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10-03 投稿


marquee 发音

英:[mɑ?r?ki?]  美:[mɑ??ki?]

英:  美:

marquee 中文意思翻译



marquee 词性/词形变化,marquee变形


marquee 短语词组

1、gabriel garcia marquee ─── 加布里埃尔· ─── 加西亚侯爵

2、marquee boost ─── 大屏幕增强

3、marquee night station ─── 天幕夜总会

4、marquee boostlow ─── 侯爵升降舵

5、marquee display ─── 马基显示器

6、marquee low ─── 字幕低

7、marquee option ─── 马基选择

8、marquee boost low ─── 字幕助推低

9、marquee player ─── 马基球员

marquee 相似词语短语

1、marquess ─── n.侯爵;侯爵长子的尊称(等于marquis)

2、marques ─── n.报复许可证(用以捕拿敌国商船或货物以追偿海事损失);汽车型号;汽车上的标志(marque的复数)

3、barques ─── n.船;[船]三桅帆船;n.(Barque)人名;(法、多哥)巴尔克

4、marquis ─── n.(法)侯爵;世袭贵族(等于marquess)

5、barque ─── n.船;[船]三桅帆船;n.(Barque)人名;(法、多哥)巴尔克

6、marquees ─── n.选取框;大天幕;华盖

7、marquise ─── n.侯爵夫人;女侯爵;n.(Marquise)人名;(英)马奎斯;(法)马基斯

8、parquet ─── n.镶木地板;剧场正厅座位;(法)检查机关;vt.铺镶木地板于;用镶木制;铺;n.(Parquet)人名;(法)帕尔凯

9、marque ─── n.知名品牌(尤指汽车);(汽车或其他高档品的)牌子,商标;捕拿特许证;n.(Marque)(法、美)马克(人名)

marquee 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Since that time, the 40-year-old has been a consultant to the Italian marque, providing useful sponsorship exposure for the team, as well as testing their 2007 and 2008 cars. ─── 从那时以来,这位40岁的男人已经从一个顾问上升到了意大利的品牌象征,他为车队提供有益的建议,赞助,以及07年08年测试。

2、To achieve access to the system directory of the combo box! Very easy to use folder Marquee! ─── 实现获取系统目录的组合框!非常好用的文件夹选取框!

3、marquee option ─── 字幕选项

4、Module 8: Create and Use Special Effects Create a Marquee, Apply Dynamic HTML Effects, Use the Banner Ad Manager, Add Hover Buttons, Format Page Transitions, Add Audio and Video Effects ─── 单元8:创建和应用特殊效果创建字幕,应用动态HTML效果,广告栏管理器,添加悬停按钮,网页过渡,添加视听效果

5、He could no longer read the marquee listing the movie titles, but he bought a ticket and headed in for the snack bar. ─── 他再也认不大招牌上的电影名单,不过他还是买了票,走向快餐店。

6、Chop up the center using the Elliptical Marquee Tool. ─── 使用椭圆工具将中间部分切掉。

7、6.You have been given a Letter of Marque and a small ship permitting you to explore and conquer the New World , and make a fortune on the way! ─── 在游戏中,你凭借贸易许可和一艘小船去探索和征服新世界,并最终成为海上霸主。

8、letter of marque and reprisal ─── [法] 向敌方追偿海事损失命令书, 捕拿

9、Coca-Cola, for example, has pledged to turn off its big signs around the world, including a marquee in New York’s Times Square. ─── 例如,可口可乐,宣称在世界各地一些大的标识,包括纽约时代广场的一个大遮檐。

10、5.Create a circle around the corner using Marquee tool and fill with Black color on a new layer.Then go to Select >Modify >Contract with 2px and then press Delete . ─── 5.在刚刚绘制的矩形左上角使用椭圆工具绘制一个椭圆,使用黑色进行填充,然后点击选择-修改-收缩,参数为2像素,点击删除键.

