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10-03 投稿


Mennonite 发音

英:[?men?na?t]  美:[?men?na?t]

英:  美:

Mennonite 中文意思翻译




Mennonite 网络释义

n. 门诺派教徒门诺派的

Mennonite 短语词组

1、filer mennonite church ─── 门诺派教堂

2、Mennonite Church ─── [网络] 门诺会;门诺教会;门诺派教会

3、Mennonite Volunteer Service ─── 门诺派志愿者服务

4、Mennonite theology ─── 门诺派神学

Mennonite 词性/词形变化,Mennonite变形


Mennonite 相似词语短语

1、bentonite ─── n.[土壤]膨润土,[试剂]皂土;[地质]斑脱土(火山灰风化的胶状黏土);膨土岩

2、penninite ─── n.[矿物]叶绿泥石(等于pennine)

3、Leninite ─── n.列宁主义者;adj.列宁主义者的

4、Mennonites ─── 门诺派

5、monzonite ─── n.[岩]二长岩

6、meionite ─── n.[矿物]钙柱石

7、melaconite ─── n.黑铜矿,[矿物]土黑铜矿

8、Mennonite ─── n.门诺派教徒;门诺派的

9、ceylonite ─── n.锡兰石;[矿物]镁铁尖晶石

Mennonite 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、an American follower of the Mennonite Bishop Amman. ─── 阿门宗派教的创始人安曼主教的拥护者和信徒。

2、To make a long story short, the Mennonite Amish were so conservative that they made more enemies than friends. ─── 长话短说,亚米希?门诺那特人由于太过保守以致树立的敌人比交到的朋友还多。

3、However, 5 children with TB meningifis and 3 children of the same family with pulmonary TB was diagnosed within 2 month, in Mennonite Christian Hospifal, Hualien, Taiwan in 1985. ─── 但是在74年9月及10月的两个月之间,在花莲门诺医医院诊断了5个罹患结核性脑膜炎和来自同一个家庭的3个肺结核的小孩子。

4、He was from the Netherlands, the son of a Mennonite minister, and was drawn to Judaism. ─── 他来自荷兰,父亲是门诺派牧师,本人却信奉犹太教。

5、The environment at Mennonite Christian Hospital is pleasant and calm, pictured here is a quiet hospital hallway. ─── 图6:门诺医院环境清幽,图为病房走廊。

6、The men were members of the Mennonite community, which rejects modern inventions such as cars and electricity. ─── 这些男子是Mennonitecommunity的成员,排斥汽车和电灯现代化的发明。

7、A cow cares for her newborn calf on a Mennonite farm in Elora, Ontario, Canada. ─── 在加拿大安大略省伊劳拉镇上的一座门诺派农场中,一头母牛正在照料刚出生的牛犊。

8、4.Taipei Peace Rotary club and Kagoshima North Rotary club in Japan jointly sponsored a project to provide medical and dental equipment for the Mennonite Christian Hospital in Taiwan. ─── 台北和平扶轮社和日本鹿儿岛北方扶轮社共同地赞助了一个计画,是提供医学和牙科的仪器设备给台湾的孟诺基督教医院。

9、Mennonite and other large landowners this week defended the deforestation, arguing that it created jobs. ─── 本周门诺教派和其他大地主为自己的毁林行为进行了辩护,强调这种做法创造了就业机会。

10、The yard of Mennonite Christian Hospital. 4. ─── 图3:门诺医院的庭园景致。

11、Mennonite Church ─── 孟诺教派

12、The religion, a variety of the Mennonite faith, provides the principal mechanism for maintaining orders. ─── 在工业化国家以及许多发展中国家里,大众文化正在取代民间文化。

13、Pardon me, but where is the Mennonite Social Welfare Foundation? ─── 请问去门诺基金会怎么走?

14、!I heard Mennonite, what is double orientation villa? ─── 我听都没听说过,什么是双取向别墅?

