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10-03 投稿


Mannheim 发音

英:[?m?nha?m]  美:[?m?nha?m]

英:  美:

Mannheim 中文意思翻译



Mannheim 短语词组

1、mannheim forum ─── 曼海姆论坛

2、Mannheim school ─── 曼海姆学校

3、mannheim university ─── 曼海姆大学

4、Mannheim absorption system ─── [化] 曼海姆吸收装置

5、Mannheim process ─── [机] 曼海姆法

Mannheim 相似词语短语

1、manchet ─── n.精粉面包;n.(Manchet)(法)芒谢(人名)

2、mannerism ─── n.特殊习惯;矫揉造作;怪癖

3、manche ─── n.芒什省(法国省份);芒什海峡

4、Mannheim ─── n.曼海姆(位于德国西南部一城市)

5、Blenheim ─── n.布伦海姆(德国西部村庄);布伦海姆(狗的一种);布伦海姆(轰炸机)

6、Waldheim ─── 瓦尔德海姆;n.(Waldheim)人名;(英、德、瑞典)瓦尔德海姆

7、Anaheim ─── n.阿纳海姆(美国加利福尼亚州西南部城市)

8、Mannerheim ─── n.(Mannerheim)人名;(瑞典、芬)曼纳海姆

9、Sondheim ─── 桑德海姆(人名)

Mannheim 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The process conditions,such as temperature,pressure and the amount of active agent added for the production of granular potassium sulfate based on Mannheim method are given. ─── 给出了在曼海姆工艺基础上生产颗粒硫酸钾的温度、压力、活性物质添加量等条件。

2、An Unbuilt Work: Hans Scharoun & National Theatre Project in Mannheim ─── 一件未问世的作品:汉斯·夏隆的曼海姆国家剧院方案

3、ueber Halle, Kassel, Frankfurt, Mannheim. ─── 明天同行去karlsruhe方向?

4、He had since become one of the busiest architects in Mannheim, then a booming industrial town. ─── 从那时起,他便是那个当时正欣欣向荣的工业城市曼海姆最走红的建筑师之一。

5、Lou Mannheim said in the movie 'Wall Street': 'Man looks in the abyss, there's nothing staring back at him. ─── 洛乌?曼海姆(LouMannheim)曾在电影《华尔街》中说过:人类看向深渊,而那里却无人回望。

6、Keywords potassium sulphate;chemical fertilizer;Mannheim furnace; ─── 硫酸钾;化学肥料;曼海姆炉;

7、The beautiful dome of Mannheim church. ─── |漂亮的曼海姆教堂穹顶。

8、As a specialty at university, taking university Mannheim for example, the study contents and the study plan of Business Administration Information are listed. ─── 作为大学的一门专业,以曼海姆大学为例,列举了工商管理信息工程的教学内容和教学计划。

9、Keywords granular potassium sulfate;mannheim method;fertilizer; ─── 颗粒硫酸钾;曼海姆法;肥料;

10、....Siggy (Sigfried Mannheim) Overseas Div.Director for Robinson Intl. ─── 杰克与仙豆 Jack and the Beanstalk: The Real Story (2001) .

11、Mannheim: Rationality and Irrationality of Social Rebuilding Era ─── 曼海姆:社会重建时代的理性与非理性研究

12、Keywords Mannheim Stove;potassiun sulfate;silicon carbide; ─── 曼海姆炉;硫酸钾;碳化硅;

13、Book online the cheapest hotels in Mannheim - low prices and high discounts. ─── 网上预定在 曼海姆 最便宜的酒店 - 价格优惠折扣多多。

14、Mannheim absorption system ─── 曼海姆吸收装置

15、Mannheim process ─── [机] 曼海姆法

16、Keywords potassium sulfate;production;technology based on Mannheim process; ─── 关键词硫酸钾;生产;曼海姆法;

17、Romanian-born Alina Percea, who studies in Mannheim, was paid $17900 in cash for a weekend of sex with an Italian businessman after auctioning her virginity online. ─── 不过柏林税务部门在听闻此消息后表示,她的行为等同于卖淫,虽然不违法,但是要对其征收高达50%的税款。

18、A city of southwest Germany on the Rhine River north-northwest of Mannheim. ─── 沃尔姆斯:德国西南部位于曼海姆西北偏北莱茵河上的一座城市。

19、Some experiences of appling Mannheim Stove to produce potassium sulfate ─── 应用曼海姆炉生产硫酸钾过程中的几点经验

20、A city of central Germany north-northeast of Mannheim on the Main River. First mentioned in the tenth century, it is an industrial center noted for its leather goods. Population,107, 378. ─── 奥芬巴赫市德国中部一城市,位于梅茵河沿岸曼海姆市东北偏北,于10世纪时第一次如此命名,为一工业城市,以皮制品闻名。人口107,378

