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10-03 投稿


Morpheus 发音

英:  美:

Morpheus 中文意思翻译



Morpheus 短语词组

1、in the arms of Morpheus ─── 在梦乡中

Morpheus 相似词语短语

1、-morphous ─── 形态;形

2、Morpheus ─── n.梦神;睡神;睡眠

3、Orpheus ─── n.俄耳甫斯(希神神话人物)

4、morphemes ─── n.[语]词素(morpheme的复数形式)

5、morphews ─── 变形新闻

6、morphed ─── 在屏幕上变换图像(morph的过去式和过去分词)

7、morpheme ─── n.[语]词素;形态素

8、amorphous ─── adj.无定形的;无组织的;[物]非晶形的

9、morphew ─── 墨菲

Morpheus 习惯用语

1、in the arms of Morpheus ─── 在梦中[乡]

Morpheus 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Accordingly, assure enough sleep certainly before the student takes an exam, the eye that has a dream especially moves Morpheus quickly must enough. ─── 因此,在学生考试前一定保证足够的睡眠,尤其是有梦的眼快动睡眠必须充足。

2、Let a room appear not only colour is lively, and as it happens distinguishs a Morpheus and reading area. ─── 不仅让房间显得色彩明快,而且正好区分出睡眠和阅读的区域。

3、Morpheus: It is true what many of you have heard. ─── 你们大家听说的没错。

4、Have what method to be able to treat Morpheus inadequacy, insomnia? ! ─── 有没有什么办法能治睡眠不足,失眠?!

5、Morpheus: Were you listening to me, Neo? Or were you looking at the woman in the red dress? ─── 摩斐斯:你在听我讲话吗,尼奥?还是在看那个红衣少女?

6、In the Garden of Morpheus ─── 在梦花园中

7、The effect that calcium fills before everybody knows to sleep is good, a cup of milk is drunk before sleeping for instance, promote Morpheus already, filled again calcic. ─── 大家都知道睡觉前补钙的效果好,比如睡前喝杯牛奶,既促进睡眠,又补了钙。

8、We only used morpheus for specific things like the blinking, the poses of the eyes, and details like raising the nostrils of the nose. ─── 我们只需要为一切细微的精确动作做变形,就像眨眼和一些眼部的动作,还有一些细节比如张大抬高鼻孔。

9、Eat sleeping pill to enter Morpheus position result? What side effect is there? ─── 吃安眠药进入睡眠状态效果好吗?有什么副作用吗?

10、Make 24 hours of dynamic electroencephalogram. Or privative Morpheus electroencephalogram. Exclude epileptic and glazy little show effect. ─── 小孩经常走神,有时甚至木呐,有本能的反映是什么情况?

11、How can you make Morpheus ameliorates? ─── 怎么样能使睡眠变好?

12、The experiment explains the eye that has a dream moves Morpheus quickly to be beneficial to memory, can prevent after be being remembered recently original the oblivion inside two hours process. ─── 实验说明有梦的眼快动睡眠有益于记忆,能阻止新近记忆后最初两小时内的遗忘过程。

13、How many ability should time of male 1993 unripe Morpheus of junior high school be appropriate? ─── 1993年男的初中生睡眠时间应该为多少才合适?

14、Somebody has done a test, compare in the local Morpheus of hollowness indoors when Morpheus, around in human body all round " gas " want faint. ─── 有人做过实验,在空旷的地方睡眠比在室内睡眠时,围绕在人体四周的“气”要微弱。

15、Dick: Oh my God! There's Morpheus!( We see Morpheus about to give a speech and the crowd is cheering) Woo! I love you Morpheus! ─── 我不晓得,伙计。你瞧这儿的姑娘们,多火辣!(头扫过一群纵酒狂欢的女孩)看,能看到他们的咪咪耶!

