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10-03 投稿


manicate 发音


英:  美:

manicate 中文意思翻译



manicate 相似词语短语

1、sonicate ─── n.对……进行声处理

2、medicate ─── vt.用药治疗;加药品于

3、radicate ─── vt.确立;使生根;vi.生根;adj.生根的

4、masticate ─── vt.咀嚼;粉碎;撕捏;vi.咀嚼;粉碎;撕捏

5、manducate ─── v.狼吞虎咽地吃;咀嚼

6、manicure ─── n.修指甲,美甲,指甲护理;v.修剪,美甲,护理指甲

7、muticate ─── 肢解

8、muricate ─── adj.多刺的;有粗糙隆起的

9、micate ─── 小的

manicate 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、mixed manic melancholia ─── 混合型躁狂抑郁症

2、Manic Monday: Dow roars back from worst week ever. ─── 狂躁星期一:道指从历史上最坏的一周狂涨。

3、Keywords Sodium valproate;Carbamazepine;Manic episodes; ─── 关键词丙戊酸钠;卡马西平;躁狂发作;

4、A 23-year old man had unilateral rubral tremors as a result of a midbrain lesion plus risperidone exposure for treatment of manic symptoms. ─── 其症状的产生与其原本未发现之单侧中脑病灶及使用理思必妥有关。

5、There has also been a resurgence of mergers and acquisitions for which companies are raising debt and equity.Unless the merger activity becomes manic, it may also help stock markets along. ─── 同时提升负债和资产净值的公司并购也已经复苏,除非并购陷入非理性,否则这将会推动股市长期向好。

6、Keywords Bipolar disorder Manic episode Depakin Lithium carbonate; ─── 双相障碍;躁狂发作;德巴金;碳酸锂;

7、” The reader is introduced to Eric Cash, a dour wannabe writer trapped in a life of restaurant managing, and William Marcus, a manic, tragic man confounded by the death of his son. ─── 在书中读者结识了EricCash,一个阴沉的怀揣作家梦却不得不整日忙于餐馆生意的家伙,还有WilliamMarcus,一个因儿子的死而倍受打击的狂躁的悲剧性男子。

8、Is also called the excitation period, displays to be agitated restlessly, simultaneously presents rabies unique hydrophobia shape, paroxysmal manic and is accompanied by salivates. ─── 又称为兴奋期,表现为烦躁不安,同时出现狂犬病独特的恐水症状、阵发性的狂躁并伴有流涎。

9、manic psychosis ─── 狂症

10、manic, off - the - wall creativity; off - the - wall humor. ─── 狂热的、异乎寻常的创造性;古怪的幽默

11、Evidence-based Medicine Process of An Old Patient with Manic ─── 一例老年躁狂患者治疗的循证医学过程

12、2.For a pop psychologist like Hitchens all saints are basket cases: hearing voices means schizophrenia, spiritual elation followed by aridity means manic depression. ─── 对于息金斯这样的通俗心理学家来说,所有的圣人都是无可救药的人:听到(上帝的)声音好像得了精神分裂症,狂喜和抑郁的交织又好像得了躁郁症。

13、Some researcITs suggest the mental state may share not neurochemical characteristics with the manic phavee of manic depression. ─── 一部份研究员提到,这一心里状态估计和狂躁状态的躁郁症有相同的神经化学特征。

14、Practically everyone is a manic depressive of sorts with his up moments and his down moments, and you certainly don't do a humorist to taste the sadness of situation and mood. ─── 实际上我们每个人都有着几分那躁狂有余症患者的味道,有着起高昂的片刻,也有着其低沉的时分,而你也无需乎非得是一名幽默家才能体味到情景或情绪上凄惨成分。

15、No significant difference was found between 18 manic and 13 depressive patients in CEM. ─── 18例躁狂发作和13例抑郁发作的患者之间,CEM值差异均无显著性;

16、"The Italian press has always been more manic than here," explains Brady. ─── “意大利媒体一直在这里更躁狂比解释道,“布兰迪。

