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10-03 投稿


monocular 发音


英:  美:

monocular 中文意思翻译



monocular 网络释义

adj. 单眼的;单眼用的

monocular 短语词组

1、monocular microscope ─── [化] 单目显微镜

2、monocular strabismus ─── [医] 单眼斜视, 单侧斜视

3、Monocular Heads-up Display ─── 单眼抬头显示器

4、monocular vision ─── [医] 单眼视觉

5、monocular diplopia ─── [医] 单眼性复视

6、monocular girl ─── 单眼女孩

7、Monocular Head-up Display ─── 单眼向上显示

8、monocular telescope ─── 单筒望远镜

9、monocular deprivation ─── [医]单眼失明

10、monocular cue ─── 单眼线索

11、Monocular Night Vision Device ─── 单眼夜视装置

12、monocular range finder ─── 单目测距仪

monocular 词性/词形变化,monocular变形

副词: monocularly |

monocular 相似词语短语

1、monoculture ─── n.单作;单一栽培

2、minuscular ─── adj.微小的;微不足道的

3、monocularly ─── 单眼用地;单目镜地(monocular的副词形式)

4、binocular ─── adj.[生物]双眼的;双目并用的;n.双筒望远镜

5、binoculars ─── n.[光]双筒望远镜;[光]双筒镜,[光]双目镜

6、monoculars ─── adj.单眼的;单眼用的

7、monovular ─── 单卵的

8、octonocular ─── 八角形的

9、molecular ─── adj.分子的;由分子组成的

monocular 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Expressions of substance P in visual cortex in monocular deprivation cats ─── P物质在单眼剥夺性弱视猫视皮层中的表达

2、monocular nystagmus ─── 单眼球震颤

3、monocular fixation ─── 单眼注视

4、A method to measure object distance by monocular vision was proposed. ─── 了一种利用单目视觉测量目标距离的方法。

5、a monocular microscope ─── 单眼显微镜

6、Study on expression of c-jun and c-fos in visual cortex of amblyopia cat during monocular visual deprivation ─── c-jun和c-fos基因在单眼视觉剥夺性猫视皮质表达特性的研究

7、monocular asymmetry ─── 单眼(直线)偏位

8、Clinical analysis of the children whose monocular amblyopia. ─── 单眼弱视的临床分析。

9、monocular front vision ─── 前向单目视觉

10、monocular amblyopia ─── 单眼弱视

11、monocular range finder ─── 单目测距仪

12、Monocular exotropia with X or Y pattern ─── 单眼外斜视X或Y模式

13、Monocular esotropia with A pattern ─── 单眼内斜视A模式

14、A combined surgery of Ahmed glaucoma valve and ciliary sulcus fixation of intraocular lens for glaucoma in monocular aphakia ─── Ahmed阀门植入与人工晶体缝线固定术等联合治疗单眼无晶体青光眼

15、Objective: To evaluate the portable monocular telescope and its availability in low vision clinic. ─── 目的:评价便携式单筒望远镜助视器的临床价值。

16、transient monocular blindness ─── 一过性单眼盲

17、Keywords NC Incremental forming;Rapid Prototyping;Bolster model;Machine vision;Monocular vision;Coordinate alignment;Image processing;Sub-pixel; ─── 关键词数控渐进成形;快速原型;支撑模型;机器视觉;单目视觉;坐标对位;图像处理;亚像素;

18、monocular deprivation amblyopia ─── 剥夺性弱视

19、Taking the specially designed planar target with the monocular vision system, the projection line of the reference points is built. ─── 通过单目视觉系统拍摄一个特殊设计的平面靶标,建立靶标特征点的空间投射直线。

20、Clinical analysis of the children whose monocular amblyopia. ─── 单眼弱视的临床分析。

21、Study on the Method of Measuring the Leading Vehicle Distance Based on the On-board Monocular Camera ─── 公路上基于车载单目机器视觉的前方车距测量方法的研究

22、The whole system can work well with 80km/h on the highway.To improve the real-time quality of monocular measurement algorithm is the next work. ─── 单目测距算法的精确度也能满足安全行车防止碰撞的需要 .