16、Because the muscle in Morpheus is flabby, the body when getting up so will be particularly soft. ─── 因为睡眠中的肌肉是松弛的,所以起床时身体会非凡柔软。

17、Morpheus contacts Neo just as the machines (posing as sinister 'agents') are trying to keep Neo from finding out any more. ─── 正当机器们(以阴险的“特工”形象出现)竭力阻止Neo挖掘出更多有关TheMatrix的信息时,Morpheus联系上了Neo。

18、Is the hands or feet when shallow Morpheus of 3 months baby not self-conscious throbbing how to return a responsibility? ─── 3个月婴儿浅睡眠时手脚不自觉的抽动怎么回事?

19、They are very captious to table and bed, because they like to enjoy,this is delicate with Morpheus comfortable. ─── 他们重视社会秩序,人际关系,但又时常不按常理出牌,是有着创新精神的人群。

20、Come gradually when Morpheus especially, of the person subconscious lose gradually when defending, suspensory the condole lantern show on the bed makes subconscious sense nervous uneasiness. ─── 尤其是当睡眠渐渐来临,人的潜意识逐渐失去防护的时候,悬吊在床上的吊灯会使潜意识感到紧张不安。

21、To acquire higher Morpheus quality, the bedroom must assure airiness, make sure indoor air is fresh. ─── 为了获得较高的睡眠质量,卧室一定要保证空气流通,保证室内空气清新。

22、9 see joke: Some has 3 guy that can sleep very much on the class, their nickname gives on the class, morpheus, sleep emperor and sleep bully. ─── 9看笑话: 某班上有三个很会睡的家伙,班上就给他们的绰号,睡神,睡圣和睡霸。

23、Morpheus: That you are a slave, Neo.Like everyone else you were born into bondage, born into a prison that you cannot smell or taste or touch. ─── 最著名的例子就是俄狄浦斯,虽经过种种努力,仍然不能摆脱其弑父娶母的悲剧命运。

24、Make Morpheus smooth and steady, eliminate easily fecal. ─── 使睡眠安稳,易于排除排泄物。

25、Do electrocardiogram to you can see is Morpheus bad? Why? ─── 做心电图能看出来睡眠不好吗?为什么?

26、Because give birth to long hormone to reach a peak in secrete of time of nightly deep Morpheus, deep Morpheus time is longer, grow hormone excretive is measured more. ─── 因为生长激素在夜间深睡眠时分泌达到高峰,深睡眠时间越长,生长激素分泌的量越多。

27、Do not know why, latter mood is very upset, morpheus courier. The friend can help me? ─── 不知道为什么,近来心情很烦乱,睡眠急差。有朋友能帮我吗?

28、Because of Morpheus quality bad reason caused pouch oedema, what method is solved? ─── 因为睡眠质量不好的原因引起了眼袋水肿,有什么办法解决吗?

29、If affected nightly Morpheus of the child because of all sorts of reasons, grow with respect to can immediate impact the exudation of hormone. ─── 如果因为各种原因影响了孩子的夜间睡眠,就会直接影响生长激素的分泌。

30、The person that sleeping pill can help insomnia better besides Morpheus, the scientist still discovers it may reduce weight now. According to the Situoer in British cloth college researcher says. ─── 安眠药能够帮助失眠的人更好地睡眠之外,科学家现在还发现它可能减肥。据英国布里斯托尔大学研究人员称。

31、The bed is much more important, in the home, the place that I like to stay most is a bed, lie read, massage, Lian Yuga, make love, still have the Morpheus that my coming loves of course. ─── 他说:“这些工作者们通过各种方式,不论是自身的学习,从厂家,还是从网上资源,学习三维成像技术并把它作为临床检查过程的一部分,而且发现这个技术很有应用价值。

32、A piece of good mattess is the requirement that gets high quality sleep, and good Morpheus is working dynamic origin, both inseparable. ─── 一张好的床垫是得到高质量睡眠的必要条件,而良好的睡眠是工作动力的来源,两者密不可分。

33、in the arm of Morpheus ─── 在梦乡, 睡着

34、HGH has secrete of nightly Morpheus time only, the amount is secreted after falling asleep 90 minutes especially the most exuberant. ─── HGH只有夜间睡眠时分泌,尤其是在入睡90分钟以后分泌量最旺盛。