17、Keywords Manic episode;Sodium valproate;Lithium carbonate.; ─── 关键词躁狂发作;丙戊酸钠;碳酸锂;

18、There is only one who could stop us - or imagine if he should join us... [As Norman watches in fear, the Goblin bares his teeth in an utterly manic grin... ─── 宜家就净系一个人会阻住我地-又或者距会加入我地。。。

19、childhood manic depressive psychosis ─── 儿童躁郁症

20、If you find yourself unaccountably laughing, for instance, you could be overdosing on manganese. Manganese madness is a recognized disorder that can produce manic states followed by deep depression. ─── 比如,如果你发现自己无缘无故地大笑,那可能是锰摄入过多。而锰引发的疯狂被认为是一种病症,它可引起狂躁,继而发展成深度沮丧的状态。

21、Vermeer had no manic fits of creativity, left no piles of preparatory sketches. ─── 弗米尔从不缺乏创造的灵感,因而也未留下未完的草稿。

22、An English professor at Wake Forest University in North Carolina, Mr Wilson has crafted a tirade against the country's “wanton” embrace of “manic bliss”. ─── 然后他亲自去了这些地方力求找到他们快乐的秘密。“你快乐吗?"他问冰岛,泰国,印度和荷兰的当地居民们。

23、Moderate manic bipolar I disorder ─── 中度躁狂性双极情感Ⅰ障碍

24、manic depressive reaction ─── 狂躁抑郁性反应

25、Spring Road, he cultivated a frivolous summer mania, Summer's manic energy depletion in the autumn, the autumn leaves painted eyeful of that decline to weather the decline. ─── 他却道春的轻浮培养了夏的狂躁,夏的狂躁耗尽了秋的能量,因此满眼秋风落叶描绘了那走向衰败的没落气象。

26、Keywords Quetiapine;Mood stabilizers;Manic episode; ─── 奎硫平;心境稳定剂;躁狂发作;

27、puerperal manic state ─── 产后躁狂状态

28、Keywords Bipolar disorder;Haloperidol;Risperidone;Acute manic episode; ─── 双相情感障碍;氟哌啶醇;利培酮;急性躁狂发作;

29、A comparative study of the rapid tranquilization strategy of olanzapine and haloperidol injection for acute manic episode ─── 奥氮平快速镇静疗法与氟哌啶醇肌注治疗急性躁狂发作的对照研究

30、You drive like a manic. ─── 你开车跟疯子一样。

31、The 5-HIAA concentrations of headache type epilepsy, manic depressive psychosis were reduced significantly (P

32、a major depressive episode that occurs without the manic phase that occurs in the classic form of bipolar disorder. ─── 没有狂躁阶段的一种主要的抑郁阶段。

33、Market is depressed and buy when he is manic. ─── 当市场先生疯狂时,大多数人想买。

34、James, the son of Alphaeus, and Thaddaeus definitely have radical leanings, and they both registered a high score on the manic depressive scale. ─── 亚勒腓的儿子雅各和达太,都是激进份子,有明显的躁郁症倾向;

35、Story 1 was about this 13-year-old boy who was a little sex manic, he once tried to jack off by sticking a deliberately sharpened carrot up his own rear end. ─── 故事 1 是有关是小的性别这个 13 个年的-有精神的老人事狂躁的,一次试着藉由向上黏住故意地使的胡萝卜尖锐他的自己后面来走开抬起的他结束。

36、Chuck's manic existence abruptly ends when, after a plane crash, he becomes isolated on a remote island - cast away into the most desolate environment imaginable. ─── 一次意外,罗伦因公干搭乘的飞机失事坠毁,他飘流到一个人迹罕至的荒岛,度过了漫长的四年独处日子。

37、Single factor and regression study on the risks associated with manic episode induced by antidepressants in patients with bipolar depression ─── 抗抑郁药物引起双相抑郁患者转相的单因素研究及回归分析

