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10-03 投稿


mandoline 中文意思翻译



mandoline 短语词组

1、mandoline slicer ─── 曼陀林切片机

2、mandoline faure ─── 佛尔曼陀林

mandoline 词性/词形变化,mandoline变形


mandoline 相似词语短语

1、mandolines ─── n.曼陀琳琴(等于mandotin)

2、bandoline ─── n.头油,发油的一种;vt.用发胶抹头发

3、monoline ─── n.单线;保险公司

4、mandolins ─── n.曼陀林(一种琵琶乐器)

5、landline ─── n.(电话的)陆地线路,陆线,固网;地上通讯线

6、mandolinist ─── n.曼陀林(一种琵琶乐器)(mandolin的变形)

7、lanoline ─── n.羊毛脂

8、mandolin ─── n.曼陀林(一种琵琶乐器)

9、land line ─── n.[电]陆上线路;陆线

mandoline 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Occasionally, Dad would get out his mandolin and play for the family. ─── 有时候,父亲会拿出曼陀林,为家人弹奏。

2、She was there with a boy named Vincent who meant little to her but who played the mandolin beautifully and sang her love songs. ─── 那时她与一个叫文森特的小伙子在一起,他在她眼中根本算不了什么,可他能弹一手好曼陀林,还给她唱一首首情歌。

3、The acoustic arrangements (including guitar, piano, mandolin, Dobro and accordion) are carried out by her longtime backing musicians, although the music has a decidedly more pop than Celtic flavor on this album. ─── 尽管毫无疑问地,这张专辑中的流行曲风多过于凯尔特风格,但玛丽还是选择她长期合作的音乐家来演奏包括吉他,钢琴,曼陀林,感声吉他琴和手风琴在内的编曲部分。

4、Bouzouki: a Greek stringed instrumentresembling a mandolin. ─── 布祖基琴:一种类似于曼陀林的希腊弦乐器。

5、As the hotel staff Kalamazoo Michigan in 1894 Orville Gibson in home and opened the mandolin LinQin guitar workshops. 1902 Gibson company by a group of Kalamazoo businessman. ─── 作为密歇根州卡拉马祖的一家饭店职员的恩奎斯特吉布森于1894年在家中开设了曼陀林琴和吉他的作坊。吉布森1902年公司由一群卡拉马祖的生意人组成。

6、There is no trick photography in Captain Corelli's Mandolin,and Nick won considerable plaudits from the film's musical advisors for his dedication to playing the mandolin. ─── 在这部电影中没有特效镜头,尼克学习曼陀林的专注使他赢得了影片音乐顾问们的很大赞誉。

7、He knew it would probably be the last time he would play for us.He tuned up the old mandolin and played a few notes. ─── 他知道这可能是他最后一次为我们弹奏了,他为老曼陀林调弦,弹了几个音。

8、Nino began strumming on the mandolin. ─── 尼诺开始在曼陀林上胡乱弹奏。

9、Instruments:Ma Tou Qin,Stell Guitar,Mandolin,Cora,Harp,Dub. Bass,Dums &Ethnic Percussions ─── 配器:柳琴,琐呐,钢琴,民谣钢弦吉他,低音贝斯,民族打击乐器,爵士鼓组。

10、You sit and sing, Your fingers playing the mandolin Point skyward to invite the moon. I see the moon pause high in the sky. ─── 您坐下高歌以禅琴之手指天邀月的时候我看见月亮停挂在高空中。

11、The band is composed of two Australians, Kym Warner (mandolin) and Carol Young (bass), and an Englishman, Eamon McLoughlin (fiddle). ─── 折中音乐有两三部和声,激烈的节奏,不受约束的情感。

12、It's suitable to many different instruments like Acoustic/Eletric Guitar, Bass, Mandolin, Banjo, Ukulele, Bouzouki, Violin, Violoncello, Viola, Pipa, Bandolim, Balalaika and Charango. ─── 它的适合许多不同的文书,如声/电吉他,贝斯,曼陀林,五弦, ukulele , bouzouki ,小提琴,大提琴,中提琴,琵琶, bandolim ,巴拉莱卡和charango 。

13、[size=3][color=magenta]After the accident, Dad was reluctant to play the mandolin. ─── 事故发生后,爸爸是不愿意扮演曼陀林。

14、Though accompanied by a western symphony orchestra, the solo instrument is a traditional ancient Chinese plucked string instrument, somewhat like the mandolin. ─── 它虽然是由西方交响乐团伴奏的,独奏乐器却是一种传统的中国古代弹拨乐器,有点像曼陀林。

15、Gibson is the only one in the production of each string types on the industry standard model, including electric guitar, electric guitar, vocal banjo, mandolin and LinQin etc. ─── 吉布森是唯一一家在生产每个弦乐器类型上建立行业标准模式的公司,包括声乐吉他,电吉他,电贝斯,班卓琴和曼陀林琴等。

16、Dad loved to play the mandolin for his family he knew we enjoyed singing, and hearing him play. ─── 父亲爱为他的家人弹奏曼陀林,他知道我们喜欢唱歌,聆听他弹奏。