11、marquee setup ─── 字幕设置

12、Right-click in the canvas, while having the Marquee tool selected, then press Make work path and use 1,5 pixels. ─── 右键单击的油画,虽然具有选框工具选中,然后按下让工作路径和使用1,5像素。


14、He is one of the marquee names in men's tennis. ─── 他是男子网坛大名鼎鼎的人物之一。

15、grant Letters of Marque and Reprisal; ─── 不得颁发缉拿敌船许可证和报复性拘捕证;

16、She approached the marquee , fanning herself with her handkerchief , but with exultation sparkling in her round eyes . ─── 她到帐篷前面站住的时候,因为太热了,用手绢当扇子扇着,可是,一双圆圆的眼睛却闪着狂欢的光辉。

17、The only reason GM kept the company so long, said Mr Lutz, was that it loved the marque and the cars. ─── 卢茨先生表示,通用保有萨博如此长久的唯一理由便是喜爱萨博这一品牌及汽车。

18、Rectangular Marquee Tool (M). ─── 矩形选框工具(快捷键m)。

19、The word must sit in the lumber room of every cinema, a set of marquee letters permanently joined up and ready to be re-winched into place. ─── 这个字眼肯定被放在所有影院的储藏室里,一组大号字永久性的连在一起,准备重新组合。

20、Using the marquee tool cut the rectangle like so. ─── 使用矩形选区工具将圆角矩形中央切掉一小块。

21、Pigeons on the marquee at Mann's Chinese Theater ─── 中国戏院天幕上的鸽子

22、Meanwhile, Ferrari president Luca di Montezemolo said on Tuesday that the Maranello marque is also "paying" for its efforts to win last year. ─── 与此同时,法拉利总裁蒙特泽莫罗周二表示,法拉利跑车也“付出”的努力赢得去年.

23、How the global financial difficulty has affected the scarlet marque will be seen in the F450 through possible technologies like a road car version of KERS (Kinetic Energy Recovery Systems). ─── 如何在全球经济困难,影响了鲜红的品牌将出现在F450通过可能的技术,如公路赛车版物(动能回收系统)。

24、Using rectangular marquee tool create a selection covering all the shapes. ─── 使用矩形选区工具新建一个可以包围所有小矩形的选区。

25、Le Mexique est un pays tres fortement marque par le migration vers les Etats-Unis. Nombreux se tournent vers le nord, ─── 回答:奥芝女士,谈谈墨西哥年轻人现在的状态?他们怎么看待墨美关系?

26、Next with the Elliptical Marquee Tool selected, click on the Subtract From Selection option on the Tool's Options Panel. ─── 下一步的椭圆选框工具选中,单击减去从选项的工具的选项面板。

27、It exposes two methods: Start, which starts the marquee animation, and Stop, which stops the animation. ─── 它公开两个方法:一个是启动字幕动画的Start,一个是停止动画的Stop。

28、If Williams manages to stop Quintana earlier than Cotto did or looks more impressive in doing so, he will find himself on the fast track to a big bout against the division's marquee names. ─── 如果威廉姆斯想要比库托更早地击倒他或说给人们留下更加深刻的印象,他将会发现当他要面对上述147磅的那些大师时,人们预测比赛时就会更加倾向于他。

29、Stock quotes are a great example of when you might use a marquee display. But for static text, it is just a bad idea for the most part. ─── 证券交易行情网站可能就是一个很好的例子,但是对于静态文章,在很大程度上就不利于浏览了。

30、The Buick brand may be on some unstable footing here in the U.S., but the 106-year old marque enjoys quite the following in China. ─── 别克品牌可能是一些不稳定的基础上在美国,但106岁的品牌享有相当下列我国。

31、Go to the "D" Letter and Command + Click on its layer icon to select it with the Marquee tool. ─── 去的“D”信和命令+点击其层图标来选择它的选框工具。

32、Maybe they wouldn’t be big ones, or marquee names, but surely more firms petered out, either during the dot-com crash or soon after. ─── 坚定的信念、广泛的网络关系和草根文化让我们有机会更早的发现下一个伟大的想法。”

33、letters of marque (and reprisal) ─── (海上)捕拿特许证

34、I can tell he was so looking forward to it and he seemed so calm but with a deep satisfaction underneath him when he entered the marquee. ─── 吃 饺子是我们家星期日晚上的传统,平时常吃,但绝不会是在除夕夜。可能这是因为我爸妈其实都不是北方人的缘故吧!

