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10-03 投稿


Manu 发音

英:  美:

Manu 中文意思翻译



Manu 短语词组

1、expense arising from outside-manu-facture ─── [经] 外加工费用

2、crees manu ─── 克里·曼努

3、matrimonium cum manu ─── [法] 有夫权的婚姻

4、tradition longa manu ─── [法] 长手交付

5、manu atelier ─── 车间维修手册

6、manu rios signo zodiacal ─── 马努里奥斯星座

7、traditio brevi manu ─── [法] 简易交付

8、manu- pref. ─── 表示“用手做”之义

9、auto manu ─── 自动手动

Manu 相似词语短语

1、man. ─── abbr.手动的(manual);城域网(MetropolitanAreaNetwork)

2、mana ─── n.神力,超自然力;马那(一种生命力概念);n.(Mana)(美、意、阿、法、西)玛娜(人名)

3、manuf ─── 手册

4、manus ─── n.手;前肢;丈夫对妻子之权威;n.(Manus)人名;(俄、意)马努斯

5、Zanu ─── abbr.津巴布韦非洲民族联盟(ZimbabweAfricanNationalUnion)

6、Danu ─── n.(Danu)人名;(罗)达努

7、Manu ─── n.摩奴(印度神话中的人类祖先,古印度《摩奴法典》的制订者)

8、manul ─── n.手动;[脊椎]兔狲;海底沙滩;(西藏,蒙古的)小野猫;n.(Manul)人名;(塞)马努尔

9、man ─── n.人;男人;人类;丈夫;雇工;vt.操纵;给……配置人员;使增强勇气;在……就位;n.(Man)(俄)马恩;(英、葡、意、罗、捷、尼、老、缅、柬)曼;(日)万(人名)

Manu 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Manu Ginobili scored his first points of the game via the free-throw line near the end of the third quarter. ─── 在第三节快要结束时,马努-吉诺比利在罚球线上得到第一分。

2、I think you might know the answer but are to afraid to make an idiot of yourself on the Manu forum.................. Please stop throwing stones! ─── 我认为你可能已经有答案了,但你居然还敢在这里自欺欺人。。。。。。。。。。请不要再瞎扔石头乱说话了!

3、More per year than Manu Ginobili? I'd say that's a VERY fair offer, Mr. Schwartz. ─── 年薪比吉诺比利还高?我敢说,那已经是很公平的报价了,施瓦尔茨先生。

4、" When Glazer's three sons visited the ManU stadium in June, irate fans blockaded them inside until police came and rescued them under a hail of bottles and bricks. ─── 当6月份,格雷泽的三个儿子参观曼联球场时,愤怒的球迷把他们堵在场内,直到警方介入,从如冰雹般砸来的酒瓶和砖头下救出了他们。

5、pic of Manu looking refreshed in training. ─── 在尾版刊登了一张马努在训练中精神焕发的照片。

6、Dear sir or Madam, I am Cindy xiao from Weijun Building Products Co.Ltd .We are a door manu... ─── 发布者:肖露所在地:广东广州市行业:建筑、建材职位:外销员工作年限:

7、Sextus Tarquinius sum;ferrum in manu est; ─── 我是塔克文,现在手上拿着武器。

8、Manu therefore built a boat which the fish towed to a mountaintop when the flood came, and thus he survived along with some "seeds of life" to re-establish life on earth. ─── 从而摩奴建了一条船,大洪水来的时候,鱼把它拖到山顶上,这样他就和一些“生命的种子”一起生还了,在地球上重建生命。

9、Meets down is studies the system the most commonly used part, It is a guide's form, Manu facture module which including the study, the training and the expert use. ─── 接下来的是学习系统的最常用部分,它是一个向导的形式,包括学习、训练和专家使用的制作模块。

10、What ehh, obviously you're good friends with Manu what has he told you to expect about playing in the NBA, and how has he prepared you for this next step in your career? ─── 妓者:很显然你和马努小朋友是兄弟吧?他有没有告诉你怎么在NBA这个大家族里头玩耍,怎么为你未来生涯准备呀?