17、Mandoline (Debussy, Claude). Voice and Piano. Early 20th century. ─── 曼陀铃(德彪西,克劳德)。声音与钢琴。早在20世纪。

18、Makers of high quality hand built acoustic guitars, mandolins and mandolin family instruments.Mew Master Series instruments in exotic timbers. ─── 生产高质量手工制造原声吉他,曼陀铃和其他曼陀铃家族乐器。

19、About a week before his death, we asked Dad if he would play the mandolin for us. ─── 大约在他死前一周,我们问他是否可以为我们弹奏曼陀林。他调整了那旧的曼陀林并弹了几个音符。

20、Ma also enlists help from friends who are less mainstream such as the green-haired Galician bagpiper Cristina Pato and mandolin player Chris Thiele. ─── 马也得到了一些不是很主流的朋友的帮助,如绿发的加利西亚风笛手斯蒂娜帕托和曼陀林琴手克里斯蒂勒。

21、A Russian instrument with a triangular body and three strings that produces sounds similar to those of a mandolin. ─── 巴拉莱卡琴一种三角形俄国乐器,有三根弦,发出类似于曼陀林琴的声音

22、This outer wrap uses special (and secret) Nuno Bettencourt core to wrap ratios around a brilliant and sturdy tinned mandolin wire. ─── 其生产的配件结实美观,琴弦更是有其独到之处,为众多世界知名乐手青睐。

23、She was sitting in a corner of the room, her feet bare, listening to a man with sad mustaches play a mandolin. ─── 她光着脚,坐在房间一隅,听一个蓄着阴郁八字须的男人弹奏曼陀林。

24、He had his sister playing the mandolin [9mAndE5lin as accompaniment. ─── 他让他妹妹奏曼 陀林作伴奏

25、My cricket chirps against thy mandolin. ─── 是啾啾的蟋蟀在跟你的琵琶应和!

26、We saw before us a quiet humble man with an inner strength that comes from knowing God, and living with him in one's life.Dad would never play the mandolin for us again. ─── 我们看见在我们面前是一个安静的、谦虚的人,以生命最后的力量,用爱的力量支撑着。

27、and she loved his mandolin. ─── 她喜爱他的曼陀林。

28、4-stringed full moon-shaped Chinese mandolin ─── 月琴

29、He's there, playing his mandolin,and his men are all singing opera, drinking wine and flirting with prostitutes. ─── 他在那里,弹他的曼陀林,他的士兵们唱歌剧,喝葡萄酒,与妓女们调情欢愉。

30、We want to import mandolin and banjo in kit form, unassembled, unfinished, with only the frets installed on fingerboard. ─── 我公司欲购成套的、未安装的、只有指板的曼陀林琴和班卓琴。

31、He could touch your soul with the tones that came out of that old mandolin. ─── 通过那老的曼陀林发出的音乐,他能触到你的灵魂。

32、She plays the mandolin superlativelywell. ─── 她演奏曼陀林非常出色.

33、Whenever I would come home on leave, I would ask Dad to play the mandolin. ─── 不管什么时候我休假回到家,我都要父亲弹奏曼陀林。


35、He knew we enjoyed the song and the program and would often get out the mandolin after the program was over. ─── 他知道我们喜欢这首歌和这游戏,经常在游戏结束后拿出曼陀林。

36、Both men crouched down, facing each other, Nino plucking the mandolin for a few harsh chords. ─── 两个男人屈下膝,面向彼此,尼诺拨着曼陀林发出一些粗糙的和弦。

37、Three weeks later they slept with one another for' the first time and the week after that the mandolin player and he had a fight, at the end of which the mandolin player wished them well and left her fiat forever. ─── 三个星期后,他们第一次上了床; 随后的那个星期,曼陀林演奏家和他就干了一仗,干完后那曼陀林演奏家祝他们走运,然后就离开了她的公寓,永远地离开了。

38、Makers of high quality hand built acoustic guitars,mandolins and mandolin family instruments.Mew Master Series instruments in exotic timbers. ─── 生产高质量手工制造原声吉他,曼陀铃和其他曼陀铃家族乐器。

39、When he learned that Anatole played the mandolin he said: "Very good! ─── 他听说阿纳托里会弹曼陀铃,便说,”太好了!

40、My father was a self-taught mandolin player.He was one of the best string instrument players in our town. ─── 我父亲是个自学成才的琴手,他是我们镇最优秀的弦乐演奏者之一。

41、I loved to sing, but I never learned how to play the mandolin. ─── 我热爱唱歌,但我从没学会怎样弹奏曼陀林。

42、After the accident, Dad was reluctant to play the mandolin. ─── 左手第三个手指被缠在两片钢铁中。

43、He had his sister playing the mandolin [ 9mAndE5lin as accompaniment. ─── 他让他妹妹奏曼陀林作伴奏

44、It supports over 115 different instruments and tunings, including Guitar, Bass Guitar, Banjo, Mandolin and Ukulele. ─── 0能极大的提升你的音乐知识以及创造性,让你能完全控制你的控制台。

