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skulking 发音

英:[?sk?lk??]  美:[?sk?lk??]

英:  美:

skulking 中文意思翻译




skulking 词性/词形变化,skulking变形

动词现在分词: skulking |动词过去式: skulked |动词过去分词: skulked |动词第三人称单数: skulks |名词: skulker |

skulking 相似词语短语

1、skulkingly ─── 鬼鬼祟祟地

2、skunking ─── n.臭鼬;臭鼬毛皮;讨厌鬼;卑鄙的人;vt.使惨败;欺骗

3、caulking ─── n.[建]堵缝;压紧;adj.堵缝的;嵌缝的;v.[建]堵缝;凿密(caulk的ing形式)

4、baulking ─── n.错误;失败;障碍(等于balk);vt.阻止;错过;推诿(等于balk);vi.犹豫;(马等)突然止步不前(等于balk)

5、sculking ─── 偷偷隐躲;偷懒

6、hulking ─── adj.笨重的;粗陋的

7、shucking ─── n.壳;外皮;荚;毫无价值的东西;vt.剥去;vi.剥去;n.(Shuck)人名;(英)沙克

8、sulking ─── v.生闷气,愠怒(sulk的现在分词)

9、bulking ─── n.膨胀;挖掘物体积大于其挖掘穴

skulking 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、You, meanwhile, will be skulking in the safety of the car. ─── 与此同时,你会安全地藏在汽车里。

2、There was someone skulking behind the bushes. ─── 有人藏在灌木后面。

3、I can see about me all those cracked forebears of mine dancing around the bed, consoling me, egging me on, lashing me with their serpent tongues, grinning and leering at me with their skulking skulls. ─── 我可以看到我的疯狂的祖先围着床在跳舞,他们宽慰我、给我打气、用毒蛇般的舌头抽打我、用藏在暗处的脑袋朝我嘻笑。

4、See skulking Truth to her old cavern fled, ─── 看真理躲进远古老穴逃之夭夭,

5、skulk; leaving no trace ─── 逃匿无踪

6、He doesn't just give money:his staff are sometimes taken aback to see him skulking in the streets nearby,picking up litter. ─── 他不只是出钱,有时他的下属会吃惊地发现他在附近的街道上偷偷摸摸地捡垃圾。

7、I don't want reporters skulking around my house. ─── 我不愿看到记者在我家周围偷偷摸摸地走动。

8、Not with the metal skulking around the house all night, he didn't feel safe around it, even after four years living with it. ─── 那个金属骨头整晚都在房子里,就算和它生活在一起了整整4年,他也始终会感到不安。

9、You can be sly and sneaky, moving quietly and skulking through the shadows. ─── 你的思维狡猾而诡秘,你的动作轻盈而隐蔽。

10、I feel compelled to explain why I'm skulking in the shade and one of them discloses that she's a dermatologist. ─── 我感到有必要向她们解释一下,为什么我要躲在阴凉里,其中一位女孩告诉我她是皮肤科医生。

11、He might well skulk behind the settle, on beholding such a bright, graceful damsel enter the house, instead of a rough-headed counterpart of himself, as he expected. ‘Is Heathcliff not here? ─── 看到走进屋来的不是他所想的和他一样顽固的伙伴,而是一个如此明亮、高雅的淑女,他可能很好地藏在角落里。希斯克利夫不在这里吗?

12、skulk behind a door ─── 藏匿在门后

13、You're a mess,Harry. Skulking around Knockturn Alley? Dodgy place. ─── 哈里,你晕了头了,要避开“翻倒巷”那个迷惑人的地方.

14、I saw Cram a few days later skulking around the fifth floor of Leconfield House. He looked a little sheepish ─── 数日之后,我看到克拉姆在莱肯菲尔德大厦6层楼上躲躲闪闪的,显得有些不好意思。

15、It's a hard thing to skulk and starve in the heather ─── 躲在树林里的挨饿不是一件好受的事。

16、They're a premier melee dps class -- the personification of skulking and swashbuckling flair.It's their primary and only role -- they're not going to turn into tanks or healers. ─── 他们是一个超级近战DPS职业--具备典型的潜行和嫁祸才能.这是他们最主要也是唯一需要扮演的角色--他们不会转向从事坦克治疗工作.

