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maleficent 发音

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maleficent 中文意思翻译



maleficent 网络释义

adj. 有害的;犯罪的;做坏事的

maleficent 反义词


maleficent 同义词

baleful | accursed |black

maleficent 相似词语短语

1、malefice ─── 邪恶的

2、calescent ─── 发热

3、calefacient ─── adj.变暖的;增温的;n.发暖剂;增温物质

4、malefices ─── 恶意

5、half cent ─── 半美分

6、maledicent ─── 马列迪森特

7、beneficent ─── adj.慈善的;善行的

8、magnificent ─── adj.高尚的;壮丽的;华丽的;宏伟的

9、maleficence ─── n.罪行;恶毒

maleficent 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The Malefic - First warlock on the realm to achieve level 80. ─── 邪恶化身-伺服器第一个80级术士。

2、Maleficent: And what about the town, the forests, the mountains? ─── 梅尔菲森:那么城镇、森林和山中呢?

3、Once upon a dream , gifted with grace and beauty , the lovely Princess Aurora provokes the jealousy of the wicked fairy Maleficent . ─── 在很久很久以前,一位美丽又善良的公主奥萝拉,受到恶毒女巫的妒忌,要加害于她。

4、This supplement for the D&D game presents the definitive treatise on devils and their malefic home. ─── 这本 D&D 游戏的扩充集呈现了关于恶魔的专门论述与它们邪恶的居所。

5、38.A malefic by nature and zodiacal state and in a fortunate house, will noteffect the advantages signified by the house, but will rather hinder them sothat they are not achieved; ─── 黄道状态不佳的凶星落在良好的宫位时,无法导致该宫所徵象的吉福好处,反而还会给该宫所徵象的事务事件带来阻碍,让这些事务事件无法顺利发展。

6、Tang Chaoliu Zong Yuan thinks shame is to point to do not share jackleg responsibility, indocile evil, but think shame is abashed commonly at maleficent. ─── 唐朝柳宗元认为耻是指不参与不正直的事,不顺从邪恶,但一般认为耻是羞愧于做坏事。

7、Once upon a dream , gifted with grace and beauty , the lovely Princess Aurora provokes the jealousy of the wicked fairy Maleficent . ─── 在很久很久以前,一位美丽又善良的公主奥萝拉,受到恶毒女巫的妒忌,要加害于她。

8、It was a difficult problem to handle those wastewater producing in the process of pharmacy,so pretreatment lots of maleficent substance of wastewater was paid more attention on. ─── 如何处理这些制药过程中产生的废水是环保上的一个难题。通过预处理去除废水中的大量有害物质越来越被人们所重视。

9、Maleficent: Why no, your majesty. ─── 马雷菲森:当然没有,王后陛下。

10、Merryweather: Well, a bonfire won't stop Maleficent. ─── 维特:哎,一场大火是阻止不了梅尔菲森的。

11、Maleficent : You poor simple fools. Thinking you could defeat me, me, the Mistress of all evil! ─── 马雷菲森:你们这帮可怜的蠢货,还想战胜我,我,万恶之王!

12、The aspirant makes a detailed study of his twelfth house conditions from the standpoint of malefic conjunctions, squares and oppositions. ─── 星盘主制造他的一个详细的、根据有害的的连接、即刑和对位的观点的、对于第十二宫位情况的研究。

13、Inside this industry, everybody does not want to go maleficent, everybody does not want to do the business that harm user experiences. ─── 在这个行业里面,谁都不想去做坏事,谁也不想做伤害用户感受的事情。

14、A blinding flash of light filled the great hall, and before them stood the evil Maleficent. ─── 眩目的闪电照亮了大厅,妖婆梅列菲森特出现在他们面前。

15、But if not benefic but malefic planets are in aspect, the natives will be in subordinate, laborious jobs and spend more than they earn. ─── 若是凶星,那么命主的就属于从属地位,做劳力活动,生活中容易花费超过自己所得的。

16、Maleficent: Well, quite a glittering assemblage, King Stefan. Royalty, nobility, the gentry and... How quaint! Even the rabble. I really felt quite distressed at not receiving an invitation. ─── 马雷菲森:好啊,史蒂芬国王,真是高朋满座啊。皇亲国戚,贵族名流,还有,太棒了,竟然还有贱民。没有接到你们的邀请,我感到很伤心。