11、learning paradox is at the heart of "productive failure", a phenomenon identified by researcher Manu Kapur. ─── 学习悖论是“生产性故障”的核心,“生产性故障”是研究者马努·卡普尔定义的一种现象。

12、Manu: At least a stadium I hope! It's quite difficult to foresee, but now that he's elected, people have to support him and wait for the results. ─── 我希望至少建造一个体育馆!很难预计他会做什么,但既然他被选上,人们就有必要支持他并且等待结果。

13、Persona in manu ─── 处于夫权下的人

14、One female there often talk about me with her indian teacher and tell him 'Manu was my first Yoga teacher, and still thinking about him. . . ─── 一位女士经常向她的印度教练谈到“曼奴是我的第一个瑜伽教练,至今都会经常想起他…”

15、The actual production status of petroleum needle c oke both in domestic and in abroad was summarized, and some suggestions for manu facturing needle loke were also given. ─── 对国内外针状焦的生产状况加以总结并提出一些建议。

16、tradition longa manu ─── [法] 长手交付

17、Japan Elecric Measuring Instruments Manu ─── 日本电气测量仪表制造商联合会

18、"We just kind of stopped, " acknowledged the Spurs' Manu Ginobili. "I don't know if it was our legs or if it was our heads. " ─── “我们被终结了。”马刺的吉诺比利承认,“我不知道是我们跑不动了,还是脑子出问题了。”

19、I am a ManU fans and I still hope that ManU can catch up Chelsea still!! ─── 他们上一次超联失分已是上年十二月打和阿仙奴,最近还八连胜零失球呢!

20、ManU now faces 46 million pounds in annual interest payments, roughly double the profit earned in the year before Glazer's takeover. ─── 如今曼联每年需要付出4,600万英镑的利息,大约是格雷泽入主前俱乐部年盈利的两倍。

21、Manu Antbird ─── n. 马努蚁鸟

22、The subtle subscriber found the preion manu. ─── 敏锐的认购者找到处方原稿。

23、Vujacic was given the defensive assignment to shadow both Manu Ginobili and Ray Allen in the postseason, showing how far Vujacic's defense has improved to go with his outstanding shooting. ─── 在季后赛中他常常防守像吉诺比利和雷阿伦这些球员,展示出他在除了空挡投篮外他的防守到底提高了多少。

24、The present invention relates to an air filter and a method for manu not facturing such an air filter. ─── 本发明涉及一种空气过滤器以及用于制造这种空气过滤器的方法。

25、Jain Irrigation System Lt.....Unique Instruments &Manu..... ─── 上海西门子线路保护系统有.....

26、Laws of Manu ─── Code of Manu

27、The way we were built, Michael and Bruce (Bowen), they needed Manu out there to help them get the shots they were used to. ─── 在我们的体系中,迈克尔(芬利)和布鲁斯(鲍文)需要马努来帮助他们在自己习惯的位置投篮。

28、When this MAN button is pressed, the MANU reception mode is set . ─── 当按下MAN按钮时,人工接收方式被设置。

29、In the institutes of Manu the Loka palas are represented as standing in close relation to the ruling king, who is saki to be composed of particles of these his tutelary deities. ─── 《摩奴法典》的制定,路卡帕拉斯被描绘成站立在统治的国王旁边的位置,沙奇是由他的这些守卫神的微粒组成。

30、Manu Ginobili has been doing it his entire career and yet we still can't find words to describe him. ─── 吉诺比利在他的整个职业生涯里一直都在做著这样的绝杀,而我们仍然未能找到一个合适的词语去形容他。

31、Identification and countermeasure on development of manu factory"middle market"in Hefei ─── 发展合肥制造业的"中场经济"的认知与对策

32、No news yet of European, South-American, or world tour dates but Manu Chao is currently doing shows in North America before going back to France for his album promotion. ─── 新闻欧洲,南部美国,或世界游览日期而是Manu Chao当前不做展示在北美洲在去回到法国之前为他的册页促进。

33、The MANU Executive Committee will confirm with the applicant in writing the approval, or disapproval, of his/her membership application in due course. ─── 执行委员会将书面通知申请人对其会员资格申请的审批结果。

34、side wall manu facture technology ─── 侧墙制造工艺

35、FDT Closed Adjustable Iron Cushion is designed and manu factured based on years of experience of using closed adjustable iron cushions on machine tools. ─── FDT系列封闭式调整垫铁是在总结多年机床用封闭式调整垫铁经验的基础上设计制造的,该产品结构先进,外形美观,调整灵活,稳定可靠,刚性好,承载能力强。

