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neuropathy 发音

英:[n??rɑ?p?θ?; nj??rɑ?p?θ?]  美:[nj??r?p?θi]

英:  美:

neuropathy 中文意思翻译

常见释义: 神经病


neuropathy 词性/词形变化,neuropathy变形

名词复数: neuropathies |

neuropathy 相似词语短语

1、neuropathic ─── adj.神经病的;神经性的

2、neuropath ─── n.[内科]神经病患者

3、neuropathist ─── n.神经病学家

4、nephropathy ─── n.[泌尿]肾病

5、deuteropathy ─── n.继发病,副症

6、neuropathies ─── n.[内科]神经病

7、enteropathy ─── n.肠道病

8、neuropaths ─── n.[内科]神经病患者

9、naturopathy ─── n.物理疗法

neuropathy 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Fage, he is neuropathy just like to ask others one on one with him.Please do not take him as a thing. ─── 发哥,他是个神经病,没事就喜欢随便找人单挑,你不要当一回事。

2、"The potential of ISDN spray in alleviating other specific sensory symptoms associated with diabetic peripheral neuropathy merits further study. ─── ISDN喷雾治疗减轻其他与糖尿病周边性神经病的特异感觉症状的潜力,则需进一步的研究。

3、HAART is effective in reducing HIV-RNA and improving immune functions at 52 weeks,but the rate of peripheral neuropathy is high by combining Didanosine(ddI) and Stavudine(d4T). ─── HAART治疗取得了较好的疗效,但司他夫定和去羟肌苷联合应用使周围神经病变发生率较高;

4、Objective To investigate the clinical features, characteristics of FFA and visual field of diabetic optic neuropathy. ─── 摘要目的观察糖尿病性视神经病变的临床表现、眼底血管造影和视野特征。

5、Considering it they actually meddling I said I neuropathy. ─── 她们居然还嫌我多管闲事,说我神经病。

6、Someanti-HIV medicines have been known to cause damage to the nerves in thehands and feet, a condition known as peripheral neuropathy. ─── 一些抗艾滋病毒药物已经知道造成损害,从而影响神经,在手和脚,一个条件称为周围神经病变。

7、PCV is the best-studied regimen for recurrence but is associated with cumulative myelosuppression, nausea, vomiting, and peripheral neuropathy. ─── PCV是被证实过对复发胶质瘤有效化疗方案,但有累积的骨髓抑制,恶心,呕吐和周围神经病变。

8、We review the literature on the relationship between compressive neuropathy, rhabdomyolysis, and coma blister. ─── 最后经由文献回顾,将讨论昏迷性水泡症与压迫性神经病变及横纹肌溶解症之相互关系。

9、Two patients with compartment syndrome and compressive neuropathy required fasciotomy to release the compartment pressure. ─── 其中两例因为伴随有压迫性神经病变及腔室症候群,需要接受筋膜切开术以减压并植皮覆盖切开处。

10、A neuropathy patients to ask doctors: "If I cut off your ear, how will you? ─── 有一位神经病院的医生问患者:“如果我把你的一只耳朵割掉,你会怎样?”

11、The abnormality of NCV was noted in 16 ones (3.5%),showing that the 16 patients were accompanied by peripheral neuropathy. ─── NCV异常 16例(3 5% ) ,提示同时伴有周围神经病 ;

12、Abstract : Objective To evaluate the clinical efficacy of oral calcium dobesilate(CaD) on diabetic optic neuropathy (DON). ─── 摘要 : 目的 观察羟苯磺酸钙胶囊对糖尿病性视神经病变(DON)的疗效。

13、Aging of neuropathy target esterase (NTE) has been considered as an essential step for inducing organophosphate-induced delayed neuropathy. ─── 摘要 神经病靶标酯酶的老化被认为是有机磷酸酯诱发迟发性神经病的必需步骤。

14、Patients with neuropathy or vasculopathy are at increased risk for both soft-tissue and osseous complications, including delayed union and nonunion. ─── 有肾脏病变或血管病变的患者发生软组织和骨并发症包括延迟愈合和骨不连接的风险增加。

15、Occasionally, postoperative lower-extremity motor neuropathy occurred after the hemorrhoidectomy. ─── 有少数病例于术后发生下肢运动神经病变。