15、short, the Mennonite Amish were so conservative that they made more enemies than friends. ─── 长话短说,亚米希·门诺那特人由于太过保守以致树立的敌人比交到的朋友还多。

16、Mennonite Christian Hospital on-the-job training program keeps employees abreast of new medical developments, pictured here are nurses in class. 5. ─── 图4:门诺医院经常为员工举办在职进修课程,图为护理人员上课的情形。

17、From 1980 to 1986 Salmonella typhi was isolated from 52.8% (28/53) of 51 cases (20 chil-dren and 31 adults) in 53 admissions with typhoid fever at Mennonite Christian Hospital (MCH), Taiwan. ─── 摘要花莲门诺医院在1980年到1986年间曾在51位因伤寒住院的个案(20位儿童和31位成人)的53次住院中培养出28次的沙门氏杆菌(佔52.8%)。

18、Just when I thought there was no solution, a documentary about the Mennonite Christian Hospital provided me with the answer. ─── 当一切看似无解时,一部门诺医院的记录片,让我顿时找到了答案。

19、Enns ran a full-page ad about the buy nothing idea in 2001 when he was an editor of Canadian Mennonite magazine. ─── 当恩斯2001年还在加拿大门诺杂志的时候,他就曾用过整个版面的广告来推广不购买的点子。

20、The large Mennonite families and powerful co-operative farm groups have bought an estimated 2m hectares of land in the Chaco. ─── 几户大的门诺教家庭和具备实力的合作农场在查科购买的土地超过200万公顷。

21、Mennonite Christian Hospital has daily showings of health care movies for patients and their families. 5. ─── 图4:门诺医院每天在固定时间放映医药保健影片,提供候诊病患及家属观赏。

22、The religion, a variety of the Mennonite faith, provides the principal mechanism for maintaining order. ─── 作为门诺派宗教的一种,这一宗教为维持秩序提供了主要的机制。

23、The religion, a variety of the Mennonite faith, provides the principal mechanism for maintaining orders. ─── 其宗教,作为Mennonite信仰的一种,提供了维护秩序的主要机制。

24、Mennonite Volunteer Service ─── 门诺尼特志愿队(巴拉圭)

25、Mennonite theology ─── 门诺会神学

26、Police said the family wasn't Mennonite, although many Amish and Mennonite families live in the area. ─── 警方说,这户人并不是门诺派教徒,虽然在这附近住有很多阿们宗派和门诺派家庭。

27、That year, a Mennonite church volunteer named Edna Ruth Byler visited Puerto Rico. ─── 1946年,一位名叫埃德娜.路得.拜勒的门诺派教会志愿者造访波多黎各。

28、To make a long story short, the Mennonite Amish were so conservative that they made more enemies than friends. ─── 长话短说,亚米希·门那特人由于太过保守以致树立的敌人比交到的朋友还多。

29、To make along story short, the Mennonite Amish were so conservative that they made more enemies than fiends. ─── 长话短说,亚米希.门诺那特人由于太过保守以致树立的敌人比交到的朋友还多。

30、I grew up Mennonite and so that work ethic and timeliness was just ingrained in me from a very young age. ─── 我作为基督教门诺会教徒长大,因此工作的伦理和准时从我很小的年纪就已经根深蒂固。

31、In the 1820s many German speaking Mennonite immigrants came to the Grand River region of Upper Canada from Pennsylvania, they were joined as well by many German speaking Amish immigrants. ─── 1820年代许多讲德语的门诺派移民从宾夕法尼亚来到上加拿大的格兰德河地区,许多同样操德语的阿米希移民也加入其中。

32、The study encompasses two parts: quantitative and qualitative research .The patient samples were gathered from the inpatient of orthopedics department of Mennonite General Hospital. ─── 本研究资料收集变项包含:基本社会人口学特性如性别、社经地位、社会支持/社会网络、超自然/宗教信仰等;

33、Mennonite Christian Hospital's director Kao Ming-jen has gone abroad to study and an American, Dr Lucas has taken his place. ─── 图4:门诺医院院长高明仁出国进修,院务由美籍医师卢科思代理,他是东部第一位整型外科医师。

34、His wife, nominally of the Mennonite faith, was quite willing to accept her husband's creed. ─── 他的妻,名义上虽属曼诺教派,却很愿意接受她丈夫的信条。

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