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10-03 投稿


maternity 发音

英:[m??t??rn?ti]  美:[m??t??n?ti]

英:  美:

maternity 中文意思翻译




maternity 词性/词形变化,maternity变形


maternity 短语词组

1、maternity clinic ─── 妇女保健站

2、maternity ware ─── 孕妇用品

3、maternity stall ─── 孕妇档

4、paid maternity leave ─── [法] 照付工资的产假

5、maternity protection ─── [医] 母亲保护

6、maternity dress ─── 孕妇装

7、maternity insurance ─── 生育保险

8、maternity nurse ─── 助产士

9、maternity hospital ─── [医] 产院

10、maternity nursing ─── [医] 产科护理

11、maternity unit ─── 产科

12、maternity blues ─── 产妇沮丧

13、maternity benefit ─── [法] 产妇分娩津贴

14、maternity bag ─── 孕妇包

15、maternity ward ─── 产科病房, ─── 产房

16、maternity leave ─── [法] 产假

17、maternity barn ─── 产房

18、maternity rights ─── 生育权

19、maternity pay ─── [法] 产假工资

maternity 常用词组

maternity leave ─── 产假

maternity insurance ─── 生育保险;产妇保险

maternity hospital ─── 产科医院;妇产科医院

maternity 相似词语短语

1、quaternity ─── n.四位一体;四人一组;四个一组

2、paternity ─── n.父权;父系;父系后裔

3、fraternity ─── n.友爱;兄弟会;互助会;大学生联谊会

4、maternities ─── n.母性,母道;[妇产]妇产科医院;adj.产科的;产妇的,孕妇的

5、materiality ─── n.物质性,重要性;物质

6、coeternity ─── 共同性

7、modernity ─── n.现代性;现代的东西;新式

8、eternity ─── n.来世,来生;不朽;永世;永恒

9、maturity ─── n.成熟;到期;完备

maternity 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The hinterland has been hardest hit as maternity wards have closed one after another. ─── 产科病房接连关门,偏远地区受创最深。

2、I recently left the corporate world to spend more time with my two toddler boys. I'm thrilled to have an online maternity and nursing store on eBay! ─── 为保障出价者的私隐,当物品的价格或最高出价达到或超过某金额时,会员帐号就会以匿名显示。粗体字价格表示至少已经有一位买家出价。

3、Policlinic Building of Maternity Hospital, Zhejiang Univ. ─── 医疗建筑:浙江第二人民医院门诊楼方案。

4、The hospital maternity ward was full of the tortured cries of women giving birth. ─── 医院的产房里充满了妇女生产的痛苦叫声。

5、Chinese maternity hospital World team expert team...... ─── 中国的妇产医院,世界的专家团队......

6、Female worker bears the regulation according to state law, code to enjoy maternity leave. ─── 女职工生育按照国家法律、法规的规定享受产假。

7、Shop for jeans, flared jeans, hipster jeans, bootleg jeans, classic cut jeans, low rise jeans, bellbottom jeans, stretch jeans, 8)maternity jeans, straight cut jeans and more. ─── 去购买牛仔裤吧,喇叭牛仔裤、超低腰牛仔裤、小喇叭牛仔裤、传统样式牛仔裤、低腰牛仔裤、大喇叭牛仔裤、弹性牛仔裤、孕妇牛仔裤、直筒牛仔裤以及更多。

8、Health services should be enhanced in the periods of adolescence,pregnancy,maternity,menopause and old age so that people's living standard and their quality of life are improved. ─── 加强青春期、孕产期、更年期、老年期健康服务,提高人们的生活水平和质量。

9、In general, I think that the global reforms in Russia should begin with [reform of] maternity hospitals. ─── 不过总而言之,我认为苏联全面性的改革应该从[改革]妇产科医院开始。

10、A maternity ward with30 beds. ─── 一个有30个床位的产科病房

11、Abortion pregnant female workers, in their units should be based on proof of the Medical Department to give a certain period of maternity leave. ─── 女职工怀孕流产的,其所在单位应当根据医务部门的证明,给予一定时间的产假。

12、Maternity pay is also counted as income. ─── 产假工资也被算作收入。

13、Maternity suits you! ─── 你很适合做母亲!

14、We're prepared to be very belt-tightening in the second three months, so any improvement in maternity pay could only be a good thing. ─── 我们准备在第二个三月里非常节约,因此任何改善产假工资的事都是好事。

15、The plane won't be fixed until the suits meet ou demands.Now,maternity leave. ─── 不满足我们的条件,大家就不开工。怎么样,给不给产假?

