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10-02 投稿


milt 发音

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英:  美:

milt 中文意思翻译





milt 网络释义

n. 脾脏;鱼白;(雄鱼的)精液;雄鱼生殖腺vt. 使受精adj. 繁殖期的n. (Milt)人名;(英、捷)米尔特

milt 短语词组

1、fish milt ─── 鱼糜

2、milt-sickness ─── [医] 牛脾病

3、milt kahl ─── 米尔特·卡尔

milt 词性/词形变化,milt变形

动词过去分词: milted |动词第三人称单数: milts |动词现在分词: milting |动词过去式: milted |

milt 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Milt: Seth, did you hear that?You really did win all that money! ─── 米特:赛司,你听到了吗?你真的赢到那些钱了!

2、Ash : It's OK, Milt. ─── 爱许:别在意,米特。

3、Keywords salmon milt;thymus;involution;thymus cortex cell;thymus medulla cell; ─── 鲑鱼鱼白;胸腺;萎缩;胸腺皮质细胞;胸腺髓质细胞;

4、Keywords milt quantitative tissue velocity imaging;congenital heart disease;atrio-ventricular septal defect; ─── 三切面组织速度成像;先天性心脏病;房室间隔缺损;

5、Milt : And even after hearing Jake's story, you're all ready to go out and get scammed, too. Some people are born suckers. ─── 米特:就算听了杰克的故事,你还是准备好要去被骗。有些人天生就是冤大头。

6、Milt : As if the cops can do anything. ─── 米特:警察又不是万能的。

7、Milt : OK, OK. You two stop laughing at me already! ─── 米特:好,好。你们两个也该笑够了吧!

8、Utilization of salmon milt DNA as carcinogen adsorbable materials ─── 利用天然鱼精DNA制造可吸附致癌物质的环境材料

9、milt quantitative tissue velocity imaging ─── 三切面组织速度成像

10、Milt : See what I'm telling you? These days is just swarming with con artists. ─── 米特:你懂我的意思了吧?最近到处都是骗子。

11、milt roe ─── 鱼的精液, 鱼精, 鱼白

12、Effect of Salmon milt DNA on constitution of thymus lymphocytes in aged mice ─── 鲑鱼鱼白DNA对老龄小鼠胸腺淋巴细胞构成的影响

13、The eggs and milt flow from the body when the fish is subjected to pressure. ─── 当鱼受到压力时,卵与精液会从身体流出。

14、Research staffs work on a raft at sea to select good spawners and collect milt for study of sperm. ─── 研究人员出海选种并收集精液作泠冻保存试验。

15、Milt : He's not answering his phone. He's doing military service right now. Who knows what kind of trouble he's getting into down there. ─── 米特:他没有接电话。他正在服兵役。谁知道他会在那里惹上什么麻烦。

16、Milt: And even after hearing Jake's story, you're all ready to go out and get scammed, too. Some people are born suckers. ─── 米特:就算听了杰克的故事,你还是预备好要去被骗。有些人天生就是冤大头。

17、Researches and Exploitation of Milt ─── 鱼精的研究与开发

18、The eggs are manually squeezed and mixed with milt inartificial fertilization. ─── 由人工将种鱼鱼卵挤出,再混合鱼精,就是人工授精了。

19、Milt's career is an exemplar of survival in difficult times. ─── 米尔特的生涯可谓逆境生存的典范。

20、milt herring ─── 雄鲱鱼

21、As the first foreign joint adventured company approved by the Commercial Ministry of People’s Republic of China, MILT was entitled the right to operate import &export business and logistics. ─── 论文以MILT公司为背景,对公司成立之初的业务发展情况和公司成立时的愿景进行了分析,重点研究了公司的物流业务战略。

22、Yes, Uncle Milt was the best there was. ─── 是的,米尔特叔叔当年是同行中的佼佼者。

23、The original title of the song was "Oh Babe I Hate To Go" but Denver's then producer, Milt Okun, convinced him to change the title. ─── 原曲名为“噢,宝贝,我恨,我将离去” 当时的出版商说服丹佛,力主改为”喷云而去“。

24、Keywords tetraploid(imidazole) copper(II) terephthalate;milt DNA;cyclic voltammetry;UV/Vis spectroscopy; ─── 四咪唑铜配合物;鱼精DNA;循环伏安法;紫外-可见光谱法;

25、Milt Production by Male Red Spotted Grouper (Epinephelus akaara) After Injection of LHRHa, 17P or DOM, Alone or in Combination ─── 注射LHRHa、17-P及其它药物组合诱导赤点石斑鱼排精研究

26、Milt answers] Hey bro, you got my message? ─── 米特去接)嘿,老弟,你收到我的简讯了吗?

27、Effect of Salmon Milt DNA on the Morphology of Thymus Cell in Aged Mice ─── 鲑鱼鱼白DNA对老龄小鼠胸腺细胞形态的影响

28、From Milt, Billy and Team Saturn" Every employee at Saturn of Albuquerque had endorsed the back of that sign. ─── 赠送人米尔特,比利和土星汽车公司的员工们”每位阿尔伯克基市土星汽车公司的员工都在标牌的后面签了名。

29、milt span greenhouses ─── 温室

30、Seth: Milt, I'm gonna be rich! ─── 赛司:米特,我要发财了!