16、Brake when they see all the faces are very afraid, looked at me, I neuropathy, he said. ─── 刹车的时候看到他们的表情全部都很害怕,都看着我,他说我神经病。

17、The abnormal changes of neurotrophins are one of the nosogenesis of diabetic peripheral neuropathy. ─── 局部神经营养因子的异常变化是糖尿病性周围神经病变的发病机制之一。

18、In multivariate analysis, absent pulses, neuropathy, increased age and deep ulcers were associated with poor healing. ─── 多元分析,无脉,神经病变,年龄的增加和加深的溃疡都于愈合不良相关。

19、Li YQ, Deng QK.Research on non-invasive detection methods of diabetic neuropathy[J].Chin J Med Phys, 2002, 19(3): 174-8. ─── [1]李永勤,邓亲恺.糖尿病神经病变无创检测方法研究[J].中国医学物理学杂志,2002,19(3):174-8.

20、The center is taking aim at neurological diseases, including Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, and diabetic neuropathy. ─── 中心集中力量进行神经系统疾病的药物开发,包括阿尔茨海默氏症、帕金森氏症、肌萎缩侧索硬化、糖尿病性神经病等。

21、A neuropathy in bed singing, singing and singing lie on the pillow to continue singing, attending physician asked: "to sing to sing, you do stand up? ─── 一神经病在床上唱歌,唱着唱着翻了个身,趴在枕头上继续唱歌,主治医生问:“唱就唱吧,你翻身干什么?

22、Adverse effects may include anorexia, nausea, vomiting, hypersensitivity, peripheral neuropathy, hepatitis, hemolytic anemia, and pulmonary reactions. ─── 副作用包括厌食,恶心,呕吐,过敏症、周边神经病、肝炎、溶血性贫血和肺反应。

23、It provides the foundation for the diagnosis and the differential diagnosis of neuropapillitis,family optic neuropathy and suspected LHON cases. ─── 为散发的视神经炎、家族性视神经病变和可疑的LHON病例的诊断和鉴别诊断提供了依据;

24、Peripheral Neuropathy: A Universal Phenomenon in HIV Patients? ─── 外周神经病:HIV病人的普遍现象?

25、With a low incidence of adverse reactions, epalrestat is an effective and safe drug for chronic diabetic complications, especially diabetic neuropathy. ─── 依帕司他的不良反应发生率低,是一种对糖尿病慢性并发症(特别是糖尿病神经病变)有效且安全的药物。

26、Diabetic neuropathy is damage to the nerves as a result of diabetes, and affects up to 50% of people with diabetes. ─── 糖尿病神经病变是由于糖尿病对神经的损害,并影响高达50%的糖尿病患者。

27、Objective To study the clinical and electrophysiological characteristics of peripheral neuropathy in patients with multiple sclerosis (MS). ─── 摘要目的研究多发性硬化(MS)患者周围神经损害的临床特点与电生理改变。

28、Objective: To observe the clinical effect of ligustrazine combining mecobalamine injection to treat diabetic peripheral neuropathy(DPN). ─── 摘要目的:观察川芎嗪注射液联合甲钴胺注射液治疗糖尿病周围神经病变(DPN)的临床疗效。

29、Don't think you are noble, since you and I have neuropathy disappeared was not the least trace was found. ─── 没想到你是贵人,自从有了你我的神经病就消失的无影无踪了。

30、Your peripheral nervous system has been damaged, so called diabetic neuropathy. ─── 你的周围神经系统已经受到损害,所谓糖尿病神经炎。

31、When patients cannot feel their feet and their circulation is impaired through peripheral vascular disease, the risk of neuropathy is greatly increased. ─── 当病人双足无感觉,外周血管病引起循环障碍时,神经病变危险就大幅增加。

32、Fatal lactic acidosis, Pancreatitis, peripheral neuropathy, and liver function abnormalities, diarrhea, nausea, headache, fever, fat liver etc, details see instruction. ─── 反应、颤、热,头疼,腹痛、泻、心、炎、乳酸性酸中毒、脂肪变性、炎和肝功能衰竭等,详见药物说明书。

33、Absent or reduced vibration sense is the first sign of neuropathy. ─── 振动觉缺失或减弱是神经病变的第一体征。

34、Fage , he is neuropathy just like to ask others one on one with him. Please do not take him as a thing. ─── 发哥,他是个神经病,没事就喜欢随便找人单挑,你不要当一回事。