45、From the moment he read the script, however, nick was enthralled by the idea of being in captain Corello's Mandolin. ─── 从他读到剧本的那一刻,尼克就被希望出演的想法套住了。'

46、It was clearly an authenticity requirement that Nick Cage should be totally believable when, as Antonio Corelli, he plays the mandolin. ─── 当尼克成为安东尼奥弹奏起曼陀林,他需要完全的让人信服;而这也是一个不折不扣的要求。

47、Dad would never play the mandolin for us again.We felt at the time that he wouldn't have enough strength to play, and that makes the memory of that day even stronger. ─── 当他弹起那把陈旧的曼陀林,就会把我们带回昔日那些无忧无虑的幸福时光。

48、It makes the instrument sound sometimes like a mandolin, sometimes whimsical like banjo. ─── 琵琶琴声时而像曼陀林,时而又像奇特多变的班卓琴。

49、a Russian instrument with a triangular body and three strings that produces sounds similar to those of a mandolin ─── 巴拉莱卡琴,一种三角形俄国乐器,有三根弦,发出类似于曼陀林琴的声音

50、Products includes: Bread Slicers, Cook Knives, Boning Knives, Paring Knives, Clam Knife, Oyster knife, Pizza Knives and Cutters, Cleavers, Can Opener, Storage Shelvings, Meat Mincers, Mandolin Slicers etc... . ─── 刀具有:厨师刀,削骨刀,比萨饼刀,面包刀,小果刀,牛扒刀,坎骨刀,开罐器,刀架,储物架等等.

51、Gibson with first-class quality of manufacture mainstream stringed instrument is famous for its products include acoustic guitar, electric guitar, mandolin, banjo and piano. ─── 吉布森以一流品质制造主流弦乐器而闻名于世,其产品包括木吉他,电吉他,曼陀林,班卓琴和钢琴。

52、A bluegrass band composed of fiddle, mandolin, banjo, guitar and bass accompanies the performers. ─── 舞蹈由小提琴、曼陀林、班卓琴、吉他及低音大提琴等乐器伴奏。

53、About a week before his death, we asked Dad if he would play the mandolin for us.He made excuses but said "okay". ─── 大约在父亲去世的一周前,我们请求他能否为我们弹奏曼陀林,他说了很多借口,最后还是答应了。

54、Nobody played the mandolin like my father.He could touch your soul with the tones that came out of that old mandolin. ─── 没有人弹奏曼陀林能达到像我父亲那样的境界,他在那古老的曼陀林上抚出的旋律能够触及你的灵魂。

55、The younger men respectfully cleared off the floor and clapped their hands in time to the mandolin's wild strumming. ─── 年轻点的男人谦恭地离开舞场,和着曼陀林狂热演奏的节拍拍着他们的手。

56、I will buy a mandolin as soon as Business is better.It is good for my arm. ─── 等生意好一点儿了我也要买一只曼陀铃,这对我的胳膊是有好处的。”

57、MUSICIAN: He plays the mandolin too. ─── 他还弹曼陀林。嗨,特里萨。

58、The banjo, fiddle and mandolin are some of the most common instruments used in bluegrass music. ─── 在“蓝草”音乐里,最常用的乐器是班卓琴、小提琴以及曼陀铃。

59、Dad loved to play the mandolin for his family he knew we enjoyed singing, and hearing him play.He was like that. ─── 其实人与人之间本身并无太大的区别,真正的区别在于心态,“要么你去驾驭生命,要么生命驾驭你。

60、Full fange of acoustic guitars are supplide which includes Acoustic Bss,Acoustic Jumbo and other fretted instruments are also available:Banjo,Mandolin,Jazz guitars. ─── 本厂产品含括全系列吉他,包含民谣吉他,古典吉他,贝士,珍宝以及其它乐器如斑鸠,曼陀林,爵士吉他也在供应之列。

61、It was clearly an authenticity requirement that Nick Cage should be totally believable when,as Antonio Corelli, he plays the mandolin. ─── 当尼克成为安东尼奥弹奏起曼陀林,他需要完全的让人信服;而这也是一个不折不扣的要求。

62、A ten-stringed mandolin of Andean regions with a sound box traditionally fashioned from the shell of an armadillo or tortoise, now also made of wood. ─── 夏朗哥:安第斯山脉地区的十弦曼陀林,其音箱部分,传统上取材自犰狳壳或乌龟壳,但今日也有木制的

63、He didn't lose enough of the finger where it would stop him picking up anything, but it did impact his ability to play the mandolin. ─── 那个手指并没有完全丧失拿东西的能力,但是却影响了他弹奏曼陀林的能力。

64、Combining a blues feel with his mandolin and the picking of Earl Scruggs on banjo, Monroe and his Blue Grass Boys popularized a form of music previously found only in Appalachia. ─── 门罗的曼陀林对蓝调音乐的表现及与厄尔.斯克夸斯的五弦琴风格的结合,使门罗和他的"肯塔基男孩"乐队形成了仅在阿巴拉契亚山脉才能找到的脍炙人口的音乐形式。

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