35、In the meantime, it is changed further inside human body make fade black element, fade black element is confirmed to have exact mix undisturbedly cause Morpheus effect. ─── 同时,它在人体内进一步转化生成褪黑素,褪黑素被证实有确切的镇静和诱发睡眠作用。

36、A piece of good mattess not only can make you have comfortable Morpheus, and also have profit greatly to yourself's body. ─── 一张好的床垫不但能使你拥有舒适的睡眠,而且对于你自己的身体也大有好处。

37、Morpheus: Unfortunately, no one can be told what the Matrix is. You have to see it for yourself. ─── 墨菲斯:不幸得,没有人能了解矩阵究竟是什么。你应该靠自己去了解它。

38、The Morpheus area of children room can design Japanese form, collapse collapse rice adds Xi Mengsai mattess, already safe comfortable. ─── 儿童房的睡眠区可设计成日本式,塌塌米加席梦思床垫,既安全又舒适。

39、At last. Welcome, Neo. As you no doubt have guessed, I am Morpheus. ─── 欢迎你,尼奥,正如你猜的一样,我是莫菲斯。

40、Morpheus: Have you ever had a dream, Neo, that you were so sure was real? ─── 尼奥,你曾经做过这样的梦吗,你坚信不移的东西都是真的吗?

41、For seven hours they stayed in the arms of Morpheus. ─── 他们整整睡了7小时。

42、For example, a computer with the hostname Morpheus could have an IP address of ─── 例如一个主机名为Morpheus的计算机的IP地址可以是192.168.7.127。

43、Thing to Morpheus when, easy influence blood inside body distributing, disturb Morpheus. ─── 东西向睡眠时,轻易影响血液在体内的分布,干扰睡眠。

44、Morpheus described it as a "dreamworld," but unlike a dream, this world was not the creation of Neo's mind. ─── Morpheus将其形容为一个“梦幻世界”,但是和一个梦境有所不同,这个世界并不是Neo大脑的产物。

45、in the arms of morpheus ─── adj. 未定的(在流行上, 没有掩蔽的)

46、The bedroom is the space that Morpheus rests, should give a person quiet, leisurely and comfortable sense, want to shun dazzling light and model of dazzling lamps and lanterns. ─── 卧室是睡眠休息的空间,应该给人安静、闲适的感觉,要避免刺眼的光线和眼花缭乱的灯具造型。

47、High school student everyday can Morpheus inadequacy bring about eye myopia? ─── 中学生每天都睡眠不足会导致眼睛近视吗?

48、Is serious Morpheus inadequacy very hurt the body? Giddy, how does keck do? ─── 严重睡眠不足是不是很伤身体?头晕,想吐怎么办?

49、VOV Morpheus: Water water goes on besmear, after massaging be absorbed very easily by the skin, not oily, summer also can be at ease use; ─── VOV睡眠:涂上去水水的,按摩之后很容易被皮肤吸收,不油,夏天也可以放心使用;

50、Dangerous pattern 8: Unwarrantable Morpheus time. The person that more than 6 is become often unwarrantable time of 8 hours of Morpheus, the person that has 7 % additionally often insomnia. ─── 危险方式8:不能保证睡眠时间。有超过6成的人经常不能保证8小时睡眠时间,另有7%的人经常失眠。

51、A lot of men and womens are incommensurate be in same piece of Morpheus on the bed: Terrible part of speech, tens of year do not change; ─── 很多男女并不适应在同一张床上睡眠:可怕的呼噜,数十年不改;

52、How can ability improve Morpheus? ─── 怎么样才能改善睡眠?

53、When why having, Morpheus inadequacy can feel very tired, and are some moment Morpheus too much also answer sensory exhaustion? ─── 为什么有的时候睡眠不足会感觉很累,而有的时候睡眠太多也回感觉疲惫呢?