23、Lane Departure Warning System Based on Monocular Vision ─── 单目视觉车道偏离报警系统

24、monocular microscope ─── 单目显微镜

25、monocular diplopia method ─── 单眼复视法

26、monocular camera ─── 单目摄影机

27、Evolution for Monocular Vision Measurement ─── 单目视觉测量技术研究

28、Improvement was also at least partly specific for the eye and for the direction of two-dimensional motion used during monocular training. ─── 改进也至少部分是具体的眼睛和两个方向的三维运动过程中使用单眼培训。

29、monocular perceptual field ─── 单眼知觉区

30、Acquiring Disparity Distribution from Stereo Images with Monocular Cues Based on Cell Cooperation and Competition ─── 利用神经元合作和竞争获取含单目特征的立体图像中视差分布

31、Monocular exotropia with other noncomitancies ─── 单眼外斜视伴其他非共同性

32、The measuring methods based on the computer monocular vision has many advantages. ─── 基于计算机单目视觉的测量方法具有很多优点。

33、What is the final result of monocular amblyopia? ─── 单眼弱视的最终结果是什么?

34、Keywords monocular deprivation;visual cortex;differential display reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction;expressed sequence tag;rat; ─── 单眼剥夺;视皮质;差异显示反转录聚合酶链式反应;表达序列标签;大鼠;

35、Monocular involvement happened in all the 17 patients. Seven patients suffered from oculomotor nerve paralysis,8 abducent nerve paralysis,and 2 compound nerve paralysis. ─── 17例患者均为单眼发病 ,动眼神经受累 7例 ,外展神经受累 8例 ,复合神经麻痹2例。

36、Usually, the eyesight of strabismus of major bosseyed children has different rate reduce, see more at monocular sex strabismus. ─── 一般情况下,大部分斜视儿童斜眼的视力都有不同程度的降低,多见于单眼性斜视。

37、monocular minus lens method ─── 单眼凹镜片法:测调节幅度

38、monocular colposcope ─── 单目阴道镜

39、monocular fixation field ─── 单眼注视野

40、Keywords Monocular deprivation Amblyopia Lateral geniculate nucleus Nitric oxide Nitric oxide synthase Basic fibroblast growth factor Rat; ─── 单眼剥夺;弱视;外侧膝状体;一氧化氮;一氧化氮合酶;碱性成纤维细胞生长因子;大鼠;

41、A simple and efficient calibration of monocular camera was also presented to get more accurate motion parameters. ─── 为了更准确地估计目标的运动参数,还提出了一种简单有效的单目相机标定算法。

42、Keywords Monocular distance measurement;Endoscopic calibration;Minimal invasive surgery;Image matching; ─── 单目视觉测距;内窥镜标定;微创手术;图像匹配;

43、Amplitude of monocular accommodation were examined, as well as adjust sensitivity and adjust lag. ─── 分别检查单眼调节幅度、调节灵敏度和调节滞后量。

44、Study of dynamic measurement technology used monocular micro-vision probe ─── 单目显微视觉测头动态测量技术的研究

45、monocular cataract ─── 单眼(白)内障

46、Monocular exotropia with V pattern ─── 单眼外斜视V模式

47、A Linear Algorithm for Determining Intrinsic Parameters of Zoomed Monocular Camera in the Vision Based Landing of an UAV ─── 单目主动视觉无人机导引中摄像机内参数标定的线性方法

48、monocular subject ─── 单眼受检者

49、monocular information ─── 单眼信息

50、monocular squint ─── 单眼斜视

51、Implantations of posterior chamber intraocular lenses in children with monocular cataracts. ─── 儿童单侧性白内障后房型人工晶体植入术。

