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10-03 投稿


mispronouncing 发音

英:[?m?spr??na?ns??]  美:[?m?spr??na?ns??]

英:  美:

mispronouncing 中文意思翻译



mispronouncing 词性/词形变化,mispronouncing变形


mispronouncing 相似词语短语

1、pronouncings ─── adj.发音的;表示发音的;v.发音;(庄严地)宣布(pronounce的现在分词)

2、pronouncing ─── adj.发音的;表示发音的;v.发音;(庄严地)宣布(pronounce的现在分词)

3、mispronouncer ─── 发音错误者

4、mispronounce ─── vi.发错音;vt.发错音

5、mispenning ─── 误发

6、mispronounced ─── v.发错音,读错字音(mispronounce的过去式和过去分词)

7、mispronounces ─── vi.发错音;vt.发错音

8、misplanning ─── 计划失误

9、self-pronouncing ─── 自动发音

mispronouncing 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The best way to improve your pronunciation is with correct word stress, as making mistakes with stress causes more misunderstandings than mispronouncing the word. ─── 学会利用重音标记大多数英语词典都用“5”表示单词的重音。这个标记表示这个音节是重读的:如

2、B: That mispronouncing led to great confusion. ─── 那个发音错误造成很大的混淆。

3、They called for any number of reasons to request a song or an artist and to tease me for mispronouncing the name of their county. ─── 他们打电话来是出自各种原因,要点播一曲歌,或是哪位歌星的歌,或仅仅是关系到我把他们县的名字念错了。

4、While some customers end up mispronouncing the name or asking quizzically about what kind of animal it is, it's an opportunity that Andy Dunn, chief executive and co-founder, relishes. ─── 虽然一些客户还是读错名字或者好奇地询问这到底是哪种动物,但这正是首席执行长和联席创始人安迪?邓恩(AndyDunn)所期望的。

5、Except that I was mispronouncing one town's name. ─── 除了我读错了一个城镇的名字以外。

6、People are always mispronouncing my name. ─── 人们总是把我的名字读错。

7、Dearrrrrr Eve:First of alllll, please forgive me for mispronouncing your name as Eva all the time. ─── 不知道小时候是在什么因素的影响下,形成了快走的习惯。

8、The title here was taken from an anecdote with an old man visiting the garden.By mispronouncing the word calligraphy - shufa - he made the artists think of a sofa. ─── 该作品的名称源自一位参观花园的上海老人,从他嘴里说出的“书法”二字,其读音让这些广东艺术家们以为他说的是“沙发”。

9、Don't pull him up from time to time for mispronouncing a syllable. ─── 不要老是因为他念错一个音节就打断他。

10、They're too afraid of bungling the grammar or mispronouncing words in a way that would embarrass them. ─── 他们太害怕因为发错音或犯语法错误而遭遇尴尬了。

11、While some customers end up mispronouncing the name or asking quizzically about what kind of animal it is, it's an opportunity that Andy Dunn, chief executive and co-founder, relishes. ─── 虽然一些客户还是读错名字或者好奇地询问这到底是哪种动物,但这正是首席执行长和联席创始人安迪·邓恩(Andy Dunn)所期望的。

12、If everyone in your class ?including the teacher ?knows the spelling and meaning of a word but is mispronouncing something as simple as a vowel sound it could make you all indecipherable. ─── 如果在你课堂的每一个人-包括你的老师-知道拼音及字汇的意思但是错误的发音就像是母音那会让你完全难以理解。


不是!事实上,美国人在读 Louis Vuitton 的时候,都尽量模仿法语读音,虽然几乎都学得很失败。

学正确发音特别容易,上 Google Translate,输入原文拼音,就可以听到正确读音,照样学着念就是了,语言天赋高的人可以学得惟妙惟肖。

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