31、The designatory letters C MILT / FCILT signify a respected professional standing within the logistics& transport industry. ─── “注册会员”(milt)“院士”(CILT)号标示着物流与运输行业中受人尊敬的职业地位。

32、Milt: They say all that just to make you trust them. ─── 米特:他们说那些只是为了要取得你的信任。

33、From Milt Billy and Team Saturn" Every employee at Saturn of Albuquerque had endorsed the back of that sign. ─── 赠送人米尔特.比利和土星汽车公司的员工们”每位阿尔伯克基市土星汽车公司的员工都在标牌的后签了名。

34、milt: i just got a threatening phone call last night! ─── 米特:我昨晚刚接到一通恐吓电话!

35、The effect of Salmon Milt DNA on the thymus morphological changes in aged BALB/c mice ─── 鲑鱼鱼白DNA对老龄BALB/c小鼠胸腺的形态学影响

36、Operational Guidelines for School Official Cites Use : click of the mouse arrow control Winnie walk quickly for the bear will go faster. Milt got home to eat a quick oh. ─── 操作指南:鼠标点箭头控制小熊行走,连续快点小熊会走的更快,拿到鱼鱼了要快回家吃哦。

37、Mara Benny told me that if you swallow a boy’s milt, then that piece of boy get inside of you , and if he is like totally smart then you get smarter, and if he is blunderbuss, nothing really changes. ─── 马拉贝尼告诉我,当你吃下一个男孩的精液,男孩身体的一部分留在你身体里,如果他相当聪明,你会变聪明,如果他很蠢,什么都不会改变。

38、milt: you're so gullible, man. why would the government want to give you that much money? seth: i don't care. come on, let's go! ─── 米特:你很好骗耶,老兄。政府干嘛要给你那么多钱?赛司:我不管。来吧,我们走!

39、Milt: I don't want to take any risks. ─── 米特:我不想冒险。

40、She will repeat this procedure, "rocking back and forth" four to six times.Apparently, the male's milt is powerful enough to fertilize eggs several minutes after it is released. ─── 显然,雄鱼释放的精子也是能够维持几分钟时间能使这些卵受精。

41、Milt: See what I'm telling you? These days is just swarming with con artists. ─── 米特:你懂我的意思了吧?最近到处都是骗子。

42、Milt itemized account of love Pigs in a long time ago my good friend, the. ─── 猪猪很早以前就在我的好友里了。

43、Milt and I were married for 39 years, until his death in 1989. ─── 米尔和我在一起生活了39年,直到他1989年去世。

44、If Milt didn‘t stop me, I would probably be out of every cent I‘ve ever made. ─── 假如米特没有阻止我,我可能会赔上所赚的每一分钱。

45、Effect of Salmon milt DNA on the expression of IL-7 mRNA of thymocytes and CD127 in Balb/c mice aged 10 months ─── 鲑鱼鱼白DNA对老龄小鼠胸腺细胞IL-7 mRNA和CD127表达的影响

46、stripping Pressing on the abdomen to release eggs or milt for artificial fertilisation. ─── 采精在腹部上挤压而压出卵或精子以便进行人工受精。

47、soft roe Gonads from male fish, milt; sold fresh, canned, particularly milts from herring, mackerel, etc. ─── 软鱼白雄鱼的生殖腺,精巢;以生鲜、装罐贩卖,特别是指取自鲱鱼、鲭等等的精巢。

48、Keywords Salmon Milt DNA;thymus;involution;thymocyte quantity;thickness of thymus cortex; ─── 鲑鱼鱼白;胸腺;退化萎缩;细胞计数;皮质厚度;

49、Milt : They say all that just to make you trust them. ─── 米特:他们说那些只是为了要取得你的信任。

50、Salzling Salted herring without bones and heads, with tail, also in brine; the end product may include 20% milt or roe. ─── 盐渍鱼没有硬骨与头部,但有尾部的盐腌鲱鱼,也浸渍于盐水中的;最后的产品可能包括20%的鱼精或鱼白。

51、running ripe Ready to spawn as evidenced by a slight pressure on the abdomen causing eggs or milt to be shed. ─── 趋于成熟藉由轻微的压住腹部而导致卵或精液流出的证据,即是预备好要产卵了。

52、Here is another example, this time from Rescuers Down Under, and the character of Medusa, animated by Milt Kahl. ─── 这样形成一个有趣的动态的构图,而不是两条线简单的相对立.

53、Milt: OK, OK. You two stop laughing at me already! ─── 米特:好,好。你们两个也该笑够了吧!

54、If Milt didn't stop me, I would probably be out of every cent I've ever made. ─── 假如米尔特没有阻拦我,我可能会把每一分钱都赔掉。

55、If Milt didn't stop me, I would probably be out of every cent I've ever made. ─── 如果米特没有阻止我,我可能会赔上所赚的每一分钱。

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