16、Diversified health programs include fitness and dieting, medical science, mental health, healing and survival, illness, maternity and parenting, home and design, and cooking. ─── 以专业及科学的角度,探视切身的身体及心灵健康,无论是健美、食、疗、病及生育课题,均一一涉猎。

17、An emergency room physician cut the umbilical cord in the parking lot, and doctors attended to Johnson until she could be taken to Uniontown Hospital, which has a maternity unit. ─── 一位急诊室医生立即赶到停车场将脐带剪断,此后有多名医生一直守侯在约翰逊身边,直到她被送往另外一家专门设有妇产科的联盟镇医院。

18、Our receptionist has been pregnant for nine months and is now staying in a maternity ward, waiting for the birth of her first baby. ─── 我们的接待人员已经怀孕九个月了,现在住在产科病房,等待她的第一个孩子出生。

19、To qualify for maternity leave you must have worked for the same employer for two years. ─── 你必须为同一雇主工作两年才有资格休产假。

20、She is busy preparing for maternity. ─── 她忙着准备当妈妈。

21、Labor laws in the Dominican Republic stipulate that female workers are entitled to three months maternity leave. So investors in factories do their best to employ male workers. ─── 多国劳工法规定,女性劳工有三个月产期,所以投资厂商多尽可能雇用男工。

22、At zero o'clock, January 6 this year, with the cry of a baby at the Beijing Maternity Hospital, China greeted its 1.3 billionth citizen day. ─── 今年一月六日凌晨零点,随着北京妇产医院的一声呱呱婴啼,中国迎来了第13亿人口日。

23、In 1949, China had only nine maternity and child care centers, with limited numbers of beds and medical workers. ─── 1949年,全国仅有妇幼保健所9个,病床床位及工作人员微乎其微。

24、Most pregnant working women receive their statutory maternity pay directly from their employer for a maximum of 18 weeks. ─── 大多数怀孕在职女性可以从雇主处领取法定的产妇工资,最多可领取18周。

25、It cannot fire women or unilaterally annul their labor contracts on the pretext of marriage,pregnancy,maternity leave or baby nursing. ─── 不得以结婚、怀孕、产假、哺乳等为由,辞退女职工或单方面解除劳动合同。

26、At the Zhong Yang county maternity hospital, also in Shanxi, there's a view that malnutrition is as much to blame as pollution. ─── 在山西省的张阳县(音译)的一家妇产科医院,有一种观点认为营养不良和污染对婴儿缺陷有着同样的危害。

27、The women were part of an ongoing maternity cohort who deliered singleton babies and had gien blood samples early in pregnancy. ─── 受试者妇女有部分是正在产科医院中生了单胞胎并在妊娠早期留有血样的产妇。

28、Employees do not receive staff welfare benefits including pension, medical, accident, unemployment and maternity insurance. ─── 员工未享受包括养老、医疗、工伤、失业和生育等社会保险。

29、Thelma: Oh, yeah, I won't be long. He is just talking with Shoner about when she comes back from maternity leave. ─── 塞尔玛:很快,他只是问问萧纳产假结束没有,何时来上班。

30、Trainee nurses have to work for some weeks in maternity. ─── 受训的护士必须在产科病房工作数周。

31、It cannot fire women or unilaterally annul their labor contracts on the pretext of marriage, pregnancy, maternity leave or baby nursing. ─── 不得以结婚、怀孕、产假、哺乳等为由,辞退女职工或单方面解除劳动合同;

32、A maternity ward with 30 beds. ─── 一个有30个床位的产科病房。

33、Mr. and Mrs. Robert Phillips are delighted to announce the birth of a son, Alan Phillips, on January 8, 2003. Many thanks to all the staff at the General Maternity Hospital. ─── 在妇产总院全体医务人员的精心照料下,罗伯特·菲力普斯夫妇于2003年1月8日喜得贵子,取名艾伦·菲力普斯。

34、Female worker maternity leave is 90 days, among them antenatal is off 15 days. ─── 女职工产假为九十天,其中产前休假十五天。

35、A freestanding bell tower;a freestanding maternity clinic. ─── 一座独立式钟塔;独立产科诊所

36、He also plans to build a theme park on maternity culture in Zoucheng, the birthplace of Mencius. ─── ”李汉秋还提议在孟子的出生地邹城建一个有关母爱文化的主题公园。

37、Maternity ward is on the second floor. ─── 产科病房在二楼。

38、She is away on sick leave or on maternity leave. ─── 她在休病假或休产假。

39、Insurance categories include: endowment insurance, occupational injury insurance, unemployment insurance, hospitalization insurance and maternity insurance. ─── 保险种类有养老,工伤,医疗,失业和生育保险。

