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10-03 投稿


memorializing 发音

英:[m??m??ri?la?z??]  美:[m??m??ri?la?z??]

英:  美:

memorializing 中文意思翻译



memorializing 词性/词形变化,memorializing变形

动词过去分词: memorialized |名词: memorialization |动词过去式: memorialized |动词第三人称单数: memorializes |动词现在分词: memorializing |

memorializing 相似词语短语

1、memorialize ─── vt.纪念;请愿;提出请愿书

2、materializing ─── vt.使具体化,使有形;使突然出现;使重物质而轻精神;vi.实现,成形;突然出现

3、demobilizing ─── vt.遣散;使复员;使退伍(demobilise)

4、memorialising ─── 纪念;请愿;递交请愿书

5、deformalizing ─── vt.使不拘礼节;使非正式;简化

6、demoralizing ─── adj.令人泄气的;v.使无斗志;使堕落(demoralize的ing形式)

7、mercurializing ─── v.使轻松;v.用水银处理

8、remoralizing ─── vt.使重有德性;重新赋予道德

9、immortalizing ─── vt.使不灭;使名垂千古,使不朽

memorializing 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、4 Memorializing and Organizing Information in an Accessible Form; ─── 以一种可以了解的形式记忆和组织信息;

2、Guiding Ideals of Chinese Resisting Japanese Aggression University of Military and Politics and Its Significance for Contemporary Military Academy Education--Memorializing the 70th Anniversary of Chinese Resisting Japanese ─── 抗大办学理念对当代军校教育的启示--纪念中国人民抗日军政大学成立70周年

3、The Obama administration deserves major credit not only for ceasing this practice, but for memorializing it formally in writing. ─── 奥巴马当局值得表扬不仅仅因为他停止了以上条例,而且因为他以书面的形式正式记录了。

4、Memorializing and Organizing Information in an Accessible Form; ─── 以一种可以了解的形式记忆和组织信息;

5、Images of Piye on the elaborate granite slabs, or stelae, memorializing his conquest of Egypt have long since been chiseled away. ─── 那些花岗岩石板和石碑上纪念他征服埃及的图象早就被凿下并偷走。

6、he says, should include showing patience, resilience and self-sacrifice in the face of tragedy, and memorializing the dead. ─── 他还说到,在面对灾难时,这种态度应表示为耐心、韧性以及自我牺牲精神。 除此之外,还包括对死者的悼念。

7、Images of Piye on the elaborate granite slabs, or stelae, memorializing his conquest of Egypt have long since been chiseled away. ─── 花岗岩石板和石碑上纪念他征服埃及的图象早就被凿下并偷走。

8、It's a day of memorializing mothers. ─── 这天是纪念母亲的日子。

9、A concert memorializing the late Hong Kong mega star Leslie Cheung will be held at Shanghai Stadium on April 19. ─── 为纪念香港已故巨星张国荣,上海剧院将于4月19日举办一场演唱会。

10、That response, he says, should include showing patience, resilience and self-sacrifice in the face of tragedy, and memorializing the dead. ─── 他还说到,在面对灾难时,这种态度应表示为耐心、韧性以及自我牺牲精神。除此之外,还包括对死者的悼念。

11、Monks, nomads and merchants have turned the joyous Losar holiday into a dirge, memorializing TBans who died in last year's conflict and pining for the return of the exiled Dalai Lama. ─── 僧侣、牧民和商人们纷纷追悼在去年冲突中的死难者和希冀流亡国外的DLLM的归来。他们早已将喜庆的洛萨节日变成丧事一桩,哀歌一曲。

12、Copi:untuk membuat salinan data cadangan dari memori telepon ke kartu SIM memori atau membuat salinan data cadangan dari kartu SIM memori ke memori telepon. ─── 拷贝: 可将手机中的记录复制到SIM上或将SIM卡上的记录复制到手机中。

13、The Spanish-American memoria--newspaper verses memorializing the dead--have been considered to be folk poetry, leading folklorist T. M. Pearce, an investigator of this and other local verse, to propose this definition of a folk poet: ─── 西班牙裔美国人所写的纪念词,即在报纸上发表的悼念死者的韵文,也被看作是民间诗歌。 民俗学的先导T - M - 珀西,曾调查了这一领域和其他的诗歌,对民间诗人作了如下的定义:

14、Many who opposed the library had moral objections to memorializing a President whose behavior in office was reproachable, and they feared a negative effect on the university's reputation. ─── 最后再回到尼克松图书馆的话题。1974年底,美国政府做出决定将尼克松在任期间所有的文件资料暂时收入国家档案馆,以利于水门事件及相关事件的进一步调查。

15、The Academic Mien of the Great Master of Linguistics Memorializing Professor Yin Huan-xian ─── 殷焕先先生的学术风范

16、Still, he didn't bother memorializing himself with a photograph on his book cover or even mention his illness inside. ─── 不过,他没有在该书封面上用照片来纪念自己,或甚至在书中提及他身患绝症一事。

17、Our products “Jinglong” having high value in memorializing and collecting ,because of its excellent raw material ,fine workmanship ,unique shape and glittery appearance . ─── 该公司生产的“晶龙”牌系列水晶工艺礼品用料优质、精细磨雕、造型独特、耀眼夺目。

18、Instead, we ask questions about whose imagination and memory we are expressing and memorializing. ─── 相反地,我们质疑,我们表达和纪念的是谁的想象和记忆。

19、This museum is established for memorializing the great writer Lu Xun. ─── 这个博物馆是为了纪念伟大作家鲁迅而建造的。

20、Images of Piye on the elaborate granite slabs, or stelae, memorializing his conquest of Egypt have long since been chiseled away. ─── 那些花岗岩石板和石碑上纪念他征服埃及的图象早就被凿下并偷走。

21、A park memorializing the 1923quake was constructed on the site where 30, 000 people died in afirestorm. ─── 一个纪念1923年地震的公园建在有三万人死于一次风暴性大火的地点。

22、The System of Memorializing to the Throne in the Reign of Emperor Qianlong ─── 乾隆朝奏折制度探析

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