54、Seeking audience with King Morpheus. ─── 与摩尔莆王一起寻找听众。

55、For the cell phone conversation scene between Neo and Morpheus in the Meta Cortechs office Keanu Reeves actually climbed up the window without a stuntman, which was 34 floors up. ─── 影片靠前时,墨菲斯通过手机指导尼奥从公司逃跑到窗外的一场戏,111本人,没有用替身,爬到了34楼的窗外去。

56、On wall illuminative color, should with not harsh, conduce to Morpheus be a standard. ─── 在墙壁装饰的颜色上,要以不刺目、有助于睡眠为标准。

57、No. Morpheus: Why not? Neo: Because I don't like the idea that I'm not in control of my life. ─── 我相信我能掌控自己的生命。

58、"Wear catenary of a hand to be able to promote haemal circulation, beneficial ' 3 tall ' crowd, still can promote metabolism to improve Morpheus. ─── “戴上一个手链就能促进血液循环,有益‘三高’人群,还能促进新陈代谢改善睡眠。

59、Do not know why, latter mood is very upset, morpheus courier. The friend can help me? ─── 不知道为什么,近来心情很烦乱,睡眠急差。有朋友能帮我吗?

60、The heartbeat when acuteness activity is added fast can achieve / cent or above 160 times, and can fall when Morpheus to 40 - 50 / cent. ─── 剧烈活动时心率增快可达到160次/分或以上,而睡眠时可降至40-50次/分。

61、Children is excessive and active, morpheus inquietude. ─── 儿童过度活跃,睡眠不宁。

62、But, because be oppressed,back and neck are in in Morpheus, can become very inflexible instead, after staying up late especially, the feeling that inflexible, acid is fond of is sent more apparent. ─── 但是,背部和脖子在睡眠中由于受到压迫,反而会变得很僵硬,非凡是熬夜之后,僵硬、酸疼的感觉愈发明显。

63、The bedroom is people rests and the freedom of Morpheus lives space, have to illicit secret sex and halcyon requirement very intense. ─── 卧室是人们休息和睡眠的自由生活空间,对私秘性和宁静的要求都有极为强烈。

64、Accordingly, the eye also accepts smooth stimulation no longer, this affects Morpheus not badly. ─── 因此,眼睛也不再接受光的刺激,这并不严重影响睡眠。

65、What helps the drug of Morpheus? ─── 有什么帮助睡眠的药吗?

66、So, put camphorwood furniture in the bedroom, can affect Morpheus quality, excitement letting a person even insomnia. ─── 所以,把樟木家具放在卧室,会影响睡眠质量,让人兴奋甚至失眠。

67、Morpheus software ─── Morpheus软件

68、Because game is hit late, it is every time sneak away when at dead of night into bedchamber, affected her Morpheus. ─── 因为游戏打得晚,每次都是深更半夜时溜进卧房,影响了她的睡眠。

69、The bedroom is simpler on the function, basically be need in order to satisfy the life of master Morpheus, change clothes to give priority to. ─── 卧室在功能上比较简单,基本上都是以满足主人睡眠、更衣的生活需要为主。

70、If doorway to the bed, can affect Morpheus and health directly. ─── 假如门口对着床,会直接影响睡眠和健康。

71、The bedroom is the place that Morpheus rests, indoor afforest should rise elegant clean, halcyon, free from worry wait for action. ─── 卧室是睡眠休息的场所,室内绿化应起到雅洁、宁静、愉快等作用。

72、Child of a teen-age sleeps after 11 o'clock every night almost, does need fill devoid Morpheus completely come back? ─── 一个十几岁的孩子几乎每晚11点后睡觉,需要把缺乏的睡眠全补回来吗?

73、I always am much dream, faint everyday of heavy, how does ability improve Morpheus quality? ─── 我总是多梦,每天都昏沉沉的,怎样才能提高睡眠质量呢?