40、Women workers are entitled to maternity leave with full pay. ─── 女工产假期间工资照发。

41、Others are offering extended maternity leave and discount coupons for baby-sitting and housecleaning services. ─── 其他公司也为女性员工提供了延长产假、赠送照看幼儿及房屋清扫服务优惠券等福利待遇。

42、Much afterbirth embryo bears, every bear a baby more, increase maternity leave 15 days. ─── 多胞胎生育的,每多生育一个婴儿,增加产假十五天。

43、Today, training was provided for 82 nurses in high-risk departments, including the maternity ward and the laboratory. ─── 今天对高危科室、包括产科病房和实验室的82名护士进行了培训。

44、Oh, let me see, I went to work after maternity leave.A short time later number one surgical department accepted a middle-aged man who had had stomachache history for 10 years. ─── 哦,让我想想,在我产后上班不久,外一科病房收治了一位中年男病人,有胃痛病史10年。

45、She's on maternity leave now. ─── 她在休产假。

46、The greatest torment of Miss Glover's life was that , as lady of the vicarage, she had to manage the Maternity Bag . ─── 格洛弗小姐生活中最大的苦恼是,作为一个教区牧师家的小姐,她必须安排产妇救济包。

47、Last year saw 3,180 maternity and child-care centers nationwide and the completion of county-, township- and village-level health care networks. ─── 2000年,全国妇幼保健机构达到3180所,建立了县、乡、村三级医疗保健网络。

48、Looking for underwear,sleepwear,infant dress,maternity dress,etc.... ─── 产品介绍: 求购内衣裤,睡衣裤,婴儿服装,孕妇装等。

49、When asked to rank barriers to their careers, 12 percent cited marriage, 19 percent said maternity policies and 30 percent named pay scales. ─── 在被问及职业发展的障碍时,12%的人认为是婚姻,19%的人认为是生育政策,30%的人认为是薪酬等级。

50、Her going on maternity leave will create a temporary vacancy. ─── 她休产假时将会有一个临时空缺。

51、In 1988, the state introduced a reform of the maternity insurance system in some areas. ─── 国家于1988年开始在部分地区推行生育保险制度改革。

52、It ranks poorly on the specific dimensions of economic opportunity and health and well-being, compromised by meagre maternity leave, the lack of maternity leave benefits. ─── 世界经济论坛的调查显示,美国在妇女就业机会、康和福利方面排名靠后,这主要是因为在美国,妇女产假较短,产假期间收入较少.

53、In our village, the first child birth, without pay, maternity second child about to 1500-3000 ! ─── 在我们乡,生育第一个孩子,不用交钱,生育第二个孩子大约交1500-3000元不等!

54、During maternity leave, salary issue as before. ─── 产假期间,工资照发。

55、Though she is pregnant, her boss won't give her maternity leave. ─── 她怀孕了,但是老总却迟迟不准假。

56、The company offers a liberal maternity and paternity leave and has provided funding for two day-care centers nearby so that P & G mothers and fathers can be near their children. ─── 公司给予产妇及其丈夫充足的假期,并出资在附近建成了两所托儿所,使作父母的宝洁员工能离他们的孩子近一些。

57、Governments at all levels have special functional departments in charge of maternity and child hygiene. Health centers in this regard have been set up at all levels in both urban and rural areas. ─── 各级政府都设有妇幼卫生管理职能部门,城乡逐级建立了妇幼保健院所。

58、Maternal love, with a sense of fluidness of maternity, can be discerned in numerous works by women painters around the worlds. ─── 在许多的女性绘画中有一种可辨的母性之爱和母性汁液流动的感觉。

59、In a maternity ward, the fraternal love gave way to gynarchy. ─── 在产房,兄弟之爱让位于女人当权。

60、In most countries, income tax deductions and maternity leaves are available without restriction. ─── 在大多数国家里,对所得税减免和产妇休假是不加限制的。

61、Compared with other social insurances, maternity insurance has evident sexual characteristics. ─── 与其他社会保险相比,生育保险具有明显的性别特征。

62、My wife's maternity leave is close to an end. ─── 我妻子的产假快结束了。

63、However, meanwhile I also believe women have love and maternity as their deepest instinct, which can not be effaced but oppressed by the society. ─── 不过,同时我又相信爱和母性是女人最深邃的本能,环境只能压抑它,却不能把它磨灭。

64、For the female, there is already maternity clothing, but for men there is little to choose from other than "big boy stores". ─── 女性已经有了孕妇服,但男性除了大男孩的店铺外只有很少的选择。

65、In the eyes of men, the image of women and that of mother is splintered.But the object of desire of maternity and feminine of men can be in the same person. ─── 在男人的眼里,女人和母亲的形象是割裂的,但是男人对女性和母性的欲望的客体可以是同一人。