35、Meanwhile,the prospects for applications in fields such as neuropathy and brain science were also discussed briefly. ─── 同时简略地讨论了混沌的反控制在神经病学、脑科学等领域的应用前景。

36、Method 25 cases of peripheral entrapment neuropathy were applied with endo-extra neurolysis of microsurgery. ─── 方法:采用显微外科技术对各部位周围神经嵌压症25例进行神经内外松解术。

37、Northeast mother who is under pressure from big cities, very bad temper, and even I can say that a slight degree of neuropathy. ─── 妈妈是东北人,处于大都市的压力下,脾气很不好,甚至可以说到了轻微神经病的程度了。

38、Combined with reduced blood flow, neuropathy in the feet increases the chance of foot ulcers and eventual limb amputation. ─── 部神经病变加上血流量减少,增大了足部溃疡和最终截肢的可能。

39、The study suggests that Actovegin is a relatively safe and efficient supplementary for diabetic peripheral neuropathy. ─── 临床观察显示,爱维治是一种安全有效的糖尿病周围神经病变治疗药物。

40、Nineteen of the diabetic subjects had no diabetic peripheral neuropathy, 23 had subclinical neuropathy and 39 had clinically detectable neuropathy. ─── 81名糖尿病患者中,19名没有糖尿病性周围神经病变,23名有亚临床的神经病变,39名患者出现明显的神经病变临床症状。

41、Severe GO leads to exposure keratopathy, diplopia, and compressive optic neuropathy, which might cause visual loss. ─── 严重的GO可以导致角膜暴露、复视,以及可致失明的压迫性视神经病变。

42、At present, GSH has been used in the treatment of diabetic neuropathy, diabetic nephropathy, diabetes fatty liver. ─── 目前,GSH已用于糖尿病神经病变、糖尿病肾病、糖尿病脂肪肝等并发症的治疗。

43、Some supplements can interfere with prescription drugs and too much can cause neuropathy and in severe cases, organ damage. ─── 一些补品会干扰处方药的药效,过量会导致神经病变,严重的话,还会造成器官损伤。

44、However, a significant reduction was found in subjects with moderate and severe neuropathy. ─── 但在中重度患者中是明显下降的。

45、The diabetic neuropathy is one of the most common complications of the diabetes, and impairs the central nervous system and the peripheral nervous system. ─── 摘要糖尿病性神经病变是糖尿病的常见慢性并发症之一,可引起神经系统结构和功能的改变。

46、Objective: To evaluate the protective effect and mechanism of Luo Tong prescription on streptozocin-induced diabetic peripheral neuropathy of rats. ─── 摘要目的:研究中药络通方对糖尿病大鼠周围神经病变的影响及作用机制。

47、Objective: To observe the Yinxingdamo injection in the treatment of diabetic peripheral neuropathy effect. ─── 摘要目的:观察银杏达莫注射液治疗糖尿病周围神经病变的疗效。

48、Leber hereditary optic neuropathy is an inherited disease mainly correlated with papillomacular bundle and resulting in degeneration of the optic nerve. ─── Leber 遗传性视神经病变(Leber hereditary optic neuropathy,LHON)系一种主要累及视盘黄斑束纤维,导致视神经退行性变的遗传性疾病。

49、Objective: To investigate the clinical effect of Shengmai injection combined with alprostadil injection on diabetes peripheral neuropathy. ─── 摘要目的:观察生脉注射液联合前列地尔注射液治疗糖尿病周围神经病变的临床疗效。

50、The mechanisms leading to diabetes-associated ED involve peripheral vasculopathy and autonomic neuropathy. ─── 周围血管病变和自主神经变性是引起糖尿病性ED的主要原因之一。

51、We presented a case of sphenoethmoidal sinus mucoceles with compressive optic neuropathy. ─── 摘要本文报告一名罕见的左侧蝶筛窦黏液囊肿并发左侧压迫性视神经病变的案例。

52、It was not significantly reduced in patients without neuropathy or with mild neuropathy. ─── 对于没有神经病变或仅有轻度的神经病变的患者没有显著下降。

53、" neuropathy Howe does not hesitate to shoot to kill him, pulled the gun into the Wye, the cold, said: " You know too much. ─── “神经病豪不犹豫的开枪杀死了他,把枪拽入怀内,冷冷的说道:”你知道的太多了。