74、Domestic member besides rest in bedroom Morpheus the major while beyond is here fritter away, recieve close friends and fete guest to also undertake here. ─── 家庭成员除了在卧室睡眠休息以外的大部分时间都在这里消磨,接待亲朋好友和宴请宾客也都在这里进行。

75、Actually, bedstead is next to mattess to the influence of Morpheus. ─── 实际上,床架对于睡眠的影响仅次于床垫。

76、More what is more,the rather that present Zhang Baizhi is such the female star of fiery, had said she likes disrobe namely child sleep, like the naked Morpheus of a person. ─── 更何况现在的张柏芝如此火暴的女星,都说过她就是喜欢光着身子睡,喜欢一个人的裸体睡眠。

77、Can pass the Morpheus pattern with new instrument, undertake uninterrupted data storage is recorded 200 hours. ─── 可通过仪表新的睡眠模式,进行200小时不中断的数据存储记录。

78、Take exercise in the morning conduce to stimulative blood circulation, dusk fitness conduces to Morpheus. ─── 早晨锻炼有助于促进血液循环,傍晚健身有助于睡眠。

79、In case invite about overmuch, drive field is frequent, it is Morpheus time really finite, so, steal a sky to use massage means, reduce sarcous tensity gently, also meet somewhat help. ─── 万一邀约过多、赶场频繁,实在是睡眠时间有限,那么,偷个空利用按摩的方式,轻柔地减轻肌肉的紧张度,也会有所助益。

80、How to correct Morpheus habit. ! ─── 怎么纠正睡眠习惯.!

81、MORPHEUS: At last. Welcome, Neo. As you no doubt have guessed, I am Morpheus. ─── 莫菲斯:迎接你,尼奥,正如你猜的一样,我是莫菲斯。

82、"I'm gonna sleep for one more hour. You take Jon to the babysitter's. " I close my eyes and beginning to feel Morpheus touching my hair. ─── “我再睡一个钟头。你带乔恩去保姆那。”我合上眼,睡神已经来抚摸我的头发了。

83、The bedroom is received must watchful general and build the corner with Morpheus afoul environment to be cleared away clean, create an atmosphere that falls asleep peacefully. ─── 卧室收纳一定要注重将与营造睡眠环境相冲突的角落收拾干净,创造一个安然入睡的氛围。

84、This is guest post was written by Samir Balwani, an emerging technologies strategist at Morpheus Media. You can follow him on Twitter ─── 这是由Samir Balwani写的一篇客串文章,他是一名新兴科技策略师,你可以关注它的微博。

85、Drink a cup of milk to cook an egg in the evening everyday, note Morpheus quality, can achieve the goal that gain flesh certainly. ─── 天天晚上喝一杯牛奶煮鸡蛋,注重睡眠质量,一定能达到长胖的目的.

86、Do not know you to feel those who affect Morpheus quality is the things such as bed, mattess, is the pillow footy? ─── 不知你是不是觉得影响睡眠质量的是床铺、床垫等用品,枕头无足轻重?

87、Laurence Fishburne, aka Morpheus, fractured an arm in another training incident. ─── 劳伦斯费什伯恩,阿卡墨菲斯,在另一次训练事故中断了胳膊。

88、Do wake the key that the head holds is the extend that should pass through pair of back, neck, morpheus medium body switch becomes mobile state. ─── 做醒脑操的要害是要透过对背部、脖子的伸展,将睡眠中的身体切换成活动状态。

89、Even if is the closest sweethearts, be being embraced together closely also is to face only before sleeping just, almost deepness Morpheus of everybody has nothing to do with others. ─── 即便是最亲密的情侣,紧紧拥抱在一起也只是临睡前而已,几乎所有人的深度睡眠都是与别人无关的。








其中,万众期待的《黑色沙漠》首次亮相Chinajoy,自研魔幻沙盒游戏《黑暗与光明》、体素沙盒游戏《方舟:方块世界》也将首次提供现场试玩。移动游戏方面,除同步研发的MMO手游《黑暗与光明》之外,联手欢瑞游戏的影游联动产品《Project - T》及日漫改编手游《Project - Y》也将在今年ChinaJoy上正式揭晓,首个VR游戏《方舟公园》更是第一次面向大众玩家开放体验。

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