21、Production practice of a Mannheim potassium sulphate plant ─── 曼海姆法硫酸钾装置的生产实践

22、Along with her two sons, Eugen and Richard, she 1)undertook in 1888 the first-ever long distance car trip, 100 km from Mannheim to Pforzheim. ─── 她带着两名儿子尤金与理查,在1888年展开有史以来的第一趟长途汽车旅行--由曼罕到佛兹汉,距离一百公里。

23、The Mannheim Centre for the Study of Criminology and Criminal Justice。 ─── 该中心主要从事犯罪学研究,跨社会学、法律及心理学等多种学科。

24、Convention concerning the Navigation of the Rhine(Convertion of Mannheim) ─── 莱茵河航行公约 (曼海姆公约)

25、In 1947 he passed the College Entrance Examination (Abitur) in his hometown of Mannheim. ─── 1947年,他在他的家乡曼海姆通过了大学入学考试。

26、Keywords Potassium Sulphate Mannheim Furnace Method Metathesis Method Association-Displacement Method Comprehensive Utilization of the Potassium Mines; ─── 硫酸钾;曼海姆炉法;复分解法;缔置法;钾矿;综合利用;

27、Satellite picture of the city of Mannheim. ─── 这是曼海姆市的卫星照片。

28、Mannheim Iron Foundry of German Benz Automobile Corporation. ─── 德国奔驰汽车公司曼海姆铸铁厂

29、Born in Mannheim, Germany, Lexi dreamed of eventually moving to Hollywood and made it a point to attend every karate tournament that took place in the United States. ─── 简介: A former World Karate and Kickboxing Champion, Lexi Alexander found her calling to become a filmmaker while traveling around the world competing and teaching martial arts seminars.

30、Keywords Mannheim process;K2SO4;waste disposal;cleaner production;lower cost; ─── 曼海姆法;硫酸钾;三废治理;清洁生产;降低成本;

31、I heard your string quartet in Mannheim. ─── 我在曼海姆时听过你的弦乐四重奏。

32、The operation of Mannheim Oven in the production of potassium sulfate ─── 硫酸钾生产中曼海姆炉的运行实践

33、mannheim International Film Festival ─── 曼海姆国际电影节

34、Based on the demands of township enterprises in the province and the local conditions,a two step method of potassium sulfate production was adopted instead of the traditional one step Mannheim furnace method. ─── 针对贵州省乡镇企业的需求和可能条件,将曼海姆炉法一步生产硫酸钾的工艺,改为二步法生产。

35、mannheim method ─── 曼海姆法

36、Each individual’s youth faithfully repeats that of his forebears, introducing him to a role that lives on unchanged: it is a “pre-scribed” youth, which, to quote Mannheim again, knows no “entelechy. ─── 每一个个体的青年时期忠实地重复着他祖先的足迹,使他成为一个一成不变的角色:这是模仿前辈的年轻,再次引用曼海姆的话,叫做没有“实体”的年轻。

37、Karl Mannheim pointed out that the root of modern crisis in Western society lay in the disorder of rationality and irrationality during social development. ─── 曼海姆指出,现代西方社会危机根源于理性与非理性在社会发展中的失调,主要表现在:人类控制非理性能力发展的不均衡与分配的不平等;

38、Mannheim Steamroller - Romantic Themes ─── 浪漫主题曲

39、Frankfurt School's Critique of Mannheim's Sociology of Knowledge ─── 试析法兰克福学派对曼海姆知识社会学的批判

40、The structure,construction and operation principle of Mannheim Oven are introduced. ─── 介绍了曼海姆炉的结构特点、砌筑方式及工作原理。

41、Mannheim salt-cake furnace ─── 曼海姆制盐饼炉

42、She grew up in Germany , Mannheim , in an artistic surrounding.Her father was an architect. ─── 她在德国曼海姆丰富的艺术氛围里长大,父亲是位建筑师。

43、The process and equipment of potassium sulfate based on Mannheim process are introduced; its advantage and shortcoming is analyzed. ─── 简要介绍了曼海姆法硫酸钾生产工艺设备情况,及优缺点。

44、the manager of the Mercure Hotel Mannheim am Rathaus, would like to welcome you. ─── 在美居,我们将尽一切可能,确保您能度过一个美好的夜晚!

