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10-03 投稿


moiled 发音


英:  美:

moiled 中文意思翻译



moiled 词性/词形变化,moiled变形

副词: moilingly |名词: moiler |动词过去分词: moiled |动词过去式: moiled |动词现在分词: moiling |动词第三人称单数: moils |

moiled 短语词组

1、moiled cow ─── 多毛奶牛

2、moiled and toiled ─── 劳累 ─── 劳累

moiled 相似词语短语

1、moiles ─── 莫尔斯,

2、foiled ─── adj.有叶形装饰的;v.阻止(foil的过去式和过去分词)

3、mailed ─── adj.装甲的;披甲的;有锁子甲状鳞的;v.邮寄;使披上铠甲的(mail的过去式和过去分词)

4、moiler ─── n.辛苦;混乱,骚动(moil的变形)

5、boiled ─── adj.煮沸的,煮熟的;v.煮(boil的过去式和过去分词)

6、roiled ─── vt.搅浑;惹怒;vi.动荡;喧闹;n.小股汹涌的急流

7、moile ─── 莫尔。

8、oiled ─── adj.涂油的;用油防水的;喝醉的

9、coiled ─── adj.盘绕的;卷成圈的;v.卷(coil的过去式和过去分词);盘绕

moiled 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、They are of the opinion that one doesn't have to toil and moil, and this can be proven by the fact that many people, especially those pop stars have succeeded overnight. ─── 他们认为不必经受痛苦。这个可以被一些人特别是一夜成名的流行明星所证明。

2、6 The thought of Loatse and Chuang Tzu is the root and is the ultimate goal that people moil for long time to seek for: a peaceful, cozy and warm home. ─── 老庄的思想就像是根。是大家弄了半天,辛苦半天,各人走不同的迂回曲折的路;可是最后都想要到达的总目标--安祥、温馨以及甜美的窝。

3、They use their money earned by moil to buy or sell the stock whose price is changing every second.Through this process, those who want to buy can buy it; ─── 他们以自己辛苦赚来的血汗钱,填满分分秒秒不时变动的各个价位,让那些想买的人,可以买得到,想卖的人,也都能够卖得掉。

4、Abstract: Based on the previous research, one gene of Bombyx moil named as HSP20.8 can be over expressed in kidney-shaped eggs than in other organs. ─── 文章摘要: 前期研究发现,相对于其它组织器官,有一种低分子量热激蛋白在家蚕肾型卵中高量表达,并命名为低分子量热激蛋白HSP20.8。

5、a vase moil of noise ─── 一片混乱的嘈杂声

6、Do you think someday E-mail will replace “small moil”? ─── 你认为总有一天,E-mail会代替“现在的书信”吗?

7、Bombyx moil Linnaeus ─── 僵蚕

8、The success stems from the past toil and moil, the future success also needs harder work. ─── 成绩属于过去,奋斗成就未来。

9、après moiledéluge ─── 身后之事与我何干!

10、But smoking does save you a lot of moil. ─── 抽烟可用不着这么费劲;

11、So when maidenhood has wandered into the moil of the city, when it is brought within the circle of the "rounder" and the roue, even though it be at the outermost rim, they can come forth and use their alluring arts. ─── 所以那些少女们流落到大城市时,一旦落入了这些浪子和登徒子之流的圈套,即使只是碰到了圈套的最边缘,他们也会走上前来,施展勾搭引诱的花招。

12、13 When we have a fairly much wealth, we should not moil every day anymore. ─── 当这样的投资获得了稳定的,不一定丰厚的收入之后,就不要再整天为事业而操劳;

13、I shall have to toil and moil all my days. ─── 我必须一年到头拼命地干。

14、The home, it is the safe fort after moil; And bathroom, it is the exultation Eden that abluent exhaustion releases body and mind. ─── 多希望能够去海滨,吹着海风、听着海浪声、踏着浪花,享受大海所带来的清凉愉悦,放松心情享受着属全家共享的时刻。

15、Cortex Moil ─── 桑白皮

16、toil and moil ─── vi. 辛辛苦苦地工作

17、Bombyx moil ─── 家蚕

18、In moil, thirsty of buccal dry neck also becomes hemp eye, the snow ark in lone gens home, those who put is drink of coal tub outfit, and so on of beer of soda water thering is no lack of. ─── 在忙碌工作中,口干颈渴也变得麻目,单身一族家里的雪柜,放的都是罐装饮品,不乏汽水啤酒之类。

19、dont toil and moil like this. it will do harm to your health. ─── 不要在这样辛苦的工作,这会伤害你的身体。

20、13 When we have a fairly much wealth, we should not moil every day anymore.We should relax to do thing we like, not for making money or supporting life, but for joy, appreciation and interest. ─── 当这样的投资获得了稳定的,不一定丰厚的收入之后,就不要再整天为事业而操劳,放松心情,做自己所喜欢的事,一不为钱财,二不为生活,但求心境愉快,纯为欣赏、兴趣而为。

21、clothes moiled with water ─── 被水弄湿的衣服

22、** Moil Point &Narrow Chisel types are available. ─── 尖头型及小扁铲(一字型)可生产。

23、folium Moil ─── 桑叶

24、They use their money earned by moil to buy or sell the stock whose price is changing every second. ─── 他们以自己辛苦赚来的血汗钱,填满分分秒秒不时变动的各个价位。

25、So, they said loudly to warn people that there actually is no real side-effect-free joy in this world and much bitterness and moil conceal behind joy, which we must be discreet to. ─── 因此,他们大声疾呼地提醒世人,这世上其实没有所谓真正无副作用的快乐;快乐背后其实隐藏着相当程度的辛酸与苦役,不可不慎。

26、Her tears moiled the letter. ─── 她的眼泪把信弄湿了。

27、It's rather difficult to live the will of one's heart living in the practical society, in which is full of toil and moil, intriguing against each other fishing for fame. ─── 生存在功利社会,奔波劳顿,勾心斗角,若想做到从心所欲,难矣哉!

28、Think about growing Cabbage cabbage if you live where the weather is cool .And and the soil is moil stand moist and fertile. ─── 如果你生活在天气凉爽土地潮湿肥沃的地方,可以考虑种卷心菜。

29、Moil Ogai' s ─── 森鸥外

30、Moil - tanaka method ─── Mori-tanaka方法

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