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10-03 投稿


moderator 发音

英:[?mɑ?d?re?t?r]  美:[?m?d?re?t?(r)]

英:  美:

moderator 中文意思翻译



moderator 短语词组

1、moderator control ─── 缓和剂控制,慢化剂控制

2、moderator circuit ─── 慢化剂电路

3、coolant-moderator ─── 冷却剂-调节器

4、moderator variable ─── 干涉变量

5、moderator analysis ─── 调节分析

6、moderator band ─── [医] 节制带(右心室)

7、super moderator ─── 超级主持人

8、moderator center ─── [医] 节制中枢

9、control variables moderator ─── 控制变量调节器

10、coolant moderator ─── 冷却液慢化剂

11、BOD moderator ─── [化] 生化需氧量缓和剂

moderator 词性/词形变化,moderator变形


moderator 相似词语短语

1、federator ─── 联邦制

2、moderato ─── adv.中板地,中等速度地;adj.中板的,(音乐演奏)中速的;n.中庸速度演奏的乐段

3、moderates ─── n.温和派(moderate的复数);稳健派;v.主持;减轻;变温和(moderate的三单形式)

4、moderation ─── n.适度;节制;温和;缓和

5、macerator ─── n.浸渍器

6、moderate ─── adj.稳健的,温和的;适度的,中等的;有节制的;vi.变缓和,变弱;vt.节制;减轻

7、moderators ─── n.主持人,版主

8、moderated ─── v.缓和,使适中;减轻,克制;审核;主持;(物)使(中子)减速(moderate的过去式和过去分词)

9、modulator ─── n.[电子]调幅器,[电子][通信]调制器;调节人

moderator 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Leading Restaurant design panelists and moderator will discuss current design issues, “what the public wants and what the client expects”. ─── 全球餐馆设计业的领导者与主持将就“如何迎合公众需求和客户期望”来讨论餐馆的设计趋势。

2、Moderator Soledad O'Brien asked the three authors who from their books they'd invite to dinner. Stephen immediately said he'd invite Harry and Hermione. ─── 主持人问三位作家会从书中邀请哪位人物共进晚餐。Stephen立刻说他会邀请哈利和赫敏。

3、Moderator: We have just really talking about children with adult English are very different from those in pursuing that goal, or is this idea that there might be a teacher. ─── 主持人:刚才大家都谈到确实少儿英语跟成人有很大的不同,在实现这个目标或者是这个理念,可能还有一个师资的问题。

4、Do not impersonate other individuals or falsely represent yourself, any such messages will be removed at the discretion of either a forum moderator or administrator. ─── 八、不要冒充他人或隐瞒自己第一真实ID而发言。任何以上的这类信息经管理员判断均将被删除。

5、The moderator invoked a rule causing the debate to be ended. ─── 仲裁人引用了一项规则使辩论终止

6、The moderator can also see to it that consumer input is seen and responded to by the right people within the company. ─── 该仲裁人还能够照应到,由公司内恰当的人来看到消费者的输入并对其做出回应。

7、Luckily, we have Jason Baer as moderator who has taken the "Twitter approach" to Q and A in light of the inevitable time constraint. ─── 幸运的话,我们能请到JasonBaer做主持人,考虑到时间紧,他用“Twitter方法”来进行问答。

8、Microcontrol . cn debug moderator to provide file system, you can read and write simple documents. ─── Microcontrol.cn debug版主提供的文件系统,可以实现简单的文件读写。

9、How I wish I could be a real moderator! I hope to be able to achieve the aspirations! ─── 我多么希望自己能当一名真正的主持人啊!希望我的愿望能够实现!

10、A UserType variable can have only one of the three values specified (Admin, Moderator, or User). ─── UserType变量只能有(Admin、Moderator或User)三个指定值中的一个。

11、Moderator: Sina's all good friends, we are now in the China Open at the scene for everyone to do online chat activity. ─── 主持人:新浪网的网友大家好,我们现在是在中国网球公开赛的现场为大家做在线聊天活动。

12、Moderator : 2000 colones a major move is the introduction of CRC as a major shareholder. ─── 主持人:2000年万科一个重大的动作就是引进了华润作为第一大股东。

13、Published latest developments in this forum! Moderator application, the Union Forum, Links applications.Forum need everybody's support! ─── 发布本论坛最新动态!版主申请,联盟论坛,友情链接申请,论坛的发展离不开大家的支持!

14、Moderator: Yan Zi in the net to play the first game, I regret that the last Japanese player Ai Sugiyama lost. ─── 主持人:今天晏紫在中网打了第一场比赛,很遗憾最后输给了日本选手杉山爱。

15、Moderator: in such a great environment, the brutal competition in the market think it was a blow, but some think it is a rare opportunity, how do you think? ─── 主持人:在今年这样一个大环境下,残酷的市场竞争有人觉得是一个打击,但有人却觉得是一个难得的机遇,您怎样认为?