54、Optic neuropathy is an uncommon manifestation of chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy (CIDP). ─── 摘要视神经病变是慢性发炎性脱髓鞘多发性神经病变(CIDP)的一种罕见的表现。

55、When high blood sugar levels damage nerves in the body, especially the arms, legs, and feet, the condition is called diabetic neuropathy. ─── 当高血糖水平,身体损伤神经,特别是手臂,腿,脚,这种情况被称为糖尿病神经病变。

56、And apply Bushen Ziyin,Bupi Yishen,huoxuehuayu Ways,Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine Treatment of diabetic peripheral neuropathy. ─── 并应用补肾滋阴,补脾益肾,活血化瘀方法,辨证治疗糖尿病周围神经病变。

57、The nervus opticuses and optic canales of 29 patients to be diagnosed as traumatic optic neuropathy by clinical means were scaned using 2 mm axial scans with 2 spacing. ─── 方法 :CT扫描时采用层厚 2 mm,层间距 2 m m,对临床诊断为外伤性视神经损伤的 2 9例病人进行视神经和视神经管扫描。

58、This paper reviewed the effect of some major neurotrophic factors on diabetic neuropathy and their application in clinical treatment. ─── 本文对一些主要的神经营养因子对糖尿病性神经病理变性及再生作用,以及神经营养因子在临床糖尿病性神经变性的应用研究作-综述。

59、Methods The subjects were divided into three groups:diabetes with non peripheral neuropathy (DM group),DPN group and healthy controls (N group),each group having 30 individuals. ─── 方法 受试者分为三组 ,DPN组、糖尿病无神经病变组 (DM组 )和正常对照组 (N组 ) ,每组 30例。

60、The relation among etiology, mechanisms and symptoms in this neuropathy is complex. ─── 本病的病因、发病机制和临床症状之间关系紧密联系在一起。

61、Diabetic peripheral neuropathy (DPN) is the most common complaint of diabetic patients, affecting the quality of life of patients seriously. ─── 摘要糖尿病周围神经病变(DPN)是糖尿病最常见的并发症之一,严重影响患者的生活质量。

62、Information on foot pulses, neuropathy, foot deformity, preious ulcer, ulcer site, depth, and presence of sepsis was recorded, and related to ulcer outcome. ─── 信息来自足动脉搏动,神经病变,足部畸形,既往溃疡,溃疡部位,深度,以及有无败血症记录,和相关性溃疡的结果。

63、To observe the clinical effect that treating diabetic peripheral neuropathy(DPN)with Ligustrazine Phosphate Injectiion. ─── 为了观察川芎嗪注射液治疗糖尿病周围神经病变(DPN)的临床疗效。

64、Methods Review and analyze the 10 cases of delayed neuropathy caused by organic phosphorus pesticide toxicosis. ─── 方法对10例有机磷农药中毒迟发神经病变患者进行回顾性分析。

65、It also provides theoretical basis and studying direction for treatment with Leber hereditary optic neuropathy. ─── 为LHON的治疗提供了理论依据和研究方向;

66、SNK-860 is a potent aldose reductase inhibitor with high ARJ activity and low side effects, which makes it a promising drug for diabetic neuropathy. ─── SNK-860是一种新型的海因类醛糖还原酶抑制剂,对醛糖还原酶的抑制作用强而专一,而且不良反应小,是治疗糖尿病性神经病变的安全有效的药物。

67、We present a case of a 58-year-old male who experienced bilateral anterior ischemic optic neuropathy with recurrent attacks in his right eye. ─── 摘要本文报告一例前部缺血性视神经病变同侧覆发之病例。

68、There was no significant difference in the SCAI of diabetics without neuropathy and nondiabetic controls. ─── 无周围神经病变的糖尿病组与非糖尿病组相比较,脊髓面积指数无显著差异。

69、Both acute and chronic hyperglycemia can cause oxidative stress in the peripheral nervous system and promote the development of diabetic neuropathy. ─── 急性或慢性的高血糖均可促使周围神经组织内自由基的产生,促进糖尿病神经病变的发展。

70、Methods VEP examinations was conducted in 40 eyes of traumatic optic neuropathy and recorded amplitude of P100 latency. ─── 方法应用VEP检测临床诊断为外伤性视神经病变40眼,记录P100潜时和振幅的情况。