38、"In my eyes, and all those who have read it with anything like impartiality, it is a review driven by an almost manic desire to bad-mouth and perversely depreciate anything of value," he wrote. ─── “不仅是我,任何不抱有偏见的人读到这篇书评,都会觉得此文充斥着一股近乎狂暴的执念,因而满是刻毒的言辞;并且一棍子打死了全部有价值的内容。”

39、Her husband, Paul Wilson, was a manic depressive, who spent most of his life in expensive sanatoriums which Perkins had to pay for. ─── 威尔逊,患有抑郁狂躁症,他的大部分时间都是在昂贵的疗养院里度过的,而他所有的花费都要由贝金斯来担负。

40、Comparative on Treatments of the Patients with Manic Episode in Late 90's and Late 80's ─── 80年代末与90年代末躁狂发作患者治疗比较

41、This has often led to speculation on whether I were manic depressive in nature too. ─── 所以很多人也常常怀疑我是否也是一个性格忧郁的家伙。

42、The following prepared formulae are suitable for qi deficient, blood deficient, or qi and blood both deficient or heart or spleen both injured and resulting dementia or manic depression. ─── 此类成药适用于气虚,血虚,或气血两虚,或心脾俱损伤之痴呆和躁郁症。

44、Mr. Market was on a manic rampage until October and then experienced a sudden, massive seizure. ─── 市场先生在十月以前爆跳如雷,但之后却突然收敛了下来。

45、 双语使用场景

46、Then I get manic depressed, see the orthodontist, get gas masks, kick ass. ─── 然后我得了狂躁病,看那个牙齿矫正医生,赶快找个氧气面具,真强!(不好表达凑活下)

47、Babbling about Scientology and displaying manic intensity on camera serves little purpose when you are famous. ─── 当你已经很有名的时候,所有关于科学教派的胡言乱语,或是镜头前的极度狂躁,都不会产生任何意义。

48、Three manic idiots; a lawyer, cab driver and a handyman team up to run a ballet company to fulfill the will of a millionaire. ─── 一个律师、出租车司机和一个杂物工执行一位百万富翁的意愿合作经营一家芭蕾舞公司。

49、A normally quiet person, when manic, may find himself unable to stop talking to everyone he meets. ─── 一个通常安静的人,躁狂时可能发现不能阻止自己与每个见到的人谈话。

50、manic mood swings ─── 喜怒无常的情绪变化

51、However, sufferers will eventually exhibit a manic or hypo-manic episode in which their mood and energy are persistently elevated, euphoric or irritable (usually lasting for a minimum of one week). ─── 然而,患者总是会经历一段躁狂或亚躁狂的阶段,在此阶段中,他们的心情和精力水平不断地提高,可能是欣快的,也可能是急躁易怒的(通常最少持续一周)。

52、Weston finished his manic typing. ─── 威斯顿发狂似地打完了字。

53、A study on clinical practicality observation and evaluation in carbamazepine treatment of manic episode ─── 卡马西平治疗躁狂发作的临床实用性观察与评价

54、The person rabies' symptom may divide into: Prodromal stage, manic time, paralysis time three stages. ─── 人狂犬病的症状可分为:前驱期、狂躁期、麻痹期三个阶段。

55、a major depressive episode that occurs without the manic phase that occurs in the classic form of bipolar disorder ─── 没有狂躁阶段的一种主要的抑郁阶段

56、Abstract : Objective: To study the characteristics of critical twinkle visual frequency for different color of light in manic patients. ─── 摘要 : 目的 探讨躁狂型精神分裂症患者对不同色光的临界闪烁视频率的特性。

57、"Depression is the more common symptom, and many patients experience only a Brief period of overoptimism and mild euphoria during the manic phase." ─── 抑郁症为较常见症状,在躁狂阶段,许多患者经历短暂的过分乐观和中度欣快。

58、You wouldn't look like a manic. ─── 你不该显得如此不明事理

59、A comparative study of risperidone and haloperidol in the treatment of manic episodes of bipolar disorder ─── 利培酮与氟哌啶醇治疗双相躁狂的对照研究