17、Any planet in mediocre zodiacal state hasan influence intermediate between that of a benefic and a malefic. ─── 任何黄道状态中庸的星体,其效用介于吉星与凶星之间。

18、All indications point to Maleficent being more sympathetic in this updated version -- or at least better understood. ─── 在这个版本中所有关于梅尔菲森特的剧情都更让人同情,或者至少更让人理解。

19、Some TV programs are maleficent to the growth of adolescents. ─── 一些电视节目对青少年成长有害。

20、The photograph that hopes then the individual does not take me goes maleficent good. ─── 希望那个人不要拿我的照片去做坏事就好了。

21、The mother that ever discovered is involuntary ground indulge child is lying, maleficent, bring about child successor of case be not stabilized and confused. ─── 曾发现有的母亲无意识地放任孩子说谎、做坏事,招致孩子后来人格的不稳定和混乱。

22、On Maleficent's forbidden mountain. ─── 在梅尔菲森的禁山上。

23、On the other hand, any planet in unfavorablezodiacal state, in whatever house, acts as a malefic. this latter circumstanceaccentuates further the harmful power of planets which are naturally malefic. ─── 任何黄道状态不好的星体不论落在哪个宫位乃以凶论,尤其是天生为凶的火土。

24、When a naturally malefic Planet is inbad Zodiacal or Terrestrial state, the harmful effects of its malefic aspectsare magnified. On the other hand, its good Zodiacal state will mitigate theseeffects. ─── 如果煞星落在不好的星座或宫位将放大其不好相位的影响反言之如果在好的星座或宫位则减少其不好相位的影响.

25、Maleficent: You poor simple fools.Thinking you could defeat me, me, the Mistress of all evil! ─── 马雷菲森:你们这帮可怜的蠢货,还想战胜我,我,万恶之王!

26、Sense only the "maleficent contacts" and shut them out. ─── 只感知“有害接触”并拒之门外。

27、When away on some errand of hellish nature, they often appear in malefic human guise. ─── 虽然会因此损失一些天资出众的成员,但是由此获得的安全感还是值得的。

28、Fairy Fauna: Why, it's Maleficent! ─── 佛那:啊!是马雷菲森!

29、Because of the transcendent urges of the eleventh house, the malefic aspects (representing frustrations and difficulties) can manifest as deep hatreds, fears, and conflicts. ─── 由于第十一宫的行运的促使、那有害的相位(代表挫折和困难)可以代表深仇大恨、害怕,和冲突。

30、Maleficent: Why no, your majesty.And to show I bear no ill will, I, too, shall bestow a gift on the child.Listen well, all of you. ─── 马丽维拉仙女: 亲爱的公主,如果这可怕的咒语真的会应验,那么还有一丝希望,那就是我给你的礼物。

31、And the person with exalted, cultured moral character often can father at be self restrained, consistent, although be in,also can accomplish not speak and act cautiously, maleficent. ─── 而品德高尚、有修养的人往往能够严于律己、表里如一,即使在一个人独处时也能做到谨言慎行、不做坏事。

32、Like their magical counterparts, these include both intentionally malefic and malfunctioning items that directly or indirectly harm a user. ─── 类似它们的魔法对应物,这些东西可能非常危险也可能只是有故障,并且会直接或间接地伤害使用者。

33、"I am done not have again maleficent, how meeting somebody search me? ─── “我又没做坏事,怎么会有人搜我?”

34、Food fiber may accelerate increase of good bacteria, and withhold maleficent bacteria. ─── 食物纤维可以促进有益菌的增殖,并抑制有害菌的产生。

35、Maleficent: Behold, King Stefan's castle, and in yonder topmost tower, dreaming of her true love, the Princess Aurora. ─── 看,斯蒂芬的城堡,在那边塔的顶端里,奥罗拉公主正在梦着她的真爱。

36、The malefic influences, of this snobbery are rapidly spreading all over the world. ─── 这种势利的有害影响正迅速扩散到全世界。

37、38.A malefic by nature and zodiacal state and in a fortunate house, will not effect the advantages signified by the house, but will rather hinder them so that they are not achieved; ─── 处于得势宫位的煞星,不会影响该宫位预示事件的好坏,但是会阻碍其发生;

