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10-03 投稿


mouldable 中文意思翻译



mouldable 相似词语短语

1、soundable ─── 可发声的

2、moldable ─── adj.可塑造的

3、boundable ─── 限制的

4、impoundable ─── 无能的

5、holdable ─── 可抓住的

6、woundable ─── adj.容易受伤的;会受伤的

7、foldable ─── adj.可折叠的;可合拢的

8、mouthable ─── 可口的

9、mountable ─── adj.可登上的;可安装的

mouldable 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Under natural temperature , it is mouldable and can be shaped freely and it can be strongly felted ! ─── 同时在常温下可呈塑泥料状态,可任意造型,粘结力强。

2、Especially important for new mouldable embroidery placements. ─── 特别是可模的定位刺绣。

3、mouldable state ─── 可塑态

4、This thesis describes a method to divide a non-mouldable thin-shell object into several mouldable pieces suitable for traditional two-piece moulding based on the surface visibility and mouldability. ─── 为此我们提供了一个方法,根据可脱模性和可视性,把被定义为不可脱模的薄壳物件,分割为数个可脱模物件,而每一个分割出来的物件都能被传统的两片公母模所制造。

5、They are in a crucial, but very mouldable stage of their lives.They keep searching for their life destiny. ─── 这一个时候的他们处在一个非常关键的塑造期,他们会不停地为自己寻找人生定位及方向。

6、Material scientists at Yale University have developed metal alloys that are easily mouldable and yet stronger than steel. ─── 耶鲁大学的材料科学家研制出了可以很容易模制,强度比钢高的金属合金。

7、mouldable mass ─── 可成型团料

8、refractory mouldable ─── 可捣制成型的耐火材料

9、The method for manufacturing the pallet begins by preparing the mouldable composition. ─── 该托盘的制造方法从制备该可塑组成物开始。

10、A cost effective alternative requiring less expensive fabrication, infinitely mouldable polyurethane is also suited to applications requiring non-sparking and non-conductive material. ─── 聚氨酯成本低,制作费用低,可随意浇铸,适用于要求不产生火花和不导电材质的设备。

11、This paper introduces the characteristics, construction methods of the mouldable refractory and its application effect on the roofs of the reheating furnaces in Angang Hot Rolled Strip Plant. ─── 介绍了可塑料的性能特点、施工方法和在鞍钢热轧带钢厂加热炉炉顶上的使用效果。

12、Keywords mouldable refractory reheating furnace wear resistance spalling resistance; ─── 关键词可塑料;加热炉;耐磨性;耐剥落性;

13、The mouldable material sets to form a building product. ─── 模制材料用以形成建筑制品。

14、By dissecting concepts, this part puts forward that college student"s ideal personality is mouldable under socialist market economic system, which establishes this article"s argumental foundation. ─── 这部分通过对概念的层层剖析,提出社会主义市场经济条件下大学生的理想人格可以通过塑造实现的基本命题,奠定全文的立论基础;

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