71、Pregabalin used in the treatment of peripheral neuropathy, or partial seizures adjuvant treatment. ─── 普瑞巴林用于治疗外周神经痛,或辅助治疗部分性癫痫发作。

72、SFEMG could be served as sensitive means to early diagnosis of DPN, and might detect subclinical peripheral neuropathy of diabetes. ─── SFEMG是DPN早期诊断的敏感手段 ,可发现糖尿病亚临床周围神经病变。

73、Nausea, omiting, and skin rashes were mild and infrequent and peripheral neuropathy was not seen. WHO grade 1 alopecia was seen in all women. ─── 恶心,呕吐,和皮疹等轻微的不良反应罕见,未见外周神经病变。世界卫生组织划分的1级不良反应脱发,在所有女性中均见。

74、The best way to prevent and, in some cases, to heal neuropathy is to manage your diabetes. ─── 当然,最好的来预防和治疗神经病变的方法,还是管理好你的血糖。

75、It was believed that NCV might be of valuable in the early diagnosis of diabetic neuropathy. ─── 提示:周围神经传导速度的检测有助于早期诊断糖尿病性周围神经病。

76、However, a significant reduction was observed in those with any degree of neuropathy. ─── 尽管如此,只要有轻微的神经病变,角膜敏感性就有明显降低。

77、Epalrestat is mainly used to treat the diabetic neuropathy, not only effective for diabetic peripheral neuropathy but also autonomic neuropathy. ─── 依帕司他主要用以治疗糖尿病神经病变,不仅对糖尿病周围神经病变有效,而且对自主神经病变也有效。

78、Following symptoms: rest pain and tissue necrosis, ischemic neuropathy, skin color changes, skin adnexal dystrophy, disuse muscle atrophy and joint stiffness etc. ─── 发展后可出现静息痛及组织坏疽、缺血性神经病变、皮肤色泽改变、皮肤附属器营养障碍、废用性肌萎缩及关节僵硬等症状。

79、The article is to summarize the progress of the researches on the mechanism of the diabetic neuropathy in recent years. ─── 本文就近年来糖尿病性神经病变机理的研究及进展作一综述。

80、Methods The results of PTT audiometry were analysed in 48 patients with auditory neuropathy and compared with that of cochlear deafness. ─── 方法对48例听神经病患者的PTT检查结果进行分析,并与耳蜗性聋进行对照比较。

81、Simple use of a tuning fork and a simple examination will allow you to diagnosis 30% of diabetic patients who have neuropathy. ─── 简单地使用音叉和简单的检查就可以诊断30%的糖尿病神经病变患者。

82、There is a neuropathy, I do not know where to get the gun, take away in a small alley, the sudden encounter of a young man. ─── 有一个神经病,不知从哪里弄到了一把枪,拿走在一条小胡同里,突然遇上了一个年轻人。

83、In this paper,a new method to determine the injury of the muscle nerve such as neurotmesis and neuropathy is advanced. ─── 本文作者提出了一种对前臂肌神经损伤肌肉的针电极肌电信号建立AR模型,提取AR系数并通过BP神经网络判别肌神经损伤的方法。

84、There was a linear positive correlation between TCSS grading of neuropathy and the grading of diabetic nephropathy and diabetic retinopathy(P

85、Postpartum femoral neuropathy: relic of an earlier era? ─── 产后股神经病:是更早年代的遗物?

86、He gave me to shoot a movie called, said "This is a neuropathy, a string it to you. ─── 他每拍一部戏都给我打电话,说“这有一个神经病,你来串一个吧。”

87、Vibration-induced neuropathy attracts the attention of researchers on hand-arm vibration disease and becomes a research focus in that area. ─── 摘要振动性神经病-经提出就引起手臂振动病研究者的浓厚兴趣,已成为研究热点。

88、Zachary did a bit of research.One of the side effects was peripheral neuropathy, permanent nerve damage to fingers, toes, and ears - a 10% chance. ─── 他也做了一些研究,该疗法的副作用是周围神经病变,造成手指、脚趾和耳朵永久神经损坏的概率为10%。

89、It was not reduced in diabetic patients without neuropathy. ─── 在没有神经病变的糖尿病患者中没有降低。

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