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10-03 投稿


Paraguay 发音

英:[?p?r?ɡwa?]  美:[?p?r?ɡwa?]

英:  美:

Paraguay 中文意思翻译



Paraguay 网络释义

n. 巴拉圭(南美洲一国名)

Paraguay 短语词组

1、Republic of Paraguay ─── [网络] 巴拉圭共和国;巴拉龟共和国

2、ferreter paraguay ─── 巴拉圭费雷特

3、Paraguay tea ─── [医] 巴拉圭茶, 冬青茶

4、paraguay radio ─── 巴拉圭广播电台

5、capital of Paraguay ─── [网络] 巴拉圭首都

6、Paraguay jaborandi ─── [医] 巴拉圭毛果芸香叶

Paraguay 相似词语短语

1、Paraguayans ─── 巴拉圭人

2、Araguaya ─── n.阿拉瓜亚人;阿拉瓜亚河

3、paragram ─── 典范

4、Paraguay ─── n.巴拉圭(南美洲一国名);巴拉圭河

5、Paraguayan ─── n.巴拉圭人;adj.巴拉圭的

6、paragrams ─── 典范

7、Uruguay ─── n.乌拉圭(拉丁美洲国家)

8、paraquat ─── n.[农药]百草枯,[农药]对草快(除草剂名称)

9、paragraph ─── n.段落;短评;段落符号;vt.将…分段

Paraguay 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Paraguay, people create an effigy and dress him up like a scarecrow when the new year comes. ─── 新年来临,巴拉圭人都会专门制作雕像,然后把他打扮成稻草人的样子。

2、The state has 28 inspection points on the border with Santa Catarina, Mato Grosso, Sao Paulo and Paraguay. ─── 巴拉那港在与圣卡特来纳、马托格罗索、圣保罗以及巴拉圭的交界处设立了28个检查点。"

3、In 1924 Paraguay issued a set of three stamps with the same map design. ─── 1924年巴拉圭发行一套邮票三个具有相同的设计图.

4、In 1939 Paraguay issued a stamp showing the newly agreed-to border (C121). ─── 在巴拉圭,1939年发行的邮票,展示了新商定的边界.

5、A member of a South American Indian people of Paraguay, northern Argentina, and southern Brazil. ─── 瓜拉尼人巴拉圭、阿根廷北部和巴西南部的南美洲印地安人

6、Dueling is legal in Paraguay as long as both parties are registered blood donors. ─── 决斗在巴拉圭是合法的,只要双方都是注册捐血者。

7、Meanwhile, Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Costa Rica, Paraguay and Uruguay are considering measures to reduce trans fat consumption. ─── 同时,阿根廷,巴西,智利,哥斯达黎加,巴拉圭和乌拉圭正在考虑措施以降低反式脂肪酸摄入。

8、Is a swampy area in the interior of South America, between Brazil, Paraguay and Bolivia. ─── 是一个沼泽区位于室内,南美洲之间,巴西,巴拉圭和玻利维亚。

9、So it is with Paraguay. ─── 巴拉圭也是如此。

10、The Delegation thanked the Ambassador of Paraguay, for its efforts to move the process forward in the PCDA. ─── 代表团感谢巴拉圭大使为在PCDA中推进议程所做的努力。

11、Paraguay is a landlocked country. ─── 巴拉圭是个内陆的国家。

12、Yet the dark truth of his Paraguay was that he co-opted even his opponents into that system with him. ─── 然而事实上这个国家的黑暗还在于,反对者在他的巴拉圭里居然也被他指派到这个系统中和他一起腐败。

13、Gazetteer South America: Paraguay River basin. ─── 南美洲:巴拉圭河流域。

14、A member of any of a group of South American Indian peoples living along the coast of Brazil, in the Amazon River valley, and in Paraguay. ─── 图皮族居住在巴西,亚马孙河河谷和巴拉圭的南美洲印第安人的一个民族的成员

15、Until recently in Paraguay, companies were obliged to have every page of their accounts stamped with a judge's seal. No longer. ─── 直到最近,巴拉圭的企业都还需要在每页帐册上都盖上一个法官的印章,这种情况怕是再也不会有了。

16、They are located at the border of Argentina, Brazil and Paraguay. ─── 瀑布位于阿根廷、巴西、巴拉圭三国的边境。

17、Reports back in South America say that Benitez will join the Italian side once Paraguay's Olympic participation comes to an end. ─── 报道指出这个南美人很快就会结束他在巴拉圭奥林匹克的生涯。

18、Santa Cruz (Paraguay) ─── 圣克鲁斯(巴拉圭)

19、The first six letters of "Paraguay" are spread over the Chaco area, implying a territorial claim to the area. ─── 首六个字母的"巴拉圭"遍布查科地区,这意味着领土主张的地区.