17、After a while it went on its way, although Johansson suspects it is still skulking around the neighbourhood. ─── 一会后它便走掉了,尽管约翰逊仍然怀疑这只鹿仍在四周徘徊。

18、I've gazed upon three antlered deer ambling, two turkeys trotting, one red fox racing, a skunk skulking, a groundhog sunbathing, and bass swimming silently down a see-through stream. ─── 我看见三只多叉鹿在溜蹄、两只火鸡快步走过、一头赤狐在奔跑、一只鼬鼠在躲躲闪闪、一只土拨鼠在享受日光浴,还有一尾鲈鱼在清澈的河流中静静地游来游去。

19、2. I don't want reporters skulking around (my house). ─── 我不愿看到记者在(我家)周围神出鬼没地来回走动.

20、More often he'd simply pacefinally skulk off to his tree stump, perhaps to worry alone. ─── 更多的时候他只是踱步,最后又偷偷回到他的树桩那儿,要独自不安。

21、you d be as rich as kings if you could find it , and you know its here , and you stand there skulking. ─── 要是你们能找到那东西的话,就会富比王侯,而你们明知道它就在这儿,却站在那里躲躲闪闪。

22、Bearing others'disdain and mistrust with simmering rage, they skulk back to their shadowy schemes and furtive activities. ─── 承担着其他部族饱含沸腾一般狂怒的轻蔑和猜疑,他们偷偷摸摸地继续自己见不得光的图谋和鬼鬼祟祟的行动。

23、I feel compelled to explain why I'm skulking in the shade and one of them discloses that she's a dermatologist. ─── 我感到有必要向她们解释一下,为什么我要躲在阴凉里,其中一位女孩告诉我她是皮肤科医生。

24、he growled with mock severity. "What are you skulking in here for on your own?" ─── 一个人鬼鬼祟祟躲在这里干什么?”

25、A series of mysteries arrive in rapid succession: Barrymore is caught skulking around the mansion at night; ─── 一系列的谜团到达快速继承:巴里摩尔陷入skulking大厦周围在夜间;

26、skulk behind a hedge ─── 躲藏在围篱后面

27、Faramir: And where is your skulking friend? That gangrel creature. He had an ill-favored look. ─── 你们鬼鬼祟祟的朋友呢?那个瘦小的怪物。他看起来真是个丑八怪。

28、Useful in dealing with units skulking behind walls for protection, or to whittle away besieging troops outside your walls. ─── 它可以杀伤躲在城墙后防守的敌人,也可以攻击城墙外的攻城部队。

29、What are you doing skulking around here? ─── 你在这干嘛,鬼鬼祟祟的?

30、It is one thing to be idle and skulk, and quite another to take a ship and murder a number of innocent men. ─── 吊儿郎当、消极怠惰是一回事,夺取船只、杀害一些无辜的人却是另一码事。

31、There were hundreds of men skulking in the swamps and the mountains, defying the provost guard to drag them back to the army. ─── 现在沼泽地和山区有成百上千的男人躲在那里反抗,不让宪兵抓回部队去。

32、True, it is August, when plenty of Wall Street players skulk away from muggy Manhattan for their share of sun and sand in the Hamptons. ─── 不错,现在是8月,许多华尔街的交易员都逃离闷热的曼哈顿,前往长岛汉伯顿享受阳光和沙滩了。

33、To skulk when going to Battle ─── 临阵退缩

34、eg.I don't want reporters skulking around my house. ─── 我不愿意看到记者在我家周围神出鬼没的走动。

35、So-and-so is always skulking around us. I wish he would stay away. ─── 某某人总是在我们身边转悠,我想让他离我们远点。

36、Romance prevails by the seaside, giving me the joy unleashed from Picasso's canvas. Skulking around the city underground passages, I find the spirit of Gaudi calling to me. ─── 海边的浪漫风情,让我有如逃脱毕卡索画布般的雀跃,遁入城市的地下道,却遇见建筑鬼才高第的绝美创作,频频向我招手。

37、At midnight, when there was a moon, I sometimes met with hounds in my path prowling about the woods, which would skulk out of my way, as if afraid, and stand silent amid the bushes till I had passed. ─── 在有月亮的午夜,有时候我路上碰到了许多的猎犬,它们奔窜在树林中,从我面前的路上躲开,好像很怕我而静静地站在灌木丛中,直到我走过了再出来。