35、The 54-year-old Briton, formerly technical director with the famous Italian marque, now runs his own team, the ex-Honda operation Brawn GP. ─── 54岁的英国人,原技术总监与意大利著名品牌,现在经营自己的队伍,前本田布朗大奖赛.

36、Not since Ferrari built but never raced an Indycar in the 1980s has the Italian marque's relationship with the FIA been at such a low point. ─── 不能因为法拉利建立,但从未比赛的印地在20世纪80年代的意大利品牌的关系,国际汽联已经在这样一个最低点.

37、He reckons that too many financial services companies are using their marquee businesses - whether trading operations or arranging mergers - to subsidise other units that drag down earnings. ─── 他估计,有太多金融服务公司正在利用自己的招牌业务(无论是交易业务还是合并安排),来资助其它拖累收益的部门。

38、Net Marquee Business Information Netcenters ─── 商业信息网络中心

39、marquee display ─── 字幕显示

40、You are correct, but an E would've looked better than an O,as in thecar Marque. ─── 出于验证的需要,请键入您在下图中看到的字符或点击辅助功能图标后所听到的数字。

41、It is also a reminder that,even though most of BMW's involvement in the Rover saga was a disaster,its custody of this marque,at least,was securely handled. ─── 它还让我们想起,虽然宝马参与陆虎购并事件是场灾难,但至少这个牌子还是保住了。

42、The loss of multiple marquee teams in one hit would do immense damage to the F1 brand, so it is clear Theissen believes a compromise will ultimately be found. ─── 失去多个选取框队在一个巨大的打击将损害了F1品牌,所以很清楚泰森认为妥协最终会发现.

43、He also said he had been injured at a party the previous weekend while taking down a marquee erected for a children's party. ─── 他自己同时也强调他在一次周末孩子们的聚会中为了收起帐篷弄伤了自己。

44、7.Clause 11:To declare War, grant Letters of Marque and Reprisal, and make Rules concerning Captures on Land and Water; ─── 11.宣战,对民用船苹颁发捕押敌船及采取报复行动的特许证,制定在陆地和海面虏获战利晶的规则 ;

45、China's new-class of capitalists seized the most of the marquee event, hawking nosebleed tickets for astronomical prices. ─── 中国“新型资本家”抓住盛事的有利时机以“天价”贩卖超级紧俏的门票。

46、Unlike his father whose career was linked throughout to Honda, Kazuki Nakajima was part of Toyota's young driver programme and stayed with the marque all the way to his Williams test seat. ─── 与他的父亲,其整个职业生涯联系在一起,以本田,中岛一贵是丰田车队的年轻车手方案和保持与所有品牌的途径威廉姆斯测试座.

47、The "people's car" ("Volkswagen" in German) was the idea of can manufacturer Ferdinand Porsche, whose name was also associated with the superior can marque Porsche. ─── “大众的汽车”(德语volkswagen就是这个意思)是汽车制造商费迪南德·波尔舍的创意,他的名字还让人联想起波尔舍这个高档车品牌。

48、At the same time, Mercedes' motor racing chief Norbert Haug in Malaysia last weekend said there could be no guarantees about the future of the Stuttgart based marque in F1. ─── 同时,奔驰赛车首席豪格上周在马来西亚说,不可能有保障的未来斯图加特的品牌在F1.

49、And there were financial problems.Modern pentathlon does not draw nearly the support as marquee sports like athletics, gymnastics, or swimming. ─── 她说:“我跑到最后两百米的时候排在第六位,离前面那个选手差得太远,根本追不上。

50、Its marquee project is the creation of the largest European center for rail tests, and one of its key projects is the development of transport intermodality. ─── 其主要项目是设立欧洲最大的铁路测试中心,运输内部形态的发展将是其主攻项目之一。

51、He thrives on the attention of big moments in marquee games? Forget it. Ask him about his favorite play this year, and neither Boston nor Cleveland come to mind. ─── 他总是在最受瞩目的比赛中挺身?你错了.要是问他本赛季他最喜欢的比赛,他并没有把波斯顿和骑士放在心上.