60、en I get manic depressed, see the orthodontist, get gas masks, kick ass. ─── 后我得了狂躁病,看那个牙齿矫正医生,赶快找个氧气面具,真强!(不好表达凑活下)

61、A control study of sodium valproate and carbamazepine in the treatment of manic episodes ─── 丙戊酸钠与卡马西平治疗躁狂发作临床观察

62、I also have intermittently manic sickness, I am wants to fall the thing to curse at people asks the human to fight one. ─── 我还有间歇性的狂躁症,我时不时的就想摔东西骂人找人打上一架。

63、Therapeutic effects of magnesium valproate sustained release tablets and lithium carbonas on manic episode and their effects on quality of life in patients with this disorder: a control study ─── 丙戊酸镁缓释片与碳酸锂对躁狂发作的疗效及生存质量的对照研究

64、Lamotrigine vs magnesium valproate sustained release tablet in treatment of bipolar disorder manic episode ─── 拉莫三嗪与丙戊酸镁缓释片治疗双相障碍躁狂发作的疗效比较

65、And the manic roar of the crowd begins. ─── 台下的群众开始狂叫。

66、They indulge in a manic idealization of their young; it is the obverse of child battering but sometimes has equally fatal effects. ─── 他们狂热地把自己的孩子理想化,并且乐此不疲。这与打小孩是两个极端,但有时却具有相同的毁灭性后果。

67、He was manic and it was best to let him be. ─── 他那样狂躁,只好让他自便了。

68、Keywords Manic episode Carbamazepine Lithium carbonated; ─── 关键词躁狂发作;卡马西平;碳酸锂;

69、The other one is thinking of the shallowness of cause manic and academic divisions. ─── 另一种是思想的狂躁和学术的浅薄导致的分裂。

70、"It's a little bit obnoxious, a little bit in your face, but it's something you can never forget," he said, "It's a crazy, manic version of a town square." ─── 他说:“时代广场也许会让你感到有一丝不快,但它总是会让你永生难忘。它是一个令人疯狂的城市广

71、Keywords Manic episode;quetiapine;lithium carbonate; ─── 关键词躁狂发作;奎硫平;碳酸锂;

72、Germans have criticised manic Keynesianism in the UK. ─── 德国人对英国狂热的凯恩斯主义提出了批评。

73、Be in a manic state. ─── 混乱的状况。

74、Comparative study of magnesium valproate and lithium carbonate in treatment of manic episodes ─── 丙戊酸镁与碳酸锂治疗躁狂发作对照研究

75、Light therapy, like antidepressant medications, occasionally will cause someone to switch into a manic state. ─── 光线疗法同抗抑郁药一样偶尔诱发躁狂。

76、in a manic state. ─── 处于狂热状态

77、Bipolar Disorder , aka , manic depression is misunderstood and sadly , sufferers from this disease are often ostracized by their family and friends . ─── 燥郁症或忧郁症被人误解,而且可悲的是患者通常被亲友排斥。我们的节目要揭开这种病的神秘,介绍研究方面的进展和新治疗方式。

78、A slightly more up-to-date example of the superiority of busyness is presented by a friend who is a successful working mother and who last weekend went to a health farm to escape her manic lifestyle. ─── 一个表明忙碌优点的更新的例子,是我一个朋友提出的。她是一位成功的职业母亲,上周末她前往一个健康农场,以逃避她那令人发狂的生活方式。

79、They indulge in a manic idealization of their young; ─── 他们狂热地把自己的孩子理想化,并且乐此不疲。

80、A treatment of 36 manic patients with combing traditional and western medicine. ─── 中西医结合治疗躁狂症36例疗效观察。

81、A control study of sodium valproate and lithium carbonate in the treatment of manic episode ─── 丙戊酸钠与碳酸锂治疗躁狂发作对照研究

82、My book collecting habits are manic, and I am a confessed clutterholic. ─── 我也承认我是一个喜欢堆杂物的人。

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