38、Relation of intergrowth and prey of good bacteria and maleficent bacteria in human body have and effect for body health. ─── 人体肠道有益菌群和有害菌群的共生与捕食关系影响着人体健康。

39、The photograph that hopes then the individual does not take me goes maleficent good. ─── 希望那个人不要拿我的照片去做坏事就好了。

40、"I am done not have again maleficent, becoming aware affect them. ─── “我又没做坏事,没觉着影响他们啊。”

41、Ethylene-propylene-hexene Copolymer Melt Grafted Malefic Anhydride And Its Application ─── 乙烯-丙烯-己烯共聚物熔融接枝马来酸酐及其应用

42、Now the Alliance and Horde have come to confront the malefic Lich King and put an end to the Scourge. ─── 现在联盟和部落开始面对邪恶的巫妖王并一劳永逸的消灭天灾。

43、Fairy Flora: Maleficent's powers are far too great. ─── 佛罗达侧女:马雷菲森的魔力太大了。

44、maleficent verb ─── 受损动词

45、Not maleficent, do not worry to be searched by person pork? ─── 不做坏事,就不担心被人肉搜索?

46、Influence on the International Environmental Law Caused by the Maleficent Result of the not prohibited Behaviors in the International Law ─── 论国际法未加禁止行为引起有害后果之国际责任对国际环境法的影响

47、Maleficent's Voice: Touch the spindle, touch it, I say. ─── 马雷菲森的声音:去触摸纺锤吧,照我说的做,去摸吧!

48、Within Deepholm, the domain of the earth elementals, the malefic Dragon Aspect Deathwing is on the verge of executing a catastrophic act: to burst forth from the Elemental Plane into Azeroth. ─── 在地深之源,也就是地元素所在的异界,邪恶的守护巨龙死亡之翼正准备采取一个将会引起地裂天崩的举动:冲破元素位面与艾泽拉斯之间的禁制。

49、There was a touch of spring in the sir, a poisonous, malefic spring that seemed to burst from the manholes. ─── 天气已有点春天的意思了,一个有毒有害的春天似乎就要从街上的下水道出入孔溢出。

50、Maleficent: Stand back, you fools! ─── 马雷菲森:走开,你们这群蠢货!

51、Study on the esterification between thylene glycol and malefic anhydride ─── 乙二醇与马来酸酐酯化反应的研究


 《沉睡魔咒》(Maleficent)是一部 2014 年上映的美国奇幻冒险**,由罗伯特·斯特罗姆伯格执导,安吉丽娜·朱莉主演。该**改编自迪士尼经典动画《睡美人》,以反派角色玛琳菲森的视角讲述了睡美人的故事。

影片背景设定在一个被称为柯尔特的王国,那里的人类和精灵共存。玛琳菲森(安吉丽娜·朱莉饰)是一位强大的黑魔女,拥有翅膀和法力。在她还是一个纯洁的精灵时,受到了人类的背叛和伤害,导致她心生仇恨,诅咒了国王和王后的女儿艾洛尔(Elle Fanning 饰)。诅咒规定,艾洛尔在 16 岁生日那天会被纺车针刺伤,陷入沉睡,唯有真爱之吻才能解救。




中文名《沉睡魔咒》外文名Maleficent其它译名玛琳菲森,黑魔后,黑法魔女,睡美人外传出品时间2014年出品公司RothPictures发行公司华特·迪士尼电影公司制片地区美国制片成本1.8亿美元导 演罗伯特·斯托姆伯格编 剧保罗·丁尼、琳达·沃尔夫顿制片人乔·罗斯、唐·翰、安吉丽娜·朱莉类 型动作,亲情,魔幻,奇幻主 演艾丽·范宁,安吉丽娜·朱莉,沙尔托·科普雷,萨姆·赖利,布兰顿·思怀兹,朱诺·坦普尔,IsobelleMolloy伊莎贝尔·莫洛伊片 长97分钟分 级USA:PG-13对白语言英语、国语 色 彩彩色/3D/IMAX3D/中国巨幕imdb编码tt1587310北美上映时间2014年5月30日中国上映时间2014年6月20日

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