52、While IBM lacks marquee customers such as DreamWorks, Big Blue has had success with its own version of utility computing , which it calls “on demand” computing. ─── IBM 虽然缺乏像梦工厂这样的高人气客户,但自己发展的公用电脑技术服务却很成功,称之为“实时电脑技术服务”。

53、The NBA's marquee matchup, once again on Christmas Day, will be the Kobe versus Shaq show. ─── NBA吸引眼球的对战依旧会在圣诞节上演,而又会是科比和奥尼尔之间的表演赛。

54、Create a circle around the corner using Marquee tool and fill with Black color on a new layer. Then go to Select >Modify >Contract with 2px and then press Delete. ─── 在刚刚绘制的矩形左上角使用椭圆工具绘制一个椭圆,使用黑色进行填充,然后点击选择-修改-收缩,参数为2像素,点击删除键.

55、Strawberries and cream are in the marquee. ─── 大帐篷内有草莓和奶油。

56、The prospect of two marquee franchises renewing hostilities should give NBA Commissioner David Stern reason to celebrate. If so, Stern parties in private. ─── 如果这两支传奇球队能够续写世仇,在总决赛中碰面,NBA总裁斯特恩将有足够的原因为此庆贺。如果真是这样,我想斯特恩将会举行私人聚会。

57、The last DHTML technique and skills such as Condensed Outline,Graphic Words,Css,Layer,Animated button and controllable Marquee enhanced the visual effects and realized the interactivity. ─── 制作中采用压缩大纲、图片文字、级联格式页、分层等最新的DHTML技术 ,设有动态效果按钮 ,受控制的滚动字幕、掩罩显示等增加视觉效果并实现强大的交互功能。

58、Clause 1:No State shall enter into any Treaty, Alliance, or Confederation; grant Letters of Marque and Reprisal; ─── 各州不得缔结任何条约、结盟或组织邦联;不得对民用船苹颁发捕押敌船及采取报复行动之特许证;

59、With the Marquee tool, drag on the document (do not release the mouse yet), now hold down Spacebar, it will let you drag the undefined selection. ─── 使用选择工具时,创建选区后,不要松开鼠标,同时按下空格并拖动即可移动选区。

60、A structurally expressive glass and metal marquee crowns the main lobby entrance. ─── 一个结构表现玻璃和金属选取框冠主大厅入口处。

61、the Porsche marque ─── 保时捷的品牌

62、But among Henderson's first choices will be whether to sell or shut Hummer, the military-style marque loathed by green activists which has seen its sales collapse by 51% over the last year. ─── 但是汉德森首选就是卖掉或是关闭悍马。环保者极不喜欢这款“军事”风格的越野车。这款车去年销售下滑了51%。

63、She approached the marquee, fanning herself with her handkerchief, but with exultation sparkling in her round eyes ─── 她到帐篷前面站住的时候,因为太热了,用手绢当扇子扇着,可是,一双圆圆的眼睛却闪着狂欢的光辉。

64、Includes Flying Through Space, Mystify Your Mind, Curves and Colors, Scrolling Marquee, and Blank Screen screen savers. ─── 包括星空模拟、变幻线、多彩曲线、滚动字幕和黑屏等屏幕保护程序。

65、The villagers put up a decorated marquee to celebrate Spring Festival. ─── 为了庆祝春节,村子里搭起了彩棚。

66、Inside the marquee a tiny girl on the front row of chairs slipped an arm around a silent friend's waist and whispered into her ear. ─── 在大帐篷里,前排座位上的小女孩用胳膊搂着一个沉默朋友的腰部,跟她私语。

67、Hong Kong has the second highest market share in the world with 12% of total number of private cars on the roads carrying the famous Mercedes Benz marque. ─── 在香港的街道上,着名的平治房车的数目,占私家车总数的12%,按市场占有率计算,香港在全球高踞第二位。

68、It launched a smaller car around the size of the Mercedes-Benz 300, the Seville, based on a Chevrolet Nova platform, which became a success for the marque. ─── 凯迪拉克投入生产小型的汽车赛维利(Seville)尺寸约同于奔驰300,建立了雪佛兰汽车的平台,并成为成功的汽车品牌.

69、Within minutes a procession had formed, which began to snake its way up through the garden toward the marquee. ─── 三人成众,五人成伍,没过几分钟就形成一支庞大的队伍。队伍迂回穿过花园,走向帐篷。

70、Joining the MINI One as one of the marque's most modestly priced models, the diesel-powered MINI One D promises to return the equivalent of 60 mpg. ─── 加入迷你一个作为一个品牌的最温和定价模型表明,柴油动力的迷你一个D承诺归还相当于60英里.