38、He might well skulk behind the settle, on beholding such a bright, graceful damsel enter the house, instead of a rough-headed counterpart of himself, as he expected. ─── 看到走进屋来的不是他所想的和他一样顽固的伙伴,而是一个如此明亮、高雅的淑女,他可能很好地藏在角落里。

39、To skulk around; sneak. ─── 潜伏;行为鬼崇

40、They proclaim to the world through their professors that we are a non-heroic nation skulking behind our mahogany counters, whilst we egg on more gallant races to their destruction. ─── 通过教授之口他们向全世界宣告我们是个躲在桃花心木桌台后面闹情绪、却鼓动更骁勇善战的民族冲锋陷阵的懦弱民族。

41、If we lay here in camp, there might be archers skulking down to get wind of us. ─── 如果我们在这里宿营,可能会有射手们偷偷摸摸地来探听我们的虚实的。

42、They can also fire indirectly, lobbing shells over woods, hills or friendly positions to bring down explosive death on the heads of foes skulking in hiding holes. ─── 由于在战斗中,仅仅一辆部署在要害位置的坦克,就可以成功地阻挠部队的推进,这就使得反坦克支援部队在军队中扮演了至关重要的角色。

43、2. The burglar skulk behind the door when he hear someone talking. ─── 当窃贼听到有人谈话时即躲在门后。

44、No, I won't call Mammy to help you and have you lock the door and skulk here like the coward you are. ─── 我怕我去不成了。你去吧,瑞德,并且替我向媚兰表示歉意。"经过相当久的一番踌躇,他才慢吞吞地、尖刻地说起话来。

45、3.This spell is used frequently as people skulk about the castle or the Forbidden Forest. ─── 这道魔咒经常被用于帮助那些在城堡或禁林中偷偷游逛的家伙。

46、Useful in dealing with units skulking behind walls for protection, or to whittle away besieging troops outside your own walls. ─── 对躲藏在城墙后的敌人或己方城外的近距离的攻城部队很有效。

47、I saw Cram a few days later skulking around the fifth floor of Leconfield House. He looked a little sheepish. ─── 数日之后,我看到克拉姆在莱肯菲尔德大厦6层楼上躲躲闪闪的,显得有些不好意思。

48、Stop skulking around ; you can give a person a heart attack. ─── 被偷偷摸摸地四周围走,你会把人给吓出心脏病来的。

49、someone skulking in the shadows. ─── 有人躲在暗处。

50、He doesn't just give money: his staff are sometimes taken aback to see him skulking in the streets nearby, picking up litter. ─── 他不只是出钱,有时他的下属会吃惊地发现他在附近的街道上偷偷摸摸地捡垃圾。

51、When the fighting was at its worst, they would be leading from the front, rather than skulking in the safety of a headquarters far to the rear. ─── 一些人被判为战犯,另一些人逃脱了正义的审判。大多数人在经过多年的监狱生活后回到了德国重建他们的生活。

52、to skulk in hidden ─── 藏在暗处

53、There were half a dozenfoxes skulking in the undergrowth. ─── 在林下灌丛中潜伏着五六只狐狸。

54、Anyhow I've no starry calculations to be interfered with, and no immortal works to write. I'm merely a fellow skulking in the army...' ─── 无论如何,我没有什么天文计算要被妨碍,也没有什么不朽的著作要写,我只是个隐匿在军队里的懒汉罢了。”

55、There were half a dozen foxes skulking in the undergrowth. ─── 在林下灌丛中潜伏著五六只狐狸。

56、To skulk without trace ─── 窜逸无踪

57、So, without needing to be told, he ducked out to skulk in the back cabin, holding his breath. Not smoking now, he gazed blankly through the gloaming at the river. ─── 于是这丈夫不必指点,也就知道往后舱钻去,躲到那后梢舱上去低低的喘气,一面把含在口上那支烟卷摘下来,毫无目的的眺望河中暮景。

58、“And where is your skulking friend?” ─── “你们那些鬼鬼祟祟的朋友呢?”