36、Manu: When I'm in Argentina I do. When I'm away it's a little complicated. I am aware of everything that goes on though. ─── 我在阿根廷时是的。当我不在时情况有些复杂。但一切事务进展我都了解。

37、Conlusion is made that for mass customization production, manu process innovation is the key, info-construction the base and organization innovation the guarantee. ─── 指出实施大规模定制生产,制造流程创新是关键,信息化建设是基础,组织创新是保证。

38、I also want to congratulate you because some day, I'll be able to brag that I WAS LESS THAN 10 METERS AWAY FROM WHERE MANU DUNKED ON YAO MING'S FACE! ─── 我还想恭喜你,因为有朝一日,我闲侃的时候能够说“我曾经距马努骑扣姚明的地方不足十米之遥”。

39、Press CLOCK button to reset the Time Set Mode. The AUTO or MANU reception mode returns. ─── 按CLOCK按钮使时间设置方式复位,变成自动或人工接收方式。


41、Tony Parker and Manu Ginobili come roaring of those screens, dragging the screener's defender across the lane and creating not one but two mismatches on the floor. ─── 托尼-帕克和吉诺比利都利用球队为他们做的掩护,撕开防守者的防守突入禁区,还可以创造两个错位对抗。

42、Seattle Times - The San Antonio Spurs are sitting Manu Ginobili because of a leg injury and seem willing to give up the top seed in the West if necessary. ─── 圣安东尼奥马刺的马努.吉诺比利因为腿伤还坐在板凳席上,看来球队在这种情况下有可能会让出西部第一的宝座。

43、Led by two All-Stars Tim Duncan and Tony Parker, as well as a past All-Star (Manu Ginobili), the Spurs have a 45-23 record. ─── 在两位全明星邓肯和帕克还有曾经的全明星吉诺比利的带领下马刺的战绩为45胜23负。

44、These are The Christ, Who stands in the center; the Lord of living forms, The Manu, Who stands at His right; and The Lord of Civilization, who stands to His left. ─── 他们是救世主,站立在中间;生命形态之主,摩奴,站立在他的右边;文明之主,站立在他的左边。

45、Manu facturin g Ceramic Arts Products of Personality ─── 个性化陶瓷艺术品的制作工艺

46、Manu: I don't think that's going to happen. I never thought about it, nor really considered it seriously. ─── 我不认为会。我从来没想过这事,更不用说认真考虑了。

47、matrimonium cum manu ─── [法] 有夫权的婚姻

48、Outlook: With Manu Ginobili out and Duncan essentially playing on one leg, the Spurs aren't nearly as formidable as they once were. ─── 前景:没有妖刀(吉诺比利),邓肯基本上也只能用一条腿打球,马刺已不象以前那么难对付了。

49、In order to memorize the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games, we manufacture the set of golden and silver met als of Olympic Games with pure silver and pure gold and the technique of coin making and relievo manu facturing. ─── 为纪念北京2008年奥运会,特以会徽、吉祥物为主题,选用纯银和纯金材料,运用造币技术、浮雕工艺制作而成。

50、"I think this is for us to learn and adapt to the process," Duncan said, "When the market is not Manu, we need to let you quickly enter the state. ─── “我想这对我们来说是个学习和适应的过程,”邓肯表示,“当马努不在场上时,我们需要让大家更快地进入状态。”

51、Earlier, Popo opted to rest Tim Duncan, Tony Parker, and Manu Ginobili against conference rival Denver Nuggets. ─── 早些时候,波波维奇让邓肯,帕卡和吉诺比利在对阵丹佛掘金的时候全部休战。

52、Becoming that Manu Ginobli sixth man type, and be the first option of the second unit. ─── 就像是成为马努-吉诺比利那样的超级第六人,而且喇嘛是队中第二梯队的领军人物、第一选择。

53、Photograph by George GrallBrushlike suckers radiate from the body of a slug caterpillar resting on a leaf near Peru's Manu River. ─── 在秘鲁的摩奴河附近,一条身上长著刷子似的吸管的刺毛虫正盘踞在一片叶子上。

