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10-03 投稿


moony 发音

英:['mu?n?]  美:['m?ni]

英:  美:

moony 中文意思翻译



moony 词性/词形变化,moony变形

形容词比较级: moonier |形容词最高级: mooniest |

moony 相似词语短语

1、loony ─── adj.发疯的;疯狂的;n.疯子

2、moon ─── n.月亮;月球;月光;卫星;vi.闲荡;出神;vt.虚度;n.(Moon)(瑞典)莫恩;(柬)蒙;(英)穆恩;(缅)孟(人名)

3、moody ─── adj.喜怒无常的;易怒的;郁郁寡欢的;n.(Moody)(美、英、加、澳)穆迪(人名)

4、moons ─── n.[天]月亮;月状物;月份;人造地球卫星(moon的复数);v.闲逛;呆想;像月亮般发光(moon的三单形式)

5、goony ─── n.笨蛋;黑脚信天翁;adj.愚笨的

6、mony ─── det.许多(等于many);pron.许多(等于many);adj.许多的(等于many);n.大多数人(等于many);n.(Mony)(柬)莫尼(人名)

7、coony ─── adj.机灵的,狡猾的

8、soony ─── 晴朗的

9、moory ─── adj.沼泽的

moony 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、I miss you , no matter day and night in each moony instant. ─── 想你,好像也没有什么分别,在日里,在夜里,在每一个恍惚德刹那间。

2、Remus was not an Animagus; he was a werewolf; it was his monthly transformation into a Wolf that earned him the nickname "Moony" and provided the impetus for the others to become Animagi. ─── 莱姆斯并非阿尼·马格斯,而是一个狼人,正是他每月一次变身为狼的事实让他拥有了“月亮脸”的外号并促成了其他三个人成为阿尼·马格斯。

3、Who is dancing under my pen on such a moony night, triggering my sorrow? ─── 月下,谁的身影在我的笔下轻舞霓裳,触动著我的忧伤?

4、What are you doing!?' Moony is really angry.'I'm repairing the down comer. ─── 从2008年“十一”黄金周的情况来看,成都旅游消费势头仍然很好。

5、Proceeds from the chair, which features Harry, dragons, spiders, a stag, Moony, a wand, and a scene from PoA, will benefit the Children's Museum of Kansas City. ─── 这张椅子上面描有哈利、龙、蜘蛛、牡鹿、狼人、魔杖和POA电影中的一幕场景拍卖所得将捐给堪萨斯州儿童博物馆日前竟标额是 225$你可以点.

6、Moony gets his head out of his ass. ─── 看得懂,不过我无法译得很好,有劳大人了。

7、The Internalized Meaning of the Moony Imagery in Whitman's Poetry ─── 惠特曼诗中明月意象的内在意蕴

8、Moony And The Valley Of The Gems ─── 鲁尼和宝石谷

9、imagery functions to heighten the setting, to place emotions and philosophy on the moon. ─── 明月意象起到了渲染背景、寄托情感和寄寓哲理的作用。

10、Jack Moony, a white cop, has it in for a black lawyer to the drug crowd, Napoleon Stone. ─── 穆尼是一个笨拙、肥胖、心胸狭窄在,且脾气很坏的警察,他有爱上了一个名叫克里斯托的女子。

11、The boyfriend's moony face peered out between the blinds. ─── 那个男朋友呆呆的脸,透过百叶帘往外看。

12、Well madam, we'll make in this world to convince a woman that even a bargain cost moony. ─── 这世上困难的工作之一,是说服女人相信:尽管是特价品也得花钱。

13、The boyfriend's moony face peered out between the blinds. ─── 那个男朋友呆呆的脸,透过百叶帘往外看。

14、Moony" creates a mystic space by using a steam screens with organic variations and interactive butterfly images. ─── 梦影蝶》通过使用蒸气屏幕,配合有机变化和互动的蝴蝶图像创建了一个神秘空间。

15、* Transformed Padfoot and Moony fighting which comes near the end of the trailer. ─── *在最后,黑狗和狼相互搏斗。

16、Washington is Stone, a slick urban lawyer who's defending Crystal. Moony hates Stone. ─── 史东则是姬丝的辩护律师,蒙尼一向也憎恨他。

17、Keywords EPDM;OMMT;Nanocomposite;Mechanical property;Moony viscosity; ─── 纳米复合材料;力学性能;门尼粘度;

18、The Internalized Meaning of the Moony Imagery in Whitman's Poetry ─── 惠特曼诗中明月意象的内在意蕴

19、"Messrs:Moony,Wormtail,Padfoot,and Prongs offer their compliments to Professor Snape and...." ─── “先生们:月亮脸、虫尾巴、大脚板和尖头叉子先生向斯内普教授致意并....”

20、Padfoot asked me to take guitar course (if so I’d like to choose the electric one), and she herself drum, and Moony keyboard. ─── 我得说,真得挺好看的。

21、KuanYin : "If you are not scare of me, then why have you injured Fairy Purple-cloud and nicked her Moony Treasure-box? ─── 观音:你不是怕我又为什么要打伤紫霞仙子抢她的月光宝盒呢,你不就是想躲开我吗?

22、Come roll together again.Jay and Moony running tings... ─── |回来一起混 杰和穆尼联手...

23、the moony imagery ─── 明月意象

24、Two include the confrontation between Harry and Sirius in the Shrieking Shack,and a transformed Moony and Padfoot fighting. ─── 其中有些新镜头,包括哈利和小天狼星在尖叫棚屋内的情景,还有黑狗和狼人互相撕咬的情景。

25、abandoning herself to moony fantasies. ─── 她沉湎于恍惚的幻想中。

26、"Moony" creates a mystic space by using a steam screens with organic variations and interactive butterfly images. ─── 《梦影蝶》通过使用蒸气屏幕,配合有机变化和互动的蝴蝶图像创建了一个神秘空间。

27、he was a werewolf;it was his monthly transformation into a wolf that earned him the nickname "Moony" and provided the impetus for the others to become Animagi. ─── 莱姆斯并非阿尼马格斯,而是一个狼人,正是他每月一次变身为狼的事实让他拥有了“月亮脸”的外号并促成了其他三个人成为阿尼马格斯。

28、Moony received the Ars Electronica [the next idea] art & technology grant in 2004. ─── 《梦影蝶》于2004年获得奥地利电子艺术节艺术与科技未来想法大奖。

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