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10-03 投稿


minimi 发音


英:  美:

minimi 中文意思翻译



minimi 短语词组

1、bursae trochanterica musculus glutaei minimi ─── [医] 臀小肌转子囊

2、abductor digiti minimi ─── [解剖]小指展肌小指展肌,小趾展肌 ─── [解剖]小趾展肌

3、extensor minimi digiti ─── [医] 小指固有伸肌

4、musculi flexor digiti minimi brevis ─── [医] 小指短屈肌

5、digitorum minimi ─── 最小数字

6、musculus abductor digiti minimi manus ─── [医]小指展肌

7、musculus abductor digiti minimi pedis ─── [医]小趾展肌

8、abductor digiti minimi muscle ─── 小指展肌

9、flexor brevls minimi digiti ─── [医] 小指短屈肌

10、extensor digiti minimi ─── [解剖]小指伸肌

minimi 相似词语短语

1、minimill ─── n.小钢铁厂(利用本地废钢铁的)

2、min min ─── 最小最小

3、minim ─── n.量滴(液量最小单位);极小的东西;二分音符;adj.最小的;微小的

4、minimist ─── 最小值

5、minims ─── n.量滴(液量最小单位);极小的东西;二分音符;adj.最小的;微小的

6、minima ─── n.极小值(minimum的复数);最小数

7、minimism ─── 最小值

8、minimise ─── vt.使缩到最小;成极小;求最小值

9、minimize ─── vt.使减到最少;小看,极度轻视;vi.最小化

minimi 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Minimi digit translocation ─── 小指固有伸肌腱

2、The magnetic flux leakage probe scans in a spiral along the pipeline to minimi… ─── 漏磁检测探头在抽油管内采用螺旋式轨迹扫查,能保证磨损缺陷不漏检。

3、deep palmar arch, besides the traditional (view-point), also consists of the branches of the redial artery and the ulnaris digiti minimi artery. ─── 深弓除传统介绍外尚见到由桡动脉和小指尺侧动脉分支所形成。

4、Heat loss minimi ation minimization ─── 热损失最小化

5、musculus opponens digiti minimi ─── 小指对掌肌

6、There was no significant difference inpositive rates of RNS between abductor digiti minimi and triangual muscle before or after efforts. ─── 小指展肌、三角肌疲劳前后RNS测试阳性率对比无显著性差异。

7、It damaged all the soft tissue aroused from fractures medially and laterally, included abductor digiti minimi as well. ─── 它损坏了由内侧和外侧骨折引起的所有软组织,包括数位外展肌。

8、musculus flexor digiti minimi brevis pedis ─── 小趾短屈肌

9、Adductor digiti minimi muscle of hand ─── 手小指收肌

10、Sect. Minimi ─── n. 矮灯心草组

11、Keywords minimi finger;muscle flexor;anastomosis;extrude;biomechanicas; ─── 环指;屈肌腱;吻接术;拉伸;力学性质;

12、Musculus extensor digiti minimi extensor muscle of thumb, long ─── 拇长伸肌:同

13、Tendinous sheath of extensor digiti minimi ─── 小指伸肌腱鞘

14、vaginae tendinis musculi extensoris digiti minimi ─── [医] 小指伸肌腱鞘

15、Extensor digiti minimi muscle tendon ─── 小指伸肌腱

16、Opponens digiti minimi muscle of hand ─── 手小指对掌肌

17、There are two variations:accessory abductor digiti minimi and the connection between the 2th and the 3th common digital nerve. ─── 本实验共发现两种变异方式:肌肉的变异和神经的变异。

18、Conclusion We found that the fascial arch of the opponens digiti minimi can compress the deep branch of the ulnar nerve causing motor deficit of the intrinsic muscles of hands. ─── 结论 小指对掌肌腱弓可以卡压尺神经深支,引起除小鱼际肌以外的尺神经支配的所有手内在肌的功能障碍。

19、Keywords Extensor digiti minimi;Extensor digitorum;Intertendinous connections;Anatomy; ─── 小指伸肌;指伸肌;腱间结合;解剖学;

20、Objective To explore the surgical effect of reconstruction of opponens pollicis with extentor minimi digiti translocation combined with the thumb web widening for the disturbance of opponens pollicis. ─── 目的研究拇对掌功能障碍患者在采用小指固有伸肌腱转位重建拇对掌功能的同时行虎口开大的手术疗效。

21、Musculus extensor digiti minimi extensor muscle of thumb, long ─── 拇长伸肌:同

22、dorsalis digiti minimi medialis artery ─── 内侧小趾背动脉

23、It was originally used as a support weapon however its mere 30 round magazine led to it recently being replaced in this role by the Belgian made minimi. ─── 它原先被当作支援武器使用,但30发的弹匣无法提供持续火力,因此现在正被比利时造米尼米机枪逐步代替。

24、Keywords Guyon s canal syndrome;the fascial arch of the opponens digiti minimi;ulnar artery; ─── 关键词腕部尺神经卡压;小指对掌肌腱弓;尺动脉;

25、musculus abductor digiti minimi manus ─── 小指展肌

26、In rebus mathematicis errores quam minimi non sunt contemnendi. ─── 在数学中最微小的误差也不可以忽略。

27、extensor digiti minimi ─── 小指伸肌

28、musculus abductor digiti minimi pedis ─── 小趾展肌

29、flexor brevis minimi digiti ─── 小指短屈肌

30、bursa trochanterica musculi glutei minimi ─── 臀小肌转子囊

31、Minimi finger ─── 小指

32、Abductor digiti minimi muscle of foot ─── 足小趾展肌

33、extensor minimi digiti ─── [医] 小指固有伸肌

34、The hiatus of the opponens digiti minimi ─── 小指对掌肌间隙

35、abductor digiti minimi ─── 小指(趾)展肌

36、Flexor digiti minimi brevis muscle of hand ─── 手小指短屈肌

37、Extensor digiti minimi muscle tendon sheath ─── 小指伸肌腱鞘

38、Extensor digiti minimi muscle tendon ─── 小指伸肌腱

39、Keywords The function of oppenens pollicis;Minimi digit translocation;The thumb web widing;Functional reconstruction; ─── 拇对掌功能;小指固有伸肌腱;虎口开大;功能重建;

40、- {{Developer note|Currently the L108A1 Minimi is using the M249 geometry (model). ─── }} + {{Developer note|当前的L108A1米尼米机枪使用M249的模型。

41、Conclusion Calcaneus osteomylitis can be cured by the abductor hallucis and abductor digiti minimi transfer, which can provide adequate blood supply and shows strong antiinfective capacity. ─── 结论拇展肌、小趾展肌有知名血管为蒂、血运丰富、抗感染力强,是治疗跟骨骨髓炎理想的充填材料。

42、Flexor digiti minimi brevis muscle of foot ─── 足小趾短屈肌

43、flexor digiti minimi brevis ─── 小指短屈肌, 小趾短屈肌

44、The fascial arch of the opponens digiti minimi ─── 小指对掌肌腱弓

45、bursae trochanterica musculus glutaei minimi ─── [医] 臀小肌转子囊

46、Methods As compared with abductor digiti minimi(ADM) muscle, anconeus RNS was conducted on 27 patients with myasthenia gravis and 21 control subjects. ─── 方法以小指展肌RNS缺血加强试验为对照,测定了重症肌无力27例及正常人21例的肘肌RNS。

47、flexor brevls minimi digiti ─── [医] 小指短屈肌

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