54、Manu Ginobili: Right Ankle: If defenders would make this guy go right once in a while, he might turn the left ankle while pushing off. ─── 马努-吉诺比利,右脚踝:如果防守者能够让这家伙立刻从右边突破的话,他可能会换到左脚踝蹬地突然离开。

55、Manu: No. The hair cuts just depend on what I like at the moment... In fact, another look change is coming shortly. ─── 不,只取决于我当时喜欢什么样的发型。事实上,下一次容貌变化你们马上就能看到啦。

56、Some of them, perhaps because of nervousness, like to bury their nose in their manu to read their speech all the time. ─── 当众发言的时候,许多中国人羞于和听众进行眼神的交流,而是一直盯着讲话稿。

57、Manu: No, very little. I only speak a little before each game. ─── 不太,非常少。每场比赛前我说的话很少。

58、Press MAN button to change the reception mode from MANU to AUTO (When “MANU” is displayed on the top of the first line of the LCD). ─── 按MANU按钮把接收方式从人工转到自动方式(当“MANU”显示在屏上第一行时)。

59、Manu Ginobli is perhaps their best overall player. ─── 吉诺比利可能是最全面的球员。

60、Manu Ginobili injured his ankle recently and could be out for more than the set date of 2-3 weeks. ─── 吉诺比利最近脚踝伤了,而且时间会比预期的2到3周时间还要长。

61、Popovich tried to jump-start Turkoglu, starting him ahead of Manu Ginobili, and for a time the spark caught. ─── 波波维奇试着在吉诺比利之前起用特格格鲁,做为某一时段的即时火力。

62、When ManU came to Beijing in 2005,i was there and pretty enjoyed the game.the flowery skills from Ronaldo,the braveness shown by Rooney,they all got into my mind. ─── 2005年曼联来北京的时候我曾在现场观战,我当时被小小罗纳华丽的脚法所折服,被鲁尼的勇猛所吸引。

63、Manu bumped his knee. Ming never moved but drew the foul. Thank you Mr. officials, another ridiculous call. I think he is O.K. ─── 当姚第三节回来的时候,我们会埋葬马刺!吉诺比利冲撞姚明,姚没有移动却被吹犯规!真感谢裁判,又一个非常荒谬的哨,他想他没毛病吧

64、So Manu, you are a superstar and while no statistic will ever get me to believe you are on Bryant's level, there's at least an argument to be made. ─── 所以,吉诺比利,你是一个超级明星没错,但是没有任何一项数据能让我相信你达到了科比的水平。至少你能否达到他的水平还是个疑问。

65、"The way we were built, Michael and Bruce (Bowen), they needed Manu out there to help them get the shots they were used to. ─── “在我们的体系中,迈克尔(芬利)和布鲁斯(鲍文)需要马努来帮助他们在自己习惯的位置投篮。

66、traditio brevi manu ─── [法] 简易交付

67、-- Within the first six weeks of the 2006-07 season, Bryant was suspended twice (one game each) for flailing his shooting arm into the faces of San Antonio's Manu Ginobili and Minnesota's Marko Jaric. ─── -在六个星期前的2006-07赛季,科比被禁赛的两倍(每一场比赛)的挥舞手臂到他拍摄的脸上马刺队的吉诺比利和明尼苏达森林狼队的贾里奇。

68、Manu Ginobili, Andres Nocioni, Carlos Delfino, and Fabricio Oberto are a few, and the national team won Olympic Gold in the Athens Olympics and the bronze medal in 2008. ─── 吉诺比利,诺西奥尼,德尔菲诺和奥博托等几员大将为核心的国家队在雅典奥运会夺得奥林匹克金牌,并在2008年获得铜牌。

69、Manu Ginobili, who missed time early this season with an ankle injury, continues to struggle to get untracked. ─── 吉诺比利因脚踝受伤一直缺席比赛,他仍然无法恢复状态。

70、Job Description:1The successful applicant will be in-charge in generation of work instruction of magnetical manu...... ... ─── 公司名称:上海冠凯企业管理咨询有限公司工作地点:上海市发布时间:2009-3-31

71、And he was a lap into the League Cup 20 list of the National People's Congress were Anderson, Hargreaves, Manu Qiao, and Neville and others. ─── 和他一道被圈进联赛杯20人大名单的还有安德森、哈格里夫斯、马努乔、和内维尔等人。

72、Absolutely," he replied, as Manu nodded. ─── 绝对无误,”他回答说,而Manu也点了点头。

73、Manu: The amount of games in the season, and so much traveling in so little time. It's tiresome. ─── 一个赛季比赛的场次。而且在如此短的时间内有如此多的客场。这太令人疲惫。

74、I fear ManU will get another penalty in the FA Cup final! ─── 不要报怨球员/教联...切尔西受打压是祸出卢布!

