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10-03 投稿


matutinal 发音

英:[m??tj?t?nl]  美:[?m?tj??ta?n?l]

英:  美:

matutinal 中文意思翻译



matutinal 短语词组

1、matutinal epilepsy ─── [医] 晨醒性癫痫

matutinal 词性/词形变化,matutinal变形

副词: matutinally |

matutinal 相似词语短语

1、marginal ─── adj.微不足道的,不重要的;边缘的;临界的;末端的;n.边缘席位

2、matutinally ─── 成熟的

3、matronal ─── 母亲的

4、botulinal ─── 肉毒杆菌毒素的;肉毒杆菌的

5、cacuminal ─── adj.翘舌音的;n.翘舌音

6、actinal ─── adj.口侧的;有触手的

7、maternal ─── adj.母亲的;母性的;母系的;母体遗传的

8、matinal ─── adj.清晨的;晨风的;n.[气象]晨风

9、maturational ─── 化脓的;成熟的;成熟阶段的;精子形成的

matutinal 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Meant the sun to just rise from the horizon rising, is a matutinal meaning. ─── 表示太阳刚刚从地平线上升起,就是早晨的意思。

2、Then, go to come along for common cause between matutinal person and IBM. ─── 于是,黎明人与IBM 之间为了共同的目标走到一起来了。

3、9 see joke: Dear, I can think you, think you are in in the morning, think you are in crepuscular, think you are in matutinal, my all the time is not thinking you. ─── 9看笑话: 亲爱的,我会想你的,想你在早晨,想你在黄昏,想你在黎明,我无时无刻不在想你。

4、matutinal epilepsy ─── [医] 晨醒性癫痫

5、Then, go to come along for common cause between matutinal person and IBM. ─── 于是,黎明人与IBM之间为了共同的目标走到一起来了。

6、Matutinal intoxication of life! ─── 一生中少年时代的陶醉!

7、9 see joke: Matutinal, when wife labors, there is the candle in Huo Jia hand; ─── 9看笑话: 黎明,当老婆分娩的时候,霍加手里拿著蜡烛;

8、The article introduced matutinal engine production company to be in condense the guiding ideology in optimizing aviation product line to work, working basic principle and working method. ─── 本文介绍了黎明发动机制造公司在浓缩优化航空产品线工作中的指导思想、遵循的基本原则和工作方法。

9、matutinal intoxication of life! ─── 一生中少年时代的陶醉!

10、Golf court is near outside, the green lawn with matutinal rain and dew will make you feel cozy. ─── 高尔夫球场近在眼前,青青的绿草带着清晨的雨露,令人心旷神怡。

11、Matutinal that day before, with north in the Silinajia of Kashmir 25 kilometers are in, ba Yi is shot dead in the gunfight with Indian army. ─── 据晓,去年产生在印度国度新德中的连环轰炸事情共引起66人丧生。同时,警察示意,检索活动仍在照旧。"咱们正在寻觅巴伊的同党,它们可能,在枪战中受到伤。"

12、Matutinal vertigo ─── 晨间眩晕

13、The reason that the knot left the matutinal network that is born at the same time with course of study of new China negotiable securities and negotiable securities informatization to indissoluble. ─── 和新中国证券业同时诞生的黎明网络与证券信息化结下了不解之缘。

14、reflection in matutinal sun shows the rational self, is filled with Du Benwei' s aesthetic ideality in realistic life. ─── 晨阳之思显示的是理性的自我,饱含着都本伟在现实人生中的审美理想。

15、Make a total appraisal for his matutinal thought and theory. ─── 对他的早期思想理论作出总体的思考与评价。

16、Matutinal insomnia ─── 清晨失眠症

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