16、Moderator: I heard that your wife is the art teacher. ─── 主持人:听说您的爱人也是教艺术的老师。

17、Moderator: You said this will not repeat the teaching, but other forms of teaching you will carry out naked? ─── 主持人:你说不会重复这种教学,但是别的形式的裸体教学您还会进行吗?

18、Do you want be a moder student? ─── 你想成为一名三好学生吗?

19、Moderator: Please use the last few key points about this year's speech on China's Internet development. ─── 主持人:最后请您用几个关健词点评一下今年中国互联网的发展。

20、Web conferences are on-line meetings in which a user acting as moderator delivers an on-line presentation to a group of conference participants. ─── Web会议是在线会议,在该会议上,担任主持者的用户向参会者进行在线陈述。

21、OO will be responsible for our Super Moderator work in XX. He will work for all forums and articles admin work and help administrators to solve problem in our forum. ─── XX管理组决定正式任命OO为本论坛超级版主,负责本论坛的文章与板块管理工作。同时协助论坛管理员处理论坛其他事务。

22、Even though the Nietzschean theory of art is still within the humanistic framework of modern metaphysics, and his criticism of moder... ─── 事实上,尼采不仅是过去的人物,他更是当代精神现实的组成部分。

23、Moderator: MO teachers, in real life, and how you see? ─── 主持人:莫老师,现实生活中,你对性怎么看?

24、answered questions from a moderator and didn't address each other. ─── 回答了主持人的问题,但没有互相发表言论。

25、Moderator: Yang Ziming, MD. (The executive director of Chinese Journal of Surgery. ─── 主持人:杨子明(中华外科杂志编辑部执行主任)

26、Moderator: Good friends of Tencent, today we are very honored to be invited to the Internet Society of China Hu chairman of the China Internet Association Miss Hu Qiheng. ─── 主持人:各位腾讯的网友大家好,今天我们非常荣幸邀请到中国互联网协会理事长胡启恒中国互联网协会理事长胡启恒女士。

27、The two candidates will be seated at a table with veteran CBS moderator Bob Schieffer. ─── 两位候选人将和哥伦比亚广播公司的资深主持者鲍伯.西弗同坐一桌。

28、Moderator: You participated in the 2008 China Internet Conference What is the feeling? ─── 主持人:您这次参加2008中国互联网大会有什么感受?

29、Moderator: e-commerce, ordinary users of the Internet, the tide of this round, from which the Internet can help get what? ─── 主持人:对电子商务、对普通的网民用户,从这轮浪潮当中,从互联网当中能够得到哪些帮助?

30、MODERATOR: This concludes the meeting with the news media. Thank you. ─── :中美两国元首共同会见记者结束。谢谢大家。

31、THE MODERATOR: Questions in English or French first. First question. ─── 主持人:现在开始提问,英语或者法语。

32、Moderator: MO teachers have said that he is a very traditional, his falling in love, to love, family is very sincere? ─── 主持人:莫老师刚才讲过,说他是一个非常传统的人,他对谈恋爱、对感情、家庭都非常的真诚?

33、Moderator: We can see that Hu Zhuren issued by the DCCI for our Internet Data Research Center of the first half of the Olympic audience analysis. ─── 主持人:大家看到胡主任为我们发布的DCCI互联网数据研究中心上半年对奥运受众的分析。

34、Moderator: When you lecture, when students what expression? And 97 compared to what's the difference? ─── 主持人:您在讲课的时候,当时学生什么表情?和97年相比有什么不同?

35、Moderator: Your child is like a work of art with you? ─── 主持人:您的孩子也是跟您一样从事艺术吗?

36、OK Damian so why pretend that the Moderator's words mean that the Church of Scotland supports this policy? Just mischief making as usual. Even OTSOTA puts you right. ─── 为什么要假扮主教的口气说苏格兰教堂支持这项政策?别跟平常一样恶搞,甚至OTSOTA去纠正你的时候。

37、Moderator: Today's exhibition of large-scale, please describe to us in Egypt and the United States and Ko exhibition above a size and form. ─── 主持人:今天的展会的规模比较大,请先给我们介绍一下埃美柯在此次展会上面的一个规模和形式。

38、I'm gonna take the prerogative of the moderator and ask the last question of each of you. ─── 我要以主持人的身份,问最后一个问题,你们每个人都要回答。

39、THE MODERATOR: Last few English or French please. ─── 主持人:最后几个问题,英语或法语。

40、Moderator: this matter should be in the country is the first time that you have been teaching the naked half User support. Whether you will continue to practice on it? ─── 主持人:这件事情在全国应该是第一次的,您的裸体教学已经得到了一半网友的支持。是否会使您继续这样实践、研究下去呢?