59、to skulk about in the darkness ─── 在夜幕下潜行

60、Behind my words are all those grinning, leering, skulking skulls, some dead and grinning a long time, some grinning as if they had lockjaw, some grinning with the grimace of a grin, the foretaste and aftermath of what is always going on. ─── 我的话后面是那些咧着嘴嘻笑、藏在暗处的脑袋,有些死掉的人的脑袋长时间地笑,有些像患了牙关紧闭症一样笑,有些又扮出鬼脸来狞笑,这是一直在进行中的事情的预演和结果。

61、6.Some are genial and openly charismatic, even empathetic, while others cringe and skulk as only a consummate caern advisor can. ─── 他们中的一些人亲切、有着坦率的超凡魅力,甚至能触及对方的内心,而另一些用只有圆满的圣地顾问能做到的程度来阿谀奉承躲藏隐匿。

62、I walked back to the car to pump the gas, trying not to slink or skulk. ─── 我回到车旁去加油,尽量表现得堂堂正正。

63、The cry brought him skulking back to his master and a blunt bootless kick sent him unscathed across a spit of sand, crouched in flight ─── 这么一嚷,狗就怯懦地回到主人跟前,它被没穿靴子的脚猛踢了一下,虽没伤着,却倦缩着逃到沙滩另一头。

64、No, I won't call Mammy to help you and have you lock the door and skulk here like the coward you are." ─── 不,我让嬷嬷来给你帮忙,也不要你把门锁上,像个胆小鬼偷偷地待在这里。"

65、danger that piracy will move on from teenagers skulking in bedrooms and into the living room. ─── 危险来了,盗版将会从年轻人卧室里鬼鬼祟祟之举,挺进客厅。

66、Useful in dealing with units skulking behind walls for protection, or to whittle away besieging troops outside your walls. ─── 它可以杀伤躲在城墙后防守的敌人,也可以攻击城墙外的攻城部队。

67、Beatrice Bringham and Eloise Erhart never lie. that Beatrice Bringham has been skulking around though,I think she's the spy. ─── 补充说明:以上五个人都说了他们的话,其中两个说真话,三个说谎话,要你找出间谍是谁!

68、There are half a dozen foxes skulking in the undergrowth ─── 在林下灌丛中潜伏著五六只狐狸

69、Skulk: To lie in hiding, as out of cowardice or bad conscience; lurk. ─── 偷偷摸摸:由于懦弱或坏心眼而躲躲闪闪;潜伏。

70、a skulk of foxes ─── 一群狐狸

71、Why didn't you come up the stairs openly instead of skulking about like a thief, hiding halfway up the stairs and listening in? ─── 为什么不光明正大上楼呀?偷偷摸摸像个贼,躲在半楼梯偷听人说话。

72、Synonyms SNEAK, creep, gumshoe, lurk, pussyfoot, skulk, slink, slip, ─── 秘藏:守财奴::逃避:装病的人(人物及其特征动作)

73、More often he'd simply pace and finally skulk off to his tree stump, perhaps to worry alone. ─── 更多的时候他只是踱步,最后又偷偷回到他的树桩那儿,也许要独自不安。

74、Let him not peep or steal, or skulk up and down with the air of a charity-boy, a bastard, or an interloper in the world which exists for him. ─── 不要再让他偷看或偷窃,也不要让他在那个为流浪儿,坏蛋和好事者专门准备的世界里到处乱转。

75、skulk v. ─── 躲躲闪闪;

76、Was this Pharisee skulking under cover of darkness, embarrassed or ashamed that he, as one of the ruling class, was curious about Jesus? ─── 这位法利赛人是不是用黑夜来隐藏自己,因为他是来自统治阶层,却因自己对耶稣产生的好奇而感到羞耻?

77、skulk about ─── 蹑手蹑脚地四处走动

78、Bearing others' disdain and mistrust with simmering rage, they skulk back to their shadowy schemes and furtive activities. ─── 承担着其他部族饱含沸腾一般狂怒的轻蔑和猜疑,他们偷偷摸摸地继续自己见不得光的图谋和鬼鬼祟祟的行动。

79、The robbers were skulking around the corners, ready to jump out. ─── 盗匪沿著墙角潜行,准备跳出去。

80、Skulk(about,around,etc)refers to someone angrily or guiltily waiting out of sight,possibly intending to do something bad ─── skulk(about,round)指含怒或含罪恶目的窥伺可乘之机

81、Anyhow I've no starry calculations to be interfered with, and no immortal works to write. i'm...rely a fellow skulking in the army...' ─── 无论如何,我没有什么天文计算要被妨碍,也没有什么不朽的著作要写,我只是个隐匿在军队里的懒汉罢了。”

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