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10-03 投稿


lemniscate 发音

英:[lem?n?sk?t]  美:[?lemn?sk?t]

英:  美:

lemniscate 中文意思翻译



lemniscate 短语词组

1、lemniscate curve ─── 双纽曲线

2、lemniscate crywolf ─── 柠檬酸盐crywolf

lemniscate 相似词语短语

1、confiscate ─── vt.没收;充公;查抄;adj.被没收的

2、expiscate ─── 展开

3、lemniscates ─── n.双纽线

4、emicate ─── 排尿的

5、clericate ─── 文书

6、lemniscus ─── n.蹄系;[解剖]丘系

7、lemniscal ─── 柠檬的

8、meniscate ─── 弯月面

9、lemnisci ─── 蹄系;丘系

lemniscate 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、A 'lemniscate' shape was added to the building, forming a new entrance guided by the organic shape, a new central hall where all the dynamism is concentrated. ─── 一个扭曲的形状加建到了建筑商,由有机组织形成了一个新的入口,新的中央大厅集中了所有的物力论。

2、Lemniscate law ─── 兰尼斯卡特定律

3、Bernoulli rs lemniscate ─── 伯努利双纽线

4、Constrcut Lemniscate with Compass Only. ─── 只用圆规作双纽线!

5、It has long ram-like horns that twist in the form of a lemniscate, the symbol of infinity, and its eyes burn with a fierce inner light, though the area around it is always covered in shadows. ─── 这两个都是时之沙最后的遗物。这两样东西消失后,达哈卡不再有存在于时间线中的意义了,因此它消失在雾气之中。

6、lemniscate curve ─── 双纽曲线

7、Societe Generale lemniscate factory mainly produces various types of drawing silk. ─── 兴业纽线厂主要生产各类型拉丝线。

8、Constrcut Lemniscate with Compass Only. ─── 只用圆规作双纽线!

9、Red &White coloring, the lemniscate (infinity symbol), a small wand, a table displaying a chalice, a pentacle, a staff (wand) and a sword. ─── 红白相间的服饰,双扭线(无穷符号),一根短杖,一张桌子上放着圣杯,五角星符号,一根长杖和一把剑。

10、logarithmic lemniscate ─── 对数双纽线

11、lemniscate function ─── 双纽线函数

12、3.Construct the lemniscate. ─── [双纽线圆规作图] .

13、lemniscate coordinates ─── 双纽线坐标

14、Constrcut Lemniscate with Circles. ─── 用圆包络作双纽线!

15、Busch lemniscate ─── 中性线

16、projective lemniscate ─── 射影双纽线

17、According to the analyses of geometry characters and road usage performance of the Lemniscate curve, this paper testifies the feasibility of the usage of the Lemniscate curve. ─── 论文通过对双纽曲线几何特征和路用性能的分析,论证了双纽曲线整体式小环道的可行性。

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