71、Marquee Sample: Provides Performance Monitoring Data Through Scripting ─── Marquee示例:通过脚本提供性能监视数据

72、In Europe, Australia, and Asia, the car has always been sold as a Chrysler, as Dodge and Plymouth marque names were not marketed there. ─── 在欧洲,澳大利亚和亚洲的汽车销售一直为克莱斯勒,道奇和普利茅斯的劳斯莱斯的名字有没有销售。

73、Mercedes-Benz's racing chief insists that rival teams' threats about quitting formula one are real, but for the time the Stuttgart marque is not following suit. ─── 奔驰的赛车首席坚持认为,对手的威胁戒烟一级方程式是真实的,但对时间的斯图加特品牌不跟进.

74、Today, thankfully, even some of the marquee members of the Cox Commission sadly realize that they were being used for crass political purposes and that the whole deal was the hype of all hypes. ─── 今天,谢天谢地,甚至考克斯委员会的一些成员也难过地意识到他们被拙劣的政治目的利用了,整个事件就是各种宣传的宣传。

75、Step13: Deselect the Marquee( Ctrl+ D) and then use the eraser tool to smoothen out the edges. ─── 取消选区,使用橡皮工具对边缘不满意的地方进行一下光滑处理.

76、Mr. Katz dismissed a suggestion that the presence of a Chinese brand in such a marquee location might discomfort some Americans. ─── 凯兹也反对美国人会因为在这些露天地点看到中国品牌广告而感到不爽的这一说法。

77、The MarqueeControl type implements a display similar to a theater marquee, with animated lights and flashing text. ─── MarqueeControl类型实现类似舞台字幕的显示效果,带有变幻灯光和闪烁文本。

78、Using rectangular marquee tool create a border selection. ─── 使用矩形选择工具创建一个如下的选区。

79、The villagers put up a decorated marquee to celebrate the Spring festival. ─── 为了庆祝春节,村子里搭起了遮雨棚。

80、letter of marque ─── n. 逮捕的许可令, 捕虏敌国商船之许可证

81、Trent and Winona go to their local movie theater. They refer to the marquee. ─── 全德和薇诺娜相约到附近的电影院。他们在戏院门口商讨到底要看哪一部电影。

82、The 2008 GP2 runner-up recently tested for the German marque, and talks with Mercedes chiefs were ongoing until mere days ago. ─── 2008年的GP2亚军最近测试的德国品牌,并与梅塞德斯首领正在直到仅仅天前.

83、ill create the Sun. Select the Elliptical Marquee Tool (M) and make a circular selection. ─── 作者:佚名教程来源:中国教程网点击数:更新时间:2007-4-23

84、BMW's re-launch of the MINI brand has been a major success, with the classic British marque now sold in more than 80 countries around the globe. ─── 宝马的重新推出MINI品牌已经取得了重大成功,与传统的英国品牌已售出超过80个国家,遍布世界各地。

85、MINI's engineers have now turned their attention to winter testing, which seems appropriate for the marque's first soft-roader. ─── Mini的工程师们现在注意力转向冬季测试中,这似乎是适当的品牌第一软车。

86、The Italian press hailed McLaren and slammed its beloved national marque Ferrari after the British Grand Prix at Silverstone. ─── 在于银石举办的英国大奖赛结束之后,意大利媒体对迈凯轮车队大加赞赏,一直深受喜爱的本土车队法拉利则遭到口诛笔伐。

87、The only thing is, how will you see the video change from the marquee to the city? ─── 唯一的问题的是,你怎么看得到背后屏幕上画面的切换?

88、Example 3: Marquee in an iframe. ─── 示例3:IF RAME中的滚动字幕。

89、Coupled with rising production costs and a lack of willing customers, Lancia is beginning to look more and more like Ford's Mercury or GM's Pontiac brand rather than a viable premium marque. ─── 加上生产成本上升,以及缺乏愿意客户,蓝旗亚开始越来越像是福特水星或通用汽车的庞蒂克品牌,而不是一个可行的优质品牌.

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