52、The exhibit also shows listening devices and a small spyglass called a monocular used during the same period. ─── 这次展览还展示了同一时期使用的收听设备和一种被称作单目镜的小观察镜。

53、monocular fixation test ─── 单眼注视试验

54、sequences of monocular images ─── 单目图像序列

55、Monocular esotropia with V pattern ─── 单眼内斜视V模式

56、Vision guiding method with monocular camera ─── 一种单摄像机视觉导引方法

57、monocular indirect ophthalmoscope ─── 单目间接奸目镜

58、monocular microscop ─── 单木欣慰经

59、monocular instrumnent ─── 单目镜

60、monocular parallax ─── 单眼视差

61、monocular projection ─── 单眼投影

62、Monocular esotropia ─── 单眼内斜视

63、monocular cue ─── 单眼线索

64、Monocular Heads-up Display ─── 单目平视显示

65、monocular dominance ─── 单眼优势

66、Monocular esotropia with other noncomitancies ─── 单眼内斜视伴其他非共同性

67、A dynamic analysis of pattern visual evoked potentials in monocular deprivation cats ─── 单眼剥夺幼猫图形视觉诱发电位动态分析

68、Chromostereopsis involves cortical areas that underlie depth processing for both monocular and binocular cues. ─── 彩色立体视觉涉及到皮层区域,它是单目和双目线索深度处理的基础。

69、Surgical effect of monocular both vertical rectus muscles recession in treating vertical deviation in downward gaze with superior oblique palsy ─── 单眼双垂直直肌后徙治疗下方垂直斜视

70、monocular strabismus ─── [医] 单眼斜视, 单侧斜视

71、monocular depth cue ─── 单眼深度线索

72、monocular instrument ─── 单目的, 单筒望远镜

73、A New Method for Moving Target Positioning under the Condition of Monocular Camera ─── 一种单像机对运动目标定位的新方法

74、A dynamic measurement technology is designed in order to dispose of imperfection that is small field of view and small depth of field of monocular micro-vision probe. ─── 为了解决现有坐标测量机中的单目显微视觉测头视场小和景深小的缺点,提出了显微视觉测头的动态测量方法。

75、The Differences of Fos Protein and c-fos Gene Expression in Lateral Geniculate Nucleus After Monocular Deprivation ─── 剥夺性弱视猫外侧膝状体c-fos基因及fos蛋白表达

76、monocular bandage ─── 单眼绷带

77、The Application of Distance Measurement Based on the Monocular Camera Machine Vision in the System of Auto-landing on Deck of UAV ─── 单目机器视觉测距技术在无人机自动着舰中的应用

78、monocular color mixture ─── 单眼混色

79、monocular depth perception ─── 单眼深度知觉

80、Detecting Small Moving Objects for a Monocular Automatic Visual Surveillance System ─── 单目智能视觉监视应用中小运动目标的检测

81、monocular deprivation ─── 单眼失明

82、monocular stereopsis ─── 单眼立体视

83、Optimum Design and Accuracy Analysis of Monocular Stereoscopic Vision Sensor System ─── 单目立体视觉传感器的优化设计及精度分析

84、Monocular exotropia ─── 单眼外斜视

85、Monocular exotropia with A pattern ─── 单眼外斜视A模式

86、Keywords PVEP;monocular deprivation;reverse suture;prolonged deprivation;kittens;binocular competition; ─── 关键词视觉诱发电位;单眼剥夺;反缝;延期剥夺;幼猫;视觉剥夺;

87、monocular diplopia ─── [医] 单眼性复视

88、Keywords monocular amblyopia;strabismus;anisometropic;curative effect; ─── 单眼弱视;斜视;屈光参差;疗效;

89、Keywords monocular deprivation;optic tecta;suppression subtractive hybridization;pigeon; ─── 关键词单眼剥夺;视盖;抑制消减杂交法;鸽;

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