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10-03 投稿


mountable 发音

英:[['ma?nt?bl]]  美:[['ma?nt?bl]]

英:  美:

mountable 中文意思翻译



mountable 短语词组

1、mountable to ─── 可安装到

2、mountable every which way ─── 可从各个方向安装

3、mountable state ─── 可安装状态

4、mountable to emergency ─── 可安装在紧急情况下

5、soffit mountable ─── 可安装的

6、mountable boot volume ─── 可装载引导卷

7、mountable boot ─── 可安装护套

8、mountable partitions ─── 可装载分区

mountable 相似词语短语

1、countable ─── adj.(名词)可数的,可计算的;能算的

2、demountable ─── adj.可拆卸的;可分离的

3、countably ─── adv.可数地

4、mootable ─── adj.无实际意义的;未决议的(moot的变形)

5、huntable ─── 可猎取的

6、mouldable ─── adj.可塑的,可以模塑的

7、doubtable ─── adj.令人怀疑的;可疑的

8、roundtable ─── adj.圆桌的,圆台

9、mouthable ─── 可口的

mountable 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、To die for the people is weightier than Mount Tai. ─── 为人民利益而死,重于泰山。

2、His winnings continued to mount up. ─── 他的赢款继续增加。

3、Spring is the best time to climb Mount Tai. ─── 5春天是爬山的最好的季节。

4、Darling, please select a good mount for me. ─── 亲爱的,请帮我挑选一匹好马。

5、It costs a great deal of money to mount this play. ─── 上演这出戏要花很多钱。

6、Whether to display drives and mountable volumes from internal hard drives (non-SCSI optical drives are always shown). ─── 是否显示硬盘(非SCSI光驱总是显示)的驱动器和可挂载卷。

7、Gene's Wife, Mount Holly, Vermont. ─── 吉恩的妻子,于佛蒙特州霍利山

8、It can also be configured as a rack mountable display in a 9U form factor. ─── 它也可以在9U波形因数下形成机架键盘式显示器。

9、He was the first to mount the breach in the city wall. ─── 他首先登上城墙豁口。

10、The tool reports missing or corrupted log files and recommends steps that you can take to bring the database to a clean, mountable state. ─── 该工具将报告丢失或损坏的日志文件,并提出使数据库转到干净的可装入状态所需执行的推荐步骤。

11、He decided to climb the mount with others. ─── 他决定和别人一起爬山。

12、They left Mount Shepher and camped at Haradah. ─── 24从沙斐山起行,安营在哈拉大。

13、What about the house in Mount Kisco? ─── 在mount Kisco的房子呢

14、Afterwards, Prometheus returned to Mount Olympus. ─── 后来普罗米修斯重返奥林帕斯山。

15、Is Confucius the paragon of Mount Tai? ─── 孔子就是五岳独尊的泰山吗?

16、Do you know what is the elevation of Mount Everest? ─── 你知道珠穆朗玛峰的海拔高度是多少吗?

17、It is accessible from Mount Kellett Road. ─── 可由加列山道前往。

18、Searle: In which European country is Mount Etna? ─── 埃特纳火山在哪个欧洲国家?

19、Hoary Mount Tai looked more precipitous. ─── 古老的泰山越发显得崔嵬了。

20、Mount Song, Mount Heng and Mount Emei. ─── 它们当中许多很有名,比如嵩山、恒山和峨眉山。

21、Only gods can live on Mount Olympus. ─── 只有天神才可以住在奥林匹斯山。

22、He got off his mount and led it to a watering hole. ─── 他下了马,把它牵到一个冒水的洞前。

23、Subdomain mount point already exists! ─── 子域名加载点已经存在!

24、They left Mount Hor and camped at Zalmonah. ─── 41以色列人从何珥山起行,安营在撒摩拿。

25、One of the12 major gods and goddesses inhabiting Mount Olympus. ─── 十二神居住在奥林匹斯山12个主要神之一

26、The Synergy N9 features a composite engine mount. ─── 协同n9特点综合悬置.

27、Can you feel the pressure begin to mount? ─── 你是否感到压力加剧了?

28、Each snapshot is mountable as a read-only file system. ─── 每个快照都能作为一个只读文件系统挂载。

29、To go to Mount Alps is my dream. ─── 到阿尔卑斯山脉是我的梦想。

30、Connect the engine with the engine mount. ─── 发动机-与机身连接。

31、What are the attractions of Mount Huangshan? ─── 外宾: 那么黄山有什么迷人的地方呢?

32、On the other, they were moving toward the mount. ─── 在另一边,他们往那座“山”而去。

33、His death is weighter than Mount Tai. ─── 他的死比泰山还重。

34、High flow capacity, high exhaust capability, detented spool, low-friction startup, meets OSHA specifications, surface mountable. more. . . ─── 高流量,高排放能力,拘禁线轴,低摩擦的启动,符合OSHA规范,表面贴装。更多…

35、High exhaust capability, detented spool, low friction startup, meets OSHA specifications, surface mountable. more. . . ─── 高排气能力,拘禁线轴,低摩擦的启动,符合OSHA规范,表面贴装。更多…

36、There are three routes up to Mount Tai. ─── 上泰山有三条路线。

37、"To die for the people is weightier than Mount Tai. ─── "为人民利益而死,就比泰山还重.

38、Back panel is inserted in grooves; easy to mount. ─── 后面板插在沟槽中,易于安装。

39、Do you have any idea what the Gnome mount will be? ─── 你知道侏儒的坐骑将会是什么么?