20、A unit of currency in Andorra, Costa Rica, Paraguay, Spain, and Venezeula. ─── 分使用于安道尔、哥斯达黎加、巴拉圭、西班牙及委内瑞拉的一种货币单位

21、Do you think Taiwanese hospitable? Is Paraguay a hospitable country? ─── 你觉得国内人热情吗?巴拉圭是个热情的国家吗?

22、England kick off against Paraguay on June 10 and Rooney has been told to abandon any idea of playing in Frankfurt. ─── 英格兰6月10号挑战巴拉圭,鲁尼被告知他不会在法兰克福出场。

23、A 1-0 win Thursday night against Paraguay put the Swedes in position to move into the second round. ─── 上周四晚上,瑞典对巴拉圭的胜利给瑞典燃起了晋级十六强的希望之火。

24、Premier Yu presents a military sword to President Stroessner of Paraguay. ─── 俞院长赠送军刀给巴国史托斯纳尔总统。

25、Moreover, the Republic of Paraguay decided to apply the Argentine Civil Code until 1986. ─── 另外,巴拉圭共和国直到1986年都适用阿根廷民法典。

26、A city of northeast Argentina on the Paran River and the Paraguay border. It was founded in 1588. Population,180,612. ─── 科连特斯市位于巴拉那河上游与巴拉圭交界的阿根廷东北部城市。1588年建立。人口180,612。

27、In the semi-fianls, Iraq will play against either South Korea or Paraguay. ─── 伊拉克将在半决赛中对阵韩国和巴拉圭比赛的胜者。

28、And it started a long way back, years before Paraguay. ─── 远在我去巴拉圭前的许多年间,这样的体验就已经萌芽。

29、Wang Ping: Before the French World Cup, he even publicly de-clared that he would run for the Presidency of Paraguay. ─── 王平: 在法国世界杯前,他竟公开宣布他要竞选巴拉圭总统。

30、He wants to run for the presidency of Paraguay and changes the corruptive phenomenon of the society. ─── 他要竞选巴拉圭总统,改变社会的腐败现象。

31、He thinks that the fundamental reason of Paraguay's poverty is political corruption. ─── 奇拉维特认为,巴拉圭贫穷的根本原因是政治腐败。

32、Shortly after this the Chaco War between Bolivia and Paraguay began. ─── 不久,查之间的战争,玻利维亚和巴拉圭开始.

33、In Greece, Spain and Paraguay avoid the "OK" gesture - it symbolizes the part of body on which you sit. ─── 希腊、西班牙和巴拉圭这些国家不使用“OK”的手势,因为这个手势象征着我们坐下时,身体会用到的那个部位。

34、It is an herb native to Paraguay that has been used for centuries as a sweetener. ─── 它是巴拉圭的一种本地药草,作为甜味剂已经使用几百年。

35、If you travel to Paraguay with a device that does not accept 220 Volts at 50 Hertz, you will need a voltage converter. ─── 如果您到巴拉圭旅游带不能用220伏特、在50赫兹的器,比需要个电压converter。

36、Wang Ping: Talking about the goalkeeper, I appreciate Paraguay's Chilavert very much. ─── 王平:说起足球守门员,我对巴拉圭队的奇拉维特非常欣赏。

37、Sven fully expects all three to be training this week and available for Saturday's opener against Paraguay. ─── 斯文非常期待全部三名球员能在本周恢复训练,并能够参加周六对巴拉圭的首场比赛。

38、A city of northeast Argentina on the Paran River and the Paraguay border. It was founded in1588. Population,180, 612. ─── 科连特斯市位于巴拉那河上游与巴拉圭交界的阿根廷东北部城市。1588年建立。人口180,612

39、Where Paraguay, Brazil and Argentina meet, tourists are discovering the haunting remains of a Jesuit social experiment. ─── 如巴拉圭,巴西和阿根廷应付,困扰旅客的遗体,发现了耶稣的社会实验。

40、He is headed back to Taipei from a trip to Costa Rica and Paraguay. ─── 他结束对哥斯达黎加和巴拉圭的访问,在返回台湾途中。

41、The forward said he expects to be ready to lead the line against Paraguay and Eriksson is of a similar mindset. ─── 欧文表示他将做好准备,带领着国家队在世界杯上进行与巴拉圭队的首场比赛。

42、A member of any of a group of South American Indian peoples living along the coast of Brazil, in the Amazon River valley, and in Paraguay. ─── 图皮族居住在巴西,亚马孙河河谷和巴拉圭的南美洲印第安人的一个民族的成员

43、He'll go on talking about his experiences in Paraguay till the cows come home unless someone stops him. ─── 如果没有人打断他,他会滔滔不绝地谈他在巴拉圭的经历。

44、What time will the students of Paraguay leave school? ─── 巴拉圭的学生都几点放学?

45、Gazetteer South America: Paraguay basin. ─── 南美洲:巴拉圭流域。

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