75、He demonstrated manu amazing moves with the audience. ─── 他跟多名观众示?很多精妙的拳理,令我深感震撼。

76、Photograph by George Grall Brushlike suckers radiate from the body of a slug caterpillar resting on a leaf near Perus Manu River. ─── 意译:当天的图片,鼻涕毛虫,摩奴河,秘鲁,2001年。鼻涕毛虫静止吸附在一片树叶上,它像刷子那样的外形身体发光,生活在秘鲁的摩奴河。

77、Third-team selections were Yao Ming and Tracy McGrady from Houston, Carlos Boozer from Utah, Paul Pierce from Boston and Manu Ginobili from San Antonio. ─── 年度第三阵容包括火箭队的中锋姚明和后卫特雷西-麦克格雷迪、爵士队的前锋卡洛斯-布泽尔、凯尔特人的保罗-皮尔斯以及马刺队的后卫曼努-吉诺比利。

78、Could make a case for either Manu or Pau as the top hoopster of the 2004 Games. ─── 同时保持了很高的投篮命中率。

79、I'm sure if you're a Manu hater, you thought of me when the flopping rule was announced at the end of last season. ─── 我肯定如果你是一个专黑吉诺比利的球迷,假设在去年当联盟宣告已经制订了假摔规则的话,你肯定会很自然就想到我。

80、Young boy Manu met Adrien and a couple Sarah and Mehdi in Paris, which opened Manu’ ─── 一桩日常的救援任务,启发阳刚气十足的警探另一种情爱的需索,溺水青年从水里滑进了警探的怀里;

81、Press MAN button to change the reception mode from MANU to AUTO (when the MANU mode is set). ─── 按钮把人工接收方式改成自动方式(当传真机被设置为人工方式时)。

82、If [Manu] Ginobili is healthy and they play the way they are capable, they shouldn't be overlooked. ─── 如果吉诺比利能够保持健康,他们打出应有的节奏,他们就不容小视。

83、We had to pull Manu and Kolo out of the FA Cup game against Cardiff [in 2006] an hour before kick off. ─── 我们不得不在足总杯对卡迪夫[2006年]比赛前一个小时放走曼努和科洛。”。

84、Manu: It's been 5 years. I feel very integrated, I like the city very much, specially the team, so no complaints from me. ─── 已经5年了。我觉得已经完全融入。我非常喜欢这座城市,尤其是我们的球队。所以我没什么可抱怨的。

85、JINGZHAO SLATE has specialized to develop china nature Slate industry for a long time, is one of the biggest professional manu factories. ─── 作为国内最大的板岩专业生产商之一,京兆石材长期致力于发展中国的天然板岩业。

86、Dear Sir/madam, Does your company are looking for good quality and good prices PCB/PCBA manu... ─── 发布者:倪春芳所在地:广东东莞市行业:电工电气职位:外销员工作年限:三年以上

87、Versions of the Manu-smrti ("Laws of Manu") were taken to Southeast Asia and were translated and adapted to indigenous cultures until they lost most of their original content. ─── 《摩取法典》的译本也传入东南亚,被翻译成地方语言,以适应本土文化,直至它们已经失去了大部分原本的内容。

88、The San Antonio Spurs would normally be resting Tim Duncan's turf toe or having Manu Ginobili's hangnail evaluated at this time of year, but this season has been markedly different. ─── 往年,这个时候马刺该让邓肯这马蹄歇歇了,该看看吉诺比利的手指头的倒拉刺检查检查了,但是,今年不行。

89、Conlusion is made that for mass customization production,manu process innovation is the key,info-construction the base and organization innovation the guarantee. ─── 指出实施大规模定制生产,制造流程创新是关键,信息化建设是基础,组织创新是保证。







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