41、Moderator let us take a look at other people wearing the hats What is, the lights are turned off and then, if someone think wearing a black hat, on hand to shoot you. ─── 主持人先让大家看看别人头上戴的是什幺帽子,然后关灯,如果有人认为自己戴的是黑帽子,就拍一下巴掌。

42、Moderator refused to produce his passport, refused to go to the police station with them. ─── 主持人们拒绝出示自己的护照,也拒绝跟他们一起去警察局。”

43、The moderator should introduce the expert and run the question-and-answer period that follows the expert's remarks. ─── 主持人应介绍专家,并在专家致词之后主持问答。

44、He was a good Moderator, and hope he will be a good Moderator. ─── 他是一位好版主,希望他是公正的好版主。

45、Moderator: Thank you, lets open the floor to questions. ─── 主:谢谢。接下来把时间开放给现场听众发问。

46、Works with moderator to select inspectors and assign roles. ─── 与评审负责人一起选择检查者,并分配角色。

47、Moderator : Beijing, Shanghai where prices are high its rationality, the general public housing? After all, they make up the majority of the population. ─── 主持人:北京、上海这些地方的房价高有它的合理性,普通市民的住房问题怎么办?毕竟他们占人口的大多数。

48、Roberts 39 and Moder 37 have 2-year-old twins Hazel and Phinnaeus who were born in November 2004. ─── 39岁的罗伯茨和她37的丈夫莫德已经有了一对两岁的双胞胎黑兹尔和费尼斯。

49、Moderator: You have an interview in the home of a photo, reported the Internet. ─── 主持人:你在家里接受采访时的一张照片,在网上报道出来了。

50、Post the latest news and announcement of PCKJ.COM! Accept moderator and links application. ─── 发布日常论坛公告,有任何意见都可以在这里提出来。接受版主和友情链接的申请。

51、Moderator: Last question, in six months time, for you the next economy to be optimistic, or is likely to continue to be cautious? ─── 主持人:最后一个问题,在半年的时间内,你对于接下来的经济走向会走向乐观,还是可能会继续保持谨慎?

52、Public groups can be open for anyone to join or you can require users to be accepted by an admin or moderator. ─── 公开群组能被任何人打开和加入或者你可以要求必须通过一个管理员或仲裁员批准。

53、Moderator: you have to see how the current market? ─── 主持人:您对目前的市场怎么看?

54、"Q &A intelligence" of the sessions, all vying to Qiangda problem, enthusiastic atmosphere, the moderator repeatedly had to raise their decibels. ─── “智力问答”环节中,大家争先恐后地抢答问题,气氛踊跃,主持人不得不一次次地提高自己的分贝。

55、Moderator: Dr. Fang Xinghai, Director-General, Off Panel II: Unleashing China's Outbound Capital Flows: Can China's Cash Save The World? ─── 专题讨论二:开通中国海外资本金流动的渠道:中国资本能拯救世界吗?

56、Roberts, 39, and Moder, 37, have 2-year-old twins, Hazel and Phinnaeus, who were born in November 2004. The couple were married in July 2002 at Roberts' home in N.M. ─── 39岁的罗伯茨和她37的丈夫莫德已经有了一对两岁的双胞胎黑兹尔和费尼斯。这对夫妇于2002年7月在罗伯茨的家乡新墨西哥州结婚,之后在2004年11月份生下这对龙凤胎。

57、Moderator: Hello-week total! We are very pleased to accept the home of an interview with Sina, Sina first and our friends to play sound hello. ─── 主持人:周总您好!非常高兴接受我们新浪家居的采访,先和我们的新浪网友打声招呼。

58、Moderator: Thank you, the four gentlemen, today's interview on the end. ─── 主持人:谢谢四位嘉宾,今天的访谈就到此结束。

59、Moderator: Up to the present, the leadership to find your conversation? ─── 主持人:截至目前学校的领导找过您谈话没有?

60、Frosch: Do you write the answers by yourself or a moderator makes it for you? ─── 你自己写的这些回答,还是工作人员帮你打的?

61、Report post that violate the rules, moderator will award you points. ─── 举报违规的贴,版主有可能加你分.

62、This paper attempts to bridge the relation between moder n enterprise system and hospital management system reform theoretically. ─── 医院管理体制改革,引进企业化的运作模式,有必要借鉴国有企业建立现代企业制度的经验。

63、But the recent conversion convulsions in the financial markets led the dabate debate moderator Jim Lehrer to spend the first 40 minutes on economic issues. ─── 但是最近在金融市场的振荡让辩论主持人花了最开始的40分钟在经济问题上。

64、By the moderator and Hu Jing Zhu Zhaoxiang and at the same time pay good Ekin Cheng, Alan Tam as a "matchmaker" Derek Yee, who as witnesses. ─── 主持人是由与胡静和朱兆祥同时交好的郑伊健、谭咏麟担任,“红娘”尔冬升、为证婚人。

65、Moderator: All right, just to say that the total now is internet in the spring, we hope that the storm on the Internet to find their new spring. ─── 主持人:好的,刚才方总说现在是互联网的春天,我们也希望暴风在互联网上找到自己新的春天。

66、Moderator: This major exhibition of new products which are recommended? ─── 主持人:此次展会主要推荐的新品有哪些?