66、Ancestral communication, maternity, paternity, fellowship, divine oaths. ─── 与祖先沟通,母性,父权,团体关系,神的誓约(神的诅咒)。

67、She was covering for her while she was on maternity leave. ─── 她在她修产假的时候代替她的工作。

68、The impetuous little lady played at love with these imaginary worthies, as a little while before she had played at maternity with her doll. ─── 这个毛手毛脚的小女子充当了这些大人物的情人,就象不久以前她把洋娃娃当作自己的女儿一样。

69、Maternity leave, paternity leave, carers' leave and sick leave are not costs but essential to our wellbeing. ─── 产假,初为人父假期,护理者假期,病假等对心灵健康至关重要,绝不是一种额外花费。

70、There are so many different styles of fashion in maternity clothes these days.You do not have to look frumpy an ... ─── 今天,在互联网连接整个世界,恭维的孕妇服装款式来自世界各地的向所有人提供。

71、The Department of Health also provides 25 beds for general out-patient clinics and maternity homes located in the outlying islands. ─── 卫生署也为离岛的普通科门诊和留产院提供25张病。

72、At the age of 29, Charity was about to give birth to her first child in the maternity ward at the Central Hospital in Zimbabwe's second city, Bulawayo. ─── 在津巴布韦第二大城市布拉瓦约中心医院妇产科病房,29岁的查里提女士即将生下她的第一个孩子。

73、She has had her maternity leave and has now started to work again. ─── 她休完产假,已经重新返岗。

74、Do you have maternity dresses? ─── 你们有孕妇装吗?

75、Yet beyond the cooing and the loving, I've di scovered, the maternity ward is actually ground zero for a trans Atlantic cultu re clash ovr childbirth. ─── 不过我发现,在卿卿我我的爱情之外,产房实际上最能体现大西洋两岸生育文化的差异。

76、Cannot maternity leave period work how to be handled because of body reason completely? ─── 产假期满因身体原因不能工作如何处理?

77、Conditions in the maternity wards of hos2pitals were almost as bad as in the surgical wards. There were constant epidemics. The mother often became feverish and died. ─── 医院产科病房的条件几乎与外科病房一样差,经常发生流行病,产妇常发热、死亡。

78、By 1993, China had 2.27 million medical workers specializing in maternity and child care, accounting for 55 percent of all those in the medical profession. ─── 到1993年,中国已有妇幼卫生专业技术人员227万人,占全部医务人员总数的55%。

79、Chatting with our comrades in maternity, we found out they were early birds indeed. The fourth couple had arrived at 4 o'clock and the first the previous evening. ─── 与同志们聊天时,我们发现他们确实是早起的鸟。第四对夫妇4点就到了,第一对夫妇是前一天晚上来的。

80、In the ages when there were no maternity hospitals, the profession of midwifery seemed very important. ─── 在没有妇产医院的年代里,收生婆这个职业显得很重要。

81、very difficult to demote somebody who has been filling in during maternity leave. ─── 产假的人降职是很难的。

82、Clinical observation of the effect of maternity mental statement on lactation. ─── 产妇精神状态影响乳汁分泌的临床观察。

83、Dr Serdouma heads the 144-bed maternity ward at the Bangui community hospital. ─── Serdouma博士领导着班吉社区医院具有144张床位的产科病房。

84、At the same time, actively expand old-age pension, medical, work-related injuries, unemployment, maternity insurance five the number of insured. ─── 同时,积极扩大养老、医疗、工伤、失业、生育五大保险参保人数。

85、"Italy stands out from many other European countries in the fact that fewer women return to work after maternity, " he said. ─── “在意大利,女性生产之后回到工作岗位的人数,少于其它许多欧洲国家,”他表示。

86、Conventional strategies include baby bonuses, family benefits, extended maternity and paternity leave and more flexible working schedules for mothers. ─── 传统的策略包括婴儿奖金津贴、家庭补贴、孩子父母的延长休假以及孩子母亲更有弹性的工作时间表。

87、In India, Drishtee runs a network of internet kiosks in rural areas, while LifeSpring runs low-cost maternity hospitals. ─── 在印度,Drishtee在农村地区经营着一家网络商铺,LifeSpring运转着一家低成本的妇产科医院。

88、The HCT going up, the PLT reducing and the UA going up can cause unfavorable perinatal prognosis of maternity and fetus. ─── HCT升高、PLT 减少及UA升高可导致孕产妇、围产儿的预后不良。

89、But as soon as they were born at Elgin Maternity Hospital five weeks ago, she and husband Barry knew that it wasn't going to be a problem. ─── 但五周前,当这对双胞胎在埃尔金产科医院出生后,她和丈夫巴里就知道这不是个问题了。

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