45、9) Various cities discussed ,the possibility of transplanting the Bauhaus,among them Frankfurt,Hagen,Mannheim,Darmstadt, and Dessau. ─── 各个城市都在讨论着包豪斯迁移的各种可能性,其中有法兰克福,哈根,曼汉,达木斯特,还有德桑。

46、A city of central Germany north-northeast of Mannheim on the Main River. First mentioned in the tenth century,it is an industrial center noted for its leather goods. Population,107,378. ─── 奥芬巴赫市德国中部一城市,位于梅茵河沿岸曼海姆市东北偏北,于10世纪时第一次如此命名,为一工业城市,以皮制品闻名。人口107,378。

47、He then became the official Stenographer for the City of Mannheim. ─── 后来,他成为了曼海姆市的官方速录师。

48、Mannheim, Karl(1960)。 Ideology and utopia : an introduction to the sociology of knowledge。London : Routledge &Kegan Paul。 ─── 黎鸣,李书崇译(2000)。意识形态与乌邦。北京市:商务印书馆。

49、Music and Education: A Co-operation of Youth: a concert in Xuzhou by Chinese art school students together with Chinese and European music teachers from Leoben, Austria and Mannheim, Germany ─── 音乐和教育:青年合作:奥地利、德国的音乐老师和中国徐州艺术学校学生合作音乐会

50、Christian Mayer, director of the Mannheim Observatory, is considered the first to have observed Zeta Aquarii to be double. ─── 曼海姆天文台的台长克里斯琴·迈耶是最先考虑坟墓一是双星的天文学家。

51、In early May, after Mouazzen had returned to Mannheim, he received a furious phone call from his client in Iran. ─── 五月初,在穆阿仁回到曼海姆后,他接到了一位伊朗客户的电话,这位客户在电话里显得怒气冲冲。

52、1871 at the age of 27 Karl Benz got together with a partner August Ritter in Mannheim to form his first company the "Iron Foundry and Machine Shop". ─── 1871年卡尔.本茨27岁时和合伙人在德国的曼海姆城市建立了他的第一家公司---“铸铁&机械厂”。

53、Greatly influenced by Karl Mannheim's theory of Sociology of Knowledge, some important points of the science and sociology of knowledge SSK have some resemblance to Mannheim's theory. ─── 曼海姆的知识社会学对科学知识社会学(SSK)具有重大影响;科学知识社会学的一些重要观点都可以看到曼海姆理论的“影子”。

54、Keywords Mannheim process;potassium sulfate;analysis of problems existed in production; ─── 曼海姆法;硫酸钾;生产问题分析;

55、Tags: Bilder , Heidelberg , Landschaft , Mannheim .。 ─── 6 评论 标签: 图片, 海德堡, 风景, 曼海姆。

56、Mannheim gold ─── 曼海姆金曼海姆铜锌锡代金合金

57、She grew up in Germany , Mannheim , in an artistic surrounding. ─── 她在德国曼海姆丰富的艺术氛围里长大,父亲是位建筑师。

58、Martin Zeller, born 1961 in Mannheim, studied communication design at the College of Design in Darmstadt. ─── 马田.施勒1961年生于曼咸,在登士达设计学院攻读传理设计。

59、"It was two latex dildos with a natural look, " said a spokesman for police in the southwestern city of Mannheim. ─── 「这名顾客挟带的是两支胶质阳具,外观非常拟真,」德国西南部城市曼海姆警方一名发言人说。

60、The first stop Mannheim, Germany. ─── 首先停在德国的曼海姆。

61、The way for domestic construction of Mannheim furnace for production ─── 浅析硫酸钾曼海姆反应炉的国产化

62、Mannheim Stove ─── 曼海姆炉

63、mannheim curve ─── 曼海姆曲线

64、Convention concerning the Navigation of the Rhine (Convertion of Mannheim) ─── 莱茵河航行公约(曼海姆公约);曼海姆公约

65、In “stable communities,” that is in status of “traditional” societies, writes Karl Mannheim, “‘BeingYoung’ is a question of biological differentiation. ─── 在“稳定社会”中,也就是“传统”的等级社会,卡尔曼海姆写道,年轻是生物学上的差异。

66、Karl Mannheim (1936) extended Marx's theory of ideology into a sociology of knowledge. ─── 卡尔·曼海姆(1936)把马克思的的意识形态的理论扩展到社会知识领域。

67、In 1778, he was in the town of Mannheim. ─── 在1778年,他在曼海姆市。

68、The content of this page is from the MANNHEIM port or MANNHEIM customs import and export company directory; ─── 本页面内容主要是来自MANNHEIM港口或MANNHEIM海关的进出口公司目录;

69、Tags: Bilder , Lichterfest , Mannheim , Sony A200 , Tamron 17-50/2.8 .。 ─── 6 评论 标签: 图片, 灯光, 曼海姆, 索尼卧龙, 腾龙17-50/2.8。

70、He had since become one of the busiest architects in Mannheim, then a booming industrial town. ─── 从那时起,他便是那个当时正欣欣向荣的工业城市曼海姆最走红的建筑师之一。

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