40、Erik Weihenmayer is the first blind person to climb Mount Everest. ─── 埃里克?威翰梅尔是第一位登上珠穆朗玛峰的盲人。

41、Their debts continued to mount up. ─── 他们的债务不断增加。

42、PH-neutral mount; will not discolour the picture. ─── PH值中性装裱纸;不会使图片褪色。

43、Different versions of Exchange have different maximum numbers of mountable storage groups; however, no version will have more than 50. ─── 不同版本的Exchange可以装入的最大存储组数也有所不同;但是,任何版本都不会超过50个。

44、An optical scanning apparatus is detachably mountable in an image forming apparatus. ─── 一种光学扫描设备,可以以可拆卸的方式安装于图像形成设备中。

45、Remove a drive letter or mount point assignment. ─── 删除驱动器号或装载点分配。

46、Maximum number of mount failure retries allowed. ─── 允许的加载失败重试次数。

47、In computer security, any weakness or flaw existing in a system, the susceptibility of a system to a specific threat attack or harmful event, or the opportunity available to a threat agent to mount that attack. ─── 在计算机安全学中,存在于一个系统内的弱点或缺陷,系统对一个特定的威胁攻击或危险事件的敏感性,或进行攻击的威胁作用的可能性。

48、On a clear day, you can even see Mount Fuji! ─── 在晴朗的日子,甚至还能看到富士山!

49、They left Kehelathah and camped at Mount Shepher. ─── 从基希拉他起行,安营在沙斐山。

50、It is deeper than Mount Everest is tall. ─── 它的深度超过珠穆朗玛峰的高度。

51、Both the module and the external transformer are mountable to a chassis frame. ─── 模块和外部变压器二者可安装在底板框架上。

52、Arwen: Okay. Let's get this bitch to Mount Doom. ─── 好了!让我们戒指送到末日火山去吧!

53、Liu Hulan’s death was weightier than Mount Tai. ─── 刘胡兰的死比泰山还重。

54、The mount piont xxx does not exist! ─── 原因是没有建立挂载点。

55、A small party is planning to ascend Mount Everest . ─── 一小伙人正计划攀登珠穆朗玛峰。

56、His debts continued to mount up. ─── 他的债务在不断增长。

57、They surmounted Mount Mckinley. ─── 他们登上了德纳里峰(即美国阿拉斯加州的麦金利山)。

58、The flag of China was raised on the summit of Mount Qomolangma. ─── 五星红旗插上了珠穆朗玛峰的顶峰。

59、Thus dwelt Esau in mount Seir: Esau is Edom. ─── 于是以扫住在西珥山里。以扫就是以东。

60、It can also be configured as a rack mountable display in a 9u form factor. ─── 它也可以在9u波形因数下形成机架键盘式显示器。

61、Did you say that you went to Mount Emei? ─── 你是说你去了峨嵋山吗?

62、They call it Mount Qomolangma. ─── 他们叫它珠穆朗玛峰。

63、Well, we have an office in Mount Kisco. ─── 好, 我们在mount Kisco有个办事处。

64、But Mount Rushmore remains divisive. ─── 不过,拉什莫尔山仍然存有分歧。

65、Can you mount your bike from the other side? ─── 你能从另一侧上自行车吗?

66、Preserve existing volume mount points. ─── 保留现有卷的装入点。

67、They often go potholing on Mount Huashan. ─── 他们常在华山探索洞穴。

68、It'll cost a great deal of money to mount this play. ─── 上演这部剧要许多钱。

69、Five men in a twin-forty mount had been hit. ─── 双管四十毫米火炮装置上的五名炮手被打中了。

70、Okay. Let's get this bitch to Mount Doom. ─── 好了!让我们把戒指送到末日火山去吧!

71、A September sunrise greets Mount Colden's summit. ─── 九月日出与冷山山峰交汇。

72、They climbed to the top of Mount Qomolangma. ─── 他们登上了珠穆朗玛峰。

73、His debts are beginning to mount up. ─── 他的债务开始越欠越多。

74、Several colleagues including her went to Mount Tai. ─── 好多同事包括他我们一起去泰山.

75、Properly mount your ignition to avoid overheating? ─── 地安?您的?子?火器避免?

76、And even Mount Shasta was quite visible. ─── 回头望,呵,那珊思达峰赫然就在眼前。

77、"You remember, Fleur? The young Englishman I met at Mount Vernon." "Ships that pass in the night!" said Fleur. ─── "芙勒,你记得我在维农山遇见的那位英国青年吗?"芙勒回答道:"是偶然相遇罢了!"

78、Have you ever visited Mount Desert? ─── 你游览过德泽特山吗?

79、They used a telescope at Mount Palomar Observatory near Pasadena. ─── 他们在靠近帕萨迪纳的帕洛慕山天文台使用了一台望远镜。

80、Mount Etna dominates the whole northeast corner of the island. ─── 埃得纳山横亘于该岛之整个东北角。

81、It is rack mountable and is 3U high. ─── 他的机架高度是 3U。

82、Jesus went unto the mount of Olives. ─── 于是各人都回家去了。耶稣却往橄榄山去。

83、Mount Chaya is a wonderful place. ─── 嵖岈山是一个奇妙之地。

84、Visit Mount Washington Alpine Resort for details. ─── 为细节访问山华盛顿高山的胜地。

85、What happened when the Pope went to Mount Olive? ─── 如果教皇到奥利弗山会怎样?

86、Outside the town the road commenced to mount . ─── 出了镇子这条路开始上坡。

87、Corrugated cardboard, wall mountable, four shelf first aid kit. ─── 可装在墙上及车上,4个架子急救药箱。

88、You foes laugh when you mount your bayonet. ─── 你的仇家在你上刺刀时大笑。

89、It will cost a lot of money to mount this play. ─── 上演这个剧本要花许多钱。

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