聚物直接聚合回收利用与低聚物解聚回收单体的经济效益进行了对比分析。

10、Industrial structure study is a concrete link in the course of China eco - nomic contradictory analysis. ─── 产业结构问题的研究是中国经济矛盾分析中的一个具体环节。

11、We should help those who drop out of university because of eco- nomic reasons. ─── 我们应该帮助那些由于经济原因从大学退学者。

12、Horizontal gene transfer plays a special role in genetic, ge- nomic , and the biological evolution. ─── 基因水平转移在基因、基因组和生物进化中有着其独特的作用。

13、Strengthening financial management of enterprises, Striving for the optimum of eco nomic benefits ─── 强化企业财务管理,争取最佳经济效益

14、Observations on the Binding of VSG gene Transcriptase and Ge- nomic DNA Fragments of Trypanosornes with South-western Blot Mapping ─── 用South-Western blot mapping方法观察锥虫VSG基因转录酶与基因组核酸片段的结合

15、Tibet has embarked on a path of sustainable development, with eco-nomic growth and ecological protection advancing side by side. ─── 西藏已经初步走上了一条经济发展与生态保护齐头并进的可持续发展道路。

16、The practice shows that the proposal is suitable for sintering deep bed operation, and the remarkable eco-nomic benefit is obtained. ─── 实践表明改造方案实施后适应了烧结厂厚料层操作,取得了显著的经济效益。

17、Nomic and commercial data bank ─── 经贸信息管理系统;经贸信息管理系统

18、The extensive input of knowledge capital is the key factor that has decided their eco - nomic growth and structural change. ─── 知识资本的大量投入是决定这些国家经济增长和结构变化的关键因素。

19、Hewanted a society where the eco- nomic no longer monopolised so much time andenergy. ─── 他想要的社会只是经济不再占据人们如此多的时间和精力。

20、Now, with the NOMIC, climbers can ascend ice with the fluidity and freedom of rock climbing. ─── 有了NOMIC, 攀爬者可以用冰斧攀登, 具有高度的流畅性和自由度。

21、study on probably exist between utilization of bauxite resources and eco-nomic performances of the technology of Ore Dressing-Bayer Process. ─── 本文针对选矿-拜耳法工艺的经济性与资源利用率之间可能存在的问题开展了分析研究。

22、ABSTRACT: Administrative division adjustment is an important move which affects C hina ' s u r b a n s o c io -e c o nomic development, and have a very close relationship with rapid urbanization. ─── 摘要: 行政区划调整是影响我国城市社会经 济发展的重要举措,与快速的城市化有 着非常密切的关系。

23、aimed at the eco nomic development, advancing the basic constructions of nuclear industry. ─── 着眼经济建设大局,加强核基础设施建设。

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