67、Moderator: You can support her? ─── 主持人:她对您能支持吗?

68、Moderator: I am more interested in, I do not know how many months you throw out good ideas? ─── 主持人:我比较感兴趣,我不知道你们一个月会有多少好的想法丢出来?

69、Moderator: How do you look for a brand product sales leading role? ─── 主持人:您怎样看待品牌对一个产品的销量带动作用?

70、Moderator: Can you cite an example, such as teacher-falling in love with you when? ─── 主持人:能举个例子吗,比如你跟莫老师谈恋爱的时候?

71、Moderator:If we position community colleges as higher adult education institutions, then the goal should be focused on liberating knowledge and molding the civil society. ─── 主持人:如果我们将社区大学定位为社区的成人高等教育机构,主旨就在于知识解放与型塑公民社会。

72、Moderator: We understand that Lin's curriculum vitae is rich in Microsoft to be 10 years. ─── 主持人:我们了解到林斌的履历非常丰富,在微软待了10年时间。

73、Moderator is a person of Miss Congeniality蓝心湄, striking language, exaggerated movements always simmer with laughter. ─── 主持人是人称麻辣女王的蓝心湄,惊人的语言,夸张的动作总让人忍俊不禁。

74、The moderator made good-natured quips about the possibility of having to restrain these two placid looking men, each tucked respectably into a suit. ─── 主持人不时善意地打趣,稳住这两位西装革履貌似安静的人。

75、Moderator: Sino-Soviet border between the river there are several, in eastern Russia is a Fall River Valley Na, is a Wusuli River. ─── 主持人:中苏之间的界河有几条河,一个是东部俄尔谷娜河,一个是乌苏里江。

76、Illustrating that the world is really different for digital natives: Moderator: Let's say you want to buy a CD player, where would you go? ─── 下面的对话证明对于数字化土著来说,这个世界真的完全不同:主持人:假设你要买一个?

77、Nick Gowing, BBC anchor and session moderator: Would you like to elaborate on that? ─── 你愿意详细地说明一下那件事情吗?

78、Web Conferences let you conduct on-line meetings in which a moderator delivers an on-line presentation to other conference attendees. ─── Web Conferences允许您主持在线会议,在会议上主持者向其他出席会议者进行在线陈述。

79、Moderator: Your capital is a better Kuogu in assets has not yet spread to come out just such a case, if the United States today, "two rooms" so the case can do so smoothly? ─── 主持人:你的增资扩股是比较好的,是在资产刚刚出来还没有波及这么大的情况下,如果在今天美国“两房”这般的情况下还能这么顺利吗?

80、Moderator: But half of the users are in support. This is expected of you? ─── 主持人:但是有一半的网友都支持。这是你们预料到的吗?

81、Moderator: Do you think that nude is a low-medium level, the simple? ─── 主持人:您认为全裸授课是属于低层次的、简单的吗?

82、You could have heard a pin drop when he finished. Even the show's moderator didn't have anything to say for a few moments. ─── 当他说完,你连一根针落地的声音都能听到,就连节目主持人也一时无语。

83、Moderator: We should conscientiously implement the understanding of Zhang's deputy prime minister instructed us build the Internet, use and manage. ─── 主持人:我们今天要认真的体会贯彻张德江副总理的指示、要求,把我们的互联网事业建设好、利用好、管理好。

84、"When [moderator Tom] Brokaw would ask a question, he would almost jump out of his chair and walk powerfully and quickly toward Brokaw and answer quickly, with no pause. ─── 伍德说,当主持人提出一个问题之后,他几乎立刻从椅子上站起来,步伐有力地快步走向主持人,然后不加迟疑地马上作答。

85、Following these simple guidelines makes our job as moderator a lot easier, please keep this in mind when posting. ─── 你如果遵从这些简单的准则可以是我们版主的工作轻松许多,当你发帖的时候请牢记这些规则。

86、The moderator was David Ignatius of the Washington Post. ─── 主持人大卫伊格纳修斯的华盛顿邮报。

87、She also acted as moderator or leader at a UNICEF event last December. ─── 去年12月,她还担任了联合国儿童基金会活动的主持人或领导人。

88、Moderator: Thank you very much. ─── 主持人:非常感谢。

89、The moderator 主持人for the debate was Jim Lehrer of the NewsHour on PBS. ─── 个人认为这辩论文稿这是对美国经济各方面情况的最好的概述,和对外来展望,值得学习下。

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